We became intruders! 💰 | Roblox: Intruders Story
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Janet and Kate
Views: 1,125,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Janet, and, Kate, Twins, Roblox, Asian, Identical, JanetandKate, Kate9001, HelloJanet, KittyJanet, Kate9071, TadTheMerchant, Tad, The, Merchant, Tad_The_Merchant, Asian Twins, Identical Twins, Janet and Kate, Kate and Janet, Janet and Kate Roblox, Kate and Janet Roblox, Tad the Merchant, Tad the Merchant Roblox, Tad Roblox, Intruder, Story, Game, Intruder Story, Roblox Intruder Story, Story Game, Roblox Story Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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