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what [Music] yo what is all jesters welcome back to another video tonight I went up with gratnik what a boys and height might what is up guys tonight we are bringing you one absolute insane banger that you guys have been very much requesting in the comment we are gonna be trying to do something unbelievably crazy by trying to unmask Slenderman at 3:00 a.m. I didn't tell them so their their learning is Right crazy you're a psycho we are gonna try I kind of like it yes good that's the mind day yeah I guys I personally think it could be one hell of a video I saw a comment on my last sundar man video and one of you guys asked me that and it's not it's funny cuz I've never tried that I don't know why I've never tried unmasking sundar Marion's getting that close to one would be like exactly that is why I think it can make for something really really cool trying to unmask and see who's actually Slenderman I'm pretty sure I'm like 90% sure guys that there's something inside and he's like a suit right I'm pretty got a suit on right and like some sort of white mask yeah so I'm pretty sure slender man has something underneath that's hiding and now I'm gonna explain to you guys the way we're gonna be doing this yeah I'm curious I figured that you know the best way to contacts under men is you know through FaceTime itself but we're gonna one-up that by trying to anger him oh my so I'm gonna text him I'm gonna call him I'm gonna FaceTime him I'm gonna annoy the heck out of him and then when he does answer I'm just gonna make some very very mean remarks and hopefully it'll blur him to the gym and potentionally see if we can get something crazy going on here you're scaring my it so before getting into a guy's please drop a like subscribe if you guys haven't already and let's get into the video as you guys can see it's 3 o 9 in the morning and you guys ready alright so as you guys can see I pulled up Sunderbans profile on my phone right here and as you guys can see there's a FaceTime a call and a message option we're gonna be using all of those we're gonna try to text him call him and then FaceTime and try to anger him in all three ways hopefully getting him to come to the gym and yeah this is very dangerous guys me very very weird but let's start off by texting and see what we should say what do you think we sound like um what do you think his name's call him a loser just to be like yo your answer Wow that's simple already just like that's alright with me okay let's see it was call him a loser Oh God alright since I do not recommend anybody try sending Slenderman a text what the hell all I saw was the emoji what is it saying who do you think you are that's not good okay that's that's not good but I mean we want that like it's a little frayed now that I see it in person though yeah one more text what are we gonna say we should say calling yeah say like maybe called nothing maybe worthless yeah worth a fun he's like yeah that's a good one I mean we typed I win you worth this oh god this is gonna be so mean oh god I very much want to see what he would look like is I can imagine it being very very creepy knowing Slenderman and that's another one he just sent me another text it says leave me alone oh god dude okay we angered him which is perfect okay now it's no not all now if we're gonna call him now because we need to let go up this right now I start off with a call and in which my face time after okay I think shaking oh god bro this is not good why are we doing this so we'll open this up I wonder what he'll stay yeah come on Slenderman pick up yo that would be so sick if he did yeah he's already mad so there's a chance that I don't know what do you think should we try just facetiming him instead just go straight to the FaceTime yeah we the call is not working he clearly doesn't want to talk to us but maybe if he sees us on our face yeah it's not know him enough we'll call them for FaceTime keep doing it until it works yeah press the FaceTime option and let's see what we get guys Oh God look at this god help us let's give you so creepy I really really hope he answers guys if he answers oh my god we are in for a surprise yeah dude look are you serious yeah - Thunderman hey Center man you're a wimp oh you oh there is ugly looking Slenderman no no you look like a toothpick dude ha ha you're a toothpick Oh yo didn't even look skinny maybe say anything hello you're so weak bro lay your hand woody voice covers your cut your you're scared that's what you are you're hiding from us that's very busy yo how about you come to the gym slim yeah how about you come to the gym make sure you win what the hell he's here yeah perfect ok so we need to take it slow see him we just have a trap okay we're gonna make sure you sir no I don't know it's the building or freaking okay this is so freaky we're gonna go turn on the lights okay go check out the last god this is so freaky we're gonna slowly go and check on what happens our lights it's a little freaky now I don't understand what's going on I'm pretty sure he's here right I have no idea guys I have truly no idea yo oh yeah you have no I coconut over there this is so weird man perfect okay yo good come on let's go that's what you got the other door we're not opening that light now so can open that light we're good right yes if we can open a light the plan is we're gonna set up this obstacle so that we can drop a block or hit him with a block and hopefully mash mail here just see people just make sure to look out okay and if we can find Center man then it's just weightless yo oh my yo Mike waiting where'd you go bro Mike where'd you go hello wait what what the hell who's just be honest okay you guys we playin it Mike yo man stop playing games bro how's that possible yeah well like but right did you guys see anything it was just the highest was he not okay I don't know what the hell's going on we're the only one but just look around man this is so weird I don't know where he went like these guys he was just with us and then just teleport but he's got door yeah I don't know we're guys I'm even I want herself so creepy bro hello Michelle whoa you see him anywhere like he's gone if he's literally gone man let's get any idea where he'd be Nick Nick my god slow that's me die it's not like I don't know if maybe I should just [Music] and this is ridiculous I'm stuck you're having to hide from Sunderman and the guys I came here with to help me with this or god I don't know where they are I don't know where Sunderman put them but instantly they're just gone like guys it's been I don't know how long like three four minutes I don't know what to do guys I'm freaking out right now I think it's cuz I'm alone I think I'm just gonna go and hide from Sunderman and to make sure I don't get a tax because he's clearly mad and he's taking them for hostage and I don't know where he's bringing guys graphics graphics I like what you guys I was trying to get everyone together because we deserve a planet to capture him obviously so get tie him up and then he won't be doing what he's doing right now let's set up maybe a trap with like block or something I don't know how you managed to bring these guys in here so quickly these guys I have really not stopped the video clip yet you guys have seen everything we're gonna quickly run inside okay and we're gonna sort of trap I didn't buy the door and then we'll pay him in and hopefully get a block to light on him and it's not even moving well tie him up and hopefully be able to try unmasking him for you guys on the camera nothing there okay the blocks bring them to the door nothing but to go is it lost okay guys so we set up the entire trap and I think we've got something really really good going on here like we set these two things up yeah so we're gonna have him go through down there try to go and call him some weight unless you're held maybe I'm just like scream his name try get him angry again and hopefully get him after you and then what's gonna happen he's gonna bring him in here I'm gonna sit right where he is right now and then boom we're gonna hit him if we can try to get him through Mike Mike right here is he's gonna stand right here and just distract him so hopefully Slenderman comes this way and then we hit him boom and if we can knock him out hopefully get him on the floor we all have time to time up put him to a chair and hopefully get the unmasking hey you guys ready [Music] we call them again getting the ball [Music] so we actually we actually got involved we got it worked yo wait timeout okay yo go get some more rope Rock Road you find me hurry up men before weeks up it's not getting out of this I'm in there good that's right up got him guys yes this is the actual revealing the unmasking of Slenderman nice are you ready for this wait what what dude what nothing nothing nothing no how is it possible what yes what the heck you see this this does make any sense oh my gosh this is good I don't know where the back off put it back on this Blizzard denier it's like people well he's gotta have a face right he's gotta be in there somewhere i I don't understand I don't understand [Music] no no man I don't know I don't know dude oh god he's going poop he thought he thought he's like boom are you okay dude oh my god oh he had you man I have no idea how I even got out of that like he was fully tied in bro man I don't know how doing yo I thought he was a goner like dude I know same here man he must have just like caving up do something okay guys guys we're gonna end the video here this has been one hell of a night we figured out that I guess Slenderman is there's nothing very invisible I don't know guys gonna it's gonna take some time to try to figure out what happened there but I'm ending it here if you guys enjoyed please drop a like and subscribe to my channel for more crazy videos like this also be sure show some love to my boy draft Knicks and hi Mike for helping me out with this and taking part in this crazy video and until next time guys jester's out [Music]
Channel: Jester
Views: 6,221,789
Rating: 4.7435565 out of 5
Keywords: jesse, baron, jesse baron, jesse baron 3 am, jester, jester 3 am, we finally unmasked, finally unmasked, finally unmasked slenderman, we finally unmasked slender man, slenderman 3 am, jester unmask, unmask jester, unmasking slenderman, unmask slenderman, jester unmasking slenderman, jester unmasked slenderman, jester unmask slenderman, slender man unmasked, slenderman unmasked, slender jester, jester slenderman, unmasked slenderman 3 am, 3 am slenderman, unmasked
Id: Wq-JTiYieEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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