We Built the ULTIMATE Gamer Base! Aphmau Noob vs Pro

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welcome to another Doom versus Pro where I'm the noob and she is the pro whoa and today we are going to build the ultimate Gamers secret base cause mom keeps telling me that I'm not I'm wasting my time with the video games of the Minecraft and I finally need a place of my own I'm 31. build a gamer secret base yeah so finally some place for their parents and her siblings and yeah yeah Mom's house and Dad's house like yeah yeah we can do whatever we want because because they don't know about that yeah we gotta find our own little uh Nook you know when we're done with do your homework of course obviously video games after homework but after you do the homework they need a place that's truly yours the bedroom's not gonna do it so yeah yeah bedrooms so unlike usually we built ourselves uh a little house to start you know nothing too fancy there's no secrets inside of either of them back no secrets no secrets I just decorated because I can't just have a non-decorated house Shadow you crazy person well somebody who grew up with money is what I'm hearing then huh wow surprise all right we got 30 minutes to hide our secret base let's go ahead and get started three two one go okay friends so I've been kind of sitting on this for a little bit I've been chewing on trying to figure out where to put this secret base because yeah I built a house in here and that's fine maybe we'll decorate it a little bit later on but I think you know in the spirit of the of ever approaching summer that it would be nice to have a little pool in the back of the house and if you go in the pool that's where the fun truly begins and so I am going to build a pool entrance to the secret base I think in order to do it the way that I want to do it I'm gonna have to dig like a little trench and then I'll fill in the trench afterwards like that I think is what the size of the pool that I want here there we go that's the kind of block I'm looking for to be like that there we go we're gonna then add this corner right there there we go that's what I'm looking for that's what we've been waiting for like this there we go this is like what happens when you actually build a pool in your backyard because then all of a sudden you're like oh well now I got all I got I guess I have to make sure I put in all the stuff and then all of a sudden you don't have a backyard anymore because you you decided to rip up all the nice looking stuff so that you could swim for about a at least here in Wisconsin about one month okay so this is built let's fill in the grass again the real work begins Down Below in the gamer mines okay that was that looks pretty nice I'm pretty happy with that I think that it's a nice little spot right there and now we're gonna make it a very scary looking portal down to our real secret gamer base I guess I should just dig down and fight I I was like doing this silly little dig here just to see if there's anything fun at the bottom of this so far I've found very hey now there we go that's what I'm looking for I was waiting for some sort of cool space to you know to find myself in but so far I didn't have a lot of luck but now I got some luck here and I'm excited to dig my way down the rest of the way here and see what happens okay so what I have now is the Perfect Two by Two drop all the way from the pool and I thought to build to like drag people down with like magma uh blocks because I've never had a chance to really build like a down elevator with water before and I want to see if that's like a good idea or not I don't know if it's gonna go good but I want to try it I know how much time do we have uh we're only about five minutes in Mac what yeah okay I'm in for that all right well I'm not gonna worry about what you think so yep I we're getting close sir yeah two let's see you're about three or three 23 minutes 23 minutes cool awesome we have plenty of time so much time the easiest amount of time act don't you worry I need to put up some signs along here right in order for uh you to have the ability to come down and not get squished on the uh on the magma and burn to death I'm just gonna put some signs right along here and then stairs like that there we go that looks nice and now we need water we need so much water we need endless amounts of water that's not water okay yeah that's that's pulling me down a little bit which is perfect that's exactly what I want to see it looks like because I did the two by two I only have to do three blocks at a time to make this Infinite Source blocks yep you get pulled down and then all of a sudden you're there cool cool cool cool cool cool cool now as I'm filling up this extremely deep pool I'm now recognizing how terrifying this would be for anyone who would step by to go in this pool and then suddenly be sucked down in the very depths of heck itself oh I see mac and cheese oh she's high now as soon as I turn around is she like you know crouched so we couldn't see her I see how it is I see what she's trying to do well there's the pool okay there we go nice pool loving love to see it and now let's see how it works when I throw myself in so if I just uh I'm actually curious I'm gonna go on Survival for this let's see how well we do we're getting pulled we're getting pulled we're getting pulled we're getting pulled we're getting pulled it's so dark oh but are we getting endless air because of the magma so that's kind of nice I didn't think about that but I think that's what's happening and then as soon as we get towards the bottom I'm gonna burn myself unless I get up there we go yeah it's a little minor burn but oh not minor things in here oh okay there we go everything's good that was pretty successful I like that a lot I will come up with a with an exit for that later on but right now at the very least we have something going for ourselves so that's that's good I like that so Gamers can I address you at home right now can I can I address can am I talking to the gamers now if there is one thing as a fellow gamer that I know that I need more than anything else I need more than juice boxes and things like that is I need RGB lighting and of course you know regular Minecraft don't got that but prismarine changes color all the dang time Mac just letting you know we're down to 16 minutes okey-dokey artichokie how's it looking Mac are we are we gaming uh we're not gaming yet I'm building uh the area in which we are gaming but I haven't decorated have you are you already in your decorating phase oh God no no of course not yeah it's so so silly this mac and cheese Pikachu well thinking I decorate things in this video game listen I don't know your life okay you're over here asking if I'm gaming yet and to me I've interpreted that question as are you decorating yet so no the answers now no the answer is I'm not even decorating but I'm getting there well now we got uh 14 minutes so good luck to you thanks you too all right and then we're gonna do I think maybe two of each color along the way well this isn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be there we go I think that'll work out very nice yeah yeah I'm gonna do the same thing on the other side then I think Shadow are you forgetting to give me time cues again probably how much time do we have left ten minutes Shadow what you I think the last one was like 20 three minutes yeah probably no no no no no hold on hold on I definitely did 15 minutes before that did you pretty sure I don't know wait how much time do we have left again review the tape we've got we're down to uh nine minutes okay uh thanks all right gotta go bye bye and I still have to turn this actually into a gamer's space there's nothing gamer appropriate down here yet not need that gamer space and then purple over here and just like that we got ourselves more RGB than we ever could possibly need just kidding we could always have more RGB all right friends as I'm finishing this thing up and we can actually start decorating and making a true gamer space I want to hear what's your gaming setup what do you got what's going on with you with how you game for me I got my PC I'm mostly a PC Gamer if I'm being perfectly honest but I also got my Nintendo switch hooked up to this thing because it's also my streamer space and then I got my PS4 my PS3 I got my I don't know why Mac we got about five minutes left five minutes easy mode easy mode you say oh wow yeah uh how are you on yours I'm gonna right now in minute Mac I'm not I don't have a lot going on Shadow what have you been doing is what I've been trying to do but then I got extracted and then I got excited about things and I got builted up and then I got kind of weird and big and then we're currently working on RGB so yeah I also I too worked on RGB because of course you got you gotta have RGB right of course is it even a gamer baby exactly thank you thank you thank you okay I built the Ultimate Gamer screen here I'm gonna build my ultimate gaming PC though uh which is gonna be made out of emeralds that's right emeralds you know that good Nvidia energy we want it we gotta have it it's here and that's your other screen you're welcome and then you know we got it we gotta have a bed tucked away in the corner just in case you know you've had a rough day gaming you're like oh my eyes are hurting then you can go lay down and play games on your phone water up please but here bone meal please can I do multiple ones like very close but not quite touching I don't think this works necessarily but I'm gonna try come on there we go anything's possible if you just keep clicking uh we go all the way down here Mac we're down to about two minutes okey dokey okay one last thing I want to do and then we're done uh art painting I just need to put up art everywhere no windows only art just to really make Mac nervous because usually I my secret faces behind art so what if there's just art everywhere what can she do about that huh back 30 seconds 30 seconds no problem gonna put some beds in here just some functional stuff in here you know don't mind me ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one that'll do it Mac all right Shadow 30 minutes to build a secret gamer base yeah you do I think I did pretty good Mac I I don't think I'm gonna talk about it anymore I'm just gonna introduce you to my secret gamer base your secret gamer base which is this house you'll never find me I'll never find it I feel like oh you know what it's over here it's over here what do you mean hey I look out the window oh wow that's probably fine oh wow this is a this is a long one yup welcome to my RGB Palace yeah this is neat you got you got all this you got all this rdb going on you got your little Throne you got some TV action the big screen for the console gaming and then we got the PC over here and the sleeping cot for when you want you're too tired of playing video games so you go and play on your phone for a while ah okay yeah yeah yeah I definitely heard you with the water so that makes more sense yeah there's a lot of water yep yeah and then I I did actually with the remaining time that I had I did build an exit back up because I have been uh I've been bad about that in the past and I wanted to make sure that I did that right whoa behind the tree behind the tree I never would have guessed all right mag let's go check out yours all right let's check out mine all right Shadow are you ready to see my super secret Gamers ready for the secret gamer Secret I haven't changed much it's still a house yeah I see that I see it's definitely a house uh nothing inspect here officer other than a strange hatch with uh with slime wow okay let me just go right for it a dead end a red herring and over here suckers is not my secret gamer base dude get good [Music] cheese are you calling me yes a new gamer um yeah Noob get good sir thanks my secret gamer base I try to pull one over here your eyes with the uh with like the the paintings all over because that's That's a classic Shadow move wait you you copied me you copied me you copy me I built a delicious swimming pool underneath and then you decided to do the same dang thing okay okay hold on though there's Minecarts and everything's fixed now because now there's a minecart involved no there's a Minecon I do like Minecarts you know this I know all right let's see where we're going under my house yep mac and cheese how dare oh that's a this is a tall chair yeah well it's your gamer chair you got your gamer chair Gamers yeah game oh gamer snacks how did I not you gotta you gotta have this let's go how can I think forget about the gator fuel oh we got cake you got you got you got your RGB it's all lit up you got back it's a really nice lit up yeah I do like the back lighting although I think it might get a little warm down here no it's fine it's totally fine yeah you know my name is fine authentic it's very authentic I'll say mac well excellent work I love the room I love you I I'm a sucker for a good mine Cartwright what right here is where I heard you going and that will do it Mac another new versus Pro in the books I think I did pretty good not gonna lie I think you did pretty good but I think I did slightly better because I had a roller coaster and gamer snacks did have a roller coaster and the snacks are key I I can't cannot believe I forgot the snacks that seems that is a very important feature but a new mistake it is what it is regardless friends though who you thought what do you think my original pool designed to get down there or do you think Max stolen pool design uh let us know in the comments what's stolen the whole time was the first thing I've been oh my gosh and let us know in the comments what you thought about uh you know or if you have any future ideas for us please do please do until next time [Music]
Channel: Shado_Temple
Views: 15,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphmau minecraft, minecraft, aphmau, minecraft funny, clean minecraft videos, minecraft base invaders, minecraft base, minecraft secret base, aphmau secret base, mac from aphmau, minecraft aphmau, minecraft secret base ideas, aphmau pranks her friends, secret base, minecraft build battle, minecraft challenge, minecraft build challenge, aphmau crew noob vs pro, aphmau minecraft challenge, aphmau crew, aphmau minecraft mashup, minecraft pranks aphmau, gamer base, gaming, RGB
Id: kTYBbBxJWek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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