[ We Are Stars ] Witness the evolution of the universe in virtual reality

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I guess I'm confused here. I get why some people would want to watch youtubers make videos of games to sway their decision to make a purchase but are there really people who want to watch youtubers watching 360Β°, 3D, high-framerate science documentaries? Maybe I'm not understanding what this is. I thought it was just a documentary and not an "experience" or game?

I mean are we going to start seeing youtubers filming themselves watching movies in VR so you can watch them watching the movies? I must be missing something here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iLL_S_D πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

"We Are Stars is the most immersive science documentary in the Universe! This 360Β°, 3D, high-framerate experience seeks to answer some of the biggest questions of all time. What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins." – Steam

Experience - http://store.steampowered.com/app/556140/

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wanderlvstVR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty cool presentation..

I kind of wish they might have added in a little bit extra for the beginning though.

I watched a show about a month back, where they were presenting theories of what was happening right before the big bang So literally a whole :30 hour show dedicated to a millisecond pretty much. Like you were watching it on a highspeed camera.

They kind of did touch on it though, with the whole protons turning into neutrons, and creating secondary supernovas before finally creating space dust capable of coalescing into planets.

But I'm pretty sure the 2 presentations I watched have their theories almost opposing. The one I watched I think hinted that most of those heavier elements were created during the initial bang in the seconds following, not with secondary supernovas. And it happened within seconds. not thousands/millions of years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder if it's real 3D modelled universe, or just a video on a sphere. Because if i trust author, this should be a 3D modelled stuff. Still, why 60 fps? Why even talking about FPS limitations? Maybe because the experience is just a video? Then how can a 360 video be 3d? I dont want to buy something only to get the money refunded after i dl 22 gigs.

Also, does it really run on 8 MB RAM pc lol?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aka_Setras πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up guys I'm back with another bad experience and this one was called the are stars I'd say a short story experience with 62 the evolution the solar system the universe earth or molecule is pretty amazing it's a 363 film this would be cool to like show a family no friends maybe some kids pretty mind-blowing so if you check out the options you can change a quality sediments there's a ultra which is 4k 3d and 60 frames per second and their standard 2.8 k 3d 30 frames per second so alright guys without further ado let's dive right in [Music] [Music] [Music] keep in mind when you watch it through the headset on get the depth of everything so those are an insurer look like it was actually coming towards your face [Music] come and see the mysteries of the universe revealed before your very eyes ladies and gentlemen now that I have your attention have you ever wondered what you are made of have you ever wondered where everything came from did you know that we are all made from the dust of scars let me show you how you are connected to the history of our universe and invite you all on a journey through space and time tent [Music] all aboard all aboard ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we are going to find where everything came from we are going to go back in time back before the earth was formed before the Stars first Sean back to the very beginning Oh we've gone back in time 13.8 billion years to the beginning of our numbers in the very first moment of time the universe is almost impossibly hot and crammed full of energy in one superhot single point suddenly the universe expanded we call this moment the big bad we did the millionth of a second the universe is transformed into a dense soup of subatomic particles the expanding universe is now three minutes old and energy is condensing forming the building blocks of our modern universe electrons neutrons and protons the universe is now 380,000 years old the particles called electrons of sundown are beginning to be attracted to the protons each electron carries a negative charge and each proton has a similar but positive charge they're opposite charges balance each other perfectly and they become the most important couple in the history of the universe the first atom hydrogen electrons are also caught by pairs of protons and neutrons completing the second most simple atom helium the universe is now 500 million years old and the hot energy soup has calmed down to a cold dark cloud a fine haze of atoms mostly hydrogen fills the universe no galaxies no stars and no planets just atoms floating in space and our story would end there but for the invisible inescapable effects of gravity what's a gravity ha ha ha gravity is an invisible force that pulls in every direction from anything that has mass atoms are really really small but which one has a tiny amount of mass so every atoms gravity is gently almost imperceptibly pulling on every other atom in the universe slowly but surely throughout the universe gravity begins to shake the clouds of hydrogen sort of makes you feel like you're in the matrix some be doing maneuvers [Music] as more and more atoms are gathered together they form into gigantic spinning clouds the first proto [Music] [Music] as the galaxy Tisci right spots appear deep inside these new lights signal the birth of the first supermassive stars each star starts its life as a giant ball of cold spinning hydrogen at the spinning clouds gravity pulls in the surrounding gas the ball begins to grow and grow the more it grows the more gravity it has and the more it pulls in on itself the atoms in the core are squeezed the entitle tighter raising a temperature to ten million degrees Celsius the heat and pressure force the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms together they release energy as the energy escape from its surface the star begins to shine [Music] these first stars were huge much bigger than modern stars like the Sun this one is so big it could swallow our entire solar system if you could cut the star in half you'd see how two layers of hot hydrogen plasma churning around a Deering core the core is where almost all the heat is generated by a reaction called nuclear fusion nuclear fusion doesn't just make the star shine something new is being created deep inside [Music] ladies and gentlemen for your entertainment may I present a dramatic demonstration representing the wonders and secrets of nuclear fusion imagine we're in the core the star these balls represent the lone protons from hydrogen nuclei and we are going to show you how they fuse together to form a new element called helium the process starts with the protons they're all trying to get away from each other because their positive charge versus them apart however happens sometimes a proton will lose its charge and transform into a neutron neutrons have no charge so the heat and pressure forces them to join the closest proton together they become a nucleus called a deuteron the deuteron wanders around the core it is not long before it is hit by one of the free protons the nucleus grows again then the nucleus tumbles around in the core until it needs another nucleus and they are crushed together two protons fly off back into the core but the nucleus that remains now has two protons and two neutrons the element helium this process of fusing hydrogen protons is happening over a trillion trillion trillion times every second gradually the helium fills the core you might expect that once the core has turned all its hydrogen into helium that he would stop working but the element building has only just begun as the hydrogen is used up the core gets denser and hotter allowing the helium nuclei to fuse into another heavier element going real again the temperature of the core Rises and the beryllium begins to fuse with the helium into carbon fusing carbon raises the temperature of the core again under the pressure the new elements start to fuse with each other and with the hydrogen many of the elements we know today are built in a star's finally an element we call iron is made but the nucleus of iron is so stable that it can't fuse and so temperature is no longer increased into the core suddenly there is not enough pressure from inside the star to balance out the gravity believes in gravity wins the core the star collapses Shing gravity slammed the atoms against each other with such force the star blows itself apart in a supernova [Music] supernovas complete the last stage in the element building process within these giant explosions heavier rarer and islets afford zinc platinum and gold [Music] [Music] over billions of years the debris of exploded stars slowly collects together giant clouds still mostly hydrogen but now peppered with a mix of heavier atoms we call these giant clouds nebulae the swamp is so big that it could contain our solar system hundreds of billions of times over deep inside these pillars something is happening to the atoms they are starting to reach out to each other and form molecules yes young lady even molecules a good question let's go take a closer look these are some molecules found in a nebula Oh a molecule is a group of atoms linked up together like they're holding hands you have this molecule in your body and it's found in this nebula it's water a water molecule is made by one oxygen atom linking with two hydrogen atoms you might recognise its chemical name h2o another common molecule in a nebula is carbon dioxide co2 made with one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms your body produces carbon dioxide and you breathe it out you all make this molecule - except you don't breathe it out any ideas what it's called Lloris thank you very much but all I was after was the word methane when it comes to atoms in your body carbon atoms are the most important you see carbon can bond with up to four different atoms at once making it possible to create really interesting molecules by linking it up with atoms like oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen carbon easily makes some familiar molecules like sugar molecules it is in fat molecules the vital part of protein molecules unfortunately these molecules are quite fragile and the radiation of space easily breaks their bonds so we need to build somewhere that's protected and big enough to collect plenty of molecules somewhere like a planet [Music] this giant disk of gases molecules metals and dust is our solar system and at its centre is a very young son within these churning clouds gravity is pulling these molecules into great spinning masses that will become planets [Music] this young planet is our earth already a billion years old for over a hundred million years leftover dust and lots of frozen gases relentlessly bombard the young planet each impact melting the surface and filling the atmosphere with molecules of carbon dioxide methane and ammonia I was like when his part has passed towards me he works like it's Stella Hill and the surface begins to cool the steam in the atmosphere turns to liquid and it begins it rains for thousands and thousands of years eventually covering the whole earth in water a few years crazy this is amazing under the Scotian a new stage in the journey of atoms and molecules is beginning water heated by the molten rock the Earth's mantle burst through vents in the Earth's crust dissolving molecules along the way as it meets the cold water of the ocean these minerals are deposited forming towers as the molecular mixture passes through the mineral-rich chambers they start to form the molecules we call the building blocks of life perhaps it was inside a vent like this following hundreds of millions of years of chance interactions that molecules formed the first life in the shape of cells [Music] under the ocean these first cells use the molecules and atoms from their environment for energy and growth it wasn't long before they began to make copies of themselves suddenly there were hundreds thousands millions trillions of cells spreading throughout the oceans a billion years of random mutation resulted in a startling advance some cells began to use the sun's energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar this super power photosynthesis let cells grow much more quickly but a nasty surprise was in store these new super cells released oxygen and has this built up in the atmosphere it changed our planet forever highly reactive the oxygen poisoned a huge number of cells causing a mass extinction but some cells survived as they replicated they filled the world with cells able to tolerate or even use this new gas and lifespan on [Music] some cells began to work together and form groups until they had become the first multi-celled organisms over many many generations their forms slowly changed some of the original microscopic molecule factories had evolved into simple worms it wasn't long before the worms evolved into primitive fish using iron in blood cells to capture oxygen and calcium to build bones the fish continued to evolve and dominate the oceans over time the molecules and atoms are constantly being recycled and modified as they pass from one living thing to another above the water plants and giant insects to go with the land but they were soon followed by fish that had evolved the ability to crawl out of the sea and to breathe the oxygen-rich air these oxygen breathers evolved into reptiles which became the dinosaurs and for over a hundred million years dinosaurs dominated the earth the Masters of molecules until the giant impact changed the environment so rapidly that many forms of life were unable to survive the age of the dinosaurs came to an end but some species did survive with the dinosaurs gone mammals evolved to take their place as the new top Adam organizers through the process of natural selection they adapted to new habitats a species died off in new ones flourished a tree of life mapped out to the generations then millions of years later on a distant branch of the family tree there drew a new branch of mammals the Apes many many generations later on a twig from this branch there stood some very strange names these Apes were strange because their atoms had formed brains that didn't just think simple thoughts like I'm hungry but complex ones like what are we made of and where did it all come from they have been finding out the answers ever since we've discovered that we are made of atoms and these atoms are on a journey as old as the universe before they became part of you they were in animals plants and in the air they were once in dinosaurs in primitive fish and made up the very first cells cells assembled from molecules containing atoms that first arrived on earth as comets and asteroids all within the clouds of giant nebulae containing complex atoms delivered by exploding stars atoms that have been fused by gravity deep in the core of the stars stars that were formed from giant clouds of hydrogen the same hydrogen that was the first relationship between a proton and an electron but it all started when energy came together to form matter after the universe expanded from a single tiny point [Music] that was pretty mind-blowing it's super my boy [Music] we have gone on a journey to discover what we are made of where it all came from we have seen how the atoms in our bodies whole within them the history of the universe every atom from the iron in our blood and the calcium in our bones to the oxygen we breathe they all once came from a distant point of light so the next time when you look out at the night sky remember where your atoms started their journey we are all made from stars [Music] so yeah guys that is a we are stars seems like it's inspired from you know Carl Sagan taking on the idea that we are Stardust nowhere else could we have been from the University provides ingredients of our existence this gives you like a really good visual to see it a process it's pretty mind when you get the scale you can see a molecule up close and 3d and super uh-oh show so it's pretty good experience I loved it super epic super dope yeah that was VR stars thank you guys for watching if you guys enjoyed this video hit like and subscribe and the till next time peace [Music]
Channel: simbeeotik
Views: 45,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtual reality, vr, htc vive, vive, we are stars, documentary, space, education, evolution, universe, experience, cosmic, cosmos, stars, we are stardust, carl sagan, chemistry, science, stardust
Id: 2U_1oeFMZbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2016
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