Making Cut Flower Arrangements with my Mom 🌿🌸// Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so over the next couple of days i'm working on something super fun so our house is uh hosting a baby shower for my sister-in-law tomorrow night um my other sister-in-law is kind of organizing the whole thing she's organizing the food and doing all that so my job was just to get the house ready which has been really fun it's fun to have an event at your house because it makes you do some things that maybe you wouldn't do normally like plant extra color in the ground because we are holding it outside and just some extra cleaning projects organizing that maybe i wouldn't have gotten to so the whole project for this morning is i'm getting all of my vases ready because my mom and i are getting together tomorrow morning to put together a ton of flower arrangements to put throughout the house on the event tables on several tables that are outside i thought you guys might enjoy seeing it because it's something super different we haven't done a video like that um so today like i said i'm just organizing i'm gonna gather excuse me all my vases i'm gonna go to the grocery store and pick up some extra filler flowers and just have everything kind of ready so i made a list of all the places i want to have flower arrangements and then i made little pieces of paper because like let's see coffee table on the brick patio which is where i'm at right now i'm going to clean this little container out and then i'm going to put this inside so that my mom and i when we get ready to make flower arrangements we know where each one's going to go and how big we need to make it so the first thing i need to do is run out to the barn and i'm going to grab some buckets so i have somewhere to put the flowers once i get them out to the car i'm hoping i can find some good stuff i didn't order anything because i just figured you know we'll probably be gathering a lot of branches and things like that from my own garden we like to do a lot of really natural looking arrangements and where are all of my buckets i see a huge bucket i don't need that oh right here got my buckets full of water well not full i just put a couple inches at the bottom i always like to have those in the car when i'm gathering stuff like this just in case my errands take me longer than i expect then i know my flowers will be okay just hanging out in the car for an extended period of time and you guys this is so fun because this little baby it's a baby girl she will be just about nine and a half months younger than benjamin which is so great because he will have someone to play with at family gatherings and just i don't know of someone his age because he's got um on this side of the family aaron's side he has um other cousins but they're 14 12 and will be eight very soon um so they're all a little bit older and they all love him and they play with him um but it's just not the same as having a cousin your same age this is one example of something i planted extra i didn't plant this last year you guys remember it was full of roses but isn't that pretty leading up to the back porch that's all decorated the lavender is doing amazing it's like quadrupled in size since i planted it i should probably go let aaron know that i'm gonna leave for a little bit hey aaron i'm running out for a couple minutes okay you need anything no i'm good okay hey no what are you doing bud hi kitty i also want to try to find a couple of strands of patio lights to hang from a tree that's right above where all the tables are going to be i just tried home depot and they don't have any left um so i'm going to try walmart real quick yay i think these will work great i am so excited so these are actually dimmable so you can plug them into this and you can make them as dim or as bright as you want i never even knew that was a thing while i'm at it benjamin needs new jammies look how cute last stop is flowers and a card and some wrapping paper and usually our grocery store has some pretty good filler stuff we've got some great ones here you guys beautiful stuff i found the cutest card and check out all of these flowers so they're obviously not all going in the same bouquet but it's just really nice to have some gorgeous stuff that i don't have to cut and steal from my garden i really like this one you guys look at that oh my word beautiful thank you you guys i am so excited by what i found at the grocery store you know sometimes you go and it's kind of slim pickings usually it's because my mom has beat me to them and she has them in her own house um but i like hit it on the right day and i'm so thrilled so we'll be cutting more stuff out of my garden you know branches and i've got beautiful grapes that we can drape out of the side of vases so the only thing i really have left to do today is just get these in proper water like recut them and put them in fresh water and then get all of our vases ready and the tables ready so i'm gonna head back home so i'm going to store the flowers up here in the butler's pantry which is kind of where i store a lot of props and vases and things like that until tomorrow because it stays a little bit cooler but i wanted to give you kind of a close-up look at what i got so there's some beautiful pin cushion flowers pink and purple some gorgeous dark burgundy mums perfect for this time of year this is a carmilla or extramelia super long lasting flower really good filler for faces and then there's this these are like purple they look like alliums but i don't think they are there's some white spider mums which last forever these are great flowers to use there's some pink snack snapdragons some kind of gold orangish colored mums which i think are just fantastic those will look really good with some of the roses i have out in the garden there's some goldenrod which is a great filler and then i also got a couple of bundles of sunflowers just for some bright pop now i need to gather up my vases which here's a couple of footed containers i actually need to work on getting those clean they are silver but they're all tarnished i won't have time for that but that's okay i'm going to use those two somewhere and then i just need to kind of go through my cupboards here and see what vases i want to use i've got some really pretty like light blue ball canning jars um this side i've got a little bit more so there are some like really cute like little sweet ones that i can tuck into bathrooms and stuff like that and these are great i think i'm going to use these for the event tables because i've got enough so that every table has kind of the same vase anyway i'm going to go grab a cart so that i can start loading up vases all right first two vases on there gotta fill up the rest of the cart okay so now that i have the vases pretty much rounded up i'm going to put these little like tags in each one so like i know that this needs to be for one of the event tables uh the kitchen island probably a nice big arrangement so in this vase right here another event table i'm hoping by tagging each one of these individual vases it'll make the process a whole lot faster because my mom is really busy tomorrow and so am i and so we don't want it to take a whole lot of time so if i can have the prep work like the flowers bought and the vase is ready and i'll have table set up that's just the last thing i'm gonna do um and we're gonna just work right underneath this tree you can see like we're right in front of our barn there's the potting shed right there and there's an ash tree right above us and it's just a really nice dappled shady area to work and we can throw all of our junk on the ground and then i can just rake it up um so anyway that pretty much uh concludes today's chores to get ready so we will just pick the video back up tomorrow when my mom gets here all right guys it's a new day my mom is here to help me with the bouquets which is nice she was a florist for 10 12 years 10 to 12 years so she has lots of um flower arranging wisdom for us today so this is kind of where i left things yesterday i have all the vases here let me come around i've got a little piece of paper in every vase uh telling us where it's gonna go so we know what size to make it mom is cutting a piece of plastic to line her first vase because i'm not sure that this one's actually watertight we got to make sure and we've got some floral foam there is the big bucket of flowers we've also got a roll of chicken wire which is a great frog and a vase and then there is our bucket full of foam soaking so that's it as far as supplies go except we do have pruners and scissors and we have a knife out here to cut the foam you know kind of the normal stuff um but we are going to going to be walking around my own garden to cut some other things some branches and grapes and things like that so we'll take you around to show you those things um let me show you kind of the process here so first off if you have to line your vase you start with just a heavy piece of plastic it can be a garbage sack just anything to that will hold water and then mom has put in a piece of floral foam which really helps it does like either chicken wire or the only thing i didn't pick up was floral tape which you asked for last time we did this and i forgot uh chicken wire to make that makes a good frog so we should be all right the flowers in place and then of course just an old used piece of plastic we kind of recycle that um and we can use as another frog like um willow branches we can take the leaves off and curl them up inside a vase as a frog um we also add in some what is this called flower preservative or yeah something like that these usually come with each individual bundle of flowers i just happen to have some left over so there is some already added to the water mom's already cutting some branches this is an ash tree right here which actually has bores so use it up beautiful seed pods yeah so look for stuff like that like textures like this and russell wants to get in on the action so i think i'll start with this one right here this is for the formal entryway now see i'm not sure if that one's watertight either it kind of appears to be but i'm going to line it anyway so that vase is prepped so now we're going to run out and grab some branches so the first thing i want to cut are a few great branches because these look so pretty spilling out of the side of a vase so this is mom's first bouquet we've got some amazing basil worked in there and some dipped in wine coleus the xenias uh lady of shallot roses the vermillionaire the really pretty ash seed pods are kind of draping down the sides looks really pretty and here's what i just gathered we've got some quick no these are firelight hydrangeas and then we've got some lemon jade cedar meteor shower verbena and then some blue artemisia really pretty a bunch of stuff mine is a total mishmash oh well so this is the start of my mom's next one it's in just a clear vase so we couldn't use any floral foam or chicken wire which makes it a little more difficult but she started with some willow branches twisted around and then out of the bucket she's used some mums sunflowers and some of this carmelia right here so now i'm gonna follow you around and see what you pick well let's go it's kind of fun seeing what somebody else sees in your own garden to cut for bouquets i think you should cut some of that celosia over there it's looking prime oh boy and that smell good too yeah that does are you gonna eat all these peppers laura you can keep your hands off my peppers i can cut some of those those are called peppermint stick zinnias yeah aren't they pretty yeah they're very country looking yes they are so what's the theme of this baby shower look at the lens here that would be pretty that would be really pretty yeah let's do some of that how does lambsia hold good oh good yes take that i missed that one so we're gonna set all the finished bouquets right over here right inside the barn um so that in the very end we can show you what they all look like so this is what we've got so far i've made that one this is one of my mom's and then um another one of my mom's is already upstairs we gotta go get that one i bet it looks pretty in the hallway now i'm going with my high school colors for this one cardinal and corn kind of [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys here they all are we've got 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 bouquets what how long do you think that took us mom like hour and a half two hours at the most oh sweetie so we just finished 14 bouquets total and mom has to go back to work now so she took a break out of her day to come and help me with all those bouquets because it would have taken me a long time so anyways i've got them sitting all in the barn so i'll turn the camera around here in a second and show you and then i'll go place them all in the house and take some pictures so you guys can see what they all look like thank you for your help [Music] so i had four more arrangements that i needed to place and they all needed to go on an event table so let me show you where we're setting this thing up so there are the hay racks so we're right in the front lawn right now right underneath the big ash tree which i hung the patio lights up in there we've got four tables with eight chairs so we're expecting like 32 ladies or so um so it's a really nice size get together i've got my like thrown for uh nelly to sit in and open gifts um just a few of us are here setting up so we have our gifts here already but here are the bouquets so we just kind of wanted them to look really free and fun and not too rigid my mom made this one there's a mum and some sunflowers xenias i think i actually already showed you this one with the willow branches kind of curled around the base i think that one looks really sweet this is another one she made which i've actually had to replace a couple of things that didn't take up water but we've got the burgundy mums which are a little hard to see for me anyway in the screen uh sweet autumn clematis coleus there's some anemones in there and this one's really quite um like there's no not a lot of structure to it which is really fun but yeah the artemisia have not been taking up water and i don't know if that's like a regular thing or if it's just us today i'm not sure so i've been replacing those then we've got this one more sunflower sweet autumn clematis there are some dahlia um this is the mystic illusion so there's just a little stem that's got a couple of buds which is a really neat texture something i didn't think about with all these flowers are the honeybees we put caryopteris in some of these arrangements which is a gorgeous accent flower but oh my word the honeybees want it really bad and then i think out of all three of these this is the only one that i made it's in this little wicker basket we've got some gold juniper and the shower doesn't happen for another about hour and a half so all of this will be in the shade that's now in the sun so hopefully you can kind of see you can kind of see that arrangement i hope there's a really pretty mum in there the sunflowers caryopterous honeybees doing their thing hopefully nobody's allergic to honeybees mercy and that's pretty much it i mean all i had to do was get the house ready you know make sure it was clean and the garden was kind of you know presentable and picked up and grass was mowed and things like that and then do the flower arrangements which was really nice it's really nice to have a really good excuse to maybe do some extra projects i did a little extra planting um right here i did a bunch of pansies and some heleniums in fact let me show them to you they're in the full on sun so i'm not sure how well they're gonna look but you can see the really pretty color the helleniums are perennial hearty i think to zone [Music] four and then just a bunch of pansies i planted a pea shrub right there because i just recently cut back a bunch of the stuff in this bed like right there i've got a bunch of companions that come up so i didn't want to plant anything there but it looks kind of bare right now i also popped some wild berry hookers in here which look amazing especially right below the jubilee celebration roses look at that let me see if i can bend this over so you can see look at oh so pretty so the order of events is to have everybody show up and grab a drink and just walk through the garden and just enjoy just chatting and looking at some pretty flowers and then we're gonna all get together to have dessert and open presents and that's pretty much the evening it's gonna be so wonderful no shower games i love it i can't stand shower games so this is going to be a really really nice shower check it auntie anyway thank you guys so much for hanging out with us today and just kind of seeing this thing come together it's just something fun and different and yeah hope you enjoyed it we'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 324,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: sTHdE6557k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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