We Flew Across the World for This! | Emotional SURPRISE

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morning it is December 30s very early in the morning and we are packing today for the real surprise we're gonna miss you [Music] are you sorry [Music] sorry buddy [Music] goodbye winter [Music] sir back when I lived in Australia the hardest thing about traveling for like a month of the time was always leaving oke unlike your family yes you missed them but they understand you're leaving and you're coming back but it's really hard to explain that to your dog this time we're leaving Aki but we feel so much better about it because we're leaving him with Lee's family and we know he loves them and then they're going to take good care of him and it's going to go by really quick and I guess we've just got to get used to the unfortunate fact haki conquer and absolutely everywhere with us and this surprise is worth the sacrifices don't be together just for a while yeah auntie Sasha's gonna be taken care of auch thanks for driving sesh yes thank you for taking us to the airport [Music] [Applause] [Music] I walk this road it takes me home the sky [Music] yes one inch we tried to check in online but his Australian - so sometimes more difficult when you have an international relationship is we need different visas for different countries since I'm Canadian I don't need a visa to enter the States we forgot that max does need a visa even though we just going to five-hour layover connecting to Australia I got a visa to get into Australia max has a visa to get into Canada so we're quickly just trying to get him his more electronic visa otherwise we can't go through US Customs so it turns out regulations have changed and now he's going back so we literally just had a Christmas miracle the visa we were just about to tell you guys that it was going to take up to 72 hours we only had 40 minutes to get on our plane the customs guide said that we weren't going to make it on he saw part of how upset we were and everything because it's a connecting flight for Australia and he has had a connection in the airport and essentially came out and talked to his friend for us and got us on and we are so lucky to be on and it's just been a bit of a roller coaster of emotions and already I can't wait for this surprise he's the bad guy you know we need to pay and exactly because he very much if he didn't want to help us he didn't have to help us and yet good calm is going to come around I heard he has an amazing 2019 thank you sir [Music] thank you [Music] intercept so I don't think we've ever been happier than being on this plane right now so our entire travel time to get to Australia is about 30 hours drove out to the airport out there to five are they over 14 or afraid our doctrine taxi at 30 hours now we would be my brother's doors paradise dad [Music] [Music] all right so we've made it to San Francisco we're just walking around stretching our legs and looking for a place to settle down and get some food to eat we start on some video edits and just relax Leigh has just snapped up to the washrooms because I think she's feeling a little stinky and she's going to get into one of my shirts saf3 bust her on the way out yo yo lookin sharp we have now passed about four to five hours in San Francisco Airport or really love this air probe's actually found two work desks where we can plug in and get some work done so that has been nice and efficient we realized we have to give you quite a load on exactly how the surprise is going so basically here's two people and on this knots his sister and dad they have helped coordinate to get the entire family together for a belated Christmas lunch on the 1st of January we get in at 6:00 a.m. we're taking the train over and we've actually planned a Skype date they think we'll be calling them on skype with my family in Canada and that is when we're gonna Surprise them and walk in as we're talking to them on skype yeah and I just talked to my sister then confirmed it it's completely secret it's completely safe they have no idea by a hundred percent thing my brother's gonna cry my mom's gonna cry the baby's gonna cry oh and that's the main part of the story oh yeah we didn't father just had a newborn the first baby in the family at home now proud uncle yes I did want it cold max didn't have that but very proud senses this is partly why we decided we need to get back now is as Tom wanted to get the whole family together Tom as his brother and we were gonna surprise him since it yeah we're super excited will absolutely do our best to capture it all yeah guys so leave it to us let's have five hours at the terminal and now we're supposed to be boarding five minutes ago and I think we're at the wrong terminal we better run so it turns out we are in the wrong terminal and we have to go back through security so we're just put in a few extra case to burn off those Christmas calories [Music] oh we're good we're good okay yes we're idea to put us in the party like we're gonna make it I think we were so making these mistakes so clearly we made it it was a close call you think after what yeah almost 50 countries between us we would be a bit smarter in terms of you think we planned it cuz being in this video to give a bunch of travel tips seems Murphy Lee we're showing what not to do which I think those videos are always very poor movement the other thing is because we are on the plane and it's 14 hour flight and the change in time zones we are actually going to be in the air for New Year's Eve and it's open bar on those flights I'm not sure if everyone's aware that open bar it always is the Australia to LA or Australia to the US leg and we were we were either one would be getting festive but checking out the flight attendants that's him with these party hat on that's one of the flight attendants and they all were decked out like that Lee are you having a New Year's drink or I am insane I'll show you where we are [Music] one day by Happy New Year Jen we have circulars yet circle [Music] two stops away alas we're off the train we feel like we're the middle of nowhere because we're not really familiar with this area Max's brothers in a new house we haven't been there before and it's the gun the contrast in heat is insane like check out that a unimog Wow see a huge contrast in heat I've now changed my outfit three times in 30 hours because I have sweat through everything I didn't want to talk about before but the reality is I've been here on a plane for a really long time it's a little sweaty yeah so we are now gonna find a power point to charge our phone because or instead our phone is dead and then we can get in contact a taxi and finally we've been waiting for this for two and a half months yeah this is an incredibly Australian site that is Victoria bida is one of the main B's in Australia it's been a long time a Mac I finally feel like I'm hard first time in two years okay so he's stopping other directions the phone has some juice we're communicating a master sister who's helping us set up this whole ordeal our last leg of this journey is about a 15 20 minute walk uphill on foot with all our bags so we will be when we got there but we are so excited and this this excitement is gonna push us up this hill with all her bag bond so because this is a new development these were two of the descriptive features as well as that bird for us to know where to turn right directions yeah you can see far far away the water can't wait to get a dip in there I think you can see your sweat oh yeah can you hear the cicadas no go for it okay it's wrong these are the symbols these two pelicans they said keep going past the pelicans up one more Hill we're almost there and this Canadian girl is not adjusting to the heat so this was our last bit of instruction this tube which we left here down a block over there lay is hotting from the Sun and 40 degrees which I love and my sister is running back now guys is going to is that good or not why is he going to Israeli Troy wake up right right around the side of the house beat around the bush okay we have to go ahead we're going now parallel the window short while no one's in [Applause] [Music] yeah I've got it yeah [Music] Hey [Applause] [Music] so I'm eight did you have any idea [Music] all right so this is it you wouldn't believe it crockie we've just found another Australian animal in the wall [Music]
Channel: Max & Lee
Views: 3,891,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van, van life, max and lee, occy, surprise, canada, australia, airport, airplane, flight, United states, passport, travel tips, drive, train, plane, dog, family, love, happy, emotional, secret, leaving, goodbye, hello, travel, journey, adventure, life, toronto, food, funny, joy, fun, exciting, experience, Qantas, Air Canada, sydney
Id: iHuM0YkuEYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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