We became intruders! 💰 | Roblox: Intruders Story

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hey guys it's kay and janet welcome back to the roblox video so i'm playing intruder story switching my screen and we have some guns and some flashlights and things so let's hop into a truck get it are you in okay yeah i'm in three two one okay we're gonna move okay the mission oh okay i'm gonna organize my inventory wait okay chapter one the plan welcome to welcome everyone blah no what does tat have on outfit my name is chad today we will robin the armstrong family oh first we kill their power and blow up the doors i said hi chad you like my head yes i love it next we will take out the security then we will start robbing the house after blowing a hole in the basement will have to escape through the sewer system to avoid the cops finally there will be a truck waiting for us above ground to escape behind me you can click on the uniform you want and on the right air guns you can click on the gun you wish to use hi ted you will have 60 seconds to do so before we leave but head has no glasses okay so i got an outfit i'm going to choose this outfit which one this one over here i'm saying i've got that one okay and we already have guns in our inventory so i'm just going to organize my inventory the way i want it you know just for fun pistol does 20 damage smg does nine i'm gonna test all the gun damage don't move jam pistols 20 are those no smg does nine sorry ar does 14. how does an error shotgun does 20. how does an air do less okay chapter two the break-in we're driving to the armstrong house i guess yes oh their house is nice it says we got infinite ammo it's time everyone i've rigged a bomb on the power box which is this which is on the side of the garage it's over there oh there's garage doors up here someone go press it brace it i pressed it still looks pretty bright don't you think someone's ringing the door look they have a nice backyard with trees and rocks okay the bomb is about to blow so i guess it's gonna blow up right there blow up the doors stay away from the front doors so i was right whoa whoa that's good said kill the security guard oh where oh oh i'm getting hurt where are you i went upstairs why'd you go in because we were supposed to kill the guards we stick together please yeah but where are the guards you get two guards left it says oh right over here oh it hurts blood splats are on your skin that's cool i know it's so weird where are all the people oh i guess we got them all excellent work team are you sure because you're not doing any of the work buddy you have 60 seconds to rob this place oh grab as much as you can before the police come you know you can click on like everything unequip your weapon and click on the outlined objects oh i can collect tables and chairs and lamps and stuff this is cool get the tv get the paintings on the kitchen the kitchen is mine why do i want to see a microwave in pots i don't know a bunny what if there's stuff upstairs you think i'm gonna do a check i think people got them all and rooms seem to empty yeah i don't think there's anything else downstairs either what's over here what's had this garage why there are no cars i don't know [Music] i think we got everything uh-oh sewers where's the sewers way to go in the basement remember right um there's a basement you think maybe okay chapter three the great escape escape uh-oh oh gosh hi ted [Music] where are we basement we're in the basement wait i think i think i might spend the exit just ignore the armstrongs no need to hurt them hey why are you shooting them this guy stopped that's not nice the police are out front so we have to be quick oh that's why um we didn't see them once i blow a hole into the wall run through it to enter the sewer oh wow that's cool okay let's go you have 60 seconds to make it through the sewer remember the water is toxic so do not step in it go go oh flashlight i don't have a flashlight oh you don't no that's sad i got one ah go with tad side too late it's so much faster but harder you know because we can just walk on a piping but they had to jump across stuff okay don't touch that blue line just in case would you like to test it out no thanks hey chad how'd you get down here hey there's probably like two chads work on your aiming practice ted jump around you're my aiming target am i missing all my shots but like three okay chapter four the shootout oh no oh no these guys hurt they do oh that's us this is good chilling behind the bill oh that's the car that's our truck we have to get in remember oh yeah oh great it says that's the team go ahead take out the guards okay now what ted said i got eight coins cha-ching i'm not gonna hide behind here you know i don't really want to take any damage that one got another one my aim is real bad pull out the shotgun and blast them in the head i'm going for it i'm going for it we are the real police congratulations everyone we're now the richest people in the town oh wait i have 20 coins you do i got 15. but before we can enjoy ourselves someone has to find it and click on the escape truck oh wow i wonder where it is i clicked it i think we all clicked it um oh chad's walking over that's why it's taking so long chapter five the finale oh why'd we blow up that place now we're just gonna drive through is that it see oh we got a badge so i'm guessing yep expert intruder award yeah intruder story victory um we did it wait this is a dj victory yay okay you'll be teleported back to the lobby i see 10 okay intruder story we did it yay so that's what we have for today guys we hope you enjoyed the video an awesome day thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video big thumbs up i'll see you guys next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Janet and Kate
Views: 1,125,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Janet, and, Kate, Twins, Roblox, Asian, Identical, JanetandKate, Kate9001, HelloJanet, KittyJanet, Kate9071, TadTheMerchant, Tad, The, Merchant, Tad_The_Merchant, Asian Twins, Identical Twins, Janet and Kate, Kate and Janet, Janet and Kate Roblox, Kate and Janet Roblox, Tad the Merchant, Tad the Merchant Roblox, Tad Roblox, Intruder, Story, Game, Intruder Story, Roblox Intruder Story, Story Game, Roblox Story Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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