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how much is the I'm at how much another Legos what good time oh wow who signed it how much another Legos um waiting for everything 24 both okay cool little you like him you want to get him that thing's huge it's not no it's not real rock yeah you can do you want grab a bang yeah here you want to put everything in a bag that's easier to carry I don't go ahead buck Carol one of the bosses we can give people live in the garage did you cover up how much is the iMac we're looking for 8080 on them yep looking for the mateys - sorry pro but it's still cool I think we're good yep yep okay this one okay okay we've got a big pile here actually Sharon should give make a list for you okay oh okay very good oh yeah we got them we got a bag I am so psyched for you guys to make you buy it all right yeah yeah make me buy it oh the other guy didn't buy them oh you that was twenty and twenty five is forty five you said 24 both oh yeah that's cool I got a hundred bucks yeah there's two boxes of perfume the Chanel up there yeah could you do 30 for both since I'm buying so much you can't but what's the best you could do for both [Music] okay yeah we'll leave those then we'll ask her I'm right here what if I buy the two boxed ones yeah it's 90 she said 30 apiece originally for me yeah but what if I bought both [Music] but let me finish with these customers they'll be right also also I noticed these shoes are torn up so I'm gonna leave him so what would that to duck out of that 95 this woman told you thirtyish Annelle these right here these two please yeah oh there's a trunk that's oh sorry sorry okay 30 pieces fine so let's do 50/50 for both yeah okay so 95 and 50 is 145 yep let's do 140 because you've been good sport very good thank you I appreciate thank you thank you very much [Music] here's your receipt thank you very much and you pay Carol because I love crap oh okay okay okay there you go 140 right yes awesome thank you thank you very much CBDs five dollars please that was good that was that was Wow that was very fast-paced yeah I don't want to make you carry stuff this box is really cool it's a repro but for 2020 tax deduction I know I didn't see you grab that yeah alright guys well it is unseasonable warm outside right now it is like it's got to be close to 60 degrees outside and it's what early January right now still if you're new to the channel we do this kind of thing all time go on all kinds of adventures so if you enjoy that kind of thing consider subscribing so you don't miss our next adventure anyway what'd you think of this sail Bay it's pretty good huh yeah you were funny we're carrying the bag all around it was pretty crazy in there like really really fast like paced and I was kind of just like grabbed everything before everybody else does right yeah we picked up a whole lot of stuff we're gonna go through all of it with you right now and what we've actually listed it for we've actually listed everything in our eBay store that we picked up from the sale already so this was a moving sale and we were actually very surprised when we got there we noticed that the lady running the sale was actually the lady running a sale that we had previously been to in a video before I don't know if you guys remember it it was a sale we went to and there's a huge Star Wars collection we picked up a whole lot of stuff at that sale I think you guys probably remember it yeah Pam's Chewbacca masks this sale was being run by the same woman this house was already sold and they needed to get everything gone so they're very eager to sell everything that they had out for sale all right in no particular order we picked up some perfume and bath gel I believe it's called it's uh it's a Chanel bath gel I'm not gonna say what we paid for each item because we paid $140 for everything I don't know what we paid for each item it averages out the Chanel bath gel I looked that up there's only one other listed on eBay at least that I could find there might be more listed now but when I listed it there was only one listed and I price mine a little below there's so that I would beat them in the market brand new sealed never opened and listed that for $60 plus shipping yeah we could how Kimmy hey they are there yard then we also picked up some Ivanka Trump perfume and I expected this to be worth a little bit more than it is but nonetheless I think I listed it for about $20 plus shipping but it should sell well so I went through the DVD section or like the DVD pile that they had and I probably should have bought just all of them I also probably should have bought the video games they had I don't know what they were asking on them but they weren't anything special that's why I left them but if they were cheap enough I should have grabbed them it's better I left them oh yeah Pam hates video games Oh anyway I picked up Beauty and the Beast DVD I believe it's blu-ray as well and yeah it's my favorite movie ever and we listed that in our eBay store I think for like eight dollars plus shipping somewhere in there usually Disney movies do really well every time we've listed them they sell fairly quickly so figured might as well grab that and we also got the Lion King on DVD and that one is actually sealed and brand-new that's a katana favorite okay no one steal brand-new that's also why I picked that one up because I saw that it was new and I believe we listed that for $10 plus shipping so I'm not too bad on the DVDs we also picked up a bunch of board games we picked up battleship I believe we picked up what was another one headbands and another game called watch your mouth on the box it said that watch your mouth was created by Kickstarter which is a company that funds people that are trying to get new products out on the market I don't know if this game is still in production but on the box it says it's from 2016 so I would assume it's not maybe it is all of those games aren't super valuable the only reason why we picked them up is because they are all brand-new sealed and there's actually a guy try to fight Pam for the battleship literally he had a lightsaber China she was trying to fight Pam for the battleship trying to get her to give it to him but yeah I mean you know twelve to fifteen dollars on those games plus shipping of course not anything special but they are brand new sealed so they're super easy to list and figure we just picked them up Pam found an elephant toy like a little elephant baby toy right yeah it's like a little elephant baby toy I didn't even know you picked that up until we get to check out I was like what the heck's is doing in Archaea bag but that's also worth around 15 dollars nothing spectacular there it's going for around $20 ship yes okay but also brand-new toy so couldn't go wrong with that just figured we'd throw it in the pile where it's brand-new we also found some Legos the sale and at the sale initially I thought they were both seals but come to find out I should have looked closer only one of them was sealed the one way you can tell if you're looking at a box of Lego's if it is factory sealed or not is they put little pieces of tape on I think there's usually four of them on each box on the corners of where the box is sealed and those are the factory seals so if you see those and they're not broken that means that the box of Lego's is indeed factory sealed they usually have like a little black line on them the one that is sealed we listed for $90 plus shipping so that was a fantastic Bahai and the other one we actually have not list the yet spam has been trying to build it I think it is missing some pieces yeah it is missing some pieces I don't know what we're gonna do with it maybe we'll just have to sell it as is and for a cheaper price it is a valuable set if it is complete unfortunately but it's not yeah the thing about Lego is that I learned that you got to remember is usually when they're making a Lego set they'll make it for a while and then they'll retire it and they'll never bring it back and these two LEGO sets that we actually bought at the sale both are retired and I think the one that sealed is five or six years old and they don't make it anymore so that's why it's so valuable and then finally we picked up a pair of boots now we were in the shoe section of this sale and I found some nike air max which usually generally nike air max are really good to sell or to resell if you can get them for a good price and cheap because I don't know it was just a huge market for them and they're usually a high-end sneaker so I was excited when we found those but then Pam noticed that the front of them was all torn up like really bad like there was holes in it on one of them so I decided to just leave them behind that was a little disappointing but the boots we found in this shoe section are really good boots they are Italian motorcycle riding boots and I looked up comps for this specific brand and they're pretty valuable they're a smaller size for the worth quite as much I don't think as like a more normal men's size like ten or eleven they're eight and a half's but I did end up listening them for $74.99 plus shipping so definitely a crate pickup and I added up all the gross dollar amount that we have listed on eBay from this sale once again we spent $140 it came out to three hundred and twenty dollars gross dollar amount and that's not including shipping so we're gonna end up doing really well from this deal and I'm really happy we went we found some awesome stuff right yeah call Pam eagle-eyes she's got her eyes out for the good stuff right yeah I would have bought those shoes if she didn't see that redheaded gentle anyway guys thank you for hanging out with us on this fun adventure we love sharing all this stuff with you guys once again if you do want to see some of our other videos we have a binge playlist linked below so you can see all the videos that we put out over the past year anyway have a great rest of your day everybody thank you once again make sure to hit that thumbs up button for good luck and what did they got a do pan you keep dreaming you crazy little chambers and maybe you'll find some crazy Italian boots that actually are yeah [Music]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 218,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, moving sale, garage sales, garage sale finds, garage sale score, thrift mine, american pickers, moving sale tips, garage sale hunting, garage sale tips, moving sales, reselling
Id: GpE4O__3L-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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