We Found the Best Fixed Blade Collection at Blade HQ | Knife Banter S2 (Ep 12)

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today I knife banner I start a fire with gasoline let's talk knives let's go how's it going guys welcome to knife banner and today we are gonna be looking at an epic fixed blade collection we got Mitchell from the warehouse are actually not from the warehouse we got Mitchell from the shop mm-hmm yeah here and he kind of bounces around does a lot of stuff yeah and he's gonna show us some of his fixed blade collection a lot of you guys wanted to see this so let's dive in sweet sweet okay what's first one table so this is the book and it's the Alaskan guide collection s30v blade it's kind of special to me because my dad gave it to me on our first hunting trip in North Dakota so it's just a great skinning everyday use kind of knife it's one of my favorites just one of the best knives that buck makes in my point opinion yes and obviously you got some good use out of it oh yeah yeah now you said this was you dad gave it to you on when your first hunting trip so this is kind of the knife that got you started obviously yeah definitely that's the one that kind of kicked me into it yeah I've had cheap fixed blades before that but I was like the first one that like actually held an edge that wasn't just like mild steel that I like bought at a Chinese shop yeah exactly it was it was the first one that really got me started and it really jump-started everything to my fixed blades and when he says jumpstart guys you know how these collection videos go we can't show them all he probably has like 30 fixed blades yeah and they're all like stellar I've got expensive taste yes I would say refined taste oh there we go that makes it sound better fine taste no but buck the great thing this is what I love about this is I mean you got fall needs you got bark rivers you got white rivers you've got I mean you got a dark timber on the table yeah buck right it's so many of us this is where we started exactly it's just so iconic that you start with a buck yeah if it's like it's the Western American night yeah it's what you do yeah so I always really cool knife great story I love I love dad night stories they're my favorite so from that knife we were talking before that kind of you into cutting your first bushcrafting now yeah mm-hmm so tell us a lot about that yeah so this is the hella Egan and I just I kind of got into like a Scandinavian culture kind of stuff found out that I was kind of Scandinavian culture based in my family started looking for something that was more Bush crafty so kind of that Scandi grind that we're looking for and then I really like the idea that they use a laminated steel and it's their contemporary laminated steel I don't know exactly what it is it's a lot of special mix yeah exactly and I love that the the natural wood handle it's actually like the only natural wood handle that I own but yeah it's been a great food prep bushcraft in general knife and it's just it's stellar I love it awesome so you went from the Bock and I know there was a couple in between yeah this was kind of your first bushcrafting it how was it going from something with like a normal normal grind to it to a scandi grin was it like when you went to feather stick really it was so Alicia yeah it was so much easier it's incredible how much like just the different geometries of like the knife changes and I don't think a lot of people experienced that because so many people put micro bevels and everything nowadays so when you get like a true scandi where it's no micro bevel on it it's just it's super awesome yeah and you know one of the reasons that we chose Mitchell to come on and show his collection is he came on knife banner or a while ago and and spun the wheel I think rego and he was carrying a fixed blade he carries fixed blades daily and we actually have some of those dailies over here I'm excited to talk about those but we kind of go from the your first bushcrafter then kind of into your first ball or knife yeah right this one's got some fun story so what's the story on what knife is this in what's the story so this is the Bark River Bravo one and it's in CPM s35vn and the the story for this one is I was looking for I was looking to just spend some money honestly and I came into blade HQ before I worked here in Melinda the lady that works the front desk she convinced me that this is the knife that I needed what it's a pretty expensive one well and is really good at that but I love it it's it's been a solid knife it's thick its chunky I don't have to worry about breaking it and if you I've cut the yeah clasp off the sheath with it because they come so razor-sharp but yeah it's been a solid just use every day I used to hack carry it all the time before I kind of got some more stuff and it's just it's the best for batoning it just splits wood like none other yeah and when you talk about cutting the sheath you had a flap here right yeah and you just drew the knife out fast yeah yeah so I just completely split it off a testament guys to how sharp these things come out of the box that's a piece of leather yeah if they're they're razors and when you talk about batani this thing is thick yeah it's like a quarter-inch I think yeah so it's it's beefy yeah yeah there's there's a lot of things that I like about this knife in general I mean obviously the full tang how thick it is this is my card handle on these good yeah my card so you get the micarta handle you get the the pommel here and then I love the thumb yeah the thumb ramp like I thought I'd hate it and it's actually super super helpful I didn't think I'd like it but it's actually really nice you end up liking and that's the thing is that's it's a delicate balance especially with a bushcrafting knife and my experience has been I like some jimping or a thumb wrap here but sometimes it creates a hot spot oh yeah sure have you noticed this one I mean if I would like try to really choke up on it it can be a little bit in the way but usually with this one since the life the grind actually goes all the way down they don't have like a huge toil or anything I think it's great come with the convex side it's just superb awesome yeah love that nice and then talking about knives you were talked into buying at blade HQ yeah this one was after you worked here though right yep yeah yeah so this one the guy that works in receiving his name is Lyons and I'm super good friends with him and he talked me into this guy it's an LT right and the name just slipped from my mind but it's an oh one another scandi excellent I love the the burlap my card on this one and the mosaic pins with the red liners kind of just really sold it for me I really rag donnell T right for a long time I thought they were kind of clunky looking like I had only really seen their bigger stuff and then he showed me this guy and I put in my hand I fell in love with it I bought it like five minutes later yeah so it was it's it's a superb knife and we actually you guys the reason this is dirty so Mitchell actually takes really good care of his now after the reason is dirty as we literally just use this to make some fire so we're actually gonna look at that in just one second hope that you know this is this is a common story blade HQ sometimes we get pressured into knives and loving of yeah yeah yeah it's not one of those ones that I like hated after I bought yeah we have so many knife pros that it's like oh we think about yeah yeah so before we jump into that fire tell us a little bit about this one there's another blade HQ story right yeah so this one was actually gifted to me by a guy at bleed HQ so it's just the pouco yeah it's actually been a stellar knife I had to sharpen the spine a little bit so it hits a firesteel a little bit better but for the size and everything it's superb yeah nothing to complain about and that's actually my only gripe with the buco is that you do have to grind that that back edge just to get a little bit better strike yeah just a little bit alright guys so we took a couple these knives out we had some fun started a fire let's see we got into [Music] that was a lot of work [Music] so you built a beautiful fire don't get me wrong I tried I feel like my ways a little bit faster oh yeah boy be more explosive and dangerous mine's a little more serene a little more serene yeah so speaking of dangerous and serene let's go to sales and girls we've got the always awesome Tyson or as you may know uncle shaky on he's gonna show us some sales and some great guys hey buddy hey so for sales today we got the Kershaw launch - these are recently discontinued and this one's $69.99 which is a great price for an american-made automatic with 154cm steel Tunya plenty of other colors too I think they might be $10 more but fantastic sell item don't that's a really good deal that's too fast sure and for the grills we have one of my personal favorites Bryant I integral I think it's called the tie down I could be wrong but I am just such a sucker for integral frame not frame locks just anything integral right and if you look at the as someone who is not a machinist but understands a little bit about it it's just amazing to me doesn't say because usually with an integral you're it's it's boxy right or or maybe it's got a little contour but all of these all of this work and and precision very 3d I don't know they're gorgeous I actually bought this from him at blade show this year on behalf of blade HQ of course this isn't mine yeah I'd love for it to be yeah fantastic gross sweet and what is that going for about a thousand bucks perfect yeah you know you've brought us you brought us grills it cost more so guys this is an affordable Grill portal grill I know you want perfect now you know the drill but it will you since you're here when you carry today uh well you know we got the same as last time the 1911 commander nice but today I'm also carrying inkosi point out to Grails yeah to grills nice never let us down alright try not to well thanks to you thanks for coming up appreciate it any woman yes take it easy alright so jumping back in this next knife is kind of a special one yeah this one's kind of been my grail knife for a while it's a dark timber 1911 elite the most recent generation with an Asheboro handle stellar stellar knife 3v blade steel pewter color did a superb job on this guy I carry it pretty much everyday this is the one that I kind of keep on me and I've done everything with it I love it and it still looks like new I've still actually kicked the crap out of it quite a bit for only having it for a short amount of time but it's just superb the handle or goes everything about it I just know this is something this is a testament dark timber like as a guy we had a guy here carries fixed blades all the time he's got over 30 fixed blades it's his primary knife source and such high praise for dark timber these these knives really are just incredible in Peters it's just a honestly good dude yeah super charismatic it's super funny if you ever actually get to talk to him yeah just super good humoured and he knows knives he gets it yeah so yeah superstellar knife so between being a grill knife the grater goes do you like the this is the newer sheath isn't it yeah I actually really really enjoy it it doesn't just dangle it sits high and tight which is the way I prefer to carry a fixed blade if I'm not like just in the woods you know this new gun sling style that they have I don't know what it is about it but it just it fits right and it's there and you know exactly where your knife is all the time it's not back or forward on your belt it's perfect so yeah so obviously a good reason to make this kind of your your everyday oh yeah yeah yeah it's excellent cool and what we got next - speaking of everyday yeah so this one's my most recent purchase it's a TM hunt and this thing is a sweet sweet sweet little fixed blade burlap micarta g10 inlay and then it's got oh one blade steel and I don't know what he does to his blade steel 401 but this thing holds an edge better than some of my like super Steel's and like it's just I don't know what he does to it but it's I've used it a food prep all kinds of things it's it's excellent so the edge attentions just yeah it's it's superb it's like the the thing I like about a bushcraft knife that I think people kind of miss is that you don't want it to be super hard to sharpen because you're in the field and that's why I love a one for it if you get into like s35 and all those newer ones that are just kind of hard to sharpen in Redfield and so if you have the O one or something like 1095 that'll hold the edge as well technically but there's so much easier to sharpen so if you have two and you get in a pinch you can get you can get yourself back to razor-sharp yeah exactly yeah and that's something that I love not just about fixed plates but blades and general blade steels is I think a lot of people don't realize like blade steel the name of the steel is very important but also like okay what was the heat reprocess exactly what was the how like how did they handle that at certain stages in the in the forging of the blade making of the blade no you you don't have a super steel and if they don't do it right it just it's useless yeah cool so right on yeah and these these guys are amazing I mean made in the USA and each one of the knives correct me if I'm wrong if I remember correct with with TM hunt each one of the knives is parts of them are hand finished oh yeah yeah it looks like dark timber that way they do all the kind of like final finish handle or goes sharpening and everything is all by hand yeah so you can all you can basically almost call this a midtech event yeah how much handle goes into each one yeah SURS and it's a stellar bull yeah check them out on the website if you haven't yet got a great lots of handle variations some awesome gorgeous yeah so and then this one we all this this one's got a great story we all got a knife with this type of story with this wood story with us so this means another bark River and it's an Aurora in Lmax and I I got stupid one day and I decided I wanted to throw it out of out of block at Hickory and so I threw it and it broke about it inch off the tip so they're typically about right here and it kind of looks funky but it still works and I just had a repro filed and reground and it's it's still kicking but yeah I did it dumb I love it yeah guys let us know down in the comments your dumb throat knife-throwing stories let us know down the comments we want to hear them it's it's been a it's been a trouper though I kicked the crap out of it obviously and it still it works it's it's razor-sharp again and usable yeah so kind of a midtech Oh at this point it's got my little custom custom flare giad for sure dude well thanks so much for walking us through these yeah appreciate it guys if you want to see more fixed blade comment content let us know down in the comments we actually want to do a thing on like Edie seeing fixed blades because we have a pro here so let us know down the comments if if you do want to do that all carry a couple so I can bring my my feedback Mitchell will pick out some of his favorites and we'll talk some more fixed blades here in in a month or so so now it's time for the collection connection today we have to our first entry is from Sandy's knives 52 I just like the spread you know what I mean like he's got all of his other tools but you can see that there is that boost in there yeah and the reason I love it is this is the reason the boost was created right yeah it's a working man it was a working man knife and it was specifically created with like diesel mechanics it's doubling and he's got big sets of bearings I don't know exactly what he's working on here but yeah he obviously is using the knife for what it's for oh yeah so great nice teller and then our second bhq hashtag phu collection today comes from EDC oh whoa no we're just gonna put it here and let it speak for itself that's all you need anything else alright guys since we are talking about the community since we are talking about you guys and just kind of how much we love the knife community we also want to remind you guys about the continued mission fundraiser that we have going right now so I've got a really fancy knife right here fixed blade actually some shocking fixed plates but to remind you guys if you click the link down in the description for continued mission you donate $10 as many you can buy as many $10 tickets as you want we have for epic prize packages going so one of those prizes are one of those knives in the prize package this is just one of the knives in one of the packages is this cold steel this is the 3v Magnum tanto 12 yes you also get enormous cutting power basically it's just a sword oh yeah and it's it's incredible yeah it's a mini sword it's a mini sword effects so this thing goes for like $250 on the website guys it's part of a package that's probably worth on the upwards of seven to eight hundred dollars easily so it goes to a good cause ninety-three percent of the money you donate to continuation goes directly to supporting veterans with PTSD depression anxiety those types of things so great cause click the link check it out all right now it wouldn't be the end of knife better if we didn't spin the wheel of indecision and since you guys love Tyson so much we brought him on to spin the wheel for us as well hey buddy alright let's pin this thing all right if I can we're gonna baton we're gonna put on I have no idea what the next knife banner is you know on the schedule we do have something that says Italian knives let's put on with them - maybe we should be done with the stiletto that'd be pretty good I don't know that's gonna happen we'll see okay good all right Tyson well we just had John we saw what's in your knife yep so what's in your pockets what's in your knife what's the same stuff perfect alright maybe next time well thanks for spinning the wheel sure thing and thank you guys for following along it's always a blast please consider hitting subscribe and please theatres hit consider hitting that notification bell and we'll see on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 287,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife Banter, Pocket Knife, Knives, Knife, Steel, Pocket Knives, Pocket Tool, Pocket Tools, Slip Joint, Knife Critique, Grail Knife, Sale Knife, #bhqcollection, Collection, Season 2, Fixed Blade Knife, Fixed Blade, Dark Timber, Helle, Benchmade, LT Wright, TM Hunt, Bark River
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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