STEALTH VAN LIFE TOUR | Differences Four Years Later

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this is great white i've been living inside great white for almost four years now i'm gonna be taking you guys inside my house today to show you around the old and new and how the fans stood up over the last four years all links of items i used to build this van are in the description below my name is ryan bell and i chose to live in this 2002 ford econoline that i built into my own stealth rv the outside is deceptively a work van but the inside is my home that was until i bought my next fan to build and eventually i'll live in my future sailboat van life is like a free hotel room wherever you go allowing you to save money while working less hours and it's highly accessible for anyone who wants to live differently from the normal nine to five so this is where i would cook everything so i would grab a pot from up here down here i have this hole cut out just in case the bed is all the way out you can actually still reach under up under there for the propane tank open it up and then put the gas on and have the fire going just sit there and cook and when i need to turn the flame off i turn it off from down here first so you let out the all the gas from the line then turn this one off now eat whatever i needed to do and then wash things out with the little scrubby so if i want to take a shower just reach in here grab the sink you know you can pull it out a little bit more and just rinse off right here i usually go to planet fitness though this switch right here i can switch the sink on i can make it not do anything and then there's another it's actually a three-way switch do you hear that [Music] there's actually a pump from the outside that pumps water in to the tank i don't know if you can see it very well because it's kind of dark but the bottom one right here it's seven gallons of gray water and the top one is seven gallons of clean water and those are both underneath the tv since there is a propane tank and it's not actually exterior vented i do have this very loud alarm that goes off everyone around here probably just heard that that's a propane leak detector so now over here i have my basically my media studio set up um there is a full music studio in here as you see the speakers on the side this tv is rested on this towel you know like driving down the road it doesn't bump up and down too much actually there's something in the back here you pull down this little thing right here and it makes the tv come off the wall and what i can do is angle it to where i can just you know lay back on the bed and have a nice little watch on the tv or whatever look out the window nice so you guys might be wondering how i'm getting tv in the van in the first place and actually right now i am using my phone as a hotspot that data comes from actually currently walmart so let me uh load up something real quick and see how long it takes and uh by the way while this is loading i am in ino river state park this this uh state park never gets good internet but uh let's see let's load up the witcher one of my favorites right now see how long that takes and remember i'm in a terrible connection area oh and uh i'm gonna put on these speakers so yeah basically that's it force you to move beyond the pain and this is season two by the way i don't wanna spoil it for anyone this is my gaming setup show you real quick uh you know a lot of these games i have i have tons and tons of these games on steam that i do have a video of me playing video games and how all this works and how how you can do it without having to be connected to a house outlet so while this is loading i'm going to show you up from up top so up here i have my two solar panels and in between you actually see the max air fan each one of these is 150 watts and so total i have 300 watts of solar come back in here is my max air fan and this max air fan works with this remote that i keep right here and as you can see it goes up as i put on the you know does it everything on that automatically right now it's on 10 percent but i can put it all the way up and it works pretty well the game just kicked on this is mainly to you know just expel the air and just keep it going circulating but yeah i use this also for cooking because it gets rid of all the you know the smells and everything so here is the game i've been playing and i am outside by the way [Music] oh god you get that these are actually futhark runes that i put all the way across here you can see behind here i would burn these myself but i've honestly forgotten what each one means the only one i remember is the second one right here this one means vehicle protection okay so moving down here i got my controllers for the tv this one's for the lighting system the mood lights that are up underneath i'll show you that later right now i'm using my phone as a hot spot so for the computer and just everything for wi-fi down here i have lots of cords this one's actually charging the gopro battery right now and these charge phones i have all different types of cords to charge any type of phone right here this is the original bama air purifier so these lights are cycling between poor good and excellent quality air i don't know if that's accurate though i don't really care about any part of this except for that it puts out negative ions that's the big part of this it'll get rid of a smoke smell especially if maybe there's like a dog gets in here it's like a wet dog smell it'll actually make that go away down here i have my xbox controller for gaming when i'm not using my gaming mouse and keyboard and i actually use this i input directly with the cord the next thing is hilarious 150 dollar yoyo a friend gave it to me so i didn't buy it it's aircraft aluminum this is a moga controller for a phone you would put this up put your phone in there pretty good to have in a van because you can play with their tablet or whatever too you remember what was over here before don't you well i got the new one and now it is a p365 sig sauer with the romeo red dot on it see right there i think that's pretty sexy if you ask me now right here i have the eraser for this dry board uh you know dry erase marker board whatever my sunglass height lens cleaner kit i actually clean all my cameras with this plus my sunglasses down here actually is the foot area so i can put my feet in when i'm just you know laying around or whatever i actually have a tool battery charger here on these sliding doors you got the mppt solar charge controller and you got the two switches this top one turns off the solar panels on the bottom one actually disconnects the battery that's just in case i need to fix anything right here this is a music interface down here you might not be able to see it but it's the pod hd it's it's put in sideways down that actually is where i hook up my guitar to play any type of guitar sound i want over this speaker i plug this in right here i plug in my microphones right here which i keep my microphones over on this side and this bag and record music right here this is my inverter it's a 600 watt inverter pretty much the only thing it powers is the these and the computer everything else in here is 12 volts first battery i had was actually a flooded lead assets you know it has off gases so i had to vent that battery which if you look on the outside you can see that vent right here on the side now what i have in there is the agm batteries that's up underneath this wooden box right here okay so the original point of having a guitar in here and a music studio was actually have a somewhat of a concert like a live concert out the back of the the van or the side of the van so then like people can just come up and it can be open mic night you know where i just have the guitar and the mic sitting out and they just come up and they just start singing or doing whatever you know and they're having fun let me show you my lighting system in here i have six lights two in the back two in the middle and two in the front so i can actually use this switch right here to turn them on and off and then also there's another light um if you can see around the outside it's on um [Music] beat mode right now so every time i hit it goes to the beat [Music] all right so next up we got the food area i built this pantry out of the old wood from my old studio table and i glossed it over you push in to open you can put boxes up top and then small cans up underneath that ledge and it's all up on this non-stick pad right here all the way across this is all my silverware and then i got plates all my cutting utensils just everything to prepare and you need your absinthe superior lucid cup for drinking liquids that are more adult and i am the best person ever yes i bought this cup for myself i did it as a joke i don't really think that actually maybe i don't know i don't so this refrigerator it works perfectly now that i added that second solar panel up here but i currently have it off just because i'm transitioning to the new van and building that one you can see inside how much space there is i had to make it open from this side i know it's backwards and it's on this little latch down here under here this is normally where i store in my computer bag but under that i have all my clothes and stuff so this is normally the clothes i'm using for this season the clothes that i'm not using is actually this is a treasure chest style bed so i can open it like this so oh this is all the clothes for usually the winter time which is actually or the summer time whatever what other season is not currently in use so this is the bed like i said um currently it is in couch mode as you can see the back of it just rests up against the wall i do not ever sleep like this way i always convert it so i put my pillow [Music] and get this thing down now this whole entire wooden panel comes off you can see this is a whole entire piece right here and i push and get this down into place down here it's pretty simple yes i do this every single time i make my bed [Music] and then these come over this is bamboo this is naturally antimicrobial and it keeps all the smells away and so is my pillow up here i recommend it highly to everyone who lives in a van or who's going to live in a van it's also very warm during the winter and it's it actually doesn't get too hot during the summer so on on the bed you know spread out there's a lot of room i can see indian style up here i can cook i can clean if you really want something even more comfortable you put this pillow behind you on the wall and just relax well you can play the video games you know with the controller or something from far away so this wall that i built it allows me to mount things on there that you wouldn't be able to do if there was just a curtain this is inch thick so there's lots of insulation in the middle of it and then it allows me to also make a door now in the front i made it all black so it would be more stealthy if someone looked in from the front of the van though they just see shadow or something you know i put these mirrors on here because you know you need to look at yourself in the morning i also cut my hair right here i'll put some mats down here to cut catch all the hair then i'll just sit here and use the beard trimmer actually to do the whole entire i've cut my hair now for the last eight years this is actually a coat hanger then i have all my pots up here also on non-stick these of course you can't get to a shower right but the thing is is that you can just go to planet fitness to shower you don't necessarily need these back here this there's actually a hole it's actually where i switch the the mood lights from you know any color i want to or anything so i have to aim the controller up there so this door it actually comes all the way over and you see this little thing right here i have a latch it actually locks in place so when i'm driving down the road it's not just swinging freely right here i have the seat out i took it out on purpose because normally this is where i would put my bicycle now i don't have my bicycle with me it's down in florida in one month from now i'm going to pick it up because i was working in this van i needed space for all this work equipment very interesting job i would go around and photograph people on colleges to make money right here you can see i put this little hook this is actually just for the trash this over here is stuff for me to fill up my water in the back the hoses and also uh this this big jug i'll show you that in a second and then this is actually the chimney okay so the question probably everyone's been wondering about this entire video this is the wood stove i got a lot of stuff to clean out of there right now i've been using it a good bit since it's the winter time but yeah this is basically called the cubic mini wood stove on you can get it there i spent about maybe 800 to 1000 on it i kind of forget but yeah it has all this reflective and insulation kind of things around it to keep the the wood cool and no this is far enough away to you know keep it cool i can actually even leave these bags down there while it's on because the the heat just doesn't go down that way for some cool reason you know i buy these at walmart they're little blocks of wood and they they burn for at least an hour before having to put more back in watch my video on the wood stove i have one specifically for it also coming outside the van now and looking back up you can see that the chimney is up so that's the chimney right there and what i can do is just take it off and this right here i painted the top so it doesn't crack over time in the heat and it just kind of stays in place when you put it like that and it's a lot lower and it's not as noticeable so this is actually a drawer that's put on a slow close um mechanism whatever you call those these are things that i use daily except for the liquor flask i use this hourly and then down below i actually have my gimbal put in pieces a lot of that other stuff is dive equipment stuff in this netting bag this is water purification kind of stuff if i'm hiking a med kit down here first aid kit this hydro flask is amazing it's very lightweight it's made to go on the back of a backpack there's a heat source right here and a heat source right here and i used to put my fire extinguisher here so since i've actually moved my fire extinguisher down below the air the foot of the bed so you see right here the red switch when i turn that on that actually turns on the isolator what that does is when i'm driving there's there's wires that go underneath the van and come up in between here back to the back battery so that actually charges my system while i'm driving from the alternator of the van don't necessarily have to rely on the solar panels which actually could not work too well in a cloudy day see the amount of room i have up here the how the seat is laid back i always love driving with the seat laid back a little bit and this is perfect since there was some room here i put the water right there these are the spigots i use to fill and empty and then also this one also fills with the pump that i showed you on the inside right here this is the waste water it'll come out faster if i open it all the way up so what i would do is actually put this in and what this is is an rv water filter kdf carbon high flow so i can fill this up wherever i go out in the world come back place this thing on the ground and when i turn that switch on that i showed you it would actually just suck all the water in see these two hoses actually come out of the side right here because that is actually the vents to both of those seven gallon tanks underneath the tv a lot of people say that the vans get dirty very easily which i disagree i think a house gets dirtier way quicker but they do get dirty nonetheless and so i have this same as the original this is uh my dad's actually beforehand i just took it sweep off the floor you know and it's that easy get around stuff just sweep it out the back because it's right there the bathroom and yes uh overnight i put that right there next to me so i can use it while i'm sleeping otherwise i do keep them down here underneath the bed so no one sees them if they're full if i need to go number two i go to a gas station or a walmart and usually i have to go in the morning so i just i'm already there so i just go inside and go i actually made this space right here for a toilet but i just decided not to take it because my first main voyage in here showed me that i didn't need it and if there's an emergency hey you got the woods notice the ceiling i put in is actually made of cedar and i use the angled pieces on both sides and the on the back yeah cedar it chases away the bugs it repels the bugs they use that in closets and stuff to keep away mops and things like that you can see the trim that's uh what i did for the you know the wood stove okay so let me show you up underneath this bed this is a treasure chest style bed i put a handle right here to lift up once it's up i made this piece of wood specifically to hold the bed up high like that over here i said i have my seasonal clothes that's currently not in use dive boots i got all my dive gear because i love free diving and i actually get dressed into it right here inside the van this is actually my backpack uh to go on multi-day hikes micro chair this is my medicine bag and it has rubbing type of things in there you know i'm just kidding i said that again because i said that in my first one everyone thought this was like jackoff lotion no this is actually a pillow that's a gel pillow i can put this in the fridge pulls off your head while you're sleeping at least for the first few hours until it gets cooler overnight this is a bottle jack then i got all my tools back here anything i need to fix the van all right here behind it i have my hammock river tube go down the river also up underneath here i put shoes uh if i'm not wearing them currently that's where i keep all my super secret stuff under there so don't tell anyone don't let this get millions of views so when people ask me what i would do differently in the next fan though the one thing i can think of is a bigger sink this one's a small bar sink basically it's hard to put a lot of dishes in it's hard to even get one dish in there and clean it so the thing is it actually deterred me from eating so much um from cooking because it just i just didn't want to clean the dishes afterwards just and another reason is because the you know the drain goes down into the that gray water tank so aside from that i really can't think of anything else i would change in this van because this stands just amazing the way it is i mean i think it is because it's my house if you like this video go ahead and press the like button down below i'm gonna be building another van soon very soon i already have it the this one's called great white the new one's called megalodon because it's so much bigger and i can actually stand in it so i'm super excited for that build basically that's going to be everything this fan is and a lot more it's going to have so much more innovation in that that i haven't seen in any other van especially the shower system which actually doesn't take any room at all when you're not using it and no it's not a curtain that just goes around you but yeah until then i guess i'll see you in my next video peace
Channel: Outdoors Embrace
Views: 456,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van tour van life, vanlife, organized cargo van, cargo van conversion, van life tour, diy van life, extremely organized rv, tiny house vanlife, wood stove van life, vanlife tour, stealth van life tour, extremely organized vanlife, van life tv, stealth van life, van life conversion, stealth van tour, e150 van conversion, van conversion, tour of van, van life, outdoors embrace, dometic cc40, van tour, stealth van, tour of van life, e150 van life, econoline van tour
Id: EMOAGmUyjts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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