We Bought Cheap Fishing Lures On TEMU... Was It WORTH IT?

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this is a bag of poorly wrapped bag from temu this site like a wish.com but somehow worse I don't know uh remains to be seen the quality of the baits inside of this bag we're going to cut this open on this episode and this is gonna be a lot of fun because there's some wacky stuff in here and I hope it's not broken but this is how they ship things apparently what's up nerds so obviously you saw the video where we went shopping on Teemu temu temu you know what can somebody give me like the phonetics of that one in the comments below please and thank you we saw our video Paul and I went shopping in this thing we saw a bunch of crazy stuff there were some bangers as far as the audio tracks on some of the real videos we didn't get any reels on this order we just got lures but I will I promise you I will go back and I'll get some reels and then we'll test them out because why wouldn't I buy a 16 bait caster that looks like it's made of metal probably is made of plastic and it's definitely uh top tier s ranked for audio video production quality I don't know why wouldn't I do that so we have a bunch of lures here I want to cut this bag open and share with you what you can expect when you're ordering from the site and I know I'm going to hear it in the comments already I heard it last time lots of people I bought from AliExpress you've bought from overseas before you've gotten this stuff from you know wherever and you know you said it was fine it worked it definitely works lots of things work doesn't mean that they're great so I'm just going to give you my first impressions on these as we get them out of the box bag and we're gonna obviously then go and test them out on the water at a later time so we'll get you another video on those later on I just want to see what these things look like because a lot of those pictures were very much photoshopped on that site so I don't know what they actually look like I have no concept of the size of most of these lures I just know they look crazy and I wanted to get a few to try out for you guys so without further Ado let's cut this thing open shall we we're gonna take a big old American knife to this thing I uh I don't even know how to open this oh my God I hate this so much how do you open this without damaging the lures inside trying to just get the tape okay I got a part of the plastic I think we're good there you go the remnants of our package let's see what we got uh the first one that I have is in a box and if you guys saw the video of us ordering I think you know what this one is this is my lightsaber holder AKA my fishing rod holster look at this thing all right I think I have a short enough Rod that I can test this out right now so check this out sounded weird I don't know what these clips do on the side that's for something else maybe security and am I too fat for this yes I am that's okay let's expand how do you how do you okay so I mean it's pretty pretty secure okay okay that was that was too tight it was too tight okay hang on oh there we go nope still too okay all right that's better here we go so this thing goes goes I should probably do this while I'm not wearing it so you get this thing and it goes into this webbing here okay cool cool cool neat neat neat got it so now we've got it on the Belt and I have my fishing utility belt so we're gonna take a reel slap it onto this ugly stick gx2 bam okay and then I'm gonna holster it pow okay okay so here it is this is my fishing rod holster uh I mean it's not bad I could see too like you could put it behind you kind of right like right there I mean I can't extend my back or anything but let's say that I'm waiting the river and and and hang on better idea we have our fish lab uh you utility fanny pack right holds 3 600 size box what if we could incorporate these two together oh yes so check this out uh the the fish lab pack has like these little tiny absolutely useless little web Pockets right but what you can do is you can take these little tabs you can shove this sucker in there it barely fits and now I can go ahead and wear my fanny pack and it actually puts that back there where I'd want it check this out here we go moment of truth I'm waiting the river I got two combos with me oh shoot oh shoot one goes right there and it's not going anywhere oh this is legit I just smoked that light that's fine I mean oh yeah I got my leash right here so I could I could set up a leash clip it over that and like we're good this isn't going anywhere first product great success so there we go I've now attached it permanently to my fanny pack and it is a it is a part of my waiting the River Journey now good purchase okay so next up we picked up three packs of these and uh this one looks very sad this this pack wasn't very happy being packaged that way so these are essentially the Bellows Gill so if you guys are familiar with uh g-crack ghee crack whatever the heck you you call it they make these awesome little things that usually smell like nacho cheesier flavored Doritos uh I'm not sure what these are going to smell like let's find out so this just says bnu Soft Bait okay cool oh it actually no no smell no good smell okay so this is basically like a non-oily non-greasy Bellows Gill looks exactly the same so we got that that thick middle portion you see there and most of it is just this thin super soft material very soft just like the Bellows Gill is you got your little tickle tail down there look at that so we got that Lighter Side darker side this is like a green pumpkin and white kind of colorway durability we'll find out you get two two a pack I think there were a couple bucks each for each pack of two so not too bad this one's a little warped definitely not the same like nice packaging that you get with the Bellows where it's the tray this is or the individually slotted tray this is just one big tray that they just threw those suckers into okay so there's one color the next one we got this is the beat up package it's actually a cool color though so this one again I mean it smells slightly shrimpy slightly like that nacho oh wow these ones are just stuck together though look at that smells kinda like that but also at the same time just nah purely just plastic uh so this one is like a June bug watermelon kind of chartreuse highlight to that bottom side and this one they didn't do a great job splitting the colorway I mean that's just mostly June bug down there it's supposed to be a laminate like one color this side one color that side so bad pour on that one unless that's what they're going for I don't know it just looks kind of funky this one's a little better so you get that bright green and red flake and then you get that June bug upper that purple and blue not bad not a bad color um I mean if if you want to figure out how to fish a Bellows Gill maybe you get a couple of these and then you learn how to rig it how to fish it how to catch on it and then you go get the Bellows Gill because it's just better I don't know man colorway sparkly seven sparkly seven it's literally the same bait uh part of the problem with sites like these is you see a lot of these copies like this other company maybe did all the design work and put all the energy and effort and Blood Sweat and Tears into it and then these guys were like well we already have the mold for it let's just make a bunch of super cheap ones and sell it on this crazy site that's where we wound up here's another one and you're noticing that they just get like locked together because they don't have their own individual spots there we go so yeah all right interesting I mean it's it's exactly the same just without the uh proprietary juice that g-crack uses I guess I would say it's fine it's fine more B and you whatever whatever that brand is two-way it's called the two-way we've got an eight count in pink of course check this crazy doohickey out again just purely plastic pretty soft soft plastic that they use for this though but check this out connected two little mites here with these crazy tentacles coming off the sides obviously you could rip this apart you could rig it on smaller hooks you could do a micro wacky which is what we plan on doing with this we're going to throw this on a wacky rig just toss it out there see what happens why not legs are crazy got a ribbed body to it so very interesting is probably the only way to describe this uh something that would I I would see this as synonymous with like Japanese fishing JDM baits for sure for a couple bucks why not try it out I'm gonna do something different so now we get into the hard baits and oh my gosh were there a lot of really weird hard baits most noticeable was the ploppers the Whopper ploppers that were specifically the same colors that River to sea has of their Whopper ploppers just way cheaper for a five pack they photoshop them into pictures with fish where it was like no that's not real it's obviously not real the ploppers they they look all sorts of different sizes and that was true for most of these baits so if you're shopping this site the big problem that I had was like they had a size description then they had an image and the the two the picture doesn't match the sound right it didn't line up so you would have to you know be able to calculate these sizes in you know grams and maybe centimeters obviously you can go just convert it online whatever but it's not giving you the the whole picture right versus where you're used to buying baits maybe Tackle Warehouse or something like that you get a lot more description and they also all had these pictures that had descriptive terms that didn't make any sense because of translation so kind of confusing I'd say we we start with this this is one a lot of people have mentioned that they've got I didn't expect it to be this size that's that's massive that's huge I expected this to be a lot smaller than this uh this makes no sense to me so sure it's a top water bait it'll work fine it'll do what top owners are supposed to do I was just expecting more of like what the images suggested which was like a small cicada style bait this is not that what it is is a massively terrible package that's just taped like all the way around for one for two oh my goodness it's it's a um nope nope I hate this I hate this so much kind of a fire tiger color to it uh very plasticky uh very very cheap feeling for sure um hooks are you know obviously need to be replaced I'm gonna leave them on to to give this a go they're not sharp at all like at all um and then you get these little plastic paddle Wheels on the side so this is one of those baits it's supposed to float cast it out there I mean at least it has a split ring I guess and then as you're retrieving it hopefully these are getting moved by the water and creating some sort of disturbance on the surface there's a disturbance in the surface I hate it I I knew I wouldn't be happy but the size of this thing is stupid that's huge so I don't I guarantee we catch a fish on this I'm just not gonna be happy fishing it I wonder how long these little paddle Wheels hold up too I don't know you couldn't make it cheaper I don't think I don't think you can make this cheaper so I don't know if you again like I'm not trying to knock these things I know a lot of people are looking for like how do I save some money on buying all these fishing lures lots of lures especially us-made ones are super expensive uh you know is it worth buying the name brand et cetera et cetera et cetera I hear you I totally hear you and also this so to me is this worth it no maybe you guys have caught on this awesome let me know in the comments below I'm not trying to yuck your yum I'm just saying there's a lot better stuff out there than whatever this thing is next we're doing this one I'll save the what what I think is the most interesting for last this one I bought purely to put on a shelf I actually didn't plan on fishing this at all why is everything so taped gosh all right so I came in this little throwaway plastic container and we have three of them now I want you to picture the cicada you're thinking of a bug you're like okay cicada and then I want you to picture a duck you're picturing a duck you're like okay babe picture of baby duck go ahead no no go ahead and then I want you to imagine that we have a baby duck that is smaller than this gigantic cicada okay that's what we have here so we have the duck lure which nope it's terrible uh out of the box look at this thing you do have a dress rear treble looks fine I mean they did a shoddy job cutting it at the top there that's fine whatever cheap little tiny hooks okay we got a split ring on the front right we got you know crazy little red eyes it's an angry ducky we got a single joint right there with some noise loud noise and we got a wake bill look at that this is like a little wake duck it's the time DuckTales [Laughter] this is the one that was going to go on the Shelf because it just looks so good look at that it's beautiful gorgeous um when I say gorgeous what I truly mean is you know when you have like a low resolution picture and you print it out of a printer imagine you do that and then you just stick it onto a cheap plastic blank that is what that is look at that super low res printed design these look a lot better on the website than they do in person these look awful they look awful this oh this is way worse look at that that is that it's like it got blown up and it didn't have enough pixels and then they just said heck it and they slapped it right onto this ducky here yeah very blurry uh I've seen better prints on Plastics which is harder to do than it is on this like look at this what is this one what is this so it's just it's just red and then you can see what I'm talking about this treble here typically this is all cleaned up right so this is all just Loosely wrapped around this treble I don't even know how long that's gonna last uneven strands you know it and and kind of the the purpose of this was you know this site is pushing a lot of marketing right now A lot of people are talking about it a lot of influencer talking about it and I'm like dude come on like calm down it's not that great so then we go on there and I want to prove that it's not that great and I think I've been proven right like yes they're cheap and they're cheap you can get stuff on there it'll function there's way better stuff you guys should be saving up for trust me it would be worth it just to save up that's my opinion man and I know Paul feels the same way he hated making this video I want to keep getting stuff from this site though just so I can get the variety right I got to get the reels because people are like well get a real like try to reel out see if that's worth it I'll show you it's probably not as you could imagine and like this just again it screams that it's cheap and it's cheap it's cheaply made I can't see this doing anything good for me everything on it is like I've seen people make their first fishing lure and it looks better than this so I don't know oh I think I just broke the lip on one of this just by I was just trying to see how well that was molded in there and it definitely is not good it's not good okay well you know what there you go this one will go up on a shelf immediately and then uh these two we're gonna go fish them we're gonna go see how they do one more this is one of those ones where you see it and you're like okay well that's asinine let's get one okay I think this is one where it actually has like some packaging and we got to read this packaging so catch blg fish I don't know if that's a brand catch blg at first I thought I said catch big fish catch blg fish ocean fishing okay uh we work we worked we worked hard at hooks we worked hard at hooks good job uh all right and then this side the side determine is describing the hooks as high intensity made from high intensity carbon steel strong toughness anti-corrosion not afraid of big fish not easy to bend straight uh dude I have to read all of this this is all gold hang on let me get this packaging out uh perfect swimming gesture spontaneous swimming posture when Sinking The Bait body can swing left and right and attractive and attractive cool cool cool cool neat irregular movements imitate the Panic escape and near-death state of fish that is that's the uh irregular let's say irregular movement neat fishing lures our lures are made from the highest quality component components components components cool um and finished with colors to suit for fishing in any conditions this lure can be used for many kinds of fish warning this product is made for fishing do not ingest I'm thinking this is the brand maybe I have no idea what that says though not a not a darn clue quality I'm leaving that in because I literally thought that was like a brand it turns out it says quality what the heck dude anyways all right so what we have here is if you guys are familiar with the lunker hunt prop fish it's a hollow body fish with a prop tail I hate it it's terrible I have like several of them sitting on a shelf one of our least favorite baits of all time this is a hard version of that and with a treble and also a spinny blade off the tail so here's what you get right again with the blown up inflated Graphics that look terrible when slapped onto a hard body plastic right we got a plastic fin there up top got some details you got your eyes really weird eyes they're just like you know just looking forward okay cool I've got a little split ring here I mean it feels like a hold up we have this is the high intensity hook we got one hook on here nice treble I'm not sure it doesn't look like it's going to hit the prop at all we have a prop that spins I mean that's obviously a start and then we've got this blade coming off the back but check this out there's like these can I get them to show up there's like burn marks on the metal on the front of it and it's not showing up great because of the glare there's a little bit of one you can see right there up at the top what is that from like it ain't coming off it just looks like during the Machining process they just like hit this thing on accident so I mean whatever it's it's a basic gold Colorado blade so we got another top water because I want to throw some top water stuff with a prop and a blade sure why not um very rattly doesn't weigh much at all and yeah it's just like this blown out bluegill is what I'm going to call it the things I do for science for you guys um well that happened we I think we spent 27 bucks total on that right so it's not even that great for for the price that's all we got I've done better on like Tackle Warehouse sometimes so we got the uh the fake Bellows gills three packs of those two different colors we've got the um you know stuff of nightmares alien pink wacky rig we've got the world's biggest cicada we've got three little ducks I think this was the most expensive kit the three little ducks here and then we got the uh the prop fish with with spinny flash how much money could I get from this company if I just bent these hooks straight right now because they said you can't I bet I could I bet I could Perma right and don't forget about the quality there you go that's my Teemu order temu TAMU I don't care I'm saying Teemu I don't care what it's supposed to be called it's Teemo and uh gosh dang did that stink so let's go ahead and get some uh fishing reels and we'll definitely be more impressed by those won't we won't we thanks for watching you guys this is you know this was a lot of fun it would be a lot more fun is taking these things out and trying to catch fish on them the funny thing is I guarantee we're going to catch fish okay it's it's a no-brainer it's gonna work it's it's kind of the proof of the concept is you could buy a Pikachu lure off of Tackle Warehouse for 23 and you're gonna catch on that there's crazier stuff out there and it all works I've caught fish on little human Plastics that said let's do this let's wrap up the experience with timu so far so with Teemu shipping took a long time uh they give you a four to five day window on when that's going to be delivered so they gave me April 30th to May 4th I came on the second of those days May 1st which was a Monday which is cool okay awesome that's like the first deliverable day of that five-day window that they gave me and it came in just a taped overly taped plastic bag okay that kind of sucks maybe it's just the way they have to deliver whatever that's fine the the shopping experience is very interesting on there because you can't understand any of it right so you're just like okay what does this do the descriptions don't really explain it too much for you the videos are almost slightly more helpful but not not that helpful at all and here's the thing once you're done and you do the order and you go through that whole process they bombard you with emails you are going to get emails multiple a day a every day until you unsubscribe uh which is hard to do so just a heads up if you shop with him you're gonna get a lot of spam and then you're gonna get weirder spam from other places like they're selling your information right away is what it seems like to me and then I've also heard horror stories now hopefully this doesn't happen to us so far it hasn't uh where people have had their credit card information stolen so I try to use PayPal wherever I go so I have that PayPal security I'd recommend you guys do the same PayPal has been great I use it 99 of the time when I'm shopping online especially if it's a website that's not Tackle Warehouse uh and even on tacos I do but like if it's a website that I haven't used before that I don't understand the reputation of or haven't seen anything about it then I use PayPal immediately and if they don't offer that I don't buy there so be careful be safe when you're shopping online hopefully this gives you a little bit of an Insight of what it's like in the world of Teemu and I mean you know what I was kind of in a position where I was like why not let's try this out it could be fun it could be terrible it's still content let's just do the thing and a lot of you guys were asking about it or saying that you had your own experiences so hopefully this is helpful for you let me know in the comments below what your experience has been would you shop on Teemu or not if you have have you been happy with it and if you've gotten the reels and stuff give me your review on it does it work that's step one It better work step two though doesn't work well are you enjoying it would you go for that real as like your standard go too real and you're super happy that you have it that's what I really want to know and then we'll go and we'll pick up a model or two so we can test them out for you guys awesome thanks for coming along with us on this journey hopefully you guys enjoyed the video and we'll catch you on the next one see ya
Channel: Aggressively Average Anglers
Views: 52,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Burly Fishing, bass fishing, bass fishing tips, fishing, fishing tips, burley fishing, temu haul, temu haul 2023
Id: oANt26p_lPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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