We CAUGHT Santa Claus STEALING From Us!!

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what are you guys doing I got a Christmas toy I can see that and we got a fire going and hot chocolate and look at you guys this is a Christmas miracle if this is a Christmas miracle what must tonight be buddy but there's more to Christmas than that right what is it mommy that's right Oh what but yeah you guys it is Christmas Eve right now when you are watching this it's gonna be Christmas so Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah what else is there Kwanzaa happy Kwanzaa yeah and whatever other holidays are celebrated happy holidays we are just chilling right now waiting for Santa have you been a good boy buddy yeah have you been a good girl right way have you been a good girl mommy of course right right what did you ask Santa for for Christmas again a baby a baby and what about you big guy wait what and a boy and what about a new mommy and what about you buddy would you ask Santa for and a Hobley huh oh well army guys army guys Pennywise slime anyway slime that should be easy for Santa yeah well thanks oh yeah [Music] sorry I was falling asleep anyways mommy read it tied and rire I love Santa PS be sure to get to bed oh my gosh got it buddy you've been working out right all right oh my gosh in there what do you guys should be getting our Christmas pajamas yeah let's do it I am feeling Christmasy oh my goodness you guys I wish I owned a pair of those but wait we forgot one thing do you guys remember what we always do what that's right so this is going to attract Santa's reindeer to this house so that were guaranteed presents right oh it is freezing tonight oh my gosh it's like 28 degrees out all right so let's just sprinkle it all around here leading up to the door or should we go to the fireplace yeah it doesn't matter let's just lead them to this house and they'll figure it out all right guys sprinkle away all over great job all right Titus I'm gonna need you to sprinkle it oh there's a bunch more good job right right keep going good job buddy we have poppers yeah okay you guys you both pull the popper string at the same time okay so you guys come over here yeah you are don't start pushing yet okay you guys pull it together [Applause] all right I think this is gonna work should we go should we go inside no good tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky okay great job shut the door honey all right that's everyone great work buddy great work Wray Wray oh good job you guys Santa's for sure gonna find this place nice job oh good job that is real good all right I think we're good after this yeah definitely good all right great job guys oh that's that's pretty good that's good grass no guys I think you're losing track of what this is all about grass we don't need grass oh my gosh you guys almost forgot you're not in bed Santa's not gonna come here if you're not in bed good job buddy okay okay there we go all right you guys we got to make cookies and milk for Santa that's right oh and some lactose free milk cause Santa is probably what max Holly that's right lactose intolerance well this looks great this looks perfect where's leave it right here yeah all right well I think you guys need to get to bed Santa might be coming come Hey Santa's coming go right go good night take on our room yes alrighty just finishing up Christmas story getting ready for bed you guys aren't trying to sleep in here are you yeah you are wait I forgot what you put that tracker in Santa's bag oh yeah I didn't forget I've been tracking him you have yeah and look where's he at he's literally like maybe 10 minutes away hmm and Santa 10 minutes could be like one second he's jumping houses he's like going house to house oh boy should we lay down yeah okay let's lay down let's lay down did you guys hear that what listen to her guys hear that easy it what he's here on the tracker is here he's at our house on the tracker oh look come on [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] yeah I guess that that's what he wears okay Titus and I are gonna go come on [Music] what the scooter let's put it in this bag it is broken you should go to bed he took the scooter the tires like broken or give it to somebody maybe you will fix and give it back right we should get to bed okay lay down lay down let's get to bed get to face good time good night you guys I guess you guys are sleeping here yeah okay let's do it good night guys what's up guys it is Christmas morning we just woke up and we were awoken by this good morn in there you want to go wake up right right yeah okay let's go [Music] Merry Christmas probably there's probably presents under the tree right totally sure so guys I was thinking that we could hang out in this room for like two hours yeah I hope so [Music] maybe yeah well should we go look and see the presents wait this must be a mistake there's too many wait what about the cookies and the pear one Christmas at a time where again they got Santa fit oh okay Merry Christmas the stockings buddy three for pride and we got a champion subscriber belts which by the way you guys if you want to win that and become a champion subscriber all you have to do is give this video a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel turn on your post notifications and head over to our Instagram at Travon core and comment and like on all of our pictures well mommies should we open some presents yes you guys want to go sit over here let's do it let's go who wants the first present okay that's a major so you guys in our family we have kind of scales of presence there's whatever presence and then there's one or two majors which is a really cool thing yeah [Applause] those are like the real ones that actually come to life wait a minute what's going on over here you have the best reaction what do you think why she can drive now that was a surprise yeah all right buddy oh boy that's usually a good sign I've ever seen in a box well guys should we take a little break and have some coffee have an apple cider hi we are here with Titus Titus how is your Christmas going so far good great to hear Rai Rai how's your Christmas going so far great that's great Titus have you not received a gift you were hoping to receive uh yeah Pennywise by penny wise line Corey do you have any thoughts on that no Rai right was there something you really wanted this year that you have not received yet babydolls well let's get back into the gift opening experience shall we - Titus from Santa major major it says major on it value-wise who idolized and you got four are you good oh I see it's in the balloon the red balloon well I think everyone including myself oh you got him oh my gosh you got Pennywise that is some cool slime actually Wow I think this is a big one thank you it's got a nice [Music] so for you guys that don't know Riots favorite thing in the world is this tiny little naked baby she's gonna go get it right now well I think mommy should open something now you know it's Christmas for mommy - OH do you want to give her the gift you got her yeah oh boy you got me something at Tiffany's that's the good color box buddy - mama lo Titus he picked this out by himself special it was the one right I was there but he picked the one he wanted to give you what's on it buddy all right buddy your turn you look like a professional I guess we should head over here right I forgot about these two Titus all right let her rip guys what do you think all right played the door opens she's given the driver's side we got to turn it on turn yours on user button oh oh my gosh look it look it lights up what's that one say title yeah oh my god how is it why why I knew Santa had something up his sleeves huh he look he took riders old scooter and brought the new one yeah all right you guys should we had in the other room and mommy opens her major from daddy all righty mommy's major from daddy are you laughing you forgot it so you guys Corey picked these out but she forgot I guess but I think there's one more gift for you over under the TV under the sea [Music] well not all the way under unlike in the in the cab the other one there yeah what's that [Music] you guys she's been wanting this for years and years you deserve it oh now we love you Titus homie oh my goodness it's trying on well it's the real deal so you need the well did you guys have a good Christmas what should we do now you want to do it all right start it off holly jolly nice 5 5 6 and the last hour go - please style guy 96 we love you you anaerobic Allah make sure you're fit build some jaw and follow in Instagram Travon core and you guys we are currently looking for that 8 champion subscriber to win that awesome felt right over there that's right so if you guys want a chance to be the 8th champion subscriber all you guys have to do is subscribe to our channel turn on your post notifications give this video in all of our videos a big thumbs up head over to our Instagram spam those make fun edits and you might have a chance to be the 8th champion subscriber that's right well guys that is the vlog we hope you liked it if you did make sure you give it a thumbs up we hope you have a happy holidays we love you guys so much and we'll see you bye guys happy Christmas love you bye [Music]
Channel: Trav and Cor
Views: 18,827,804
Rating: 4.6299052 out of 5
Keywords: trav and cor, tydus, titis, titus, tydas, tydis, tidas, tidus, rufus, ryry, mini jake paul, santa, santa claus, christmas, christmas eve, christmas morning, present, presents, surprise, surprising, surprised, surprises, huge present, huge gift, opening presents, christmas special, catches, catch, catching, stealing, stealing from us, stole, big trouble, cry, cried, crying, hilarious, funny, cute, sneak, sneaking, catches santa claus, sis, bro, special, pregnant, pregnancy, she cried, shocking, footage, caught
Id: vqnWkVZBqKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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