We Added HELLDIVERS 2 DROP PODS To Ravenfield

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H divers 2 is an amazing game one of the coolest features about the game if you're not aware of what it is is basically you're either fighting bugs or you're fighting robots and how you fight them is you drop down from space in a drop podt while you're on the ground fighting you can call in other drop pods that have men on them that have equipment you can use drop pods to well troll your enemies troll your friends troll yourself you can do that in this game to using sofa's mod what we're going to be doing today is using the hell divers to strategy and put them into ravenfield and see what kind of crazy and funny things happen so we're going to go to my favorite map the archipelago we're going to put on uh a healthy number of bots hopefully that won't melt my computer we've got all of these different points that we need to take including the enemy Red base over here and we're going to use our strategems look at it they've got a skull on them so you know there's no way this could backfire I'm thinking the coolest one to take would probably be the hardest one to take which is right here actually hold on don't do that we're going to going to let the enemy take it look at how many Bots we got now in Hell divers 2 you can fight like endless amounts of bugs which is obviously inspired by one of the greatest movies of all time and an even better book Starship Troopers so first things first we got this helicopter we got some planes we got another helicopter that helicopter's got machine guns but we need more stuff I basically have what looks like a Pokeball or a thermal detonator depending on your lore of choice but if I switch it you'll notice that the words are changing and when the words change that means what's in the drop pod that's going to come down from the heavens above is going to be different wait a minute Napal strike there's no way I'm going to kill myself with that orbital laser strike reinforcement let's see what a reinforcement looks like now these are drop pods right so you have to be very careful of where you drop them like this plane hey you get out of that plane oh my God what I was trying to illustrate a point Point okay this helicopter is worth I don't know I think it's based off a Nighthawk anywhere between 6 to $10 million it's worth a lot right so it' be a real shame if someone were to take his magic Pokeball from Hell divers okay now we got to be careful guys there's a giant laser coming from the celestial Heavens pointing at the helicopter are you sure you want to get into it ravenfield AI at its finest oh what's that bright light you guys better get out of there something coming oh snap and look a guy magically appears hey guys what did I miss well you just blew up a helicopter oh my gosh this man needs resuscitation redeploy beam resupply okay we need to resupply this helicopter so what does a resupply do oh shoot that one kind of went over here and once again a giant beam of you better watch out is right here but what's interesting is if you stand a little a little bit close but not too close the kinetic force of that thing making impact will knock you over and what do you know we've got well hold on let's illustrate the point look at that my ammo is not full right okay there it is now it's full it's a resupply it lived up to its name it's moniker if you will and I will thank you very much now that we have a general concept of how a drop pod works you guessed it it's a pod that drops although there's a bunch of cool little you know it's sort of like a Kinder egg that can destroy you and all of your friends if you're not careful all right checking the map it looks like this area is covered so why don't we just like you know I don't know hop into a contested area like this little village here hello red boys oh God there's red Boys in there my parachute was not very good now as long as they don't shoot me in the back wave we have a script here and you're not following it okay well we're over here now and we're going to you what are you guys doing out there hold on uh redeploy heavy weapons orbital Precision strike no I'm going to you know what napalm's fire and if I know anything about fire it shouldn't do anything to the water so I'm going to throw this out there and see if a Napal strike will do much to these guys swimming in the water stop it oh my gosh what if that thing got hit oh what did you see that plane it just flew overhead and it it the Napal strike Napal things now I I don't think this is necessarily a good idea especially since someone is trying to kill me man what a big asset he was to this video I realized that deployment was just kind of random I think we want to be here look at all these red guys pouring across the bridge that is just Reds on reds on reds the British are coming the British are coming no not the British just the red dudes napom Get Wrecked you you little misgens please don't shoot me I am trying to be a woo a wartime photographer while at the same time being a combatant please don't kill me okay so we're in slow motion now I hear it oh there jeez that thing's fast and the bomb just went off okay this is slow motion and that thing's basically going the speed of a normal like speed uh fighter aircraft in this game the Napal goes off the fire is all over the place that should allow me to peek up here and get closer to then you guessed it they Palm the other guys oh my God they're right there and we just do a little whoopy whoop you know what oh I'm at 10 Health there's a red laser who shot me maybe it was an explosive there it is oh goodness we caught it now I had to go slow motion where's the ordinance oh my god there it is danger close speaking of danger close and then the fire erupts everywhere hello check your 6:00 Turner you Noob and we just defended this objective and what's my kill feed I'm at one huh that's not how math works I know what you guys are thinking Baron your health is it's awfully low buddy you might want to um resupply yourself okay now I'm just going to drop it next to my friend you're doing a great job I really appreciate what you're working on here oh my God where did it even skip to oh over here all right well just for the sake of science do you think the kinetic Force who you guys oh no don't move there sniper they just took it h okay they contested this area we have a few troops I don't know why they H everything is normal here nothing to see here nothing at all oh thanks for dropping a smoke grenade in the bowels of an aircraft car barrier sir looks like your spine is not doing very well okay we got a boat coming what else do I got here redeploy resupply heavy weapons how about a orbital Precision strike look at this guy like he's on plane right now and then he just went full Titanic mode on us you think I can hit these guys with a Precision strike all right we got to get oh snap I was trying to hold it down and then do a Run and Jump I think we need to move away so this is the Precision strike W that sounded like a magnetic accelerated Cannon if all my time playing Halo taught me anything it's what a Mac Cannon sounds like reinforce redeploy resupply I need help but yeah so that's kind of cool man we we basically call in everything from Magic pokeballs which you know I'm about oh the little top that flew off that is a beautiful and nice effect that makes that that pleases the baron okay oh you need a you need you know what fine let's get out out of here before this guy's artillery hits us all right so we're doing some classic yeah you get wrecked buddy boy what we're going to do oh okay don't mind the any aircraft fire it's fine okay ow my pancreas just broke okay what I need to do is redeploy okay check this one out this one's going to be great buddy what are you doing over there but I need to find a place to deploy my redeploy it's a bit ironic isn't it I need to redeploy well you got to find a better place to deploy your redeploy before you redeploy okay so then the laser comes out and this is what I like to call Magic cuz I can't explain this scientifically all I know is when I go in this beam I get a redeploy it's crazy talk all right so we do this and what oh my gosh I did reinforce I was like is this broken or am I dumb and it's clear that it was the ladder okay so this guy has switched from using a gun to uh I don't know maybe he's like shaking up that bag of ammunition like it's popcorn and he put some butter in it sometimes if you put butter on the bullets it makes people surprised and so they won't shoot at you it's it's a unique tactic look at this guy like oh my goodness did you see that where where did they come from I mean obviously the other direction we had to change up the game mode to better fit what we're trying to show off today I'm pretty sure that was friendly fire which shouldn't surprise me but it it always does ha missiles look at all those red guys what I need is a plane that can drop the like heavy Napal woo uh-oh that's not good all right this is reinforced I'm going to buy myself some time using some reinforcement strategems these guys are going to be um the dummies the distraction dudes so they're going to come down each pod drops a single guy whoa whoa whoa whoa watch your bullets buddy biscuits and gravy you're ruining it I swear man someone needs to tell the guys on the red team to follow the movie script which means do not shoot me please I'm going to pull this off if it's the last thing I do it might actually be the last thing I do I'm just kidding guys there's so many video games to play oh wow look at that red is pouring down through that like little Trail through the mountains and it looks awesome I don't know if I've ever seen them do that before all right we need to get into position ooh there that's not good all right reinforcement strategems remember that one time I I thought I was using a a redeploy strategy and I blew myself up yeah that was good times all right so this is the redeploy H not the best spot but these guys are out there now you walk up to this alien technology there you go you press F and then you're going and as soon as we clear the cloud cover I'm going to go slow-mo here you'll notice that I am moving the reticle and remember when I showed you the value of those helicopters five like 6 to 10 million well oh my gosh it's powering up the red team is getting in here oh I probably could have hit both those Fighters if I was cooler boom you son of a biscuit all right I see a plane I'm trying to find a Target Rich spot weird little pixel right here there's the tower all right what happens if we hit a tower oh my gosh look at the angle we're coming in oh hello boys that is hilarious Ronnie there's something Ronnie about what just happened all right so we spawned here at the landing and all of the vehicles just drove away without me you guys better not be trying to take this flag while we're not looking I love there just like random fla splatters going off like it just really makes you feel like you're in a war zone all right dude we're going out here fishing what if fish what if there was like a fishing mini mode in in ravenfield that would be kind of funny I guess in a way we kind of are fishing cuz like Hello what are all the red guys doing swimming like well it's synchronized swimming practice well thank you for the five kills you idiots we're going to try to get in close and use some of our like heavy weapon stuff and see if we can't turn the tide of battle uh reinforce redeploy resupply heavy weapons orbital Precision strike well let's see what happens orbital strike orbital precision there's a guy running next to it they got atomized all right now we'll do a Napal and we'll try to throw it a little bit higher yeah not not very good but the naal would you stop it red people I realize I'm your mortal enemy but you're my mortal enemy and I want me to win I don't want you guys to win oh oh hold on this guy this guy just shot me in like the earlobe with a revolver I think that the issue we're having here is a skill issue let's do a heavy weapons strategy so this should call it a big big set of guns that I can use hopefully to shoot down that helicopter guys please clear the area my my days of trolling you all is hopefully over cuz we got to win all right so a little slow you guys why did you make me do that ooh a heavy machine gun and what's on the other side oh the laser all right we got the laser so we need an enemy well well well if it isn't an enemy vehicle get laser fied that's pretty sweet oh enemies on the bridge no problem guys all right the range of this thing is interesting H we overheated it oh my goodness we need reinforcements the enemy just parachuted in here what are we ever going to do infinite reinforcements this is what I love about FPS sandboxes is it a Sandbox oh Gerald you're in the wrong spot I guess we all are really oh that one almost got him okay redeploy resupply heavy weapons orbital Precision Nal and an orbital laser I don't think we've seen the orbital laser stop it guys I'm on a mission see see like whenever you watch like Mission Impossible no one's shooting Tom Cruz all right he's on a mission these guys are not sticking a script so what is the noral laser look like all right we're looking huh oh my gosh we just unleashed the Death Star in the oh my gosh guys it's coming this way oh my goodness we just unleashed the power of a th000 Sons oh please run into the laser you didn't follow the script okay that thing just evaporated everybody now we need to get in closer and see if we can't hit the bridge I've got to get cover though I'm going to call in a Napal over here too uh blue guys do you see the giant laser do not go towards it yeah I got killed by D what is this guy he's like laying on the ground oh hippity hippity like there's the Nate bomb and the laser all at the same time this is fan freaking you guys strategems in ravenfield that's what it's all about you can use these things in so many cool ways look at how many blue guys there are right here like this is absolute World War I right here Raven has captured the reef oh my gosh we're down to four capture points who who Who's responsible for this it says defeat but really isn't Victory the friends we made along the way all right I think we're going to redeploy right here green beam take me to your leader falling on top of you boom disabled two blackbirds that's impressive orbital Precision strike in the heart of the enemy base I'm at 30 37 [Music] health and what we need to do is switch this oh gosh he's behind me to a Napal buddy I am doing a what's called oneway cool Mission let me throw this and then shoot me oh gosh something blew up all right I got it off oh the helicopter's shooting at me too all right so we called in a laser and an AAL strike ow he shot me in the pinky toe okay all right where's the laser there's the Napal the laser I think went off now it doesn't track your kills from these which would have been awesome because I think we'd be at like aund by now so here's the thing hell divers 2 strategems are now a mod that's available in ravenfield what should we do next let me know pull the trigger on like button if you did enjoy the video and if you stay to the end guess what I have a son now my second child was just born in fact he's crying right now I'm going to go hang out with him goodbye
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 96,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames
Id: QzIXjBSg7rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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