LLEGAMOS A HONDURAS 🇭🇳 Playas, bebidas y bananas 🍌🏝

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And on the road we are being offered curious driks, gifiti, how much to get drunk, do I drink it all? [Music] My friends, what's up you crazy people. We're in Honduras I don't know if "crazy" is a very colloquial saying, since I arrived everyone I meet in the street says: what's up you crazy Luisito you crazy, whats good you crazy, crazy everywhere so I imagine that it is a colloquial greeting. Honduras! what a beauty, how nice to be in this territory, one of the few countries I was missing to complete the whole region of Central America. I am very excited to be in this adventure and to be able to travel it with all of you. For those of you who are not so familiar with my content I'll tell you, this is just an introductory video I make several videos per country so whatever you see here in this video doesn't mean that it's everything I did in Honduras, stay tuned because this is going to be very good, very juicy. Honduras, a beautifully and warm territory, very hot, of about 10 million inhabitants to the date I recorded this. Its two largest cities are San Pedro Sula, the region where we are now and Tegucigalpa, the capital city. San Pedro Sula having about one million inhabitants, Tegucigalpa with one and a half million inhabitants the local currency in this country is the lempira, approximately 24, 25 lempiras to the dollar as of the date of recording and they are called lempiras because of this iconic character who is called the Lempira Cacique history says that he was one of those who fought the hardest against the arrival of the Spaniards, and check this fascinating fact about Honduras's bills, this is the one lempira bill this is two lempiras, five lempiras, ten lempiras, twenty lempiras, 50, 100 and 500, look at how the bills are making a kind of pyramid. Let's order then so that it looks good look at that, can you appreciate it? from the lowest to the highest according to the value of the bill and the reason for that is not just to make it look pretty but it has a very practical, and that is that these marks that have the bills, you can actually feel them, I can feel how many little marks there are and their purpose is so that people who can't see can recognize what bill they're paying with How about it? that's super cool isn't it. And another interesting fact about Honduras is that a big part of its economy is driven by the banana or guineo as they call it here. Honduras is what you could call a banana republic, because it's estimated that about 60 percent of the country works thanks to the cultivation of bananas or its derivatives, a very clear example of this are some of their local sweets, this are some of the national sweets, national pride "zambos" which are the typical bananas, they come in different flavors, this are spicy there are some sweeter ones and I'm told that they even have them with a ceviche flavor, that's very weird we're going to be looking for them in this journey, I want to try them. Look, this is the zambo It actually is extremely delicious and this is the national soda, copan dry banana flavor I had never tasted a banana soda before or well maybe I have but I don't remember it so clearly we're causing tremendous traffic because those cars stopped to look at us recording, people see you recording and they like it. Like they say: there's Luisito filming, let's go see as he films, let's say hello... but well I was saying that this is the copan dry, banana soda it's really delicious, if I could describe it in words I would say it tastes like this typical cola soda with a slight hint of bubblegum and banana. For the people that see me from Mexico I would say that it tastes like a banana "motitas" to thepeople watching me from Venezuela would say it tastes like a "frescolita", from El Salvador like a "cola champagne", from Peru like an "inca kola", Colombia like a "colombiana", all this kind of sodas but with a slight hint of banana at the end, extremely delicious and extremely refreshing trip not sponsored by copan dry, nor zambos or lempiras. And of course it should be mentioned in the introduction the beautiful flag of this country, blue and white and five stars; in fact behind my back we have a lot of flags, I like it a lot, it's quite eye-catching. One of the interpretations says that it has blue on top and bottom because the Republic of Honduras has the two oceans, they have oceans everywhere then that's the reason for the blue and the five stars because this represents the union between the Central American nations being El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras, for some reason Belize and Panama are omitted, they are kind of not in Central America according to that logic, but maybe they were others times maybe they had a different knoledge, maybe it would have to be modified maybe they should be seven, I don't know, what you guys think? and tell me that the color of the flag the shade of blue is quite a debate at the moment, sometimes it's a little bit lighter sometimes it's a little bit darker. In fact they just changed the president and he put the color of the flag lighter because the hymn says it should be lighter. But enough of the introduction enough context, it's time to go to venture out of course, I'm very excited I say it again, I repeat it, I'm really excited to be doing this adventure on the beautiful country of Honduras. The beauties, the Honduran crazyness awaits for us. Let's go for it! [Music] Two hours in Honduran territory and already a little girl came up to me and told me daddy very nice, very cute and on the road they are offering us curious drinks, gifiti gifiti is this herbal drink ok, we're going to analyze it, from the Garifuna culture the Garifuna People are, so to speak the descendants of Africans of this region we are going to learn more about it later in the channel, we're going to go to territories and talk about it with communities and so on, but for now it seems like we're already like in Garifuna territory and they are offering gifiti and that these bottles contain a herbal liqueur, I don't know which type of herbs they contain and it's an alcoholic beverage, it's strong, I'm told that it's very strong that it is an acquired taste, we are going to see. This bottle costs 400 lempiras, we are going to buy the little one obviously, the tiny one costs 50 lempiras, 50 lempiras and 400, the cool thing about the big one is that it has the herbs, you can see them, but let's try this, it has some herbs it's the same thing but tinier. 50 lempiras, about two dollars, -here you go, she's taking shelter from the rain here. Sure, please, please, thank you. and by feeling here, it's a 50, you can feel it. Let's see how it goes, how much to get drunk? do I drink it all? -Exacly, if you're going to use it as medicine you just take a spoonful so it is also medicinal. -Exaclty. It takes away my cough or what? -it's good for a cough, for your throat, also if you have a stomachache Wow, so gifiti cures everything. But if I take a sip I won't get drunk, I won't hallucinate I won't see elephants. I'm not going to see flying cars all of a sudden Well let's see the gifiti, it smells nice, a lot like anise as she told us It's actually very tasty, very tasty it's like the famous aguardiente, the Colombian, not the one made with sugar cane but the Colombian like the one made from anise, it tastes like that, a little bit stronger obviously I could start a campfire with this. I estimate that it has 55% of alcohol a professional knows its levels and without a doubt if I drink half of this I'm already drunk. But what do you think? gifiti, for the throat pain the stomach, for everything for only 50 lempiras, 2 dollars. Tasty, later at night we'll drink it all. [Music] On the road we found a "pulpería" or "trucha" and I was curious to see what they sell in one of these traditional Honduran stores. You'll see to the little stores here they call them either "pulperías" or "truchas". Pulperia is a term that is used in several countries of Central America and even extends to South America. And they're so called not because they sell octopus or because at some point in history they have done so, but because they are stores that sell a little bit of everything, they sell the bread, candy, water, soda alcohol, cigarettes, a little bit of everything, so it is said that the owners are like octopuses that they have tentacles to grab everything and that's why they are pulperias. [Music] Look, what a beauty. They already gave me a flag, these are the new tones that just corrected, a more turquoise blue, it's beautiful, what a nice present, thank you so much And now we arrived to a very nice city, very touristic very beachy that is called Tela, just like it says in the sign back here, Tela, it is very nice, very beautiful among the highlights of the town of Tela is that here used to be the headquarters of the largest railroad in the country that it is no longer operating, and also that it's like the nearest beach to the large city of San Pedro Sula. San Pedro Sula being one of the big cities I am told that it is the one with the high buildings, traffic, noise, etc so on weekends when the city people want to relax they drive for an hour up here to Tela they relax, there are hotels, there are little bars, it's tasty, it's succulent. It's bad that we got rainy weather, well here my brother didn't mind what's up bro? come a little bit, for our brother here the sun is shining, how are you bro, everything good? aren't you cold? -No, when I get into the ocean I'm not cold anymore, so a wise man here, wise man. Are you from Tela or where are you from? -I'm from San Pedro, I came with some friends. Very good! to relax, you said nothing is going to ruin my weekend, not even the rain, that's cool! enjoy, enjoy. And this behind me is the public beach it has near 100,000 inhabitants but obviously the population changes a lot, during the touristic season it goes up a lot more on weekends it goes up, during the week it goes down and nothing else to add, let's enjoy the beach even though it's a rainy day, we'll enjoy it, we'll take a dip and everything. I'll say and excuse me for the comment but I will say that it is a very dirty beach, very, very dirty look at all the bottles here on the sand, masks. Obviously that's waste that the sea brings you can't control that but OMG, all the bottles the glasses, on that side the cans, the bag over there, I will say it is a dirty beach but they tell me that that way if you go to like the hotel zone it is kind of nicer because it's more of a private area, so to speak, this is responsibility of the municipality so it's like we're seeing it. However, I would imagine that on a sunny day it must have a good atmosphere, it must be nice. what a difference, they brought me to the hotel zone of the beach and see how much people are here swimming, it is really nice, and it looks much cleaner. Very nice, very nice to see everyone swimming in spite of the rain, if you are already going to get wet in the rain you better get all wet. I feel it's looking bad because of the wet lens, there it is, much better It's nice, hopefully in the time we are here we get a better day with a more sunny weather to have a succulent day at the beach. [Music] And we end this first day in Honduras in the city of La Ceiba, La Ceiba is this town of about 200,000 inhabitants that also has a beach it's too late for it to be seen but believe me, there is the beach right next to me. And one of its major tourist attractions is that it is the closest coast to the islands of Roatán. The islands of Roatán are extremely touristy, even internationally. Another interesting fact that a Honduran bro just told me is that La Ceiba is known as the bride of Honduras because it's like the beautiful city, the pretty one, the one that everyone wants to go and see so it's the bride of Honduras and I totally believe it because the city is lovely we were just walking along the pier, the andador which is super cool to do exercise in the evening, to come and play in the fair attractions, to come and have some street food, there is also one or two bars. I was a little bit sad because we were a little bit too late to La Ceiba and I thought we were not going to see a lot but I realized that the night is actually the best time, it's not so hot anymore, there are a lot of people on the streets, really a lot who are walking maybe you don't see it but that's because they are behind us. There are all the people they were walking and they said: let's go to see what this brother is saying, what is he talking about. And the truth is that I'm getting the appetite to have a beer, a "salvavidas" or some local beer. Well my friends thank you for joining me in this video, in this first approach to Honduras stay tuned because more videos, great videos are coming of this beautiful country Thanks for joining me, as always I'll see you in a few days with a new video. Goodbye!
Channel: Luisito Comunica
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, Honduras, tela, la ceiba, Tegucigalpa, bananas, Centroamérica, centroamerica, centro America, Guatemala, playa, dinero, luisito honduras, luisito comunica honduras, Vlogger mexicano, videos de viajes, luisito comunica en honduras
Id: ElAOzsgzi0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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