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[Music] a bit of an unplanned video this one but they are the ones i know that you do all enjoy so it's this long bang holiday weekend and i'll be honest with you i've just been sitting here i've done all the little jobs i needed to do around the house and i've started going through the internet same as i always do go for all of the auction sites and i'll just sit in there flicking through ebay and i've spotted this motorhome now we've had so much interest in the unfinished motorhome we got i'm not even gonna run this one by chris so i've been on the phone to the guy it's on there at least two and a half three thousand pound cheaper than all of the others that are like for like for that model so i've rung the guy out and he's he's actually been completely honest he said look it's it has been previously damaged in 2008 it's category d i originally bought it for my family but it's not got enough seat belts in it etc etc so i've had a bit of a chat with him and said look is the price negotiable and he said oh yeah absolutely so he's kind of left the door open for me so guys i'm just waiting for someone to turn up and give me a lift and i'm heading to woken near reading to actually have a look at this one because if i do buy it i want to drive it home it's not going to fit on on the back of my recovery truck because it is quite a big one so keep my fingers crossed wish me luck and we'll see how we get on so like any vehicle guys even though he said it was category d just before i set off for peace of mind i'm gonna do a check on car vertical so mileage okay theft okay accidents so he's been completely honest it's come up there and the reason i do check as well is if the previous owner bought this vehicle back from the insurance company sometimes there's mistakes wrong categories and it gets listed and it doesn't go on the register etc etc so it was manufactured first to the first 95 was registered in the uk united kingdom 8th 1995. i am going to skip past quite a lot of the mot history etc i will check that but i'll check it off camera so to speak so everything's green now i really just want to get down to the accident part of it so stolen vehicle check this check was performed in all of these countries everything there is all green that's okay damage here we go so the third 2008 estimated repair costs unknown written off category d write-off can be repaired and would cost less than the vehicle's worth but other costs such as transport in your vehicle taking it over the vehicle's value you can use the vehicle again if it is repaired to a roadworthy condition so that's all exactly what the guy just said and that's what we're after so this check was performed in all of these countries and the record their 29th for the third 2008 so i'm quite happy that it is exactly as he said and category d is like category n so non-structural and it was in 2008 so the price is a little bit negotiable he said so we'll see how we get on i want to thank carl vertical once again for the continued support on the channel guys to benefit from a 10 discount off your must-do check when you're buying a vehicle use the link in the description or the code sr10 from any browser right let's see if we can buy it as you can see guys the deal is done and to be honest i've got another 1500 quid knocked off it as well so i am over the moon i'm just about to set off keep your fingers crossed wish me luck it is bank holiday weekend and like i said i haven't told chris so i'm hoping the guy said it drove perfect so i'm sure it's going to drive fine s head-on we've got 77 miles to do i'm sure it'll be all right so guys not a bad run at all really i did food alone first of all sorry before we get on with that i did ask the guy do you mind if i can recall and he said mate yes you know it's my home address i'd really appreciate if you didn't even though i said on the phone i'd like to recall them i completely get that people you got respect people's privacy so i'll poodle at about 60 mile an hour i did stop at not clackit lane uh cobham services the one up the m25 and got a coffee chucked another just a little bit of diesel in it it already had caught the tank but it started get getting quite low so i just stopped to put another 20 in it like i say 60 mile an hour did not skip a beat 77 miles from his door all the way home he's getting dusk now it's about nine caught past nine so as you can see i can't really show a lot and these lights i know that all of the um like the leisure battery is going to want charging but i'm really really happy with it so the window that was the broken window again i have to show you tomorrow you can see the things hanging off there and i took the other one off and you can see the handles are black and the handles are supposed to be white so i actually fitted that while i was there really straight forward me and chris did some before on the other one but overall i mean guys i can't show you none of it look how dark it is but i can't wait to get to the yard in the morning show you all and most important see what chris says about it i think he's going to be fine and you know what i might have got a bit like itchy hands itchy feet just got itchy sitting in all weekend but this is a nice moat rome this is definitely a nice one and i've just driven it home it's got all the mot anyway it's getting late i want to get in have a shower and then take it around the yard and see what chris says about that fit in the drive-through this morning i've had to go in look at the size of that just called chris out guys and he's actually smiling he's he's not that bad on this one looks a nice big hit there it is actually do you mind standing this side it's actually i drove it all the way guys i'm telling you as i'm telling chris because he genuinely don't even know that i was going to get it it was right up near where scott lives um 77 miles away drove it home did not skip a beat the chap actually bought it he was a trader lovely guy uh he's actually a locksmith does car keys and all that so i will check his link in the description if anyone lives out that way he bought it he is trade but he actually bought it for his family and it wasn't until he got home his wife actually said well where are we putting the kids in it's only got two seat belts two front seats that's it no other seat belts it's not got the you know the central seat section but mate this was cheap was it yeah really cheap it does need a good good clean up yeah but it looks straight doesn't it yeah he he bought it off of somebody he knows who got it out of it's been in storage for a long time can you see the blue paint there it's actually category d right so cat end non-structural there's a little bit more to show you inside any signs of any previous damage i mean only that grill there and then just beyond that headlight panel it's white just beyond this one there's a little bit of surface rust so you can see it's definitely had a little tap here and see the indicator is not quite at home he actually showed me a picture of the palmer is it no it hasn't and it's probably just a standard yeah normal bumper but moving on if we look here let's zoom in so everyone can see and then can you just remove that sorry i've got a cup of coffee in me and i'll put it down no i pulled the black cap off oh yeah barrel's gone yeah so when you get inside have a look at this it's everywhere but come and have a look at this let's put that coffee down he's got enough cupboards yeah yeah everywhere i've been through every single one of them there's no damp in it the guy assured me there's no damage as well he's fine right what can he say oh right yeah you know what that is yeah yeah forensic dust so his friends had disc motorime a long time add it in storage chris yeah somebody broke into it i've had some stuff stolen and that's kind of why he lost art and sold it to his mate you can see little bits like this i've yanked things off yeah like for the telly all of the cushions apart from that one now the covers there they're all covered up you've got all the window bits it's got a massive awning on it i didn't roll it out or anything so this back window here is actually broke there's only one skin there yeah and you can see bits of it left there yeah it's got yeah it's got a flop on them fly blinds there yeah and then it's got like normal blinds there so the curtains are kind of you don't really need them this window i actually fitted when we was there it didn't have a window in it it was smashed but heidi look at let me open the shower sorry oh you're gonna have to come through here needs a bit of work on that door yeah oh yeah but look yeah parker all very very tidy nice and presentable yeah sink million dollar question is there any rotten or is there any honestly i've crawled right underneath it it's got loads of mot it's not long been done sink i'm not sure why it's got a bottle of water in there hopefully that works but i couldn't go i couldn't go too crazy it was getting late i wanted to get back but i did want to check it out that's a full double bed up there that slides and drops in there but all of it look all of it is really nice it ain't like all ruined let's shut that i mean you can see just by looking at that it's been sat around for quite a while but it just it drives all right yeah what's the plan there might mate oh honestly i don't know i have a look at clean up yeah let me show let me show you outside of this i mean when was the last time that was washed look at the state of it yeah often give it a good clean see what it comes up like but i'll tell you the price in a minute but i've got to be careful when i tell you the price because you remember when we was over there we was doing the 130 lamb rover and i looked at you and i went i went like that and went thousand yeah everyone in the comments that video went you only paid a grand for it you told chris yeah so but i will tell you the price of this later and it was very very reasonable but look at the state of it what's that battery in there no i think that's black water possibly possible i might be wrong there is a couple of other makes sense didn't it yeah i mean the sink's there yeah it's been taped up now the gas bottle was the other side bike rack on the back of it and then again here someone's pulled it open oh yeah they've just that bit's missing gas bottles in there but oh yeah i've got regulators no regulator plenty of regulators for them but overall mate honestly for what it was you can see that fingerprint dust all over that window as well i see a toilet cassette look at the state of that up there i didn't show you the wardrobe it's got a leisure battery and all that i haven't tested any of it because i don't know anything about it and that's the window i fitted when we was there you can see the little black cap in the ends god i'm zoomed in so far it's actually missing i've got it in the cab there yeah i'm guessing right this doesn't work no the little latch is missing off the back of it i've got all the keys but what i thought we'd do is actually just order a lock set for it so that one key sort of fits all because that that looks okay but the other one's going to want replacing etcetera etcetera so probably warrants uh painting that front bumper oh definitely and the grill i think apart from that clean up big cleaning yeah look at the state of it what do you think mates honestly someone puts it up so like that with the with the situation with campervans at the moment mate honestly that's why i struck straight away i didn't even ring you i just thought i'm gambled for it i'm surprised because it doesn't look like it needs a lot of uh tlc i can't i can't tell you how much it was because i've got a coffee in one hand and i ain't got enough fingers to hold up but it was very very cheap we're only poor motor traders so it can't have been much exactly let's get it in the yard and make a bit of a plan for it he approves sometimes well i say sometimes quite a lot of the time chris does have to ring me in a little bit because i'll get a bit excited and carried away didn't i i said come on let's get it cleaned up i'm gonna take it away at the weekend and try it out he's like rob calm down first things first get the gas bottle out see if there's any gas in it he's already been through the container and found the regulator for it and what was your plan like basically hook the gas up try the car try to heat up go through the whole thing yep make a list of stuff you need to order yeah just order it all in one go set up yeah otherwise we know what i'm like let's get involved and yeah a bit too much really you establish that's empty yeah so i'm going to run down get a gas bottle you're going to fit that regulator which is quite easy i think there's a farm shop we spoke about no this is the kala place in town yeah i know if they sell them at the um at the garage do you i've not i'll give it a try it's only a little one isn't it so i'll go and get a bottle for it and chris is going to chuck that regular wrong quite straightforward so we need to find the keys for it there is a flat right we have to find the lead for that as well 16 amp yeah i think i've got one we're just going to go through everything yeah we found the battery for it the leisure battery and that's in there inside the wardrobe so basically how old is this rob 1995. so um because i think some of these were like dual voltage weren't they where they got they run on 12 volt when you're staying this side yeah and 240 when you are hooked up rather than has it got this different they were they're like a different plug you know what people are going to want to see more and more so we just show everything but basically i went in here earlier on when you walked off yeah look and this works look yeah that's running off your 12 volt and then i looked at this this is what i'll check look that's the moat rime and it says fall and then when you flick on there it's still full that's when i looked in there and look down the bottom yeah there's a leisure battery in there and another little light here yeah that works as well yeah yeah so you got look you dual voltage yes so you there's a little plug and you have them on appliances and things that you want to run so the telly will have been running off of that is that on or is that it's not lit up is it no no but yeah so dual voltage as opposed to running on a core converter isn't it let's have a listen thanks running yeah let's just go through it and i'll let you hook that up i'm gonna go and get a bottle so has it got an onboard water tank my honestly oh i haven't probably would have i should have i should have cut it that's the heater oh is it yeah and there's the water tank look drinking water only it says so that's all right so we probably need to open yeah i mean you're going to need to flush that through yeah i don't know how long it stood but so the beer drains somewhere so i think you might want to put it back outside drain drain all the tanks there's no there's nothing in it i've turned the waste tap there's nothing in there at all sure that's not the one to fill it up no that's the exit is it yeah i'll show you let's go back out there that blackballer yeah that's your dirty right i think this one yeah do you know what yeah i'm not going to run too much longer because this is quite long we're you we'll make a list now and then we'll run around and get all that done but yeah you're right let's actually drain it down a couple of times i wonder if there's a drone in that tank or whether you just gotta run it through yes overflow yeah i think all you've got done is put some water in it and then obviously run one of the run the tap in the sink yeah open the brown water and let it run through yeah but that brown water oh i have undone that i know there's going to be people watching this that have got campers going do this do that but i did twist that and nothing's coming out so it is empty right let's make a bit of a list and then we'll cut hopefully you enjoy this it's not too long-winded i didn't make chris that kettle but do a demo chris i've been gone over an hour to salt there's a shortage of gas bottles out there so the cookers are working then and you've lit all of them haven't yet and the grill also he's played around with this and you can see power on there and you've got more working mate in here everything oh have you not well you've got it all working that one might have a bulb gone but all of the lights are now working he's got the gas cooker working um still got the fridge to go through but you just said the most important thing is actually get it outside water heater yeah before we do that we want to flush whatever water's in there once draining off so you're going to have to run the tap yeah and let it go out that brown waste yeah and then refill the tank and go from there just for just for us and obviously to tell everyone on camera there is no brown water in there so we're not flushing it out leaving it on the floor we're literally giving the system a clean that is completely empty and the taps open on it so i guess let's get it outside put some water in it test it out but so far mate everything's well i like that push it again oh it's there nice good good very very nice i think it's silly i'll probably take it out for a night when i i think it will uh i don't think i'd get clear in here though with all these cobwebs and bits in here but yeah the hot water's not going to work yet is it because there's no that's right right let's get it out in there before i get excited so we've pulled it outside and chris said this is a vital part and we're flushing the was tank in there and it's like legionnaires disease things like that really really dangerous has been sat for a while so we'll probably flush this a couple of times and put a treatment in there as well purification just to roll all of that out so we're gonna let that fill up i'm not sure how big the tank is but we'll let that fill right up and then we'll go in and start running it through the actual system and hopefully get the hot water working as well just check through everything so like i said all new to us so i've actually got it on motorhome the actual leisure battery not the motorhome battery the engine battery uh water you can see now is full so water pump but already this feels warm to the touch and i've just turned this tap on over there it's not hot enough to steam but it's certainly hot water [Music] that's working perfectly [Music] that's nice and warm as well get cold on there for a bit more power that's all working perfect you can hear it buzzing there where i'm going to tap on chris said just leave it running and let it fill up that black water tank and then once that's full we can then undo that and let that water out and then fill it up again and go through it but also these do move so you can actually open up the tank there and put a purifying tablet in it which is what we want yeah it's lovely and warm you can see the battery is going down there slightly that one's putting in there properly doesn't it's moving around but i think that's the heater that's why the water wasn't really really hot anyway i'm gonna let that flush through for a little while and then we'll have another look at it about to turn it off because the sink is actually filling up now so you can see a few drips coming out there i think the black water is actually full so we're going to need to let that go but i'm just going to wait till chris comes back out before i do that so just from washing up showering just washing it your sink washing your hands that is now the water all coming out of there it actually looks quite clear doesn't it yeah it was a bit cloudy at first but what we're going to do is actually drive this over near those trees and chris said it give them all a nice bit of water because that's probably going to take where it took about 20 minutes to actually fill up so we're going to take it over there and actually empty it all completely out but i might i think everything works in this doesn't it i'll just just while chris was in there doing something i even well you can see i've moved all those cushions up there but i pulled out that sorry i'm welding me charge there i pulled out this half of the bed and put it here and we've actually got the ladder there as well that hooks in that little silver bit and i was up there all i needed was a blanket mate and i'd have been snoozing and the sink's gone down there as well but overall mate you actually said to me well done on this one didn't you so good little boy it was definitely a good little boy you know we always ask for your your guys opinion we know we've got loads of little repairs to do but this floor i think even a moat rome is a home from home and a bit of carpet enough a lot better than this lino isn't it so let us know what you think in the comment section down below shall we go and get a beautiful bit of carpet to put down in this i've been just figuring out some other stuff as well like that bit there pulls out and you just keep pulling it out and all the little ladders come out comes all the way out here and this actually turns into a huge bed and also this table you can lift that up pull this piece out and that then becomes a huge dining table as well so it really is well thought out nice little thing guys i would just carry on all afternoon and chris said rob i think that'd do for one video and plus you've actually been waiting for me to start to start a video for the last two hours or so so we're really really happy with we are happy with this one aren't we yeah all right all right but what uh what i'm probably gonna do because it's like we're only halfway through the day we're gonna get chris set up crack on and then on probably if it's all right i'm gonna crack on with the next video of this which is going to be a major major cleanup so drop your thoughts and comments in the comments section down below please don't forget like subscribe and share and we'll see you all very very soon in the next one
Channel: salvage rebuilds uk
Views: 360,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorhome, Camper, project, cheapest, 4 berth, berth, 2 berth, camping, road trip, dirtiest, filthiest, bargain, free, cheap
Id: c9y9-A8EX6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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