We built a SECRET BASE in our HOUSE!! (Minecraft)

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what typical give me with your daily YouTube live streams and more aid to dare for you I got some more minecraft action as we continue building our beautiful house today we're gonna make some secret rooms we're gonna see if Samara can find me I'm gonna see if I can make some secret rooms I'll tell her about the construction of them and we're gonna see if she can find us so if you watch and enjoy this video you want to see more minecraft I'm actually curious who here has play Minecraft if you have played Minecraft at least once in your entire life and watching it hit the like button right now let's see I mean people have played minecraft hit that like button and I want to see if you're part of those people alright sweet that like button if you're new around here hit that subscribe button especially if you wanna stay up today with the house and our world because we will be completing the game for the first time ever it's gonna be a really good time so let's go ahead and get this - oh alright forget let me just eat some all that good stuff boom intro done let's go ahead and hop in here and we got our beautiful house here beautiful staircases I was thinking you guys send me some inspiration over on Twitter and I gotta say that there you guys you guys have some pretty great ideas I must say some of you guys might be architectual geniuses and I appreciate you so keep on sending those suggestions and I think that we got a few ideas here that we're gonna use so be on the lookout for CC if I use your idea here so we got the two rooms over here and then we got the main hallway here this main hallway extends out aren't you like this kind of balcony area here I don't know what the heck that noises but and then this goes out into the water so we might make a deck that goes all the way down there that would be pretty cool a dock if you will but I think most importantly today's we're gonna construct these two rooms make a room underneath and maybe an enchanting room make it pour a portal to the nether maybe a mining room it's all going down today so I hope you're excited and again if you've ever played Minecraft hit that like button we're doing a bit of a survey here okay so let's go ahead and get the started what I'm going to do is make a proper axe and maybe way I already have a proper shovel so I need proper axe is this Samaras chest I've done I really need another chest so I'm gonna go ahead and just make another one here I forgot about this Barry hello Samara how are you forgot about you for a second there it's okay it happens sometimes I know I'm gonna be honest I don't think this village has bookshelves it doesn't have any books I hate to break the news to we need books like unless just some like secret hidden cave inside of here that I don't know about mmm-hmm but we know my book so we do you find leather and sugar I think sugar cane I think we need that I'm gonna go ahead and I don't I don't think there's any books you don't just just no books there's no books gonna donate you a wooden axe there you go congratulations I'm like hoping that if I'd like hit into a mountain maybe I'd finally mmm very neat very very neat while I'm out here just just gonna go ahead and go this is so much better for farming wood oh I love it was sheep in the wild blue sheep how are you oh my he yelled at me yeah it's like George when you pet him that is what oh he's looking at me I'm sorry I've I've done horrible things I don't I just want your wool hey I think we need to get more meat I didn't take his really I did I we need sugar cane and leather this force is neat I don't know if I'm gonna figure out my way back but I think I should be good sugar canes like on the sand area okay you do you you do you again any suggestions you guys have to let us know in chat we are both very clearly not minecraft experts but we're learning and we're both having a lot of fun with the game after we finished playing we're like wow that's a lot of fun me too I'm in like the forest area behind her base we kind of just built your force without knowing what's around us we need a lot of thing probably like I don't know we need a lot I'm thinking general for like other stuff too we need a lot of sugarcane so this is the tree I wanted this is the tree I wanted it's not going to be nighttime anytime soon is it no I think it just became daytime not too long ago so okay oh yeah should be okay high in the sky yeah nice to come nighttime I'm up dead cuz she's so I hate there so like there's only like one at a time yeah there's not a lot I mean we can grow sugar cane can we you should start signing up on farm somewhere you are the definition of a beautiful farmer so we need you found another village I don't know Mirza is somewhat of a village connoisseur if you could find more villages it might be good because then you can just take their bookcases and then we can make an enchanted a reed they weren't educated they couldn't read good that's okay though some some people can't read good maybe we should bring them books and then they can like it looks like it's like a temple cuz it's made out of sand snow not sad interesting well yeah there's like temples game there's uh there's usually stuff at the bottom of it but I think it's booby-trapped most the time isn't it if I die but dot bury me and go I gotta turn up Auto jumping where do you turn off auto jumping oh my gosh there's like chests down below all right be careful it's like booby-trapped I think I'm nice pretty sure it's booby trap just be really careful okay yeah I don't want nothing to happen in use but I honestly I think I'm lost nope I was lost but now I'm found oh my goodness script my character was spazzing out let me see real quick option controls auto jump turn that thing off bro there we go oh I found it is that you making this noise sir I need you to Hugo down what are you doing what do you up to right now I'm in this temple interests have to be safe don't worry I'm building a nice staircase down so well are you level 30 yet by the way are you I'm level 26 not level 30 that's not bad there's not too bad at all okay I have a lot of oak box now you good eyes yeah enchanted book feather falling - OH got a lot of gunpowder and iron horse armor some more bones I'm just gonna collect like mostly we don't need rotten flesh for anything do we it's my knowledge we did not need rotten flesh there's like a lot of it but it's kind of gross so I don't really want it I don't I don't know what rotten flesh would you there's a lot of gunpowder I'm gonna grab all the gunpowder okay that's probably useful again I don't I don't know oh it's getting nighttime great maybe I should oh I don't have a bed darkness very bed I don't know that's a good question and maybe you should ask yourself one it's up to you it's gonna be dark over here - yeah I know I know it has a bomb underneath that pressure that's why I broke the plane I just ride run back to village yeah I mean how far are you from very interesting rotten flesh is for potions apparently well the more you know I'm gonna have to though so I don't have anywhere else to go villagers please does the villagers get raided at night sometime do you remember that we've been there just raided rip me probably know I think you're good fun too I'm not that confident in myself many double Sergei [Music] is this a good enough size for a room chat should make it thicker I think me one no broth to build walls around it interesting very very interesting how the heck does Miku look so perfect I'm like evading them really well I really could steal the TNT by the way really apparently oh I didn't take it sorry we have to get the heck out of there the heck out of Dodge wanna blow myself up okay not again alright perfect in you go sleep I'll try and find it bad I took a lot of them but there should be some left okay they always use their beds should I hit him to get him out I might be a tad hit him and is yep yeah I hit his bed to get rid of it okay okay now I'm gonna put it down really quick and yeah do it do it do it get body village cameras get skin that's cameras get skin back and get the CNT should I you could if you wanted to where would it be though I have that second pressure plate on the back I'm yeah I'm not there no so two on each side okay where did that block how did it go I think this should be good I think on the dark oak wow I've been so busy collecting other types of Oaks that I haven't collected dark oak Samara it's rough how do you make a painting do you guys know in chat painting yeah painting honestly not too sure thinking this might be small if I make it like this you see [Music] mmm-hmm I don't have an axe unfortunately check I'm thinking I'm thinking right now here's this it's it's not a huge room but it's also not a small room I don't know like maybe I expanded a little bit but then I would have to move the is right I still can't make it what do I need for these dang sticks cats caraway creepers by the way just as a heads up big brain oh there we go okay and let's do have so much sticks in the wool what's that you can think you know for a painting yeah sticks in the wool let me go see this okay gray wool I'm gonna go back and get the to you I have sticks oh my gosh I didn't go down this way I know how to make a painting oh wow I could paint ooh God what do you use it google water you're good right yes I'm not gonna risk it are so it's way too Maya what's a fletching table that's what I'm saying I'll painting yeah any to again how do I make a bigger painting I made a painting the biggest cave I've ever seen and I'm standing on the edge oh god what is that my friends are dead one ugly painting oh is that the Last Supper that minecraft Jesus I don't like any of those oh oh my gosh what the hell is that I'm kind of terrified yeah who made this art for this game the scary stuff like burning skulls and stuff these are too short the days needs to be like 10 times longer honestly like what are you guys doing just burn why are you even here [Music] Mable take out the windows on the side they only take out the windows on the side guys all right Samara I'm gonna do some reconstruction I hope you don't mind the windows on the side we can add back at a later time I think for now why are they just chillin y'all are supposed to be dad it's daytime there's like just skeletons hanging out all right this is how I'm gonna do to organize a chat [Music] thank you for the bless yous all right Tom to get this dang TNT saying leave the windows now I'm just like I need I need your opinion on it for rooms too small or not okay wait so the TT can I break it smell I don't have a scene rule Callooh there's a lot of tnt down here all right aggressive I mean this house is gonna be huge let's do this here all right TNT has been collected now I'm getting out of this temple big all right are you coming back you come back ah okay what the heck is that noise this is just a game making noises sometimes no but it sounded like a gate was closing or something interesting very very interesting so anyone know what that was and those little creepers surprised me when I came up from the TNT and blew up knocked a little bit of my health off you know sometimes they be doing that okay the gate noise was weirder I'm gonna go get more trees I should just support him this tree and I should have enough right I wanna know II went back for the dynamite you can hold the chest though if you break them I think this is event right they're just like regular storage containers like bones we have but they're free don't you see the difference man they're so easy of 8 they're free I don't have space I think I have a full inventory alright we're leaving the chefs all right I believe you alright so when you come back you're gonna help me decide if I should make it bigger enough okay so I'm just laying on their horn outside well they were they were just they were really giving it they're giving it their all I can't wait to clear out half the spores here I need a frickin mech from four night to clear out these sores yeah you really do all the mats too while we're at it I'm like in the house by the way I like you guys in chat by the way I love how to stick some apples fall from trees you know it makes sense doesn't make sense don't be talking smack about the waterfall okay time to go up that direction ouch I need to eat I'm always starving she's constantly hungry oh I accidentally hatched a chicken and I threw an egg at it and I hurt him and he ran away huh accidentally okay you know what that was worth it then like you know how eat and throw are the same key yeah so I wanted to see if you could just eat a raw egg and I threw all four of my eggs chicken popped out and then I guess I threw one more egg and it hit him and he was very upset so uh that's what happens welcome to my TED talk welcome to my tent hi my name is that they're not any normal looking photos why are you trying to get a photo like traverse through the trees this is a struggle to get back I have no food I have nothing everything you just go to sleep there I'm in the forest I'm coming to you if I don't make it in charge what yeah I messed up oh my gosh the gladiator guys right beside our house hello I'm back are you back yeah I'll show it to you in the morning I need some food stat so I'm starving do you guys like her house so far - it's nice right first time I've seen it this episode we're on a long journey back from wherever I was very nice it's very nice yes so what's the difference between a blaster furnace and the other thing could you oh let's go to bed good I'm literally dying cooking when you wake up I think you lose hunger if you order then why can't I cook things at the blast furnace I don't know a thing that services for like other stuff my furnace in the other house so I'm like starving okay come up over here quick I don't like to eat literally no like I'm serious I need to eat like an hour ago very interesting very interesting that you needed yeah the one on the when you enter the door on the right orange terracotta pie - I've cooked mutton in here if I wanted I've cooked mutton if you wanted some cowboy all right can I show you no please yeah I can't come to continue construction yep alright so oh man over here love left and right rooms okay I'm excited and do you think this is too small like I think I wonder maybe but if we do at least like should we do one around what do you mean one around like we could do like one like so that the the wood starts over here on the outside and then maybe we can move the windows over one and just connect them all I'll begin construction thank you oh this big one's mine too right the one oh no I just made that one want everything in one place so organized how do you repair stuff do you remember stuff I have humor how to repair stuff easier how to repair stuff you remember no well that's not good Samara I need to go back to our old base actually and get some of my stuff all right I'm just gonna construct these walls and then we can make like rooms above or whatever spirit so much excess material is here birth nothing at the bottom but just looks sometimes you gotta do things just for the looks right yeah go go get everything we might need from the other wrist I thought it's just it's just a pit right the gladiator arena yeah you should like not actually a radiator else but that is gladiator arena alrighty then that's nice this is a scary land oh my goodness it's like all blown up I'm just wanting some peace that's quiet [Music] okay our base is on was it your chair to myself please please do not tell her don't tell her I'm building a secret room she's gonna know that I all reckon truck though that's it unless unless I built that side first don't put anything in it and then do that time go we'll figure it out well in old town role what I'm gonna rising like hey no more horses in all my cuts out but then I can still hear you in the other room riding on all so hard okay oh my goodness our old base is so bad okay the kids are still here the kids Oh Andre yeah that's your home we gave him that how do we get them over here they've been lay eggs and stuff what are you guys doing yes stop laying eggs you're weirdos you still have like cobblestone and stuff in your storage but nothing probably that you want oh you should bring one stack one stack of cobblestone and some glass lead can you tame a horse with just believe like can you just put a lid on it I am NOT the person asked why are you building a secret I'm not building this man I'm not just like well my entire chat right now is that you're building a secret base or a secret room no the other half of my chat is schnapps stop snitching get a life stops this time I'm honest Smith honestly just building I think they said it from last time you don't have to believe it well people here they're not gonna lie to me all right I trust them okay you can trust whatever you like [Music] doesn't mean they're telling the truth [Music] does it not Andre does it not it does not no nope hmm interesting well we'll see now won't we we'll see about that we'll see about there anything else you'd like before I head back uh nope anything you want me to get on the way grab a brick of cobblestone or a cobblestone we need some cobblestones get some cobblestone and then could you just read me what else there is please like literally all you have is like cobblestone and like minerals that you don't really need I'm like rotten flesh leather anything if there's anything you think that lead or do I need like carrots to tame it aye aye are you asking your chat you I don't know oh my gosh you're back already oh this is the room you're building didn't give me time to finish look I had a freaking doorway here oh my gosh no no I mean like it would have been secret if I put on a secret entrance there but they didn't let me have time to do it honestly you got bodies do not snitch on the other room please just stop please rude rude that you would make fun of my secret room and like it's such a nice message for you too I want to build I want to build another chest for my things another chest are you breaking up with me building table for you don't you ever build a fletching table little storage thing you need the kinder kinder wait first to make a storage room yeah you just need nine wooden like a circle there we go honestly beside mine cuz like I need a lot of like chest space word so I got a lot of like nice things you know yeah got a lot of stuff that I need protected in this life okay all right you didn't hear that right no no I heard like a girl but how much will do you have two more wool you have lots of Terra Cotta you have wolf cover no um I think somewhere probably three well here I'm just trying to make some cool designs I'm gonna take like my cool things out of here okay I'm sorry oh yeah this black wool in here black bull yeah I just need one could you just leave it in the one I'm looking at right now yeah buddy we should probably go to sleep in a second yeah we do I'm trying to get like a painting the show is her and like face on it and it's purely random so so Noi show come on okay I guess we go with Gordon Ramsay's picture once I eat some plate I sleep with my mutton in my hand flick with my mutton in my hand with my some how are you what are you doing what are you doing oh my gosh I'll get him out give me a sec oh actually no it's fine if he's in there it's fine he's in there don't let him escape well I mean like I'm closing that off I'm literally close on that off that's not gonna be a place for a chicken just trap them in you here don't let him in there Dali know you're here look I got again yeah I'm closing this room off so like this is not even gonna be someone are you in here just make a left turn he's trapping the other spot he's in there are you though Wow oh my gosh I think it's excuse your lead on chickens I don't know where my chicken bastard oh I woke up hurt nothing I think it just made the noise for you I think cuz I jumped onto it so I think I actually took some damage ouch go out you're okay I don't have any sticks were what am i sticks go oh there we go do a stick big on those are my sticks you know that right no no they were in my inventory so they were definitely not yours though this is my Andre both these are no no it was in my inventory like not in a chest like it was in my inventory this is my bottom of should I even do this secret room here you over it's not really secret if you know about it though I have 50 sugar cane 250 yeah how did you get fifty you yeah yeah and I'm proud of you I just don't know how you got fifty the hunt is on iron pick and another iron swords and an iron shovel you're just like in an iron mood aren't you I want to go to the nether and get quartz it looks so cool somebody somebody give it a suggestion on Twitter oh yeah no that would be good really good right can you leave the chicken into the main house and going oh gosh I guess it won't really work if I do that where's the chicken summary of the chickens gone I'll get them out I don't know I didn't break them in there why are there paintings let me have my things okay no is the check in here get him out get him out get him out darn it all right there chickens get the chicken out chicken chickens out move them in well if I was just like creepy noises all the time I am going to which way should I go I'm gonna go this direction because I haven't checked this direction yet fair enough I really should get through the forest here the forest here and see if there's anything near basically sometimes just like porous houses the direction I'm going no no like admire like um for you to wear a really bad base here was where this like the little one that go she I could use some help dismantling that one if you can it's kind of an eyesore a little the little cruddy base and we had before you know I'm talking about are you in the house no no yet huh why that's awkward where are you you should come to the house I have something for you at the house oh my god why is there a horse I got him for you no makeup makeup frickin shy make fences so you can make a little thing outside I don't know how to make fences okay no no I'll make fences sure that's a little bit animal you know it's not nice to it sure yeah we'll give him some air wow you pulled them in alright this is perfect like here come out come out come out come out okay trust me just we'll do that you can't get over we're in the top one more in the top I think he can get out of tooth bucks okay or like I'm at the top so we could see it oh yeah with make this a stable since you ruined the secret room for yourself okay we do need food all right that's what I went to do sorry we're not gonna eat the horse though definitely can't do that don't eat the horse summarize some of those okay well you can't make that noise anymore I just bodied that chicken honestly the pig flu okay I think my sword got like more powerful or something what the heck is this art what art some weird arts on the painting it's like I'm trying to leave them alone they're like very questionable leave them alone I mean if you like you like them they're symmetrical so they have they have like paintings on all sides I need one more painting where was the the black wolf black wall that was in what am i sore I'm getting lots of regular Waldo right now okay uh black oh oh wow I thought that was obsidian for some reason yeah no it just looks like solid black looks like you're right it does I'm curious how many people would like to see longer episodes of Minecraft Pacific we've been doing like an hour and a half what do you think Samara yeah a lot of people mentioning that they kind of want to see longer ones really mm-hmm what do you guys think it's up to you Chet let us know hey what does the Minecraft [Music] just wanna like see what's over this hill oh yeah it is getting dark that's not getting dark yet waiting wait what okay I what I'm gonna need you to do is deconstruct the old base when you get the chance okay I just made a bed so I could just put it down and sleep wherever I am right now okay perfect yeah we should always carry a bed on this right seem like an unfortunate situation how many up do we want we want at least one two three or five and then above [Music] [Music] you've never explored the ocean right I don't think so there's like cool things Roy Roy Roy right yeah no we definitely got to do that but we should make that like an episode of it right I mean I think you're chicken got loose Tamara your chickens just roaming around is that what you wanted yeah I mean whatever you think is best for your chicken do we have glass pane still some reason oh let me go get this again I'm not the right person ask I uh I came one for like protection ready now you can definitely tame wolves not sure about dogs interesting that you think dogs are the same as well see look I give you Rami Oh friendship honestly it's a beneficial Oh team with bones darn it I don't have any we go to sleep before I die yep let's go thanks the music's bang and right now Chet oh gosh that's great don't forget I'm doing a survey Samara yeah may you should do a survey as well I'm wondering if you've ever played Minecraft just hit the like button I want to know how many of you only played good research I'm actually a research scientist I have a bunch of bones if you need it so mind you he might be stuck on this island yeah Island yeah like you might see if I can find bones around this room's kind of legit huh this room's kind of are you making fun yeah I could use ma'am are you making fun I would never do such a thing you're not nice you're rude oh my gosh I found so many horses I literally found a horse colony I'm gonna turn the music down a little bit I actually kind of like the music you guys are how many more trees I just constantly need trees all right it's perfect it looks great right I'm doing a fantastic job okay bye chicken enjoy your life be free chicken the chicken be free chicken live long and prosper I can't we gotta clear this hole okay I need your help when you come back by the way okay we got a lot of work to do we're making nice progress though Mara House and the other minecraft series they're so nice yeah this one is gonna beat it for sure though in niceness we know yeah we're very much - now you could say that should I collect the ton and then go back Jack because I keep running out and I need a lot of this honestly I'm gonna take a look at it from here I'm heading back to the base oh my oh my gosh our house is like redoing it's looking good very excited okay I seen you do it on both sides okay I'm gonna collect a lot and then come back to chat if you can have if you can help me yeah okay Alexis much what did you can't on your way back you're carrying some animal are you it's Mara drop whatever animal you have I'm not carrying an animal you never come back to base without an animal I know you you probably have a dog yes because you probably have a dog okay is he attacking him is he attacking him man he's attacking me oh my gosh they're both attacking me wait hold up are you dead oh my gosh okay Shh we're gonna put this healed oh there it is what you have chicken you think he's happy you think he's happy oh you can't say like that [Music] okay you're making me sad now it's happening skeleton and then I have to kill the skeleton cuz he was gonna kill us but then the wolf got mad cuz I think I accidentally hit him and now he has red eyes and he's growling at me and he was fighting me and now he won't go on to lead well I think you upset him and I you either have to apologize or or something or else your relationship is really gonna go downhill okay you also have to apologize from to me for blowing out my eardrums thank you you're mad we get it yeah babe forget it you like chicken we get it you're like George and you like chicken okay would you be able to just run like a bone to me really quick like I'm like no I see you over there yeah just don't worry about it okay seems like a lots going on such a good relationship there's blossoming now he wants to kill me I think you shouldn't let him do this for you if you love something you gotta let it go sometimes somewhere I read that somewhere I just he might kill me I think you have salmonella oh yeah ironic it's from turtles isn't it no it's raw chicken okay okay hey Samara you got whatever you like anyway what's that noise okay just don't don't are your zombies wait why is this skeleton where's the skeleton I hear it yeah he doesn't seem mad at me he's mad at me [Music] yes I don't have raw meat I don't have Roni like just just drop it alright so what I learned is that way do you have torches can you give me a tour no I don't those areas underneath because they don't have lights and messing it up he's fine was he in a room you went up to the right room I don't see I didn't touch him went up here is there these in the corner my gosh how many do I need to give him I think more definitely more you know I'm glad we're getting a lot of bones no I don't I have no bones on me what about the storage inside yeah yeah yeah see how you will you almost kill me yeah yeah boy here's a fun origin story gosh is it worth it yes he's a red collar and he's adorable and I love him I love him well now I'm out of meat again hey I have something to give you thank you does he follow me well I have Rami here take a take a bunch around me okay I drop oh you picked both yeah I must have picked it all up can we go to sleep Bertha make sure all the doors are closed so he doesn't escape is it better to repair iron or just build new ones here I'm gonna go to sleep okay you may not rest now you're better to far away I was one fricken he's on you I love him I love him his name is Jorge Jorge so if I let him outside will he run away I don't know yeah I'm assuming these are rhetorical because I have no way of knowing so can you give me a favor and break that little house beside us move everything over to this one because I am busy at work here oh my I have messed up so many times things Oh Mike alright you're all coming down 19 pounds there's all your stuff in here too just it's fine like moving one at a time we're making your chess Inman moon yeah and then deconstruct that we must have to land near here so cute you see it does he open doors follow you can you they attack like yeah oh my god he was terrifying when he was mad at me his eyes were red and he kept fighting but look how far we've come since then the couple is truly incredible I got some more Bowl so I'm just gonna put it in your storage because you seem to always people Wow Wow all right look at the outside now come look at this oh my gosh it looks like a castle right it literally looks like a castle it's coming together you know what I might do Samara I might extend this one brick over what are your thoughts on that okay you don't like them no no like I just what what are you like is there a secret door there is that why you kept the painting sir no but like why are they there I was gonna I was gonna line it all the way to the top with paintings I thought I I thought it adds some flair to it I can put glass there and said or something I like your creative touch you like the creative touch oh they eat rotten flesh as well wait did you transport everything you're like gem one I transported the other one and then like the pieces alright so these two rooms are good maybe so this floor above us should be a second floor right do you think that I should build this out of this floor here like this it might be nice right yeah oh okay I'm gonna need a lot more oak blanks holy shoot did you do it all happen I'm just like just like can I just try it why would you hit me I just want to see what would happen if I hit you what do you mean it's not like curious no good I'm glad it doesn't what are you like my dog would kill you or something did you collect wood on the way back or now yeah I collect I put it in your storage which color would this one or the dark so these are all of your things your diamonds your emeralds I'm putting it all in this little storage container and just Annabelle and your arrows all right all of your things make the ceiling from cobblestone actually kind of like the ceiling it also do you know summer if it's better to make don't please please this is not nice of you I don't appreciate it you keep hitting me why are you looking at me from a distance get away from me real can you help me farm this wood actually no just go struggling I know I just one better don't don't uh do you have an axe can you help me oh we should make a swimming pool on the roof John do you want me to get wood or something sure get what but it needs to be a light wood this one why are you hitting me Smith you're gonna break to harbor what are you doing I'm gonna kill your duck I'm gonna hit your wolf he's not helping till both of you John wick style better call yourself John wick okay I would never hurt your dog for you what happens if you hit I don't know I'm not going to please I'm not sure I don't want to be I just want to build my freakin house okay cheese [Music] there you go really good boy [Music] the music's so loud right now what the heck wha wha the music plays like client-side cello music cuz he's wet will this cover can you go up that staircase will it be fine like that yeah right did you get any wood can you go do the other house sorry I'm doing research for my new puppy doing research for your new puppy huh yeah Samara loves dogs by the way I really want to get dog if you guys could get any dog in the world what dog would you juice read that's a wolf it's a frickin wolf hey where's the lantern house down house down house down you suppose the house down no I'm almost down how could you have me pick out this gravel here this whole block it's so loud I think right here at least it makes it nicer there we go good job patch it with their little tricking you must feed him chicken wait where is this little grass oh I'm so hungry you take out these little grasses like the best okay nothing happens he just looks at me quite angrily ask you sleep go to sleep go to sleep everybody go to sleep oh my I think that was the best singing voice I've ever had did you hear that I think so notice Li nervously no okay how do you make a lantern do you remember how to make a lantern the togs lazy we need another one a lantern I it's a bunch of iron like little thingies a bloody iron nugget a bloody iron nugget what other materials do you need anything specific yeah you should you should start making the farm a thought I thought that's where you're gonna be last episode I thought that was the whole premise of it I've been led astray yeah but we have a puppy teleports to be when I get too far away which is really nice so I don't have to like wait for him I don't Milo okay that's pretty cool right yeah Wow okay this whole things well lit so we don't starve yeah yeah don't want to starve where is that horse colony yeah how how would I put like a like a like a hole in the wall and then like a lever behind it give me something to cover it and then I would have to break that hit the lever and then the door would open does that make sense is that possible do you use redstone let me know yes really steep cliffs over here it's a little bit difficult to traverse but sometimes that's what it's all about I actually think with the next part I should do here is make this whole corner here like a like a cylinder kind of thing where are you you're exploring I'm just gotta be more me so you're exploring why have I been getting these pumpkins you can put them on your head something you could do all right I'm just gonna see what's up here then I'm gonna head back got meat still though cuz now the dog eats meat too like it's a lot of meat that we need yeah if you guys not do that send me on Twitter I think that would be the best way we're trying to figure I think we might need to use redstone for a few things yeah um yeah I need your opinion when you come back here all my tools are like broken by the way well that's not good yeah we have yes okay well she could like tell it we're in this game you can but it's cheap just like we don't have seen I just want to like be back at the base like ban a back ok so what I'm thinking lots of sheep is that directly underneath our base that should be like the enchanting area and like the portal to the nether that would be cool right that would be cool like imagine like okay so at least like mining yeah so like our main floor so you know where we have our beds in the middle mm-hmm duplicate that and then underneath put it underneath that make sense right should I start working on that there is a cave underneath herbaceousness that's up what I'm gonna need is you come back and for you to get a hoe okay I'm gonna need you to come back with a hoe is that okay did you come back with the hoe yep America diamond hoe okay I might make it I'm gonna make a diamond pickaxe right now actually check rafter now I'm not gonna wrap it yet wait I might have to craft it should I craft it I'm not gonna cry I'm gonna craft it I'm not gonna craft it I'm gonna craft it that's three diamonds this three dots should I make it I don't know I haven't decided I mean if you're there your diamonds you know you use them how you like oh okay apparently we shouldn't we shouldn't do it right underneath because super loud but we should we should we should triple it so then we have our main layer underneath is like the enchanting layer and like the weight of the mining shaft and then underneath that we could do the nether portal right oh and then also you should put the the beds in the rooms I do that I think I lost my dog honestly I love my dog he's really bad at swimming it's like stuck in the water and I don't think he's made it out big boys gonna be honest I'm not sure where he went wrong best dog I think we kind of picked like a not-so-good one he's a little gimpy he's a little gimpy oh my god she's still in the water why are you there okay I'm done with you little thing all right hopefully he'll come this way I want something to attack me to see if he do anything I honestly don't think he would okay okay I'm gonna make a diamond hoe that's it okay I mean it's just one diamond yeah I don't need to make a diamond oh I don't need okay I'm not gonna do that like I'm tempted to get one diamond I mean I mean two one when did I get a second one wait me too I made two I mean what for you come here oh yeah I made a home for you why do I want a diamond ho why don't you want a diamond hell because I'd rather have like a diamond sword well now you have a time ho just have an average iron ho I don't need a diamond now you I hear a pig or something I'm gonna need you to come back here yeah this is not a healthy place okay lost chat what the heck is that noise I'm gonna be honest with you oh I'm sorry I made two Domino's I passed an outpost I don't really know what that is so there's also that I'm sorry past a lot of things sorry I'm in a shovel is not a hoe so you didn't make the hoe no I made a shovel oh my gosh that's a thick cow is that a bowl does he get different meat okay are you back yet I really need some help [Applause] [Applause] are you here and if you have me did you kiss me Rahmi not cooked take this you underneath the house oh there's the raw meat yeah puts them in the bag was something there we go alright um so if you go over here yep drop down over here and you clear out this block until you hit the other block does that make sense like I have a there's an empty space of blocks of in [Applause] this to rise or wulfhere you want to go further you will hear that zombies here I don't know where they are we're enough fun yeah nice and big [Applause] alright cuz cuz I didn't need to put these there because they wouldn't be seen still maybe just to make it better are you just gonna grab some meat I guess we can go to sleep before yeah which mine we can work that out I'll take the one on the right when you come in you can have the one with the horse lovely we need an extra torch down okay we'll free the salmon so meet us out in the Morro I'm in bed Scout to sleep a scared blood sleep boys like flyer boy alright okay so we should explore that mind oh yeah Thank You danke danke if you will do you want the bull I'm gonna put all the wool in your storage again cuz you seem to like having well for certain things thank you really I'm gonna make a diamond pickaxe actually what's my dog wolf I did it I made a television breakfast night don't know where my dog is what is this to make a diamond sword oh there you are we have enough diamonds to make like a lot of you should make stuff that I came back that way and see where should I go boy we should explore Neath in the cave underneath our base yeah let's do that I just wanna make sure I have everything I need I want to be level 30 doing Django's well how many you might have to dig one more underneath so we want each floor to be the same sum one two three four a head space there's a weird cave back here it's in the back right corner let's take it you told me where's okay yes yeah okay so here's my here's my reasoning so we want to be four layers high right yeah one two three four and we're gonna do one layer above as the ceiling that's gonna look difference I say we do a quartz ceiling so off we have to take five deep I'm gonna be an iron for everything that's not materials so money's diamonds only for materials so don't go out and get okay so I'm gonna make three iron pickaxes grab like a stack of wood see if you want to underneath little torches okay I'm gonna grab two stacks of wood in case we need how much do we need for torches I have a like 40 torches or something I don't have like a crazy amount any mods on we don't use mugs all righty then all right I just need your help to mine out this bottom layer it's so tempting to use your ears your pickaxe or everything so just oh how many clear this yeah so let me just clear this quick and then we'll do that got him in okay I won't have enough diamonds to repair it or anything I'm not gonna do that are you didn't even make one did you yeah I did I did are you filming right now is it you are okay guys so much fat though I started doing it I mean at some point we'll have so many diamonds right I think I don't get any XP for month oh you don't get any XP from iron not just like the kind I did this weird you really went into the vein there I did I got it all okay yeah I'll read down this at the end I think summers gonna do the same dough knows and members and stuff don't worry we'll get a pin so if you did it a while ago or even just now we will read it at the end yes these all turn into videos so you can watch it after and you didn't catch it you can just go to the end [Music] are you Ming upset all right I'm gonna make him just sit in that corner okay so I'm gonna just fill it let me just take this out there you go fill up any holes all right let's just make a way up I might go into water Oh God oh there's water everywhere it'll dissipate I'll just make it go out the right side er oh my god I've seen you like throw everything out that I don't need I might keep a hand is like because it's like it's slightly rare than gravel all right let's check this out we have meat never their dog has sat you can put them upstairs if you want torture is if you don't put torches like stuff spawns write me in the corners hi I want to make sure he doesn't get mobbed well we're gonna write so what we're gonna want to do is we're going to make this whole room quartz I guess when we get to the nether right oh that would look so nice and then it would look aesthetic that looks superb it alright let's get into it should I put some torches so the way we want to do it is put torches on the right-hand side that way we'll always know how to get up right um it goes into like oh this is huge I'll just love it down here do you want go left or right this seems like a more civilized way of getting down than the other way yeah it doesn't go anywhere though doesn't go anywhere no just right hand side if you're gonna put torches alright should we go left to right them Oh wish I wish I had signs I should whoa it chugga we had signs then we could write let's not do that you want to head down here yeah right yeah oh yeah you can jump like the elevator down not that gold oh yeah okay maybe we should put some torches on walls here at Lee's okay so how do you is it f3 to check what layer I miss that I just want to make sure it doesn't show the server information I'm checking you're addicted to diamonds okay well level our diamonds on this is level 16 that we're at I think time is that 13 wait wait gun that way there's some lava here redstone Rick I'm Annina break into it 11 or 12 is where 200 what is this guy it's not the way it really is dead a villager okay 11 or 12 is Berlin so wait what were we on London on layer 12 do you have a bucket it's f3 but don't don't show it on screen I'm not 100% convinced it doesn't show the server information here come to me back at this spot yep so if it's on 12 we are at are you I'm just writing let's give me a sec I don't want to dick straight down music do not dig straight down this is minecraft console no this is on PC oh this is 12 right down here snow right down on this layer lava and stuff yeah but like it looks crazy it looks really cool I like here bear kidding us this is super cool you know how to get back Dan right we we need to get some of that you didn't hear that right good no I can't check to see what level I'm on though so it's very easy but I thought you said you don't want me to I mean if you make a full face just like for next episode I'll check and make sure it doesn't show the server info but for this episode I would say just the full face when you do it I'm fairly confident won't show but I'm just good one diamond two diamonds how do you what do you want me to find you [Music] aren't you going down this this is how you know where the hole is how do you put two stuff in your hands you have to use the press f3 and then when you hit it it should like just jump and you'll see what some numbers change let me check yeah you'll see a block in this is 569 12 minus 250 you want to be on 12 it's all good I don't think it shows it anyway so it's not a big deal again it probably doesn't chat but I just want to make sure for next week at a time I do do you have some I have some you have the material to make more we if you let lava touch water how many obsidian how do you make the nether portal you need Flint and come on make one just get some quartz why I like making everything aesthetic I know you do get it so barely the best way is to just make a bunch of 1x1 tubes together yourself I think I'm gonna go see what happened I just gonna go to the dark Robbins honestly I'm not even gonna put torches down fixes if you come to me we can just we can stick together and then do like mining shafts together and then opposite directions your Explorer I see chat what's the best way to do like a strip mining is that the way I mentioned where you do one by ones or one by twos like how light everything is around lava like how light everything is around red zone oh yeah redstone - Oh frightened I don't have that much stuff to be honest no me neither I just want to see where there's a lot of like ends um I just blacked out how do I use this thing there we go blow it up uh yeah that'd be good apparently one by one is the most efficient way we could do some one by ones where you found the end of the lava I'm gonna make a crafting table real book and then uh what did I need make chat automic stairs [Music] oh no this pic is gonna break yeah you go through them so fast maybe times my diamond was perfect I've been using a little bit still good okay well I haven't used my diamond yet but I'm going for the other ones very very fast I'd like to think the noise is nothing but I don't know what the heck that noises okay I think I've successfully got around this lava pit it's all random isn't it I know but like you know it's a lot like you know how like they kind of eventually stop and they're like kind of a pool yeah I kind of like that - like investigate very like I like just like outlining it and then you know like this is where it starts this is where it ends like the end it's like finding a natural rock formation Jack oh that's a staircase whoops oh maybe I can do staircases underneath here or more headspace there you go oh shoot how's that work now it's like lower lava we go alright I've made a beautiful place for us let's rest on here I'm just gonna ignore it like at least a beautiful entrance so we know where this is all right I think I found all ends I need to know if anyone's like me and when they play Minecraft I like making like everything aesthetic I know you do Andres like that with every game though not just minecraft not just like that everything must be aesthetic f yeah somebody in chat has to be like new in the pantograph right I'm sure what do you think I'm unique like I mean I'm sure a lot of people like I look I like making it look nice - I'm not I'm just not as like obsessed with it as you are where are you you see I found a lovely it is my responsibility yeah I can't feel same there like that wait what chat why isn't it okay phew I thought that if you put water on lava doesn't it you've got water on lava doesn't it like switch it to my just turned into stone wait what yeah how does that work using my diamond pickaxe I'm lazy hey come back so much faster really literally zoom in and all the other pics broke so I don't really have a choice I picked you is it bucket the only way oh because the lavas flowing up early is the lavas flowing all right want to try out this strip mining method so when you come here we'll do it has to be flat see it's so chat you were so freaking useful I want everyone to know that you're fantastic oh there's my amazing sound like one of those motivational speech you aren't perfect just the way you are okay should I make a bridge across this okay chat I swear to goodness I'm seeing like Dracula out the left side of my screen does anybody see that it's more like I saw someone in a robe on the side of my screen like in the case yeah could someone screenshot that I tell myself if you have more cool I brought stick smith gracious just keep your name yeah just keep going above you'll find your way down past it no I'm right here oh holy shoot why are you running you kind of just stole my kill huh alright see it's a little chef do you have any um oh I have some iron that I can find yeah I put iron in there too do you have do you have coal what do you do yep you've cool don't use coal for that let me just word for it let me think Grover I'm just gonna make a chest we can both put our stuff in there or do you want to make separate ones I'll put separate because I know you and your separation I mean I just put all my ironing gets with yours so it really doesn't matter mines the bottom one okay so what do we because we want to make more where did you put it oh can I steal your stuff you're cool to make torches like a ton of torches how many torches do you make a lot of them alright even a lot shall be read maybe maybe maybe yeah here is a drop you a lot should be like 75 that qualifies is a lot right it's a lot it's a lot I put all my oh they're not burning anymore yeah let me put into alright we can any leftover football we can do but I'm gonna put in some wood for now yeah we should make a bucket though I'm gonna get bucket actually take it off take it off take it off take it off take the wood off to get the wood off from nothing okay so I'm gonna grab a bucket I'm gonna fill it up with lava and that's gonna be the source wait just the lava just burn like forever it burns for a very long time I also might drop it on you you just lose the lava if you don't we have ice cream eating ice cream after this what is my entire diet for the past like month has been mac and cheese peanut butter and jam sandwiches and ice cream sandwiches and it's not good but how do you do it I've done it before Samara where I just put the bucket why doesn't it work alright so yeah it burns the whole time do you have a iron pick that I can use so I don't have to use my diamond one you said you had one yeah so the way I would do it is like start over here you just go I think you got three right I think so yeah yeah and then I'll do three I believe it's three on just be careful not do you love in your face yeah you try what's that dual yeah so you poke see towards his one hand hit F and then put your pickaxe in the other then he just right-click to put torches you right-click the put the torches down like you have to have torches in your hand first will be on your left hand side just be careful with lava above you I found lapis lazuli I pronounced it with an accent because I am Italian well if we enchant our pickaxes if you what level are you oh so if you're at level 30 then you can get like the best enchantment mold funny cuz he killed me twice umm twice Andre twice you jumped in lava once I'm sorry I don't go so then what you want to do is oh what the heck I just came into a hallway so when you get in a certain point just like kind of wrap around to the right 1 square over and then come back or two squares over would make more sense because then you're not you know to make yeah because then you're searching all new blocks right so go the right so when you want to do it what you I would say go right because just the way we're facing stuff well apparently too high is the way to do it I found diamond by the way 1 diamond - diamond three diamonds four Diamond five diamond six diamond are you serious I'm not sex this is your diamond day you are the diamond Queen oh I found still lava if the lava that the good lava the lava that we can use them [Music] beautiful absolutely to Heist way better three hive was like a bit much honestly I have eight diamonds now why you jealous why are you jealous why are you jealous I'm happy why you jealous why you why you have to be mad why you have to be mad Oh Smith oh I took out the lava oh shoot give me water you know like I believe that one day you'll find what you're looking for something what one of those little monster things that look like how do you get water I like the monster favorite things like to in between I think yeah just logically so that you can I don't know I need to go to the bathroom Smith I'm mad I'm so mad at Nia go to the bathroom I'm not kidding I actually have to go bro I mean my diamond one okay I'm gonna go ahead okay well that just didn't do it okay I'll be back in a second somewhere I feel like he want me to fill these holes back up I'm not gonna fill them back up because that takes a lot of work and we about that life so I'm just gonna keep going in this direction put a light down there I the amount of redstone I never want to find a redstone ever again it's too much and I don't like it you could hit from so far away oh my goodness I'm gonna do this close all right I'm back okay I made it wait you made it oh my gosh hi hello howdy wait where am I what do you mean what's this what were you trying to do I don't get what you're doing oh what's that mine I'm confused yeah I just go all the way back to the start I'm gonna block it up for you like I thought I made it back to the start but then I was like I wasn't going in that direction you can see how one would be confused well you can also jump down that hallway and you go super fast we get it you jump we did it you jump oh my gosh didn't really how many six you fancy I collect one back sorry I'm sorry give me my diamond back yeah drop to it oh my gosh that was so close to where we were it's narrow way to in oh wait the other area and then right when we get back oh my gosh is a creeper I'm trying to figure out how do you meet what the fudge Becky demon how are you getting infused with that water in a wall alright level 30 now oh that's why it made that little fun noise I put water on the wall yeah I just I don't understand how to pick up water with a bucket oh go to the source okay well I got the water how much obsidian or how much do you need to although I found more diamonds did you really yeah you are you're very lucky diamond the girl one two three four now you're just showing right hey the girl with the lucky diamond I have eleven diamonds on me right now okay you should probably put them in base where you lose me I'm gonna make a special water room you get so much XP from finding diamonds oh my gosh I just realized you get an insane amount that's how I hit level three so fast you're absolutely insane javis insane you need fifteen blocks ten ten obi-wan Kenobi okay if I recall you can make infinite water by doing four blocks right I think so where's my water go it just disappeared I'm serious my water just disappeared it's me I've been trying so hard to get this water ha ha now I got water you stupid game never stop me what are do you see diamonds in it I mean infinite water Samara well I'm proud of you whoa that's the Pillsbury Dough Boy I can hear a lot of water Ozzy yeah you go so fast the diamond pickaxe like it's actually old man I'm tempted to just use it I'm using it this whole time oh I totally forgot I could literally oh wait no I can't there's a crafting table at the I got a bunch of obsidian so we could build a thing soon let me see-oh take some yeah what do you mean I came out in like a massive cave area oh the ice bucket challenge it takes so long to farm one oh gosh darn it scary how much was getting chat oh shoot oh is it like a mineshaft not go here yeah Gibby Gibby Gibby oh my gosh it's so dark in here I need 10 of them I have two obsidian lava just scares me so much oh my gosh where'd the heck I think I'm under the mat look I think my games like broken really Oh cuz I can see underneath I don't think I'm supposed to be able to see this there we go you maybe don't do that yeah not going to all right we're gonna run down my long aisle okay okay I'm trying to get ten of these did you take all the way downs that we did I'm gonna put this iron in your case I'm going to put some gold inform ourselves some bloody gold gold gold I won't need ten or twelve you only need ten I know my intent to make the portal to the nether life no say it's 12 them I'll be back in a second I just needed two more obsidian and I'll come over all right one more I'm just gonna get 12 just in case guys there yeah I got 12 just in case coming wait 14 of city in for I just need to get two more because apparently we need it for the enchanting table - you know these noises I mean we are underground and Lego freakin ten no cornish ten no cornice what is it - for one morning Caves are huge they're so tall like look at so high up I don't want it and I want it to burn burn baby burn screw that cobblestone burn baby burn no dirt no andesite no comeback how hard would it be to break obsidian once you put it down because I have the obsidian ah math is hard well we got 16 so whether we need more or not we're good we got lots of things there's no she's llama like I don't really want to grab the lava with my hand probably be a little bit tell Andre who needs diamonds as well for it we have lots of diamonds though I think that we do yeah alright the next one to find diamonds wins okay and decides what we get to do next episode of you ready the next one to find diamond wins wins who would decides what we do next episode where are we mining just start you start at the next two by two or make another one that way like right here like going out straight you would go this way look thank you yeah and then I'm gonna since I didn't do this I'm gonna start here make sense ok ready 3 2 1 go I mean you can move over if y'all I hear weird noises in mine okay so wait - in between right and then a third yeah that's if you wanted to be the most efficient okay yeah what the heck is this oh I've been here what what in dire dawa sounds like it's right beside me using my diamond pickaxe oh I need to find at least three per pickaxes oh my gosh the lavas dripping through the top so it's no wait it can't collapse candy cause it's like literally pouring through like no I can't glass I would just push down it like oh no no but like it's like I'm not even breaking like the whole ceilings like dripping ha ha listen no boy I know I found like uh I have not found a single I've been found cool I haven't found anything I think I found diamond cuz I can't get there right now I found it wait wait it's gonna take me a minute to get there though it's a crock I found well I found a lava pit like when I was digging and I see I see it across oh my gosh there's definitely diamond if you find it before me I'm gonna be mad oh my gosh I'm almost there it's so dangerous the way I'm going I got it you got it I'm the Wiener wiener I don't waiter I'm the wiener dog I found doc can we get some diamond - chap pulling so many diamonds [Music] three diamonds found three done I think so I'd have to go back in J that is 22 diamonds we found 22 diamonds today you're so fast when you jump down the hall oh well God is taking me away oh no what's happening I've never seen that before I kind of want to hit it look it's falling through the rocks that's scary I found mushrooms here there's like always underneath Oh mushrooms you coming back or what yeah I just wanna know why this place is well lit oh yeah but there's a hole there that I made apparently where the heck hi I'm coming back I gotta like Crouch walk or else I'm gonna die okay let's go stake oh just hold spacebar when you're going down here yeah all right you sprint down oh yeah damn Izzy I had 11 you have 1120 we found 22 diamonds we built a house today should we go up to the top or now how do we even get back up how do we get back because we'll have to like carry all our stuff back stop let's just like stay with our things and we got a puppy and we build the house I think in the next you know we should do we should probably like build another portal here and then mine quartz and then bring the quartz up in the next episode sure yeah I think it's a good idea right yep guys if I miss time send me a picture on Twitter like the picture of where I missed it yeah and then I will go investigate it next episode chatting stuff you did fantastic today Samara yeah you did wow I'm so proud all right yeah I'm just gonna schmelp this a little bit schmelp this meant a little this not a little that how do I make the little Flint thingy for me I'll just make that next episode what's a compass take oh we can make a compasses well we should definitely make a compass like should I start making try start making diamond armor I mean like I got all that like I don't think I got enough for that so we gotta figure this all out let me know your suggestions for the next episode cartography table interesting I don't know if that is they can they've added a bunch of things and I don't know what half of it is Oh a smithing table what the heck all right very very interesting I kind of want to go pill a stonecutter this is all new isn't it I kind of want to build up the secret base no but they'll build the next episode we'll say all right again I wonder who how many people watching it played Minecraft if you have hit that like button I'm gonna read some super check all right you'll cop yourself a typical champion backpack these things sold out so fast the first time and I got an opportunity to get one cuz we brought it back head on over typical dot store you can get that grab a hat maybe some gaming glasses these are blue light blocking really cool stuff you're gonna want to get a fast typical dots bursts especially if you want to get it before school we got angel Rivera who became a member walking leet enjoyed those emotes you've gotta join as well link will be in the description below we have Daniel with the ten I need you in my life in my life please Bay don't go switchings ah sting him you with the song learn speech daddy Daniel appreciate that we also have summer read way with the viruses I love you Andre I don't think that's actually Samara but I'm gonna pretend it is Thank You smear Nick Cooper with the one my birthday's tomorrow I'm turning 17 I've been wanting to play with you big shout Nick Cooper I don't play with items specifically but I want to wish you the best birthday ever I hope you have a great one man appreciate you and all the best why do you just want to sleep from the nether what's it what's the point what is sleep in the nether like do not sleep in sleep in leather all right I'm gonna have to Google I'm gonna Google that so y'all don't try to trick me man I don't like me yes trick me we got make like a giant mind pit to jump all the way down and then like how much sound does the nether make like if I build it on this layer how many layers above can I hear it is that it'll be a good question too so we got a bunch of dough notes here I want to read it out loud tjq with a bunch of dough notes you've never said a single word though so I'm gonna assume them they're fake tjq for now fake bro send me a message I need to know big shad you appreciate that for nothing if they're fake them bro what die hey shadow humza Ali thank you William or Winston with ten here did you love the streams keep up GTA minecraft will do you guys showed incredible support for GTA san andreas by the way appreciate you guys so much know and yang kun Zhu thank you Hamza Ali Andre the Builder Thank You Hamza what do you guys think in the house so far I think doing great job let me know your thoughts Lucas Santos shout out to you angel Rivera can't remember Stephen Shrek hate did you I've been a fan of yours since your need for speed walk through a couple years ago keep great work yes you should build an aquarium in your house great idea Steven and need for speed payback would be the game that I believe you started following me that's awesome she had to Steven in that was a really fun game to play so I'm glad you got to tune into I won I'm glad you're still here man go pro game gods thank you for the kind words do I have any more coffee let me just oh my god these are good I'm not forgetting Oh Mindy from ps4 LZ eight sticks and you need one o'clock thank you for the tip ps4 LZ top nerd thank you the only King Jake Thank You Jeremiah Platt dude I'm still trying to hear that I wish you all the best dude and there's a can that getting it looks like George in face name should be Faisal II Jeremiah shoutout to you and I wish you all the best man thank you for the kind words and thank you for the suggestions Wilford pattern news with the 25 cents come on guys don't snitch I need to talk to you guys don't snitch on me she knows about the one secret room which was a fake I threw her off and I built the actual secret room so please don't tell her just please please don't help all right I need to know if your snitch or not please don't tell her we got most hated whitey Thank You Armando a boat sin it's a who says a good house love you Gigi Thank You Armando danby's I've been watching since I was four I'm 13 what though hey you're the best senator gamer you should play more Friday 13th love that series you're the best thank you Dan bro you've grown up with me definitely more Friday 13 soon Bay Shore for life shout to you um it's a man and I wish you all the best through channel you're gonna visit Ottawa no plans on it right now but if I do I'll let you guys know armando thank you again axel checking my days real good and let me know how your date would you make local stores for difficult a story if it ever got so crazy big maybe but it'd probably just be a pop-up shop and most you know that would be an away distant future I think Bay Shore for life thank you if as errs it's 2:30 a.m. in the UK once real life my back TG may be sooner than you think just saying and thanks for staying up with me men means a lot Cameron Clyde been watching for five years and finally done it cuz you say the highest merit for me and dual life spike with dad for all time say I'm gonna do one of those things and maybe in the future we'll see a like spike all right I'll let sprigs and I and thank you for tuning in for so long man Armando I can chant you BAE Rhett chants you glad you enjoy the videos a swag dude appreciate the love and I'll do my best keep of the work fazed little whip a key lever told to find out his little vids appreciate the help guys and we have found lots of diamonds cuz you so thank you one-twenty-five cop thank you for that I will have to look that up silver Steve man thank you for the kind words Jackson jube with sin probably butchered your name may shout out my brother just say FBI just say it happy bat happy shout out for you just say it be t no 12:12 air O'Dell definitely new you're playing roblox again a stroke roll light let me give you a warning do not sleep in another your bed will explode and I'll kill you keep with a great work chat why were you guys gonna make me do that I was gonna explode and die don't do that um we got typical kid you're lit you're led to typical kid like the name dude 14 too heartless Thank You Wilford Padano shout-out to you and good night to you as well my friend appreciate the love and Jeremiah Platt appreciate that as well and then we have sanctums with the 5 any advice for new streamers be consistent do what you love and probably's a face cam you don't need to do updates of the game that you're playing and just really bring your passion to it you know there's a good percentage of it is that it's luck but you won't get that percentage of luck if you're not putting any work and so that's the that's the whole thing to me so I hope that helps at all and Armando it's ok if you messed up my name you gotta give me a pronunciation guide bad appreciate that Armando but yeah that's gonna be it for this one guys if you want to see more minecraft let me know again I'm doing a survey if you guys have ever played minecraft before hit that like button and make sure you subscribe subscribe turn on the supposed notifications appreciate the love drop complain for thought Hecky it's good to see you brother shoutout to you man and yeah any suggestions you have let me know next episode because I found diamonds first I she's what we're doing just Mary's gonna help me make a house even better I think we're just gonna keep constructing the house until we have a massive Palace something like that all right I'll see you guys next month my Twitter Instagram link description below follow me on Instagram real quick typical gamer whitey I post clips on there I'm gonna post some cool pictures you can follow my you could follow typical store if you want to get some cool merch photos at typical store on Instagram you guys are making it pop and rest in your nose link to the scripts below I'll see you guys in the next one shadow to Jodrey and Rivera for that and the only King Jake selling apocalypse 25 minutes are coming out don't have an exact date don't know when but maybe sooner than you think so be on the lookout anyway that's to be up this one I'll see you guys the next one thanks for watching hope you've got some day
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 4,160,111
Rating: 4.8916755 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, typical gamer, tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 17sec (8957 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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