We Are Stars with Andy Serkis - 360 VR Video

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I saw this advertised at a Planetarium but I never saw it. This is awesome. And thank you so much for finding and posting these

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cmarkcity 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 đź—«︎ replies
roll up everybody have you ever wondered where everything came from did you know that we are all made from the dust of stars let me show you how you are connected to the history of our universe and invite you all on a journey through space and [Music] 13.8 billion years to the beginning our universe in the very first moment of time the universe is almost impossibly hot and crammed full of energy in one superhot single point suddenly the universe expanded we called this moment of babe bad within millionth of a second the universe is transformed into a dense suit of subatomic particles the expanding universe is now a few minutes over and energies in NZ following the building blocks of our modern universe electrons neutrons and protons the universe is now 380,000 years old the particles called electrons have slowed down and are beginning to be attracted to the protons each electron carries a negative charge and each proton has a similar but positive charge [Music] the opposite charges balance each other perfectly and they become the most important couple in the history of the universe the first atom hydrogen electrons also caught by pairs of protons and neutrons completing the second most simple atom helium [Music] atoms are really really small but each one has a tiny amount of mass so every atoms gravity is gently almost imperceptibly pulley every other patent in the universe as more and more atoms are gathered together they form into gigantic spinning clouds [Music] the galaxy 2 issue spots appear deep inside these new lights signal the birth of the first supermassive stars these first stars were huge much bigger than modern stars like the Sun this one is so big it could swallow our entire solar system [Music] [Applause] like the star to balance out the gravity the star blows itself apart in a supernova a super movers compute the last stage in the element building process within these giant explosions heavier rarer elements afford zinc platinum and gold [Music] over billions of years debris expended Stars slowly collects together into giant clouds still mostly hydrogen now peppered with a mix of heavier atoms we call these giant clouds nebulae this one is so big that it could contain our solar system hundreds of billions of times over deep inside these pillars something is happening this time disk of gases molecules metals and dust since its center [Music] [Applause] gravity's pulling his molecules into blade spinning masses [Music] this already a billion years ago for over hundred nine years leftover dust lots of first gases relentlessly bombard the young planet each impact melting the surface and filling the atmosphere with molecules of carbon dioxide methane and ammonia eventually unpacked slow down and the surface begins to cool the steam in the atmosphere turns to liquid and it begins to rain it rains for thousands and thousands of years eventually covering the whole earth in water under this potion you stage water heated by the molten rock the Earth's mantle bursts through vents in the Earth's crust dissolving molecules along the way as it beats the cool water of the ocean these minerals are deposited forming towers as the molecular mixture passes through the mineral-rich chambers they start to form the molecules we call the building blocks of life perhaps it was inside a vent like this following hundreds of millions of years of chance interactions that molecules formed the first life in the shape of cells some cells began to work with and for groups until they had become the first multi-celled organisms over many many generations they're formed slowly changed some of the original microscopic molecule factories had evolved into simple worms it wasn't long before the worms evolved into primitive fish using iron in blood cells to capture oxygen and calcium to build bones fish continued to evolve and dominates the oceans of the time the molecules and atoms are constantly being recycled and modified as they passed from one living thing to another above the riveter plants and giant insects to go with the land but they were soon followed by fish that had evolved the ability to crawl out of the sea and to breathe the oxygen-rich air these oxygen breathers evolved into reptiles which became the dinosaurs and for over a hundred million years dinosaurs dominated the earth the Masters of molecules and giant impact changed the environments so rapidly that many forms of life were unable to survive the age of the dinosaurs came to an end but some species did survive with the dinosaurs gone mammals evolved to take their place as the new top Adam organizes through the process of natural selection they adapted to new habitats a species died off in new ones flourished a tree of life mapped out to the generations then millions of years later on a distant branch of the family tree there drew a new branch of mammals the Apes many many generations later on a twig from this branch there stood some very strange leaves these Apes were strange because their atoms had formed brains that didn't just think simple thoughts like I'm home but complex ones like what we wound off and where did it all come from they have been finding out the answers ever since we have gone on a journey to discover what we are made of where it all came from we are all made from stars [Music] you
Channel: K A L E I D O S C O P E
Views: 417,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Animation, Kaleidoscope, NSCcreative, We Are Stars, Andy Serkis, Science, “VR Video”, VR, “Virtual Reality”, #VirtualReality 360, 3D. “YouTube VR”, “YouTube 360”, #YouTube360, #YouTubeVR
Id: toSH6hxeGEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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