We are the monster trucks | Frank The Garbage Truck | Road Rangers Go Missing | Wheels On The Bus

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road rangers we are the monster trucks we are the monster trucks [Music] sheriff what's up with frank no now what did he do he's mistaken himself to be a monster truck i suppose frank a monster truck [Music] you wouldn't find it funny if you see what it is to be a monster truck here watch this we are the monster trucks we love to crush anything beneath our wheels we don't care who or what we make no deals we love the sound of metal crunch and crunch we eat small cars for lunch we love to crush anything beneath our wheels we don't care who or what we make no deals we love the sound of metal crunch and crunch we eat small cars for lunch we are the monster trucks we are the monster [Music] trucks we race around the course round and round breaking everything on the ground from school buses to vans everything that's on the lanes motor and even aeroplanes we race around the course round and round breaking everything on the ground from school buses to vans everything that's on the lanes motorhomes and even aeroplanes we are the monster trucks we are the monster trucks [Music] watch us race one another on the obstacle course a really big game of force we zoom looking angry as we try to outrun but really we are having good fun watch us race one another on the obstacle course a really big game of force we zoom looking angry as we try to out run but really we're having good fun we are the monster trucks we are the monster [Music] trucks [Music] [Applause] [Applause] brave frank saves the city frank to the rescue new hero in town frank's fight against evil frank the true hero of the city frank frank wake up frank huh it was just a dream enough of these dreams frank it's time to get back to work um sheriff i was wondering if i could join you on patrol today join me okay [Music] not without my uniform sheriff all right then so frank come in frank yes sir mr thief has been spotted on the corner of 16th street i'm on it [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi blaze frank what are you doing here was patrolling the street for mr sheriff it's really boring being a police officer boring yes oh i just had an awesome idea why don't i join you join me do you really want to be a fire truck yes blaze it's going to be awesome oh okay [Music] now that you've changed into your new uniform let's see how you fare in your first assignment a fire has been reported on 23rd street a fire i'll be on it [Music] [Music] [Music] is the situation under control frank i'm trying blaze there just isn't enough water i'll be right there frank [Music] okay oh frank i'll get the fire [Music] um donna you know this was all blaze's fault was it yes he just didn't respond fast enough hmm so um i was wondering if i could join you being a nurse can't be too difficult not difficult okay we'll see thank you donna i'm going to be the best ambulance ever if you say so frank if you say so hey you're hurt let me help you no i'm not i'm an ambulance i know what i'm talking about trust me what oh that bump would have hurt let me put ointment on that i didn't even feel that i'm an ambulance i know an injury when i see one but hey frank come in frank yes donna there's an accident victim on 16th street okay i'm on it please help me frank don't worry friend i'll save you i'm the real road ranger [Music] frank it smells really weird in here oh not at all it's just a little garbage i'm moving out of the way huh what oh gross i'm leaving well i'm so sorry please wait have you heard about the new ambulance of the city ambulance more of a terror i hear oh my god there he is what run hey sawyer hey frank what's up i had the most terrible day with donna her patients are really stubborn really donna said no such thing ever come in sawyer there's a car stranded on fix a car mart holy cow i've already got four cars to help i'll get there i'll do it sawyer don't worry i'll be there as fast as i can help help please help is here my friend grab my tailgate okay but i can't hold on any longer [Music] help help help us dear god help frank help i don't want to die help i'll get both of you out thank god sawyer [Laughter] it's okay frank don't cry mistakes happen no sawyer i'm good for nothing i'm the most useless road ranger in the history of road rangers no way frank just have a look at the city do you see how dirty smelly and ugly it has become without you no one can live in a dirty house frank you've made this city into a home for all of us me i've done that of course frank don't you ever say that you're useless love yourself frank you're important and perfect just the way you are you're a hero for everyone you keep the city clean and that's why we're all healthy i never thought of that always remember frank love yourself and be yourself you are the best in whatever you do and whatever you are don't try to be someone you're not meant to be thanks a lot sawyer i have to go my city needs me who am i i am frank the garbage truck [Music] injured frank saves the city we are clean and green again [Music] oh oh no is it the haunted house monster truck the haunted house [Music] he won't let me go when i wake up in the morning he calls me up for fun when i'm brushing my shiny fender he blocks the morning sun [Music] and i can't do anything but be scared no [Music] him so no matter where i run he won't let me go when i'm driving through the jungle i hear his scary beep when [Music] i can hear his scary rumble [Music] [Music] is it still around [Music] [Music] look at him he's so strong yet so kind and gentle look at him flying through the sky isn't mr super duper man amazing have you ever seen a superhero flying through the sky racing where he's needed urgently fighting all the crime [Music] have you ever seen a superhero flying through the sky racing where he's needed urgently fighting all the crime superhero super superhero always wanted to be like you super hero super superhero i just wanna be you yippee superhero super superhero always wanting to be like you who's super hero super superhero i just wanna be you [Music] look there he goes again this time he's putting out a fire [Music] he can move in a flash running at the speed of a speeding train he can jump to the deepest ocean and come out once again he can move in a flash running at the speed of a speeding train he can jump to the deepest ocean and come out once again super hero super superhero always wanted to be like you superhero super superhero i just wanna be you yippee superhero super superhero always wanted to be like you who's super hero super superhero i just wanna be you [Music] look at him he's so strong yet so kind and gentle have you ever seen a superhero flying through the sky racing where he's needed urgently fighting all the crime have you ever seen a superhero flying through the sky racing where he's needed urgently fighting all the crime superhero super superhero always wanted to be like the yuku super hero super superhero i just wanna be you yippee superhero super superhero wanting to be like you who's super hero super superhero i just want to be you [Music] he's so awesome when i grow up i want to be a superhero [Music] my son is your biggest fan mine too he's bought this huge poster where you're overtaking a plane really do they make those oh yeah my daughter has a ton of your posters i'm so flattered please well i don't know what to say i think the sheriff is the coolest road ranger and then he overtook the plane to save the little kid sawyer is cool but sheriff's cooler i like donna too but sheriff holds them all together yeah yeah he's so humble he won't even admit that he's the leader of the road rangers [Music] the leader her help [Music] [Music] you have to find my child what's going on where are all the kids find my daughter jared please help me where are the road rangers when you really need them i don't care i want my son back now i know you are all worried and rightly so but please don't panic we are going to find your children i personally will catch the person who is behind this and bring back your children safely and unharmed you have my word we'll see about that [Applause] [Music] [Music] sheriff help us road rangers sheriff i'm here what's wrong our children are gone too that's four more kids last night what that's impossible please share and find my child who is behind this my kids are gone too stop right there there's going to be no more kidnapped kids in this town thank you sheriff my children are finally coming home not likely wake up sheriff he's asleep our children have been kidnapped what but i told you this isn't me genius whoever it is though the genius is going to join you shortly thief sawyers that's my angie how something's really fishy [Music] hmm what are you up to sawyer [Music] [Music] catch me if you can huh it's you ah [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so what's going on it was him blaze all those children missing across the city it was all him is that true sawyer yes but why we're a team blaze all of us work hard but it's sheriff who takes all the credit why if i hadn't done this there would be no stopping sheriff from becoming as arrogant as the criminals we catch and becoming a criminal yourself is the answer he's right in his thought sheriff but you shouldn't have stooped so low sawyer i've got no excuse except i was done being the sidekick i'm sorry i made you guys feel that way we're the road rangers now that we have that out of the way time for a patch up i'm sorry sawyer but i'm going to have to arrest you for the kidnapping of the minor citizens of carson city [Music] hello road rangers uh yes how may i uh help you i've broken down a 37th road there aren't any cars to help me here could you please come over quickly it looks like i've run out of gas oh okay i'm sure you can figure something out but thank you [Music] road rangers help there's a huge accident outside my school okay kid i'll send someone [Music] yes how can i help you i just called in to report a pileup at 64th street i can't drive either all of us have just run out of gas what's happening please stop calling in and reporting such tiny incidents i don't have the time time to put the radio on mute [Music] [Music] i've called to report a fire at frank's dump yard oh okay someone will [Music] someone will take care of it ma'am [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] it's afternoon and the sun's already set i wonder what's going on where are the road rangers i must find out they might need my help [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hi guys i'm back huh [Music] wake up sheriff huh what oh donna let me sleep oh come on blaze don't you see the whole city is in darkness it's wonderful isn't it the perfect atmosphere to sleep [Music] perfect to sleep this isn't my team i must find them but first i'll give these ones a comfortable bed to sleep in hey guys wake up i've got really comfortable beds for all of you beds wow let's go there you go sheriff a wonderful freshly made bed for you oh thank you donna [Music] now i must find the real sheriff frank blaze and sawyer but how i bet if i find the sun i'll find them too [Music] hmm tire tracks let's see where these go so sheriff was a racer and sawyer his partner we can easily exploit these two this isn't all there's a lot more dirt on each of them that i can share with you they're all in danger but i don't even know who these evil no-gooders are i must observe them first [Music] he has very unique eyesight he can detect body heat mud you're my new best friend what do you see what do you see tell me what you see ram just leave me alone look what you did ram so dear ram can't see in the dark and rep is like a crocodile blind when his mouth is open i wonder where he's gone [Music] he disappears for three minutes every day this is great those two bars are really rusty if i can somehow manipulate the time that their leader is gone and when ram and rep are blind i can break the bars and set all of them free but i'm not strong enough to do it alone hmm i need to send a message to sawyer somehow only he is strong enough to help me break the bars but how pigeons i hate these pigeons what is this rubbish hey road rangers aren't you supposed to be smart read this and why should i help you this means nothing if you want to fight let me out whatever hey guys listen up [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] this has to be the greatest escape ever oh yes frank but our problems have just begun [Music] sheriff my days of being evil are done i admire you and i want to be good just like you so arrest me and let the world know that the great sheriff has inspired evil to become good ah nice of you to surrender we would have put you behind bars ourselves sooner or later sheriff don't fall for this ploy of his i sense something fishy blaze don't you see the innocence in my eyes that's enough i don't think there's anything fishy blaze and nonetheless we have him behind bars he can't do us any damage from in there sheriff isn't seeing the elephant in the room the thief isn't the fool he's pretending to be he is unlikely to surrender without some motive sheriff sheriff [Music] fire fire fire on the wall holy smokes are you okay sheriff and so the damages begin even from behind bars huh to the contrary it is this mischief maker that has saved my life today blaze [Music] the secure storage is compromised we'll have to move all of this stuff to another location right away thief you'll have to accompany me i think you've earned my trust there's a new bromance in town oh man i thought i was his other best friend so so [Applause] oh my god sheriff what's going on he pushed me over the cliff and escaped with all the money and valuables he almost got me killed [Music] i told you so i've gotta go [Music] i've been so stupid would both of you help me get that backstabbing thief back behind bars stupid as you may be you're still one of us let's get this show on the road ah help me sawyer help oh man whoa whoa [Music] we have to be privy to the fact that sheriff will want revenge now he's angry and thus foolish it's up to you to follow him where he takes you and at the first sign of danger send me a signal with this the boys are in trouble thanks blaze get me down blaze let's go get him now hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you see the road rangers marching they look so grand oh when the road oh and the road oh when the road rangers march on the city folks come out for a cheering when the road rangers march on over the bumps and then back down all over road rangers march on through the suburbs and round the town that's where the road rangers march on oh when the road oh and the road oh when the road rangers march on the sun and rain come out for a look-see when the road rangers march on over the bumps and then back down all over road rangers march on through the suburbs and round the town that's where the road rangers march on oh when the road oh when the road oh when the road rangers march on even the planes fly by for a selfie when the road rangers march on over the bumps and then back down all over road rangers march on through the suburbs and round the town that's where the road rangers march on [Music] is [Music] whoa shoot hello hello road rangers [Music] donna here what's the nature of your emergency there's been an accident on 50th highway a baby car is gravely injured please hurry up you have to save her okay i'm on my way sir whoa somebody's amped up [Applause] donna help donna can you hear me please help donna [Music] hey kid can you hear me are you okay are you hurt hi donna i can hear you but not for much longer i've lost a lot of oil and i'm really hurt it really hurts donna i'm scared oh don't worry little one just keep breathing i'll get to you you're gonna be okay don't give up on me okay but you have to hurry up oh god oh god i'm gonna die i don't wanna die just keep breathing don't panic i'll just call sawyer and he'll rescue both of us now where's my walkie-talkie [Music] ah zoinks the walkie-talkie is broken and i'm in no position to drive the little fella needs oil before he runs out of it i have to do something soon oh [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] hey hey little guy am i dead is this heaven are you the reaper you're not dead you're going back home soon i'll just give you a little injection that's going to make you feel better in no time injection no way okay okay what's your name i'm denise hi denise which school do you [Music] that didn't hurt now let's get out of here yes please [Music] hey ready to go yep denise don't you look down now [Music] it's nice to know you donna see you later world honey i'm home somebody's put on a little bit of weight swing me over to the side and i'll show you who's put on the weight you dummy your wish is my command [Music] yay i'm home we're alive thank you no fear when sawyer is here donna [Music] hey sawyer slow as ever i see race you to the headquarters [Music] i think i need to start working out [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh what's that hmm i wonder what this is ah oh fuel let's fill me up [Music] [Music] [Music] yes hey ablaze whoa took care of that fire for you blaze see ya whoa [Music] hey slow coach catch me if you can not this time the fuel didn't work against sheriff what if i drank the whole thing [Music] worse let's go no one can stop me now [Music] [Music] let's see you catch the thief sheriff huh see ya [Music] [Music] given up already just a sip and i'll show sheriff who's the fastest road ranger looks like the magic pool has dried up hasn't it always remember sawyer greed isn't a virtue it always outreaches itself if you hadn't been greedy to be the fastest the pool might have lasted longer and you wouldn't have been the fastest but you would have been faster than before wasn't that good enough yeah it was i've been so silly blaze guess i'll have to get back to training hard [Music] hey donna have you had a look at this look at what this oh a magic show how exciting we must go oh yeah a magic show you're still a little baby inside aren't you sawyer um not the only baby amongst us i'm never ever going to a magic show it has clowns so it's settled then frank the scaredy cat will stay here while we enjoy the magic show [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls i welcome you all to the world's most unimaginable magic show where the magic begins in the end for my first trick i need four volunteers who's going to volunteer you the road rangers please come on up this box is empty or is it please have a look inside road rangers oh no behold the road rangers thank god [Music] uh sawyer sheriff blaze [Music] guys are you for real whoa stop [Music] sheriff hello are you out there guys this isn't funny come out now [Music] i love to clean a good scrub rub and a rinser i love to looks like the magic show is over back to work my friends you didn't make it to the show frank um yeah uh i have my hands full not as full as they are going to be now that's a funny thing to say why would he say something so strange i'll ask [Music] sheriff [Music] where are they sheriff sawyer where are you [Music] donna is that you are you okay hello mayor sir it's me frank yes frank sir have you assigned a new mission to us the show's all wrapped up but i can't place the rest of the team no frank i don't have a mission for the road rangers and what show are you talking about your magic show sir i haven't organized a magic show in the city frank frank i think the team could be in trouble don't worry sir i'll locate them there you guys are do you know what a fright you guys gave me you really scared me in the mirror donna i did not think you would pull such an offensive prank on me that sound again where is it coming from i think it's coming from my compressor [Music] prank help [Music] frank [Music] [Music] frank frank it's going to squeeze me to death frank hey get back here where are you going [Music] frank you better get me out of here fast no help help frank you're a hero frank thank god thank you you're the man frank you're the man wait till the mayor hears about this frank good job frank good job oh frank i almost died i died frank man it's no big deal guys i knew where you guys were all along i told you this magic business is no good but don't worry i've got your back unbelievable man unbelievable [Music]
Channel: Road Rangers - Cartoon Kids Videos & Stories
Views: 4,445,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids cartoons, kids videos, road rangers, kids channel, We are the monster trucks, Frank The Garbage Truck, Road Rangers Go Missing, Wheels On The Bus, old macdonald had a farm, wheels on the bus, five little monkeys, johnny johnny, finger family, five little ducks, twinkle twinkle little star, baa baa black sheep, new years resolution, wheels on the truck, bath song, pizza song, ice cream song, abc, alphabets, shapes, numbers, colors, incy wincy spider, itsy bitsy spider
Id: qeFgxpWM6N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 8sec (4328 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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