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it's the end of the day I'm looking through the auctions and I found this 2011 Fiat 500 now it's a Cen and there doesn't appear to be too much damage on it as you can see a dent in the seal there it's nice low mileage 23,000 but it's got a red interior now I know Dad is not going to be happy with a red interior at all but it all depends in what it sells for that's the mileage and let's flick down damage that's the damage there so it's a bit of damage to the seal um can't really guess too much what's happened sometimes what you get on these 5500 people jacking them up on the seal but I don't think that's happened this time but guys it's got no keys of it now dad does not well he don't really like to gamble it with the keys and he thinks if he got no keys with it then nine times out 10 there's a reason but I have been lucky touch touchwood I have been lucky a few times on the no keys so I'm going to love a building it and if you guys are watching this this then I've obviously won it so fingers crossed it turns out all right I've won the car for a grand total of 1,810 now I have spoke to my locksmith and it's £140 to have a key well to get for him to get into it sorry and have the key cut and coded which I don't think that's too bad that's quite a good price really so it's in Oxford it's it's a little bit F than I thought it was I thought that it was about a half an hour 40-minute drive turns out it's an hour and 20 minute drive but you've also got approach M25 which as you all know that's a bit of a problem but it can't be so Dad's on his way home now from the workshop and we're going to show him I think he'll be happy with a mileage but I know for a fact he's going to moan about the interior he's not going to like that red interior let's have a look at it he's not going to like that red interior and it is quite dirty as well but it's not a problem there's nothing that you know of days Val in it ain't going to clean up so yeah mileage good interior bad hell don't swim oh my God where's I2 but it's here I break here oh my God look at all these cars there's about 10 stories worth of cars look at all these cars oh my God you never seen so many wow oh my God look at all these cars what the hell that's car Heaven hey literally goes for miles and miles oh not miles but goes for rows and rows and rows and rows oh well here he [Music] is [Music] Qui get it loaded up let's get a strap on it so we've been very kindly invited to have a look at sort of behind the scenes of ASM now this is their auction prep area and well so a bit of the process so DeLay So they wash them beforehand and then picture them up and identify anything wrong with them yeah um and then yeah get ready ready to go in the auction so obviously this is the taken B and that's the sort of process they go through you can see how fur it is and to be honest I did not I didn't quite but I didn't quite realize the volume of cars that they actually have here and well I mean this is um this is a bit of a bit of a surprise hav have you ever seen that is no no it's quite good so obviously the cars go for a walk before there before they're auctioned which again is another good thing cuz it highlights a little bit more damage to them but yeah I mean this is this is such a a a fough sort of workout they've got going a nice little Co so this is just the section of some of the breakers that they have for sale not for sale sorry the parts that they have for sale if you look if you look how many rows it goes back is five cars High down there and there's what one 2 3 4 five rows just go on and on and on now I do know that when I've been on asm's website that the amount of parts that they have for offer is just compared to any other salvage company it well it speaks for itself so I will also leave a link in the description for the link for their parts department I mean just look look at that old Defender up there I think that's a Ferrari up there Dad up there is that a Ferrari or is that a Porsche think that's a Porsche ain't it which one I want a top oh there oh yeah looks P looks like it yeah so you well as you can see they've got anything from a Porsche to a well to a perso anything from a Porsche to a pers and breaking wow there now is a good time to talk to you about today's video sponsor now please do not skip because this will benefit you guys watching at home and it will also benefit the guys in the trade that are also watching the video now the company is called vehicle score and I have a 20% discount and my discount code is fs20 but now I'm going to explain to you all the cool little perks that vehicle score will do completely for free and if you look here it will give you all the mileage all the MIT history and it will even give you an estimate of what they think your car is worth but the main thing that vehicle school will do is it will generate a number between 1 and 999 depending on how good they think your car is now here is an example of my car it's at 895 so that's pretty good I'll definitely definitely take that and remember guys this is all for free now for all you guys in the trade you need to be doing a salvage report on every single car you buy they're about £297 you can use my code fs20 it will take you to about £250 so for £250 and all that piece of mind is so worth it and that's if you're buying a car from copar that's if you're buying a car from any sort of auction site or if you're buying any cars from private sellers because remember guys the auction's house do sometimes get it wrong so for £250 and all that piece of mind it is definitely definitely worth it now for all you guys at home that are going to be buying a car privately or even just from a dealer you need to be doing an ultimate report the ultimate report will go through all the checks whether it's been a taxi before whether it's been on higher anything like that it will show it all up and use my code fs20 again it will take 20% off give you a nice bit of discount and it will give you tons and tons and tons of peace of mind so the link will be in the description box below click on it it will take you straight to the website and check your car today the front end knock CU you can see the uh shassy legs over they cut them off when they even cut them off cut them off nice they yank them off yeah you can see it well well you guys know when we've had it with the KA cuz they are sealed onto the car a lot of times when they're taken off they're bent and you've got to try and manipulating back into place but you can tell just by the way they've been cut off how clean that cut Mark is there that they OB they're all taken off properly so again that saves what that saves another 2 hours in itself don't it yeah so this is where all the doors tailgates a stored bumpers wow this is absolutely massive I don't know what the lighting is going to be like because it is quite dark in here but look each individual each each individual panel has a barcode on it and then I'm assuming once they're sold they go from there but wow the the the the range of parts that they've got here is absolutely crazy and I'm taking it from these these are all batteries for electric cars so all your wings and you can you can tell just by the way they're stored each individual each individual bit of plastic separating them from the next panel which always helps that there's no dents no scratches which beats a lot of the well it beats a lot of the competition because you've seen the amount of times we go to a Breakers yard and there's little chips or dents in it and this is just completely on a different level quter tailgate yeah there's a lot of stuff yeah there what cor yeah no course D course a d want one of them unbelievable there have you have you ever seen anything this far oh it's a full K full what that's a k f does this um well what yeah compared to well the next well compared to a lot of break yard you do go to the stuff that's stored is unbelievable well when you the way the way they store it but what would you compare it if you was comparing it to Bean oh no nothing like it nothing is it no just just the way it's all pipped yeah like what I was even saying in the way the if you buy something if they say what the description is then obviously it will be because they're not stacked against each other yeah that's yeah that's what exactly what I was just saying over there another tailgate for 3 500 so what you're seeing now is a part of their parts department so this is where the vehicles will come they'll be deputed so all of the oils and the gases will be taken out of them and then they'll be stripped down and put into sections and then I suppose they'll either go over to the other side where the whole car will be stored and then parts will be taken off individually or they'll be stripped down and they'll be taken into the other Warehouse what we just saw but the process is just it's nothing I've ever seen before so even even if you can see that little stand there so the panels are taken off cleaned photografted any blemishes in the paint or any dents scratches is all picked up upon and what you see is exactly what you get look all the two posters they've [Music] got [Laughter] [Music] s it's a hybrid car there so as you can see in this one Warehouse alone there's probably about I'd say I don't know 30 40 cars probably about 20 people working on stripping them out and well what we seeing now is gear boxes this must be where the gearboxes and engines are stored Interiors Interiors tires wow yeah yeah he's like a kid in the candy shop look at him look look each you think each individual one of these has gone through every single wrapped up it' be so easy just to well it' be so easy just to skip over Parts like this and just either leave them or not be as far with them but even even down to every single wing mirror it's clean field and just to give it a little bit more protection and as you can see it doesn't matter if it's a 2020 Bentley Benta or a a Vox or Westra they all go through the exact same treatment cuz as you guys know but you can buying them it's just as easy selling them is just as easy fixing them even as easy but the parts are sometimes where we struggle so much and the amount of times where we've had cars sitting around cuz we just can't find a parts for them but I think I am right in saying that I was recently watching the late break show and um the insurance companies what they've now started doing is that they've now started using secondhand panels now I know that they've already adopted this style in Germany um Spain and it's just coming over here and well it might make the parts for ourselves a little bit more harder to reach hold of but all in all it is what's best it's it's what's best for cycling rather than than just going to waste because well Dad as you said previously when you when you're buying when you're buying patn parts yeah they don't always fit as well well I mean the shorts company accept it but having genuine stuff makes the job so much easier and quicker yeah picking up cars during the day at Star pric and laying Paving slabs By Night Ain you Dad right so unfortunately we haven't really got much to repair on that one did we no there wasn't well there weren't much to be repaired um what did you think of the interior in that one was filthy you can't remember it was it was a dark red interior oh dark red oh yeah didn't like that interior that was a bit yeah that was a bit horrible yeah I knew more about the interior um but we are shooting this a couple months later we um this this actual initial video we filmed back in August and now we're in February so that's why that couldn't remember it been asleep since then yeah um but the interior cleaned up nice on the hole and that one had only done I think it had done about 19,000 mil it real low mileage one the one we bought when I ke oh yeah we had to take it over and yeah we took it over to Luton bought it on the way and went back on the way and got it done yeah and on the way back we managed to go over to Luton get the key cut for it but me GoPro died and s in my phone so I didn't couldn't have nothing to video it on um but we went there got two keys cut for it and it started up first time absolutely perfect was it yeah was just a little bit on the seal W it on the rear seal yeah just a little bit of damage on that you pulled it out and I think I actually painted I think you did paint yeah I painted it and then we dropped it off to our firsttime driver in by St said I'm sure it was I'm sure it was by staned but either way I'm sure it was somewhere around staned one that was on the uh that farm would have BL the old boy no wal no no no no not Wales no no that's another car we Dro that's another car we dropped off in Wales um we dropped this one off over by stance did um yeah hopefully fingers crossed all is well for them with that car um we did change the area in it do you not remember that the one that oh yeah would that one signal gone in the roof area yes the antenna and the roof had gone so I ended up driving to well we needed it for that day so I drove over to S6 picked one up and we changed it and it worked absolutely perfect didn't it yeah yeah radio crackled didn't it yeah radio kept crackling um but yeah that's all done now so sorry there isn't much of a of a repair on it but at least you guys got to have a look around ASM with us that was a big old site was it oh yeah that we well nice was yeah Wonder around yeah it was a massive massive massive site and I'm actually going to leave a link the description box below to asm's link so all the parts if you need any parts put your Edge in and it'll take you straight to the parts you need but they had a lot of stuff didn't they yeah they were nice people yeah yeah really nice so yes that's well the end of another project again sorry there's not much to prepare but there will be very very shortly be a lot of more content coming up um but yeah with that being said make sure you go follow me Instagram description box below again me Instagram um all the latest updates you'll see all of the uh um projects that we've completed all the ones we've done um and you'll also see upcoming projects on there first uh if you got any cars for sale any salvage cars um any cars where you've R an accident you bought it back from the insurance company then please give me an email my email is fixing Salvage hotmail.com or any non-runners anything like that youve got car for sale give me a message and we'll go from there but with that being said see you all in the next [Applause] one
Channel: Fixing salvage
Views: 59,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copart, salvage, fiat500, ASM
Id: sl9Gp4lVKLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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