We Got a New Sherp!!

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hey baby what we're doing today we're looking at the new shirts Oh get it the new shirts yeah we got a couple new strips so I figured I'd show you guys because the forge still broke in but yeah that hub actually wasn't the same as the Dana 60 hub and the spindles aren't the same you'd be spindle as well so tomorrow morning and we go into a junkyard and hopefully see you know if I can pull off hub and spend all that are the right ones and maybe even just buy a whole Dana 60 if they have one because it would be nice to have but yeah so today and we showing you guys the new strips we got take a little stroll to the shrimp USA office what do you think ray just diving right into it huh yeah so it's the shirt barn if you guys haven't seen it before here is our old shirt which we still have this one is actually for sale for a really good price it's got about a hard 30 hours on it I believe and this used one is for sale for 80,000 the new ones are normally one I think they've dropped down to 113 but we're selling our used one for 80,000 it doesn't ever get many hours so definitely make sure you shoot me an email in description below if you guys are interested in that but today we're gonna be looking at our brand new one and then we also have a pickup model here on consignment as well if anyone wants to buy that - yeah here is our new shirt ow it's too tight now we kind of just get them from Russia basically how they send them in the crates so this is so this is the wrap that they've been paintjob wherever you want to call it they've been sending on lately is with the black and the orange it actually looks pretty sweet I actually like that more then this style than the digital style I kind of like that which I mean if you ever bought a shirt I wouldn't be very hard just to go to any shop and have them wrap it however you want if you don't like the look of it but I actually like actually like a look at these new ones a lot oh this new one we got actually comes with we got with the roll bars which is an option on any shirt if you ever want one but you got it with the roll bar so we'd go a little harder at this one so if we flip it it's not as dangerous we've never flipped one before but there's been a couple people that flip them and the roll bars are definitely definitely nice to have so basically the new things between the old shirt and the new shirt there's not too much that have changed from the outside the new ones got this handle here which is nice for getting up into the inside of the shirt and I think that's about really the only difference in the front don't you think babe yeah yeah basically just the handle okay they changed the grates on the side the venting smaller so cattails and stuff is a lot harder to get inside of there on the sides the back back doesn't really have any differences they do have I guess it has this this little flap here that keeps stuff from picking up where our model did not have that as you can see just pretty slick yeah but other than that that's all that's really changed on the interior you can see some differences so I'll show you the interior of the old one here there's the older model it's got basically all the buttons of everything on the bottom here the flipped on back up camera is here then all your gauges are here and as you can see I am like six three and it's a little bit tight for legroom I can still drive it just fine but it's a little tight tighter than what I'd like it to be we also got GPS mounted in here to Garmin which is pretty slick but that was that was awesome out of that they don't come with that yeah so that's what the inside is like in here and we'll go over the new one to show you what it's like in the new one I'm still got the plastic wrapping on it so here is the inside of the new one first thing you notice is I have a lot more legroom they actually added like room on these by changing the switches so that's actually really nice for taller people like me you got a lot more room for your legs and you're not worrying about bumping your knees up against the front here they also to add more leg room moved a few of the switches up here they move the backup camera switch to the light switch and the wiper switch up here as long as moving the backup cam out of here instead of flipping down here so all you have to do is just look up over and you don't have to ever flip it down cuz it's it's always open right here switches to buttons which I don't know it's not really too much of a difference between two switches and buttons but it looks clean it looks nice they also one huge thing that I like a lot about them is you got two phone charges right here and then you got storage in here so you can put your phones you can put a drink in there if you want to whatever and charge your cameras or your phones and then there's also one on this side as well two chargers and a big pocket that you can put stuff into here as well which is super slick cuz on the older model there isn't anywhere to put your stuff there isn't any phone chargers up front like that so now you can charging your phone or if you got a GoPro or cameras or whatever you got four different chargers up here they can be charge of stuff on which is super slick so that is the difference on the inside also for the step the door left flips down to get into here on ours is just bare metal and on here they actually I guess I want to say right online but they coated it with actually some grip so when your feet are muddy or whatever your knot is sliding all over the place which is really nice that they did that we actually had ours I said that they should do that and they actually do now so that's really nice so it's not a slippery when you're getting up into the shirt so now I'll move around to the back here see what the difference is in the inside so one big thing as you can see the engine tunnel is actually shaped different so there's the new one here's the old one the old one is just a square and it's not as big and it's not slanted over and then the new one as you can see is a bit taller and slide it over and that way you get a lot more airflow in there you can keep that engine a lot cooler like it needs to be and I kind of like the designs of the slants it makes it a little bit comfortable to sit up there if you want to as well phone chargers here also got phone chargers here and here so if you want to keep charged gear while you're back here if you have people right in the back they can charge their stuff back here too but the big thing that super nice is this up here I'll show you in the other shirt it doesn't have this you got a ton of storage up here these deep drinks or food or snacks in or really whatever the heck you want you fit a little gun up there a big storage in the back which is super nice it's really nice what they added these compartments to hold stuff compared to having nothing besides just the floor compartments and the big boxes I guess obviously but that is really nice to have to be able to store stuff right behind the cab other than that I think that is all of the changes in the new shirt compared to the old one so they've definitely improved on a lot of little things and have been listening to people's advice and they're really sharp really tries that can you to improve their things and they really listen to ship owners as well and listen to what they have to say and what they want improved yeah as you can see in the old ship it doesn't have that storage it's just all open up there and here you got it which is nice yeah that's the difference between the old model shirt and I guess you could say 2019 model shirt and then one more thing we got right here is a pickup shirt today I'll do a full video on this and actually pull the topper off so basically this shirt it's pretty much the same as a regular shirt except for this right here the back part is just a shell it's just a topper that can be pulled off and then open up in the back like a pickup it's also got a different rear hatch to never use that before that's interesting yeah let me get the lights on in here and I can show you what it looks looks like here there aren't lights in here obviously this is a topper that comes off but this is what it looks like inside it's a little more bare-bones it doesn't have all the Molly and everything like that on the sides basically this is basically the interior is the same besides the Molly that webbing that you can mount stuff on the floor panels are the same the sides are the same that tunnel is the same as the new one you also got these roll bars in here too they're in here as well let's stay on when you pull the topper off so if you flip it over you still have the support of having something here in the back as well yeah then you got a little actually glass window here that can open up as a hatch that you can climb into the back of it when you have the topper off or when you have it on which is pretty slick but this cab is sealed and not open to the back so if it's cold or winter and you want to get the heat going in here you uh you have that you still keep that heat in there I thought it going out the back which is nice that top storage which is in the other ship is actually flipped and you can get into it from the cabin here so moisture and mud or whatever you're doing isn't getting into it when you have the back off and it's all sealed in here in the cab which is actually a really slick design but other than that everything on this one is the same dianna shirt so if you guys are new to chirp basically what a sure piz is pretty much the ultimate off-road machine go through swamp trees water brush basically an off-road vehicle that Devils of the boat yeah literally all-terrain anything we have yet to get our stuck yet but they run on four-cylinder turbo toes which are pretty bulletproof motors for diesel motors basically the same mode of Bobcats run off of and these are the turbo ones as well so you keep it a little more a little more to them than the non turbo and their 5-speed manual transmission with the clutch on the floor was actually super cool to build a building work that manual and going the gears that you want which is it's really fun and they're really fun to drive if you guys want let me know in the comments below if you want me to do another off-roading chirp video pretty soon because we haven't done one in a while have we Murray nope so maybe we can take the new short belt for a rip see what you guys think about that and wrap around rip around the old sharp two and have some fun yeah have you got any questions on the new model sure go ahead and shoot me an email or leave a comment below I'll try to reply to all of you guys and one more time this chirp is for sale it's only got 130 hours on it and you guys have seen the videos we really haven't done super crazy with this one cuz there's some other used shirts that have sold where the fenders are be too absolutely crap every single bumper is bent to pieces and they have sold for more than actually what we sold our selling ours for so it's actually a pretty good deal cuz this thing is still in really good condition besides some scratches that are on the wrap but other than that this thing is really in mint condition and selling for a really good deal eighty thousand so again shoot me an email and you guys are interested in that or know anyone that's interested in that I'm really sorry spice muddy well I pulled a hog off of that uh red six nine which I'll show you that now yeah pulled that all off in its nut same as you can see you two one out six nine it's shorter than this one this part is shorter than this one and this looks wider than that one so it's not the same it's not gonna work which sucks and then I'll talk my spindle is gonna be okay about I ended up getting the nut off and I cleaned it up a ton and as you can see here it's really grooved in right here really bad and flat right here where it's not supposed to be and really messed up so based on even your spindle as well and I've called every single parts store like five parts stores in my town and not one of them can give me a new hub or a new spindle and I'm still leaking power steering fluid over there to which right now I don't see don't even care so tomorrow morning we're gonna be going to a junkyard and they said that they should have a Dana 60 that I could pull a hub and spindle off of and if they actually do have a Dana 60 like real four in front Dana 60 I will probably just try to buy the whole axle from him see if they can lift it up for me and just cut it out with a torch and take the whole axle because Dana six is getting pretty hard to find now I do have a lot of the other probably like well why don't you just take parts off the Dana 60 I have on the parts truck and that's because I'm putting on that under the 69 so I really don't feel like turn that axle apart when I have a complete Dana 60 there but then get one from that junkyard I will because then I'll have the other hub and spindle as well so if the other side goes out which I'm gonna pull that just the lockout off that just to look in there and see how it's looking tomorrow before I leave but good chance that one's gonna go soon too so it would just be nice to have half the axle so I can have the other parts to just because apparently herbs and spindles and parts for these Dana sixties our part to get because you can't even order them off you like the part stores literally can't even order them for me so and all the only ones I've been able to find online or like remanufactured ones that are $500 for a stinking hub which is just ridiculous so yeah so that's kind of a rat with the Ford right now what kind of stock I was wanting to get that going today but parts stores could get my parts and I was really hoping that hub would be the same but it was in tune so I decided I'll show you guys a new shirt that we bought today because I still want to do some filming but tomorrow hopefully that junkyard can pull pull through for me and we can get the parts we need and finally finally finally get this Ford back in the road I mean I guess it hasn't been that long not like the common swap but finally get this thing back driving because I've been missing it and I have a lot of plans for you guys that I want to do four videos with this Ford and I'm not able to do any of them yet but really soon here pull out at the thing running again hopefully tomorrow or if not the next day yes I've been Cohen here in Marais which I don't know where she ran off to you with up north outdoors hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys in the next one Oh also some of you guys have been complaining about the audio and the quality of the videos that's because the last probably four or five videos I've recorded actually with my phone because my camera has been broken not just today got my camera shipped into Canon so hopefully that will be six fixed and sent back to me soon and then I have a mic like a nice Road mic and everything for that so hopefully I'll get that back soon and I'll be able to have good audio and good quality for you guys again and better stabilisation and all that good stuff all my videos so just kind of bear with me in these next few videos while I wait for that camera to get fixed if it's not fixable I will be buying a new camera so either way just bear with me pretty soon the quality will get better but yeah so I'll see you guys
Channel: UpNorthOutdoors
Views: 30,289
Rating: 4.7702127 out of 5
Keywords: upnorthoutdoors, up, north, outdoors, uno, sherp, sherp usa, 4x4, offroad, sherping, 2019 sherp, new sherp, sherp barn, minnesota, sherp dealer, sell sherp, buy sherp, lifted truck, lifted trucks, 4x4ing, offroading, sherp stuck, sherp mudding, allterrain, cummins, fummins, ford, chevy, dodge, diesel, turbo diesel, diesel swap, f250, f350, minnesota life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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