We Finally Did It After 15 Years! (Plus We Relocate The Baby Goats)

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y'all let's go check on some baby goats got a   lot to do today let's go check  on these baby goats y'all come on y'all I'm headed over to the  barn uh to go check on the baby   goats Brook's already over there but  y'all look at goie look at this goie   says she is glad the pond is here  and she just bought herself a new bikini look at her the wind blew the DAR  swimming pool in there I got to get it out   but don't pay no attention to the swimming pool  I got to get out y'all look at Goldie let's see   if she goes all the way down I thought she may  she's done sat all the way down see how wet she is she's done going all the way down  in it here she goes here she goes no y'all I'm using my phone there goie that's definitely the lock this  monster of COG heel farm right there girl oh my gracious when it when it really  gets hot I might be in there with you girl   I just all I'm going to tell you I might be  in there with you yeah good morning there's   mom and there there's Curtis I'm mom and  there's mom number two y'all see old Curtis   y look at him he walking around fine nothing's  wrong everything's great he's got a little pep in   a step old red back there miss Lara Laura almost  did a little 360 they're all jumping around this   morning they are oh my gracious what's that  mean that means when they're ready to move and   go outside they're feeling good aren't they yes  sir they are feeling good aren't they beautiful   they are do you see old red do a 360 well they  full of it y'all yes they are they are full of   it they're all she's fixing a jump they're  all drinking they're all doing well they're   all frisky they're walking way better now and  mama's doing very well mama's doing well too our   plans are is to move them across we're going to  move them across the street right here the barn   street across the highway way so we're going to  move these guys over to this stall over here and   we're going to put some straw and shavings down  in here and then we're going to open this door and   they'll have access to this pasture area over here  we're going to clean this up we're going to put   some straw in here and let them have this out here  since we have the barn now we can do things like   we've always always wanted to do now I know not  everybody's situations like this we used to not   have a barn and separate pastures and stalls so we  were unable to do this but it is much better for   the mom and the babies to be a little separated  right now y'all know how big mild is she could   accidentally step on one of those babies and that  would not be good plus it's recommended to put the   babies on a different pasture area or a different  ground than the other animals for a little bit   because of parasites again I know that's not the  case for everyone wasn't the case for us in years   past until now but since we're able to do this now  we're going to do it so our plans are to move mama   and the babies over here on this side and then  uh mama can have the outside area with the grass   and all the babies can go out there and all will  be good we gotta get some hay feeders over here   we gotta get some straw in here some things we  got to do plus there's one more thing there's   one more thing that we need to do and that is  we are a little worried that one of the UTS is   really really bigger than the other one so that  one udder the healthy UD versus the other one and   which the other one's way better since Brook's  been putting that that herbal ointment on there   or herbal cream but the one that's really really  big is is really really lower than the other one   so the babies tend to go to the one that's up  a little higher and because it's just easier   for them it's just easier for them so I've been  worried about the bigger one and what to do about   getting the babies there because they can get  to it but they kind of have to get down in it's   awkward so they're are favoring that one so we  reached out to our friend Laura over there simply   making it Laura is our one of our goat gurus  she's one that makes all those wonderful goat meal   products and that's where Fifi and Capri both came  from is from Miss Laura and asked her about it and   she told us that we should milk it out or milk  it down she also told us to save that in case   we needed for Capri babies so this is going to be  a fun experiment because number one Fifi's never   been milk before number two Brook has milk goats  in the pad but it was only to help Miss Laura out   when she went on vacation one time so this will be  Brook's first time actually for real milking her   own goat or her own goats using the milk room and  all that so we're going to try that we're going to   get milk down some see if we can make it a little  bit smaller and easier on the babies but a lot of   work it is a lot of work especially if you want to  milk milk your own goats I guess even if he wasn't   milking the goat we still would have to try to get  that utter down for her there's Grandma peaches   peaches probably don't like to be called  Grandma you reckon probably not so they   full of it this morning oh my goodness little  Curtis has been hopping so we trying to learn   to dance like Grand Daddy huh no look at little  Curtis look at Curtis go boy he's going to be   the biggest I believe he was the first one  with they are funny y'all they are so silly what's up Kurt what's up buddy girl  we're going to try to milk that one   utter down so maybe these babies can get to  it yeah and this is the one that's that's a   lot lower you can see they can reach it  pretty good it's that one on this other side over here they're having issues with see how  much further down it is now we can help them with   this uter and kind of turn it but it kind of  puts a kink in it sort of so let's see if we   can't get this fixed up and get you relieved  this is the real deal right here is no long a all right so she's doing really really  good her and Brook both she's now she   doesn't care about Brook touching it  so we think the pressure is gone off   of it it had to be done there's no  doubt there was a lot of pressure   there and she didn't want those babies  nursing on it because it was so tender yeah you know this is not for us right yeah  now there was I think people get a little   confused but we're not going to um we're  not going to take the kids milk take the   kids milk we're not going to start milking  her until the kids are weaned that's right I would say they're excellent Dairy lines yeah all right she's done come on we got  another one come she is done she said this   is not the normal door to go out no it's not  we usually don't go this way do we baby come   on here here come all right oh I want to hug  you Fifi yeah come here good girl yes good girl get it mhm all right you don't want  that fro it's beautiful never   thought I'd say milk was pretty but that  milk me either it is beautiful hey tell   Fifi it's beautiful when you've been  wan to milk goats for 15 years and it   finally happens it uh it occurs to you yeah  let's see I'm going to put it in the door okay all right and that will be there in case we  need it for future use and is that Curtis or o red   Curtis Curtis is using the uter that we  just milked down that's good that's good all right so we got this good and done I was  going to get this grass out of here but Fifi's   going to eat it and it's just pasture grass so  it's nothing nothing dangerous or anything so   I just decided just to stop and leave it alone  she'll eat it down it'll be good for her look   at Bramble Bramble don't know what to think  about about this this uh new area and what we   got going on here you don't know what's going  on to you buddy now I'm going to go get a hay   feeder we had got her a hay bag that's uh that's  portable and it's in the stall with her now so she   can have fresh hay but we'll use it for Capri  when Capri has babies ready yeah pick it up tyon you think it'll get wet there we can put  it in that corner if you'd rather you think   it'll G Will Open Gate opens the other way so  it should be fine think it's okay mhm don't you yeah perfect go get some hay put  in it I want to go get the goat   we got to get a waterer too so we got just about  everything ready we are getting waterers set up   we're going to put a water inside and outside  the one inside we're going to use a shallow bowl   so we're going to use this one on the inside  right here in case in case maybe the babies   want to drink just in case uh they probably  won't because they're going to be milking but   just in case they want to try water get used to  water whatever we'll have them a bowl that they   can drink plus mama can drink out of it and then  we got a bucket of water over there for Mama and   y'all know us our Waters stay clean and fresh  several times a day so no big deal there about   the size of them one more one more biscuit what  are you doing under there you playing hide and go   seek from the boys H you playing hide and go seek  from them boys H they don't know where you are do they now once we get the babies moved and  play with them and check them out make sure   everything's okay we're going to clean this stall  out and get it ready for Capri when she has her   baby so we want this stall completely clean fresh  shavings and straw whatever we need to do to it   um have it ready for Capri you ready to move them  you want me to get Mom and you get the babies or   well I don't think she's going to follow you yeah  that's right I mean she might but all right let's   try to get Fifi first come on baby come on I got  a pocket full come on we're going to get you and   then we going to bring you babies yeah come on  yeah that's a weird gate ain't it all right gave   you one come on come on we going to get them you  want me to go get them now you think she's okay   I think she's okay come on baby this is a weird  place we're going you never been over here come   on she's probably going to go to the milk room she  probably is the door shut yes yeah it's shut I'm   going kind of block her off right here so she  can go come that way good girl come on come on   come on it's okay come on girl come on come on  come on come come no that's STW come on come on   come on in here good girl there you go come on  good job now we going to go get your baby uhoh   look get your babies okay baby time look at them  all piled up on each other oh my goodness I mean   they are piled up on each other y'all are out  aren't you your legs are all intertwined look   at them that something okay I get to get little  laa okay all right and you got little r Daddy got   him no I don't got him all right come on Curtis  Curtis we we moving buddy come on Curtis oh his   Bell's fat Curtis You' been drinking some milk  boy all right what you've been drinking some milk oh Curtis they didn't cry  and Fifi didn't cry nope nobody cried oh Curtis going to a new place we got the  babies youall want to come out here look at here   oh my goodness it's the sunshine y'all  go it's the sunshine yeah Laura's got   to eat first thing she's checking the  babies over uhoh checking the babies over it's okay yeah oh Curtis is drinking Sylvester coming to  check things out y'all can see they're drinking   from the one that broke milk down so they can  reach it now no problems much better much much better Mama ran the cat off she's  a protective Mama protective mama yeah I knew she'd eat that  grass she's definitely going   to eat that blackberry vine that's one of their favorites them Thorns don't bother them in  the least a't that crazy love blackberries and y'all can see the babies are watching her that's how they learn mhm you'll have them out  there in that grass in no time yep don't look me c look at him oh goodness they sound spunky  little babies yes they are go Curtis I see you could you stay out  here all day and watch them I sure could oh goodness come here come here baby it's  hard to believe that Curtis right here we thought   wasn't going to make it and look at him now  wide open yeah you wide open ain't you buddy yeah oh goodness mom I got you a little bowl of  minerals if you want some minerals there you go   there you go you a good Mama yes you are you a  good Mama good Mama so I bet you guys may have   caught my onions being over here so I harvested  my onions three days ago and I'm doing something   a little different uh after you harvest your  onions this is what I like to do I harvest my   onions when I know there's not going to be any  rain and then I let them sit outside in the sun   for two days and then then I bring them in or  under shelter I should say we don't want them   to get wet uh you want them to cure and you want  them to get this protective shell start forming on   it right there and that's what allows them to  work long term or store longterm I should say   generally in years past I've always hung them  up and either in front of the old barn at their   Old Farm or last year I did it on our side porch  what'll happen is is that the stalks will get weak   over time and then lot of them would drop off and  then they'll fall down on the ground and our dogs   would get them and play with them we'd lose some  they'd get busted or bruised and they wouldn't be   any good so this year I'm doing something a little  different I got this rack I was GNA build one   but Brooke actually found this thing on sale at  a Bo one of the big box stores and it's perfect   because I got air flow all the way around  the onions so they'll stay in the barn for   for months until we're ready to use them so  this is our new long sto longterm storage for   the onions all right so we got everybody  moved I look like I look like Michael Jackson so we got everybody moved  right I'm going to go ahead and clean   this stall out right here and this  is all compostable so I'm going to   put this in the compost pile so it  can break down and turn into black gold you know what might work what's that  oh never mind let me go get the tractor yeah [Music] now we're ready for Miss Capri  and whatever babies she has some exciting times in it what you think Fifi H what you think about  everything huh is it a lot better over here   is it a lot better over here y look at them  babies they're under the they're under the   hay rack did you know where them babies were  that didn't scare you did it you beautiful   three babies being under there I bet you knew  were they were yeah I bet you did I bet you did ain't they sweet oh my gracious I  would like to thank everyone of y'all   that reached out to us and gave us some advice  and tips about the uh the triplets being born   we appreciate each and every one of y'all  yall have a wonderful day y'all be good for
Channel: Cog Hill Family Farm
Views: 81,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, farmstead, family farm, farm life, farmtube, small farm, farm animals, farms, owning a farm, farm family, farm pets, farm pet, hobby farm, living on a farm, raising farm animals, raising livestock, cog squad, family fun, family, coghill farm, cog hill farms, farm fun, fun farm, animal lover, funny farm, pets, farm friends, Farm animal care, Pet-friendly farming, Animal welfare, Compassionate farming, goats, goat, goat kids, goat milk, milking goats, baby goats
Id: eI9cRVwLKJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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