We BOUGHT A Camper Van! (Without Seeing It)

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[Music] last week we started our search for the perfect u.s holiday home on wheels but unfortunately none of them quite felt like the one in this video we continue our search outside of new york state and eventually find the perfect campervan for us hello you guys you join us today from our friend's apartment in staten island new york and we're actually loving this location because we are just across the street from the staten island ferry which is a 20-minute free journey across to manhattan we also have an epic view over here we've got the manhattan skyline which is absolutely gorgeous we've even got a little minor league baseball stadium field something like that just across the way which is all very exciting when there's something going on down there and we have a very stressed out alex who i think it's a little bit tired i'm searching i have looked at every camper van that exists on this continent we are expanding our search outside of new york and i'm looking basically anywhere in the country the good ones are selling like hotcakes i found for example about an hour ago one i really liked been posted four hours ago it's in california i thought we're on to one here i message them someone in four hours has already contacted them agreed to buy it sent a deposit and is flying from denver how are we supposed to compete with this we do actually have a really exciting lead so it's a roller coaster at the moment we're getting disappointed then we're getting excited again we're getting excited for this one because a subscriber of ours has actually reached out saying that they hadn't planned on selling it so soon but they would be willing to sell us their van it's perfect really well i mean it looks perfect obviously we don't know yet yeah but this is based in new hampshire which again would be a 10 hour round trip for us so we have sent out a lemon squad which is basically these mechanics that go out and they do pre-inspections for you it's very expensive about 350 dollars a time to use them but cheaper than paying the fuel to go all the way there and stay in a hotel overnight so we're going for the lemon squad it has got to the point where i am now dreaming about campervans guys and i need a break from those vehicles i think there's enough distractions personally not that barley yeah so we're gonna head out to the city i've been in this apartment for about three four days and i already felt like a local now because i'm complaining about how slow the lift is all the time because that's what everyone does every time you meet anyone they're always just like oh god i hate this lift and i completely agree [Music] we have very different ways of switching off uh so we're going and doing our own thing i'm now dropping off emma to the cinema yeah she's gonna go to the movie and my version is going to the bar alone because in america it's the best place to go alone in a bar in england there's something a little bit sad and depressing about it but here it's like you go alone and everyone becomes your friend so i'm gonna go watch some football and make some american friends at the bar okay bye so i now have about a two hour window to consume as much alcohol as i possibly can without emma there to stop me from doing so see you on the other side [Music] i'm waiting for emma now outside of the cinema this is a bar directly opposite the cinema i'm with someone i met in the bar and it is ridiculous look the king is just there hello hello look at me i was drinking past my face that is too big yes it's bottomless so you can keep refilling it even though it's already too big i've only drunk that much how was the movie it was good i quite liked going to the city of my own that's the first time i've ever been to the cinema on my own but i liked it i am more tipsy than i was before you left me i could tell you can smell it as well i've met someone that is willing to let me take you to see their dog do you like dogs uh i guess stranger dogs [Music] after a lovely evening switching off we are raring to go again ready to go and so our buddy is letting us use his truck to get out of state very kindly it's funny i was all excited that when he said we could have this truck i thought great we're going to go and see all the vans but when you look on the map this tiny distance can still be like five hours a 10-hour round trip so we actually can't go as far as i imagined because you don't want to do that much distance and not be buying a van so we just go to new jersey now about an hour away we were hoping to see two vans today but lo and behold we got a message just before we left to say that the first one is sold so we've only got of course so we've only got one more to go and see and this is a small bus conversion which i'm really excited about because we stayed in a really big bus recently and we got told that there's these half size ones so that is what we're going to go and check out now [Music] i need to pee and i'm hungry and i'm thirsty do you think you can pee in the in the campervan would that be people oh no i'm about to go see of course i can't excuse me can i come and look at your van also i would like to make myself at home and just pee in it right now just mark your territory this is my van [Music] we're pulling up to it now it's like a security car right next to the flashing lights so i don't know if that's a bad thing or not like that doesn't look very inviting no it doesn't what's going on [Music] that's way bigger than i thought it was going to be it's a soft closed verse got these little hooks on the sides oh perfect running water yeah so you build these and sell them but that's what i'm trying to do this would be my first build cool you guys will be my first customers i was thinking of uh when i was building and putting a captain's seat right here yeah with a swivel base oh so you could turn it around so you could yeah turn it around when you're driving down the road have a seat belt yeah i decide not to but if that's something you guys are interested in i wouldn't mind ripping the seat out and um i'm putting one in for you yeah so this little wood panel right here yeah comes out this is the entire area that i built for batteries oh wow so you could fit they could expand you could fit you could probably fit 30 batteries in here yeah i only have one inside is an absolute dream like it's so big and spacious i can really imagine being in it we're now going to go and take it for a test drive i love the doors yeah i just think like he gets to like pull that little thing to close it that's quite intimidating with all of the controls oh here let me show you the uh sound system oh yeah this is oh wow favorite part of the build like it's unnecessarily loud look at that [Music] yeah this is actually really nice it's not um it doesn't feel as heavy as i thought it would it was actually really fun to drive i enjoyed it a lot there you go sir okay so there's mixed feelings with this fan initially i love a lot about it driving it super fun i always love something that's fun to drive also it's like a bare bones conversion which is actually kind of cool because we easily could personalize it to ourselves yeah we can personalize it in the future but we can also use it straight away the price as well it's only 13 and a half thousand which is really reasonable but it does have some mechanical issues that's it so just does that yeah for about half an hour yeah he's got to let it cool down a little bit and since it's a hot day yeah but yeah that's why he needs the injection pump he's a mechanic himself which he said it would take about cost about one and a half thousand to fix which is completely reasonable if we had more time i'd be like yeah let's buy that let's do that but because it's the time we don't want to risk putting anything into mechanics we'd rather pay more for something that's working straight away yeah so it's almost 100 yes yeah but probably a no let's just hope that the lemon squad went well today with our other van because otherwise we're back at square one again [Music] traffic situation going on it's a geese situation they're everywhere they are everywhere what are we doing here [Music] although we were a little bit sad it wasn't the van for us we were still hopeful to hear good news from the mobile mechanic who had visited the campervan we loved so much up in new hampshire oh hi so to start off with um you know it's definitely showing being a 97. i want you to concentrate more on the 97 than 122 000 miles okay so particularly in the rust department okay so replacing the springs would be like a an instant thing that we would need to do price-wise is that something that's really expensive or is that sort of not too bad yeah well thank you so much yeah that was super helpful you have a wonderful day you too thanks bye bye ah well that's not exactly what you want to hear is it not the rust that's uh have a think on this definitely gonna have to have a think we also said when we came we kind of wanted to get something that we could just get it and just start driving whereas that sounds like we'd have to put it in a garage it would have to get anything judging by our last experience any job is going to take probably weeks to get done so do we really want to spend that much money and not be able to take it out on the road straight away feeling like we were back to square one again we came across this comment recommending that we contact someone called darren tosh from a place called dnl auto sales a family owned company specializing in pre-owned class b camper vans with fantastic reviews and the perfect looking campervan for sale just within our budget i have got a really good feeling about this van i've just spoken to darren over email and he knows about what happened with our previous van and he's confident that he can get us on the road doing the road trip that we wanted in a nice safe van just for good measure obviously i was going to google him trying to figure out who he is and can we trust him and he is the admin of a facebook group this huge facebook group that i've been using to look for campervans whilst i've been in here in the us and he's even got videos on how to avoid scams so i'm starting to feel like i can really trust this guy's character yeah we're just about to do a video call with him now and he's going to give us a video tour of this van so good to meet you yeah me too nice to meet you face to face yeah yeah it's been fun catching up on your videos pretty crazy you guys that's pretty awesome so you want to see a band yeah we would absolutely love to see the man here's the shop oh no oh that's so cool oh there she is oh it's lovely there you go now what do you want to do send you all our money so kind of one of the first things i wanted to address with you guys is the rust underneath yeah on some of these dodge vans there the the issue that they have is the front frame frame rail where the steering box attaches to the frame okay they had an issue where they rust out so bad the steering box falls off and you either total out the van and you spend three thousand dollars hope you find a shop to fix it right okay so i want to show you the rust on this van yep okay all right so i'm gonna crawl underneath so this is inside the front tire on the opposite side of where the the steering box would be yeah and you can see it's it's still white paint there's no rock yeah it's looking good there's a light there you go ah awesome yeah that's really good okay now crawl underneath it and i'll start the steering box itself you see the frame there's no rust on the frame at all wow it's absolutely solid this is the first thing i do whenever i buy a dodge van is like right here and this thing is so clean and and has no rust issues at all now let's uh i'll just take you for a tour around the outside of the van and then we'll look in the inside so what the what the why what they did on this is if you look this is the stock dodge band side yeah and if you look here it bumps out to here yeah so you just have a little bit more room on the inside still looks like kind of a stock looking dodge van but the wide body just gives you a little bit more room on the inside okay it does have two batteries uh they're two new interstate batteries uh what size are the batteries uh about 12 inches by a six by six oh sorry i meant like the you know i know i know what you meant i'm being a smart ella i like it she should understand sarcasm i'm disappointed in her uh we'll peek in the back here oh yeah i love that big door yeah the door's great oh no that's important um this is for outside table one rough spot right here where the paint's kind of peeling off oh yeah unacceptable yeah well at least you know about it [Laughter] this is the table that goes on the outside it stores right there yeah oh cool oh i feel like he's just putting him in there now just to mess him up i think so [Laughter] it's a whole different realm of vehicle compared to the cool thread that you lost you know you can cruise at a good speed hasn't got the overdrive transmission so i'm excited for your next uh yeah your next little adventure here yeah yeah we're really excited well that's so exciting i mean just like it's different isn't it like looking at pictures online versus like seeing a video where they're like going into each individual bit and like showing you absolutely everything i now feel like i've gone and seen it and i feel really really excited about it it's the perfect van it's like exactly what we wanted i'm just getting like the vibe of the dealer yeah you seem so lovely and nice and the price is really sort of reasonable and you don't feel like you're being ripped off or taken for a ride you just feel like yeah it's nice it's just nice to work with nice people we have been thinking about it over the last few hours and we have come to the decision that we're gonna go for the van from dnl autos and we are so bloody excited and relieved like so much relief right now my head and my heart both feel well they're screaming that this is the right thing for us yeah and after doing the search and seeing all the good vans being snapped up so quickly we had to act quickly and uncomfortable that we did because i think four other people wanted the van and it's only been listed for about six hours it's madness you guys it's absolutely madness out there so yeah we're feeling very grateful and very happy that we have this van reserved for us and we've even booked flights to go and pick it up so we are officially flying next week to michigan to go and collect the van of our beanie dreams we would love to know in the comments where to go in michigan because that is where the road trip is going to be starting we will be sleeping in that van next week if you would like to see us go and actually pick up our van next week and hit the road finally for that great american road trip make sure you hit that subscribe button i just want to say thank you so much to everyone but especially to the patrons and the people that donated to the gofundme because this wouldn't be happening it wasn't for them we will be getting a bigger and better van also a big shout out to daryl for being so lovely and so nice and accommodating and helping us find the man of our dreams and he'll be picking us up from the airport yeah so if we go missing you know exactly where to go anyway thank you so much for watching if you liked the video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe and nothing left to say but thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time and beans out [Music]
Channel: Travel Beans
Views: 215,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel bean, travel, youtube, youtube Travel Beans
Id: dwMBDamF6Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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