We Became NINJAS in MINECRAFT! (new weapons)

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Minecraft's but we're ninjas jelly has invited us to his house in the middle of nowhere and apparently he has a bunch of ninja gear for us to try out now thought of jelly doing cartwheels over rooftops and throwing ninja stars frankly terrifies me we're gonna be checking out a bunch of different ninja weapons figuring out what they do then using them on mobs and well each other now I have a ninja star right here I'm gonna throw it at you if you don't click like trust me isn't a friendly one oh you did it okay good anyway let's get into the video are you guys even look anything like a ninja jelly house do you have a spare outfit for us wait you have red beds okay so what do we what do we do first the suits you know what first thing yeah okay okay so we've got a ninja these we'll have a bunch of bonuses more nimble and fast and allows hiding in the dark you can't see me wait where did Josh go I'm hitting in the dark where did Josh go Jilly you're in the corner I was gonna let you play pretend these makes you more agile wait we should test out the agile and stuff oh wait I don't wear as far jump high I think I'm definitely going a lot faster oh yeah right okay so this is okay well this is starters serious need of some chili we're going oh my god wait well that's not very ninja reviewed okay I'm gonna go get the weapons in what we can aggressive what are we gonna try first [Music] the Bob de bum here we go one the book don't throw it in the house do not smooth the bum wah wah [Music] there's smoke bombs guys wait am i hey no guys she's mousy me whoa whoa its craters gone oh boy we can actually go invisible in this okay hang on let's take them outside and see what it does outside here oh wait guys what my character is wearing it you're wearing it it's on my bot yes it's like a pocket bomb look it's okay if you hold right click you can throw it further oh my all right shows you where they go doing that's so cool seriously yeah it's getting really dark for you to see anything any snacks in here oh you did thank you there's bread in there Josh for the snack part from that we have a whole lot of other cool items to check out what do we do next it's just aa ninja star you know what how about we start with something a little bit a little bit less exciting okay okay what do we do this so you're basically saying the katana isn't cool re I get that so the katana is the signature weapon of the ninja it's faster and deals more damage than conventional swords but it requires both hands right guys this is Sami down he responded the darkness let's kill it wait what where is it so I see it it actually spawn because we threw down the ball okay play with it he go katana at the heck up anyway this sword has nine attack damage that are pretty high attack when you're holding it like that super fool I'm a ninja now guys see you I want to see can I in to kill a chicken oh okay let me try to insta kill the chicken - then well yeah yeah I mean it probably does the same what about cow okay yeah to jump it go back your cow can't outrun me wait guys guys guys this one is really cool alright let's head back and check out something else creeper guys don't eat it oh maybe won't see us you can or in you know in a minute it's not white guy cream oh honey hot green s football see me genique nowhere he still sees you okay that's actually cool you stop hiding for side didn't we expect that it'll work that well house okay so what are we trying next what are these rope coils very ninja-like sometimes one stack of each guys okay we can we can we can explore the world of Minecraft with it oh my god that is sick okay okay actual rope and there again it's actually very difficult to the way around again Kelly and I didn't think this through with the smoke so what we do the Sheraton or the stick jellies charge today apparently let me grab a few more I mean we have hyped it you know we've okay we got a show everyone fighting will give you a critical so be very careful first of all do not throw this credibly powerful and if you're hiding is the small damage right so if I actually throw it notice that hurt chilly does that hurt look a and cats Tiffany oh my you hit me through the hole oh my guys if you go in what are you guys doing guys oh oh you're just throwing them at crater I'll be up in the bedroom when you guys are done guys if you got it all look how quipped I am the Rope on me oh my gosh our kids have a pocket oh yes sure you saw right there on your hip I keep shooting Josh so yeah because I'm a ninja I dodge all the head well we got everything wait okay we should probably try it on something else at each other huh oh [Music] sorry that was those his cool crane answer all right we need to get the last of the last weapon okay okay well it's the for the fork or something to use his weapon proficiently what needs to be equipped in each hand okay someone in that floor and then you hold it in the other hand oh I think it's just a doing maximum damage Craner we look so cool oh no come here what do we do then then it come out I can't see come here come and take what's happening oh my god one shot me Josh Josh got Rex what's the way cheap for a sec you know you saw us in here somewhere I just hit him oh I think we're wasting time a little bit here yeah should we go I think I think we should go out and see if we can find it some mobs to try this on yeah what an excellent ride or something now that I don't see well we're invincible right now and I'm probably gonna get killed yep there it is okay oh this is perfect we can hide in the shadows oh I literally can hide that's really cool what's down here Oh guys a ravine light Oh creepers oh my bad oh my goodness guys help we are we on the Oh seriously you got in the way guys we have to successfully ninja one thing okay okay smoke grenade yeah yeah what are we doing get hit him and grab okay you're sure a kid no it's not fighting me I think we did it guys oh oh and someone killed me
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,024,114
Rating: 4.9478674 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, ninja, new weapon, mod, jelly, crainer
Id: fXRLfrGzK_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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