We are Defenseless? - Forts RTS - Project Incursus [64]

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[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of forts today we've got herself say one view one versus random internet denizen and this guy fairly certain is trying to pull some shenanigans on us so I I did what I usually do I joined an random game out on the Internet just a random Oakland Lobby and right as we were loading into the match I saw this beautiful pop-up that showed up in chat I've it was just there just for a moment right before the match started that said I think it was autodefensas disabled for team so I think what he's done this is sneakily disabled automatic defenses so if I were to do something like go mortars which I have already working toward then I don't think my opponent will have the ability to you all defend himself so as I'm always a prehensile if people will let do this it's it's not a it's not a nice thing to do to change the base game rules as you're you know starting the match but it's something that people do might as well take advantage of it he's trying to get an advantage on me by changing the rules on me without my knowledge well I can play that game too let's see how he works out this one I think what I'm gonna do I don't see anything terribly offensive out of him yet so I'm gonna do it straight for in heavy mortars okay that's actually concerning just in case okay that's actually concerning me I'm gonna stick to going for heavy mortars but that is actually somewhat concerning I know I'm real wobbly over here all right sniper please find out what he's got you got a sniper and he missed that was in the mortars yeah figured what a surprise he's being cheeky on us luckily that phase is right through us automatic defenses are not enabled good I have to I think he's using a wind turbine yeah automatic defenses are not enabled close that case I'm gonna go like this take that hit it's in the sniper over here there we go it straight fire this is fine I up here I move those good I'm actually gonna ablative armor this put a couple machine gunners up top take care of the sniper well no because he still got the yeah he still got those that's gonna be a problem okay so what I can do is I can go straight for a nuke give him something to fire at while we wait oh I'm shocking on there you go there's that I do have enough to fire a nuke he hasn't upgraded to hasn't upgraded to heavy mortars yet don't have to worry about those er upgrade please thank you this this later on that's given mr. fire add and this all right here come the heavy mortars I will not have long here I should have just fired my incendiaries before trying to save up to get the upgrade but it is what it is all right pre aim this little bit there come heavies oh you cheeky go ahead you do that oh he changed the angle no all right get nuked I can tackle the door here thank you all right so he survived that early can you survive the next one I don't need automated defenses to take care of you buddy ha nice dry Gigi hmm all right well we are back for the rematch this time we are well aware of autodefensas being disabled so I'm gonna go for do I want to go from water rush now as much as it's clearly the better option because without having autodefensas and mortars are just not unstoppable I think I'm actually to go for I think actually to go for the Armory give them a little bit more trouble this could be an interesting one I'm not actually sure how I'm gonna do this yeah yeah you do that I have fun with that buddy so I was assuming he's gonna go from mortars again it's it's the best thing to do which means I'm gonna want to have offensive flack just stop that stop the pain and switch over to I also triple to rockets in the meantime you get this guy here he's already doored himself up I do this there we go and I'll put a flag down here I am gonna actually need an upgrade Center for this though yeah I see you aimin for that oh dang it finger slipped yeah well no one's perfect upgrade Center upgrade Center okay so he hasn't placed his motors yet if he had no there's no way his places motors yet so I still have time to do this I gonna put a rope down here just to be safe and to be not so suspicious build a little bit of a little bit of forward bracing that way he doesn't see this door and Nick all right it's one way to do it I kind of needed that kinda needed that a lot all right time for roof based machine guns as I suspect my orders to could be coming out of this at any moment now I remove this let me put rocket down here oh these upgrades up what is he what is he doing actually I'm curious that isn't I think he's going Rockets well good thing I have somewhat prepared alright that's an AP sniper all right I need sniper on one flak on - I'll have these guys on three just in case I don't think I'm gonna need them offensive there all right and then I'll put this guy back here what you doin alright he just built that you here so this guy yeah it's fine alright let's get some damage yarn I do want to put a another double door on this guy I guess I didn't go through up I didn't I guess I didn't come out in time alright put him back he's kind of critical ha no alright and another rocket can go here put it metal here and just when I get the chance metal here yeah see you you're not doing much with that well he is testing things ok so I know he's got at least two machine gunners about that alright so now he's open the top there there they are I move one oh I'll keep is removed because I blew up remember this give him a barrel to deal with fire again remove this guy but upgrade this so I can get that upgrade this place thank you nope come on come on I'm waiting to fire these I guess I suppose I don't really need to fire wait to fire them I could just keep firing keep firing no one gets hurt you don't have a door and explains a lot oh you actually cover the top how good of him all right we're almost ready this is actually kind of nice as a low-tech kind of game excuse me may I put down one of these that's gonna cost me a lot actually that's gonna stop me whoo that actually shut down my energy shield yeah it's a very concerning all right let's get some actual rocket damage out you could do react in time he reacted in time but the AO is still doing critical damage open not enough all right snipers in their correct position machine gunners been removed he still hasn't exposed anything yet hey he snapped one of the rockets took care of his flak whew that's very very good place for me and he had nothing underneath it this is actually very APM intensive just a micromanage everything all right we've dealt some damage I can upgrade this to a shotgun I don't think I won't upgrade that to a shotgun just because I want to have the option to defend myself against ballistic Weber missile weaponry that I need more storages to get a laser all right I'll just refire that that's probably a bad idea well I'm just glad that didn't hit me that terrible experiences of those things hitting me oh oh we blew his everything up he's got nothing left exceeding all that grid this that managed to splash all the way across his front and removing all of his offensive potential oh he's got a laser now good thing I've upgraded this and helped go through the front so he just put down his laser meaning I need to stop that laser from happening now it's exposed that metal despite visibly being there is not present and it's gone shut down that's a little bit lower take the sniper I can't afford to replace my sniper earth laser it's plenty under place in the sniper with laser but I can't afford to be that I don't even know what I was thinking I gotta replace these guys with this laser and that's why I don't refire anything yeah if I need more turbines open your flak all right blow it up that works too okay so I see exposed fans that can remove the hose I can get rid of a lot of things its ability to progress he's already in bit of a downward spiral but the reason why I can't make it more downward doubt that's not a word downward Oh that middle isn't isn't there yet no it is ooh the barrel remove all of that these Rockets take a lot of a lot of power to fire do the more damage but it's not enough these are only a 70% I just need more fans need more power I've heard you he shouldn't have enough anti-missile to stop this from happening indeed he does not all right I see background bracing up top what does he have up there whatever it is it is gone I don't actually know what that was that a fire laser did he just put an exposed fire laser up out front while he's taking all this damage what was he thinking come on energy all right can I remove that flag missed I need to have that flat gun FAK is gone commence firing of rockets all his anti-missile was gone commence firing everything ooh we're actually splash damaging is a core there and that's enough GG guys another one for the win make sure to leave a like if you want to see more for its contents and do you guys want to see more trihard games like this one or more nimi shenanigan games like we have on most of our streams leave a comment below of you with how you feel about it but until next time I'll see you guys in the next video later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 41,930
Rating: 4.9567275 out of 5
Keywords: forts, multiplayer, rts, forts gameplay, incursus, gaming, forts multiplayer, Project Incursus, Cannons, Forts Steam, Forts Game, Forts RTS, Strategy Game, armor, project incursus gaming, incursus forts, project incursus forts, project incursus, forts incursus, forts project incursus, forts nuke, forts project, Challenge, laser, 3v3, coop, Tons of Guns, Tier 3 Mortar, Tier 4 Mortar, Update, Tier 5 Mortar, new, Commander, Scattershot, Spotlight, Shockenaugh, Defense, strategy
Id: 3X5H5SyeLBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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