What Would Cause Us To Drop Everything

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y'all there is only one reason that  we would drop everything we're doing   out here on the farm and in the garden and that is this y'all pool season's here pool  season is in full swing out here with The Honeymooners Loretta's so happy she's been  working on that uh working on that summer body   all spring maybe a little bit in the fall  she's ready she's ready for pool season I   can tell you that and of course we got  her little we got her and Gus's little   mud Spa built over here now so these guys  are these guys are ready for the summer   aren't y'all Gus Gus H that right Gus bus and  Miss Loretta she been in the she' been in the   spa already this morning look at there show  has girl you going to be beautiful in that pool but what is going on y'all Jason over here  at Cog Hill Farm being Brooker out early this   morning getting all the chores done good morning  ladies are y'all waiting to go in or you coming out Scott says you're coming out let's  see how many eggs we have if y will be   so kind and either move out of the  way or go in the nesting box what   will it be come on ladies I see some  ladies in there that's probably going   to mean we've got a few eggs oh yeah look  at there let's get a basket and get these   loaded up so we've had lots of rain not not major  storms and really good rain I like this type of   rain there's no warnings going off or nothing  like that we just had just rain chances of around   60 plus% every day except today we got a break  today and it is a beautiful day today to say the least she was tired of she  was tired of Gus's manners I reckon but I think it's nearly 100% chance of  rain tomorrow so some things that I want to do   today in preparation for the rain coming  up Gus are you that bad of a sloppy eater   that Loretta just moved her whole plate  and everything over here I know you snore   loud we've heard that goodness gracious  they snores like woo don't he girl yeah   big Moo Man out here relaxing chewing that cud  sure is's up Big Mo what's up Big Mo but yeah   they lay down and chew their cut that's when you  know they're really relaxed they're chill we're   um you know we're just chilling like a villain  out here uh-oh look here thank goodness for the bracelet oh goodness now a lot of Y been  tagging me into little gas pumps uh that   people are attaching gas pumps or gas pump nozzles  to their water hoses because you know when you're   filling up the gas in your car it detects when  the gas is close to the end there and you know   it clicks it cuts off which is a brilliant idea  I think that's awesome that is a brilliant idea   the only thing is is that I would think number  one Moody and Moody especially I don't think   it would last a week here I really don't I think  he would he would tear it up some kind of way he   would tear it up I really really do so brilliant  idea plus those things are they're not they're   not cheap and y'all so far so far since I  have done the whole bracelet thing thing   putting the bracelets on the water nozzles  I have yet to leave a water on and I haven't   forgot to put the electric fence on either  the bracelets were working for us and they're cheap what do you get like a  whole bag of them for a couple of bucks I will say that these fly traps are working  they're working there's a bunch of of flies and   each of them but there's a reason why I have shied  away from them fly traps over the years and they   start to smell but that smell attracts the Flies  and we have tried everything we've tried the WASP   we've tried garlic we tried the garlic salt blocks  we tried the garlic feed we've tried oh gosh I   don't know none of it's worked none of it's worked  um maybe if you did a combination of it all you   know all maybe put Garlic on their feed and did  the Gage salt block and do the spray and do the   fly traps and did the WASP maybe all that would  work but manoo I just got kind of gets complicated   I don't want to complicate things Moody I just  don't and kind of gets expensive those wasp   for nearly about a 100 bucks a month depending  on you know what size of property you got but   so far we're doing okay y'all can see I told you  that other medicine I put on Moody it works I mean   there's a couple of flies on it but not nothing  like it was works and you know we tried the the   coconut oil thing last year too and it didn't  didn't work but it also wasn't super successful   either that's just been our whole thing  with it all right Moody here you go buddy all right boys let's go all right so made a feed run we got to go and  load all our feed this morning before we can get   started on what I want to try to get done today  what I so what I want to do today or what my plans   are today number one today is the day before the  middle of the month and so every four to six weeks   I fertilize my roses so I got to get that done  because we got some rain coming in also every   other month I like to fertilize the fruit  Orchard and then there are some trees that   we just recently planted that we also like to  fertilize every month for that first year so   we going to get that done today and we have got  to get some stuff done in the garden we need to   trell us tomatoes we need to Trill this pole beans  there's a lot that needs to be done I need to weed   because I haven't weeded in the garden since  I've planted it and it is getting pretty dagam [Music] bad a biscuit I appreciate you supervising me  getting the feed done today girl I really do you   have been definitely paying attention to peaches  a lot just saying so today's a big day here on the   property itself including the gardens it is the  middle of the month so it's time to fertilize our   roses for sure I do that every four to six weeks I  kind of watch the weather and see when I can time   it when the rain comes then it is time to get back  in the garden but so many of y'all wanted me to   take y'all along every time I kind of do something  to the Roses well today is fertilizer day let me   show you what we're going to use for the Roses I'm  going to use rose tone which is an organic Rose   fertilizer I like using this one I got some more  of this over in the other Greenhouse but I use a   fruit Citrus and peccant Tre food for the fruit  Orchard and mainly because it has some little   extra things like zinc in it that your fruit  trees need so that's why I like to use this now   that's after my fruit trees are one year old I use  this fertilizer from zero weeks old to one year I   use just a basic fertilizer uh anything that you  kind of want to use Triple 8 Triple 10 triple 13   all of it can be organic that's what I use because  in that first year I'm worried about Roots I'm not   worried about uh fruit all I'm worried about is  getting this tree established for the following   years so we'll do that as well on those trees  and I'll get into all that later but for right   now let's go take care of our roses now I  will fertilize my roses like this all year up   until September we're going to stop in September  because they're done for the year and we want to   to go into their dormant State hey tuck  tuck how you doing girl you want have me   fertilize today get them roses even more  prettier right yeah yeah almost as pretty   as you look I want to show y'all the growth  all right so I cut some of this Rose back   probably two weeks ago and y'all look at this  thing unreal is that not unreal I got to start   wrapping that around got to start wrapping  these guys around my pole here the American   pillars are almost done for the year so this  is a spring Bloomer it's the old antique rose   and it's going to be done but I should have  shown y'all the drift roses because let's   see I can show youall right here before we  get into fertilizing these guys if I don't fall all right look at this one so about 3 days  ago all of them look like this and you're thinking   oh they're done for the year oh well they're not  you can see the second flush is starting to come   on now this is a repeat Bloomer if I wanted  to I could come come in and dead all these   but y'all it really does not affect it as you  can see I'll show you these guys probably next   week and they're going to have just oh hoodles of  blooms on them again um but a lot of times on your   repeat Bloomers you can cut them back or cut the  blooms off dead head them after they bloom and get   some more flowers but y'all I mean I got so many  of these for one I just don't think I'd have the   time but these drift RADS as I have found it that  it's not that necessary it keeps on keeping on   all year long and if you are using I use my hands  so I'm going to wear gloves loves especially with   this organic fertilizer because it has an odor  to it and um your hands will smell like that at   least for 24 hours at least for 24 hours it's not  like a just an awful smell but it's not pleasant   either but on my roses when they're you know  pretty good size y'all I just take a handful   just about like this right here and that's it  and I'm just going to spread it around I'm not   worried about my mulch or anything I'm just  going to put it around the base and that's it y'all y'all see Brook's doing her thing today  she's going to help me later though when we get   into the garden it's definitely a a tag team to  keep up with this place it's a it's a good bit   of work oh y'all look at the window boxes aren't  they beautiful they really are beautiful I still   got to get another Salvia for that one so here we  are in the fruit Orchard and I'm going to show you   exactly what we're going to do we're going to use  our fruit fertilizers are on everything except the   new trees this is a new tree you can totally  see the difference between this one and the   rest of them this one is going to get our general  allpurpose fertilizer and we're going to do this   one every single month the rest of them are going  to get a fruit tree fertilizer and we're going to   do it every other month look at the apples look at  the apples y'all look at that so excited about the apples and the same thing I'm  just going to take me a little   handful and put it around the base of the tree all right let's go do this Holly let's go do  this trellis and tomatoes is one of them things   that everybody has their favorite way of doing it  everybody each Gardener has their own way of doing   it the way I like to do it is cattle panels the  cattle panels are reusable every single year it   only takes a few minutes to get it set up it's  not too much work with it it's easy to Trellis   tomatoes on the cattle panels once they get going  uh I've tried mocking birg are fussing I've tried   I've tried them all I've tried every trison type  thing from cages to The Weave system to to you   name it I've done it bamboo sticks steaks I always  go back to the cattle panels last year I tried the   weave again and y'all I just don't like it I do  not like it it takes just too long in my opinion   now I know there's people that love it and there's  people that love the way they trellis their   Tomatoes but here the way I like the trism is the  cattle panels now my my L of beans that are pole   beans and typically the way I did it at the Old  Farm is I put in two posts at the end of my beds   and I run me a a wire all the way from one end to  other and I got these uh it was actually a cabinet   shop and they had these left over like one by or  two by scraps of wood and I just set them up on   that wire all the way down and kind of made like  a little teee and I put those skewers I should   say skewers I put those little two by two or one  by one post at every plant and it would climb up   that little scrap piece of wood all the way to the  top of my wire had going across there we've moved   and I don't know of a cabinet shop around here  that has those and he would sell you a pallet for   like 10 bucks it was really really cheap you could  only use them for a year cuz they eventually would   rot because they were untreated but I loved that  system too but this year I want to try growing   my beans on a cattle panel let me know in the  comments down below if you ever grown your pole   beans on a cattle panel like this let me know cuz  I would love to know if that's how you do it and   if you're like doing it that way and y'all just  look at the Garden look at our zenas you missed   that little short reel I made about clipping your  Zenius back and getting more full and twice as   many blooms but the only downside is is it you  know delays your blooming for about a week or   two but look at the zenas now how much better they  are now but just look how thick the zenas are now   look at them versus just that one little stem  that came up and I this all happened because I   clipped that clipped them back right there before  that first Bloom ever bloomed or if that first   Bloom gets like this clip it back you want this  thing to split up like this and give you the more   bang for your book I should say but the garden is  looking magnificent look at the African blue basil   which is planted for the bees more than anything  y'all remember what these things look like they   were just little old sprigs and did not look good  at all look at our sunflowers coming on already   starting to bloom I saw one of our buddies right  there hello Miss ladybug look at here anyways we   got these beautiful sunflowers already coming up  we got we even got some squash look at here we got   some squash coming on this is the uh teddy bear  sunflower or the sun gold sunflower very similar   but just gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous out here plus  last week I planted the Watermelons the Lima pole   beans and the bush beans and I planted them in you  can see our sunflowers bed here I planted all that   over here in this bed you can see our watermelons  are doing great and I got some extra spots here   the Watermelons are going to get really big so  they need some room but I got this area over here   and we may do something else over here we are  going to plant pumpkins and winter squash but   we're going to do that in this bed over here once  I find the piece to the tiller if you don't watch   the live stream um I've kind I lost something  but I'm going to find it I'm going to find it   but once we get these trellises put up for the  tomatoes and the pole beans uh I want to see if   we can get our pink eye purple hole peas planted  today as well so I just realized we got a little dilemma I can't reach the top to pound the  steak in we're going to improvise though   we're going to use the side by side I'm G stand  in the back of it so I can pound these poles down thought of one one or two solutions what  you could either get on my shoulders or use   the beat be and I decided the beat be would be  better glad you did I can't see getting on your shoulders so we'll just  get it down here first okay   let me know when you get to the end all  right Perfect all right you let go of it all right so we got the the tomato trellis  installed now if you want a beauty contest you   may not like this type of trillis cuse um unless  you're a perfectionist to get out there with a   level and level everything and get your PO  straight but what happens to us is we use   these cattle panels for everything and these  are probably 10 plus years old so they're not   perfectly straight they're kind of wavy because  we've moved them and warped them and turned them   so it goes like this down our row but I don't  see no sense in buying brand new cattle panels   just to have a perfectly straight you know row  my tomatoes are grow on the wavy ones just as   good as they'll grow on them straight ones  it just looks like my my cattle panels may   have had a couple of bowwe isers you know but you  know it's hot outside maybe they wanted a bowwe iser are we going halfway yeah I kind of got it  marked on that one I think right there that's good so y'all there's one thing  that we had to take a break from   garding and y'all can hear them it's feeding time   oh they're ready to see their number two Mama  Mama's coming number two Mama's coming she's coming all right y y'all in for a treat  cuz Brooke don't even need my help she   going she going to feed all three of  these babies at one time all three babies all right hey baby everybody's got L  up Lara line up come on babies line up Lara   it's time to line up now oh my goodness y'all  they know how to line up this one's on top of   that one I see that I did not know that when they  lined up that's old Curtis well Curtis said move   over red we might need to correct this let's see  here come here Kurt there you go now there we go   now y'all are lined up properly that's right  now there's some people say that you can build   this thing you know but you don't want to build  it you love feeding them I like watching their   little reactions and feeding babies yeah you like  you just a lot of fun and enjoyment my heart and   soul goes into feeding these babies there you go  yeah watch her little Tails watch them ain't that   right babies there they go look a't that right  babies ah look at those little Tails and their   little eyes they just closed cuz they they love  their milk so much look at yes good stuff isn't   it baby it's so good y'all are going to take  a good nap after this well deserved nap and   we're up to 16 oz per baby wow three times a day  y'all are almost done that's amazing Red's got a   little foam coming outside of his mouth little  red throwing it down Laur is too LA's usually   the first one finished really how I don't know but  oh laa she LA's done then it go red CT ain't far oh and Curtis he wants to go low for he does he  goes so low y'all I think you got it all baby   there it is now let Curtis finish come on Curtis  all right that's a good boy yes sir you got all   that meal yeah three little babies oh goodness  three good babies yes sir sweet babies yeah oh   Curtis I don't know why y'all couldn't just come  in the house no no spots huh I was thinking well   they could in about a week they'll be out of house  went last long you remember tip left lived in   the house for a good little minute he did he did  started jumping on the kitchen counter that's when   we had to do something and they're about to that  level they're getting close all right back to work   hey biscuit hey girl hey peaches peaches don't  dock us for coming in here and feeding them babies   you know from knocking off on the garden okay you  know what I mean I mean they all babies I know you   got big heart speaking of y'all speaking of the  day I'm recording this video is Peach's gotta day   nine years ago on this day peaches came into our  life and oh my gracious has she been just pure joy   for us and for so many people out there so happy  gotta day boss lady right there that's some pig   y'all see that that's what it says one of  Peach's big fans made that for that's just   what you are ain't it girl she sure is some pig  you see she's just about used all the shavings   yeah have you noticed though how she's kind of  spread them out since it's gotten hot yeah she   has it's bed was up high when it was cooler but  I've noticed she's starting to kick them out well   she's Turing a different way too I bet she gets a  lot more air that way probably she ain't no dummy   well she's some Pig She's Some pig that's right  now back to our regularly scheduled program I am good all right everybody we got it we got it  done well like I said I've never done it like   this before I don't see why it would not work  but uh we'll see how it goes all right so next up   we're going to try to get our pink eyee purple  hole peas in the ground this is one of our top   three favorite vegetables to grow we're still  eating off the ones we had last year we freeze   dried them or we uh blanched them and froze them  and we freeze-dried some too didn't we so we   got we got some pink eye purple holes we're  still eating them from last year we getting   down to the bottom of them we getting down to the  nitty-gritty so got to plant some more and y'all   I absolutely did nothing to these and I  never do anything I don't fertilize them   I don't water them they just love the South  they love our climate they love our soil and   that's why it's so popular here if you don't  want to know what a pink eye purple hole is   it's similar to a black ey P very similar  but we love them down here and I'm growing   the Mississippi variety cuz it did so well last  year we got to get this tarp off first though I'mma have to back up right where you are  okay hopefully there's no snake living   under here hopefully which way you think I  think go that way cuz the wind we we going   with the wind I don't want to fight the wind  the wind's doing the work for us I know it all right so I got my cultivator on back of  the tractor this is what I make my rose with   this saves me so much time of getting steaks out  and string and pulling a string and it also kind   of helps with the weeds a little bit because I  know where my rows are sometimes when I plant   seeds weeds will come up and then I get confused  as what's weed and what's something I planted   so it does help out all right let's get to work  rook's cutting the grass over here it needed it [Music]   all right now so now it's time to plant the seeds  I'm going to use my Cedar I love this thing when   I got this much seed to plant and it is it worked  really really well last year so I'm hoping I get   the same results again this year what it'll  do is is it digs the hole drops the seed and   covers it up it's pretty dagum awesome and it's  way quicker than doing it by hand I can promise   you that it's going to take me probably 5 minutes  to do this probably less than 5 minutes [Music]   all right y'all me and Holly we got the pink  eye purple hole peas in so now let's see if we   can't finish this day up by weeding this Garden  [Music] out so this is how I do it I use get my   H Willie plow and I run through the roads  now if you get on a routine which I'm going   to do and I'm going to get on my organic spraying  routine uh this probably after the rain I don't   want to spray now I could spray today but this  rain system coming in it's going to last another   3 days and we're talking 3 to 6 inches of rain  it's just just it's really not going to do much   good but I'm going to get on my routine say like  every Tuesday I'm going to weed and spray and if   you get on that routine it's very crucial cuz  if you get on that routine it becomes a habit   and that's the thing with weeding and using  Organic pesticides is that it is a proactive   step it's not a reactive step if I wait till  these weeds get too crazy this house wheie plow   is not going to do me much good and I'm going  to have to take some drastic measures same with   Organic pesticides if you wait until you have an  issue most of the time Organic pesticides are not   going to help you because it's too late they're  just not strong enough if you get an infestation   so that's key to when you're weeding and using  Organic pesticides you got to be proactive not reactive I tell y'all what that's a workout right  there now I'm not going to lie going in between   them rows with that plow is a workout it'll get  it'll get your blood flowing get some air in your   lungs and I that's one reason that I like doing  it um but I may tinker there was something in   between these roads this year if I got time we'll  see we'll see done out here in the Garden today   I I would say we had a very successful dayto day  but y'all know what time it is it's time to feed   them babies again and I know y'all don't want  to miss that right Holly you ready to go feed   them babies again that's right nothing cuter  what's going on mama not much what's going on   with you oh look at the Mas got three babies come  on there they are hey babies hey babies here we go   oh my goodness it's supper time we kind of like  dogs Daddy they are kind of like dogs we kind   of like dogs but so I don't know three dogs that  could line up like this that is they're so well   trained thank you that right biscuit biscuit said  somay she helps somay she doesn't is that right   right but so well trained they got it down  goodness gracious we love our meal and we   love Mama number two and I'm so thankful they  do oh my gracious B said every mama needs a   break every now and then that's right that right  Fifi they okay you watching them Mama number two   going to take care of them yeah that's right  Mama number two's got it remember yeah Mama   number two's got it Curtis in the Wind Curtis  got through first he's almost through red with   his deflated bottle is almost through little  Lara's in last place Laura was first place   last time and Curtis sneezed after after every  bottle when he gets finishes he sneezes that's a   milk sneeze ain't it Curtis that's good stuff a't  it baby that means it was good that's good stuff yeah they want to play with you  oh oh goodness oh goodness [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cog Hill Family Farm
Views: 79,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, farmstead, family farm, farm life, farmtube, small farm, farm animals, farm land, farms, owning a farm, farm family, farm pets, farm pet, hobby farm, living on a farm, raising farm animals, raising livestock, cog squad, family fun, family, coghill farm, cog hill farms, farm fun, fun farm, animal lover, funny farm, pets, farm friends, Farm animal care, Pet-friendly farming, Animal welfare, Compassionate farming, garden, gardening, trellis, planting a garden, small garden
Id: 3zql5LWJxyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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