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wow the water is out really far wow it used to come right to here now it's way out there but that gives us a lot more room for agots now we get to check all these little spots that used to be covered up in water this is going to be a lot of fun today for sure this has been a crazy winter we've hardly had any snow at [Applause] all something in there could be common opal or something I'm not sure that's part of the rock oo what's that almost that it's just quartz that water's awfully cold un a kite maybe look at that vein so here we are April 7th it's a nice day no snow anywhere Penny's back behind me somewhere where is she there she is right there a lot of green in that one that's pretty cool it it's interesting for sure I don't know what that one is it's just really cool looking too I think it's got some veins some lines in it bing yeah just weird looking eh yeah for sure like wormholes yeah interesting yeah we can cut her open no piece of unicate look like it had more potential than it was covered in sandies lot of Oogie boogies a nodule so this tree we had to climb around on these rocks to get of away from the water cuz the water was like right here now look how far it is out holy cow we were out here maybe a month ago and it was wasn't this bad so it's gotten worse to me anyway so let's see if we could find some agots that would be awesome well it's mostly just sharp BT stuff that's starting to break up um nothing really special so but at least we know now that when we look out in the water and go te I wonder what's out there well this is what's out there some veins of stuff mostly just B Sal nothing too special so we're going to check over here now yeah this is always underwater crazy so hopefully Mother Nature has left us some egots oh what kind of vein is that that's interesting not what I want though noe's one of those weird green rocks and all full of colors if I can reach it uh it's got purple and green and but it's very soft I don't know what it would be like on a cab machine but I know I can't tumble it I think I might have a couple pieces at home that I might try on the cab machine now that I have a cabbing machine that'll be another project in the future H that one's interesting that one not so much just really different looking yeah this one's really interesting looking just Granite but it's got a really cool green mineral in the middle and I'm wondering since it's on this side also if it goes right through so I might C this and if yeah I might cut this in half to see what uh what's on the inside if I can do something on the cab machine with this oh just quse just look a lot brighter than the other ones for some reason so where penny is standing is usually where the water's coming up so we have all this to look at but so far we're kind of getting skunked with all this extra Shoreline I thought we'd be just swimming in the egots but there's nothing Penny staying on the shore trying to find stuff in there I'm looking out here where never been able to come out before that's nodle right on there I can't get it I think that's part of the other Rock that's a bummer see if we can see it no n oh maybe yeah I tried last time to get over to that island and I couldn't make it I might be able to do it this time we shall see I just saw a really nice piece of unite here too that's a pretty one nice and it's another one but it's mostly mostly Fel Spar that one's pretty they'll see many of these out here too often we usually have to go few miles down the road to get more colorful rocks what's this probably mostly kelety I think cedan quartz don't think it's an egot H interesting oh well there we go our first eggot it's a little one when you look at the um well I was as I was tripping over myself I picked up this egot i'mot crushing I'm crushing your head crushing it yeah I found egot just as I was kind of tripping yeah I got to find my way back to where I come from kind of ventured out out here and lost my way somewhere this way I think I'm going to get wet there and there we go sort of no we're good what's that I think that's just calite can you imagine if that was an eggot holy cow okay well since I'm wet let's go check out that island so we're just checking out all the bubbles on this Al it's really really cool creating oxygen could be frozen crayfish farts again just balt over here too a little bit of calate but got to go this way got to hopefully get way over there like I said before all this is usually underwater and it's never accessible but I thought there would be a lot more aots cuz you find them on Shore right so you think there'd be a whole lot more out waiting to be picked and washed up on shore by mother Lake Superior but uh no of course there could be a lot covered in algae too that I'm not seeing I couldn't get there last time but I might be able to get there this time it's looking a little bit more promising went out for my brother-in-law's birthday Diner last night it's turning 80 years old I had way too much calamari and way too much Bretta bread well maybe I can't get over there it's a deep spot right in there crap think get over that way no it's deeper out there too I think I said last time we come out here that I was going to bring rubber boots well that didn't happen but I could explore that stuff over there let's go have a look I see this huge white maybe a vein of something out there that looks so cool let's go check that out here right yeah you can see that with the bubbly but then that big white thing out there look at that that is the coolest thing oh we got to get there y okay so here's the first rock or chunk of it I'm thinking that's what the same stuff is there's more of it right there I can we get out there yeah look at this that's a cool rock I don't think W yeah it's twerking oh I can go this way oh wow I don't think anybody's seen this before look at that wow is that ever cool and that goes right out into the water you see the Chevron pattern yeah you can see Chevrons in there is it ever wild and it goes right out into the water wow I try to get over there a little bit so I can see the holes better it's obviously rocks probably I'm guessing make a little Omars type thing yeah cuz they're uh couple inches deep anyway yeah that is so cool that's amazing yeah this is amazing I don't know if anybody's ever seen this before then it goes right back there that is so cool okay I'm just going to take a picture of there's one chunk there there's one there that's about 4T by 2 feet Maybe I wonder how far that goes looks like it curves to the left a little bit well there's on the other side over there at that point right there's also some of this but not quite as wide it's very very narrow but there's a little bit that goes off that point that you can walk out on cool yeah when I first saw it I thought it was a big Chuck of ice or something something yeah be cool to get your GoPro in the water off that way oh yeah we'll bring the GoPro out here next week maybe because if you look up over here it see really light in the water yeah GoPro and rubber boots next week yeah or next time we come out here anyways yeah wow this is this is worth the trip right here awesome right thank you lick Superior good job buddy so continuing on from that vein comes down and it turns into to this stuff it's like a reddish material all that there and whatever that is maybe like a felt bar or something and kelite together I don't know well that was worth a trip never saw that before we come out here for years but because the water is so low we've never been able to see that that is so wild oh I wonder if I can see the end of it over here if I go out this way so that's where we got so it comes out here goes down probably gets buried and stuff and then continues on right out there right there that is so cool that's a huge vein yeah awesome all right now we got to make our way backra I think it's straight ahead we'll be [Music] okay yeah this is definitely worth a trip right here that is so cool I got a picture of that oh yeah I just found another little nodule there's the very elusive leg Superior Lobster no I just cray fish oh where'd he go there he is oh what's he got looks like he's got another [Music] crayfish that's weird okay well these are the rocks that I decided that were not going to cut this one's got some really cool little crystals inside it so that one's going to stay the way it is this one just has that piece of egot on the outside doesn't go in very far well it might go through but come on it's very looks like it's pretty loose in the Rock and it might even just pop out if I do anything with it so what I probably could do is put that on the flat lap or the cabbing machine flatten it out maybe give it a Polish then we have this piece here that you really can't do anything with there's a rock stuck in the middle of it just a piece of quartz mostly this one also has a big piece of course in the middle so I'll probably just face polish that and this one maybe tumble it too small to cut and I don't know if there's any banding inside so the ones that I want to cut this one for sure cuz I I'm hoping that green goes all the way through that's pretty cool this is granite but I'm not sure what this is this thing in here is going to be very cool to cut open and to cut that right in half probably that way same as this one it's good EG potential in there I'm hoping and then this guy you never know what's inside you cut it right so that's what we're going to do let's do that well funny thing happened I wanted to record myself turning on the slabs saw and but I wanted first to have the blade start up as a Dry Blade so I had to do that first then shut it off and then record myself flipping the switch so after I did that I forgot to turn it back on to record so I missed myself recording the Rocks anyway that doesn't really matter the important thing is they're cut let's have a look I haven't looked at them yet let's see if this one goes right through or not I'm excited ready H oh cool that's awesome that goes right through I don't know what that material is that is so cool though right through the granite H I wonder what we can make out of this very cool I love it then got this little guy kind of broke oh yep it did break ooh but look at that that's pretty I'll put them in the photo booth later and take some better pictures right now we'll just have a quick peek oh that's cool so you can all have a better look anything in this side this one oh little bit that's interesting and last but not least this one broke in three pieces there's a little piece that come off so we'll have a look at that first oh that's definitely egg it cool and then I'm excited about this one ready oh well a little bit not like I thought but still cool all right let's put them in the photo booth take a few pictures and we'll have a closer look don't forget to hit that like And subscribe hit that notification Bell to see the rest of these rocks and some other cool projects that I'm doing so that'll notify you whenever my video comes up and I'd appreciate it penny and I had a blast today going out to uh our favorite spot and finding that uh big kelite vein wasn't that something that was amazing we've never seen that before but since the water's out that far we were able to get out there and uh notice that thing and that was wild that was such a cool thing so we will see you all again next week thanks for watching take care and have a great week oh please stick around for the pictures today's music is brought to you by my good friend Jay case who is a talented local musician and also has a YouTube channel called beauty of the back country where he travels all over Northern Ontario featuring gorgeous scenery and Wildlife I'll post links to all of his social media and my description please check them out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rock & Roll Rockhound
Views: 623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rockhounding, Lake Superior, Mystery rock, calcite, April
Id: 0DahJGwv-nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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