WC3 - W3C S6 Finals - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. XlorD [UD]

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this is the grand final the war three champions season six the biggest season chic wins ffa craft and starbucks win two and two and then undead is gonna win one on one as well so undead's reign supreme once again a little over performance here on war three champions uh happy or axelord is the question guys am i alone oh my discord crashed again uh whoopsie this uh seemed to continue happening here i'm very sorry about that little delay let me change the server here we go oh here we go that's my entire uh it's my entire discord crashing i don't know the reason but okay i just said it's going to be excellent or happy yeah i mean uh you know i'm a big stats guy neil you know me i'm a man that likes his history loves his stats and let me bring you back to uh march 1st january 3rd i for i don't know how months and days work but one of those days it was war 3 champions season 4 uh semi-finals it was x-lord versus happy 2-0 start for x-lord happy coming back with the three two i was on the edge of my feet uh see my feet edge of my seat edge of my yeah everything uh can he bring it back again i have a stat too i have a stat as well i have a very cool stat you guys ready this would be if excellent defeats happy in a best of five he would be the only undead ever outside of china or korea to defeat happy in a best of five it's only ever been night elves he would be the only one ever this is unbelievable i have another stat as well i have another side if grubby was in he would have won all right you ruined the moment sorry i know i just i don't know why everything i don't know why grand final grand finals ricky grand finals man but it's scrubby meet your mike rick cow meeting enjoy the show boys thank god remo there's the silent the sound of silence is absolutely wonderful let's embrace this best of five grand final off we go who wins season six one last best of five neo to decide it all these two have met plenty of times before excellent brought very close many many a time he won once in the group stage of dreamhack during last year's online seasons but all the other times went too happy 12 to 1 in the last two years happy has had the upper hand but happy is at least in this matchup pretty predictable nowadays ex-lord a brilliant tactician a very patient player and has looked wonderful this tournament this might be the best shape we've ever seen him in to finally dethrone happy and this is the first time we see these guys facing each other on the new map pool right there's uh or the the biggest map pool i guess a little foreshadowing to dreamhack maybe it's not the seven maps that we've seen for two years straight where the pigs and bands were often times the same no no no no this is including tight hunters including autumn leaves this is our starting map by the way and this is a very interesting opening we see the lord with her fast fiends and happy is he just playing glitch first all the way on every map now that seems to be his go-to style in anad mirror nowadays seems to sometimes struggle against dk first but happy steals him still seems to be confident with that what happy wants to ensure with this opening is that he's gonna have a very strong hard counter against the crypto expansion that doesn't always work out as we can see happy he's not acolyte scouting he's taking a risk early on he's gonna run across the map not knowing what's waiting for him and exlord is building the perfect counter build to this aggressive strategy the early game opening builds favor the german i think so too and axe lord this is the best axle that we've seen all year pretty much at least for my judgement he is so still i think the only weak performance was the first map how halfway through the first map against insep where he lost a couple of units but let's see where this goes now happy trying to flood axe lord's base right away the tower gonna be finished soon he has to be fast here with the acolyte juggling seems to work out pretty well so far of course some acolytes will be going down there's no preventing that so the tech will be delayed but also delayed for happy because he brought so many ghouls at the beginning so far only one acolyte died more will be following second acolyte going down and a third but now with a narrow buff happy's also gonna start losing quite some ghouls should be controllable x-lord how many ghouls can he kill there's a little bit of block by happy himself and he might be losing two ghouls right there here's number one and here is number two no deny on that uh side of the fence here only a couple of of skeletons ex-lord cleans this up and now we're talking yeah this is a really good opening for x-lord that is the risk that happy is willing to take walking into a bad counter build with this litch opening trying to hard counter a potential crypt lord and we've seen that before right in dreamhack where exploits sometimes seems to be outsmarting happy at least in the beginning can he bring it when it's about the late game fights this was already a big power spike for happy and now it's time for axe lord to catch up and he certainly should have the time for that skeletons creeping getting information what is your opponent doing and what are the tech timings level two for the lich happy at one quarter axlord not tacking yet it's gonna wait for the third fiend to finish and then the tech should begin in around 10 seconds but you're happy he's gonna have a pretty good lead here ghouls can creep very quickly against creep camps with medium armor if they're not scouted if they're not getting harassed it seems like exploit now wants to be the one to play aggressively perhaps even into the enemy main base there is a narrow tower there though and it seems like axel perhaps a little bit wasting his time he's looking for some kills and he might just find them seize the ghouls re-entering the main on low hp that is number one right there number two presented to him on a silver platter might be sacrificing the town portal for it happy he got a staff this is not a tp trying to fake maybe and of course to get back into the main as fast as possible a couple of novas coming in here good right click damage by that lich as well but he's a fragile dude if there's no coil around already down to 50 but here's the rest of the ghoul gang might be one more ghoul going down indeed it is very unusual to see from excellent playing so aggressively but it is working out he hasn't lost a single theme yet took out a ghoul and forced happy back but happy is close now to his level three four fiends though it's respectable focused fire damage here that german can provide happy is saving so much it's absolutely incredible there were two front two uh space of battle here another ghoul goes down there can you finally get that acolyte as well tech has done but it's another 75 gold that you really want to spend on tech on units on slaughterhouse and maybe even consumables excellent very oppressive and he doesn't let the lich unfold he's not level three he's not quickly rising up to level four to get that dark ritual level two nope he was spending most of the time in his base defending and yet to be level three no tier three no slaughterhouse not a single fiend not even a graveyard yeah this was really cool played by players uh by axel right here the big level up for the lich is the level three and then the level two nova makes him very powerful honestly the big level up for the dk is level two with the aura which makes a huge difference so when you play dk against lift like this you wanna delay level three lich as much as you can normally we see that being done with creep jacks and so on but here exo just went for the main and found some kills there as well against the ghouls which was very nicely done but it's still a much faster tech for happy tier three now begun for him and is delaying his second hero dk by quite a long time here yeah oh now the graveyard is coming this was interesting by axel to go all the way to the left hand side to the left lane i think happy was gambling on the fact that axon just retreats to the middle and goes for his natural this is rather easy to creep that would have been his level three as well there he would have been in time for the creep jack but exlord says nope not like that goes for the magi gets this level three but happy with the new task here that x-lord might not expect because there's an invisalig yeah that's an old ladder classic i haven't seen this too much from happy almost makes me feel like happy feels he might be a little behind and needs to come back and wants to expand on his tech timing his advantage there even more as tier 3 for him is soon to finish but only now the dk starts this dk is going to be under level for a long time while we have a dark ranger second for extort continuing to creep in the middle the lips reveals himself takes out one acolyte but which is low hp is not gonna get too many more kills here the first response to this was so quick by exlord and he's just hunting this lich he has to go for a potion his slot starved at the moment salsa staff gets the potion is safe but that is more more gold invested and what now man it goes back and forth what they tackle for nova onto skeletons yeah almost looks like a waist but he has to take them out it is a lot of normal damage that he has to deal with quickly happy desperately waiting for the dk to come out he really needs this aura it's very hard to use these ghouls to engage the focus fire from the fiends and the dark ranger is going to be so much dps but tier three finishes and that orb coming in in a second is gonna change a lot exo didn't even start the tier three yet and absolutely true there's also coils for the lich now so you gotta wonder is x-lord over-committing or is that the right call no nova of course to worry uh no no big no but now we got the mana again to worry about so excellent can hang in there a little longer huge number of fiends so do you try to go into a creeping game now and use that fiend advantage i don't even think he has to xlr is sitting pretty he's got dark ranger 1 dk3 those are good levels it's happy who desperately needs dk2 he needs the aura extremely badly of course exploit wouldn't mind some levels as well but he doesn't need them so bad but of course fighting against an orb and what is soon to be frenzy is a dangerous proposition so excellent will fall back and happy is going to have the time to finally start leveling a second all right lych roaming doing some damage here there's close to two nova around but exot also got the burrow keeping his fiend safe no lost it bring a protection little unfortunate but yeah level two dark ranger would be amazing for the silence to prevent some coils happy on the other side creeping as fast as he can with dk ghouls goes to the natural abby's gonna have to multitask here to make sure he's not losing any creeps and so far um i mean ghouls and so far that is working out pretty well the lich harassed slowing down exo but excellent also counter-playing against it very well we saw the bordeaux there earlier the dk always using his spells properly happy in the middle is he gonna go for a third hero with this style normally he plays dreadlord can you play without a dark ranger without the silence in the long run legit 50 buying more time of course you want to contest these big camps in the middle very similar to northern isles but he's just creeping the outskirts contesting the middle not too bad but the lich has to run away soon very good split spy excellent right here sends off some fiends to chase after the lich and the rest creep safely the biggest mistake you can make is just use the whole army to follow the litch around and waste your time one fiend goes down here that hurts a little but it's worth it as excellent crept quite a few big camps in the meantime the dk also was creep able to creep decently there was only really one valuable camp and he got the talisman of evasion which is pretty much a useless item with this strategy yeah when the lightning shield also not the greatest close to level three now axon arrives on tier three immediately tower destroyer contesting more more camps happy on this side the big one is gone the item is gone and this is one of the biggest camps on the map for x-ray who would then claim the entire middle exxon just played it very well with his little lead from the early game with a perfect counter build to the opponent xl knew exactly how to play it xl just strategically and decision making wise looking absolutely amazing in this tournament happy though with this fast army can easily go for economy harass threatens the run by forces the tp and exo has to burn that teleport scroll getting pretty much nothing for it i guess it's okay though because he weathered the storm did he not liches out orbs there in a second he has 800 gold destroyer upgrade is done and happy what do you do with ghouls against nova destroyers ghouls can do very well against fiends if they find the connection if you find the nova and the sleep against the dk and then the ghouls ravage the backline fiends do well in high supply 50 60 70 supply if the fights get super wild and it gets ultra scrappy that's when fiends can look very problematic also destroyers could be getting countered by gargoyles which might be coming in soon in fact we see the goggles coming in now for happy it's very interesting this ghoul vs fiend play style uh it has a lot of power spikes swinging one way and the other if we get to supreme late game for example which is not too likely but if we get should get to 80 supply with frost worms for happy then happy would be favored again but at the moment we're at 50 we're creeping up the map and of course hero levels here are absolutely crucial on both sides and of course happy against the potion of greater mana if there's a chance that happy gets a potion of greater mana he gets the potion of great amana we also have a dreadlord already level two so very very similar to the ffa today litch dk dreadlord it is against dk litch dark ranger 4-3-1 against 4-3-2 but not the biggest advantages for happy to take a look experience pretty even no experience on either side and we approached the red spots glitch level two here club armor could make a big difference but it's also a bit of a risk because happy should have destroyers at some point and then that might be a waste but certainly a big item medallion for the lich very good for happy with only ghouls and gogs is a little bit harder to creep the red but he manages to do so but of cunning very good item for the lich he's a little snot starved though would love to get level three dreadlord and i think he should be able to okay cheap sleep would love to have that as well so now autumn leaves almost entirely crap and it's of course a little bit about invo potions items in general we do have the first involve on the lich we have the first heel straw and the big mana potion on happy side but excellent not too cheap for that either has a mana potion health stone heel straw heel potion and an invo potion and he is forcing happy immediately into a town port abby didn't feel quite ready there yet he's got more guards coming more statues and yeah there's 50 to 65 supplies oftentimes the sweet spot for the fiends if you go beyond that it can be really hard to properly micro the fiends against like 12 ghouls which are running in and sleep flying and everything the micro is probably going to be harder on exlord's side and exo wants to fight a force to fight right now two destroyers he does have the frost armor and he might even fight into the enemy mate he has web i was a little worried that he didn't see that yet these guards or all these guards so it's time for weapons time for kiting it's time for the first decision of the first map nova is rattling through exor trying to pull back saving that destroyer fiend with the frost armor as you said has a big impact and all the darks knocked to the ground destroys for exploit out of the fight as well the fiend numbers are dropping pretty quickly these coils absolutely crucial excellent has to be on point with these coils as much as he can but the fiend numbers are dwindling the anti-air is quickly disappearing and half happy is taking more and more control of this fight there's still more supply for exploit but i think the supply is looking deceiving and statue still on the ground but they're out of that fight as well level three for the lynch another fiend falling the guards are still in the air but the destroyers survive this one dust settles remo oh another web here remo how's the situation looking seemingly better and better for happy he's moving forward one fiend unfortunately died to the creeps that was a little unlucky another finn is going to be trapped in the middle was axel perhaps too impatient he could have gone for another late game tech he could have added in banshees with the map entirely crept and there being no expansions taken exxon could have had time anti-magic can make a huge difference and a bit of curse as well but exxon tried to force the fight perhaps over eager until now excellent never looked impatient this tournament but there just a moment ago he did and happy punished him for it he's now pulling two of the acolytes from the mine to just repair the statue because he's so broke last bit of experience of this map goes to happy there's only the natural of x-lord remaining and that's not the biggest camp here but exxon didn't use too many consumables he still holds on to the involved to the health stone to the mana potion dark ranger also to the heel potion on the other side nothing really for happy just an involved yeah this game is very much still up in the air with both being on one base and an upkeep economy is very low so impossible to make a frost rim tech switch work here very hard to make a banshee tech switch work at this point yeah it could be possible but it would take absolutely forever so in a very weird state now um nothing left to creep what's the next move what's the next objective very hard to tell patience is required here and both these players can be very patient patience is a virtue for sure exlord demonstrated that in the early rounds heel scrolls over and over and over lots of skeletons of course lich can't eat them yet as he has frost armor and he's pushing again all right exploit perhaps he doesn't want to get the let the supply get even higher as i said with the fiend army it gets very chaotic 70 supply and upward so maybe around 60 the sweet spot is where he wants to fight but yeah this is going to be stressful kiting's going to have to be outstanding needs to be very fast especially with these uh the spells against the sleep i guess both destroyers getting more yeah i guess both players expected the other to expand happy after that fight was scouting immediately also exlord after the fight thing okay happy you might have lost uh won that one are you going for the second place are you getting greedy but the answer is no not yet webb used how can these destroyers survive oh my the no bomb the fiends is horrible first nova hit the goggles by the way which meant the ghouls had an easy time connecting into those fiends and the ghouls are just eating these fiends for breakfast 1-1 on the fiends perhaps not enough upgrades here for ex-lord he's also fighting against the slow of the black citadel excellent down to only 52 supply 47 now losing more destroyers happy set up at 53 and he has the home base advantage also the ghouls that exxon brought in now all taken care of and no fiends anymore on the ground these guards can't be dealt with the destroyers are looking horrible here's the coil just leveled up lich is safe and i think all that axle is left is a desperate hero focus maybe but with what the lich is not strong enough he's going for the dark ranger she's snake but there's a coil level five on the lid can return that favor dark ranger falls and that's the second hero 4x lord and that's the lich falling as well and that is one oh for happy gge called and that is a bit of a discouraging game for x-lord he had the perfect counter build he had a really good early game really really good but he couldn't close it out and perhaps he got a little impatient maybe he could have expanded earlier although that would have been risky oy could have gone for the stronger tech the banshee tech at around 50 supply but he tried to fight around 60 or around 50 but happy by this time a little bit more and happy as victorious so often yeah the most aggressive we've seen x-lord this entire tournament i want to say he's been so patient like you guys pointed out correctly in the game but now he's the one pushing of course you mentioned he doesn't want to let that lich get level three he doesn't let the supplies get up to 80 80 then it's very difficult for the fiend player i'm sure a beautiful micro to win that fight but um yeah just very aggressive maybe he could have done more with those i think six fiends early on worth noting that he actually was supply maybe built one too many fiends ex-lord couldn't get his statue until he was already taken to tier three then he built two ziggurats for 50 and 60 supply at the same time didn't have a statue for a very long time when he sort of had the momentum in his favor in the mid game yeah i thought um i thought we were going to see some brilliance from yesterday we saw ends up with the lead and then couldn't close and i was like dang expert's going to show us how it's done 36 supply against 29 or 39 supply against like 29 of happies and uh found himself in the same situation that that insult was in yesterday where he couldn't close the game happy too strong in his own base and um yeah i mean definitely slows down your momentum in the series and instead you're giving happy a 1-0 start whereas x-lord always has a good start uh against happy so hopefully he uh can just bounce back and and uh and come back in this series all right who definitely performs is the community and especially maximilian in or during map one 47 donation leading us to 7797 just three dollars short of 800 203 dollars short of the big 8k can you guys do that throughout the broadcast throughout the grand final that would be absolutely fantastic and fantastic is our next map as well last refuge all right what are we gonna have in store here happy notices he got hard countered early on is that gonna somehow affect his early game choice of the opening build i mean it doesn't have to he still fought his way back he still came back after a bad early game as happy almost always seems to be able to we saw that against law light as well right where the early game didn't go his way on amazonia that was but he fought his way back he always seems to be mad able to manage to do just that exlord is meeting his toughest challenge yet and the clean sheets are no more they got dirty happy takes the first map off of ex-lord in the entire tournament now last refuge could you expect happy to go lid on autumn leaves not 100 i guess on last refuge you certainly should yeah i would say even if you're playing against a dk this should still be a pretty good lich map you can take the high priest in the middle with the ghouls really well you can take the natural and the green with the ghouls really well on autumn leaves it's a little more awkward perhaps but what is exot gonna do now of course the best defensive build in the beginning is the fast fiends with a decay as we saw there but it didn't ultimately lead to victory the best actual build to beat this lich first strategy by happy is to still go crypt lord and to still expand and to still make it work the difficulty is doing that without dying but if you get the expansion up that is the best thing you can do against this lich style it is just very very hard to execute we do see a double ghoul build an exploit this might mean either crypto at expo or it could actually be illegitimate fight ice with ice i guess i haven't seen a lynch more in such a long time back in the day lich ghouls into garx was all the rape when i started casting like two thousand and or something 2009 happy litch is to be expected we're waiting for the ziggurat to finish and now legend is crypt lord it is all right this is going to be really interesting for the last two three months every crypto expansion has getting has been getting massacred by happy with this strategy this strategy for happy was born trying to counter the criplord fast expansion that is to say it is strong against the expansion play but it's not impossible to make the expo work and we saw earlier how well exo was able to make the crypt lord work against fly this of course is a very different matchup but he is extremely good with the big beetle daddy and this game is going to come down to probably whether expo can be established here by extraordinary and that decision will probably uh take some time of course so stuck up on snacks drinks whatever join matt serino one more time happy he kinda destroyed vortix on this map at dreamhack regional finals will the same goal here for x-lord creeping the little green getting beetles out oh yeah it's really up too happy to cause some havoc here ring for the crypt lord honestly a decent item with the lich soon to sell a lot of right clicks against him lords took a little more damage than ideal i do believe excellent wakes up the crease no end snares forced yet oh can happy bride the creeps a little first cool down this is so chaotic already a second ghoul about to die in the lich impact pretty much immediately axe lord is he losing three goals for this the block is excellent but not excellent enough another nova used one more ghoul taken out but denied that's important these experience points are very important excellent did not go for a narrow tower that perhaps a little greedy so he might be losing one more ghoul in the back of his base happy is clearly going to take these beetles as well it's gonna be a little bit more experience for him on level two with dark ritual they're just gonna become a lot more scary super stressful to just micro this one ghoul now he gives it up maybe to seeing another opportunity here to get some revenge kills maybe everything is so hard for axelrod only 20 supply happy already at 30 just more more pressure is still gonna expand or not is the question he is under so much pressure he's so slowed down maybe it would be too late he's got the resources now to tech almost oh but here we go acolyte number six happy happy season yeah exactly maybe with all the time lost you can't really wait any longer to try a fake but this is not the best early game of all time happy springing in moguls six ghouls now for this attack this is going to be really hard for exxon to make it work he's got quite a few ghouls and beetles himself but he lost some ghouls before and he might lose another by the way that would be delicious level up exactly there it is he was chasing that before with skeletons so he knew exactly where this is and okay lord staffing back but this is another ghoul and there's more mana he can eat them skeletons now and that's around and there he's stuck and it's not looking like he's getting out oh actually he can he is fighting out very important for exploit this of course quite tanky a lot of mobility now on the crypt we see a second crypt by the way still not with the expansion what a sick delay by happy he's gonna be reaching tier two before too long could go for a tavern hero if he's feeling really wild and delicious right clicking away hit after hit doing a lot more damage over time another nova comes in takes out another ghoul beetles all hurt and exo doesn't have too much mana anymore either and he has no impale of course to stop this lich what can possibly stop happy on last refuge vortex looked absolutely wasted here on this map and same goes for x-lord maybe you should start vetoing this map against this monster and the problem is there's a lot of good strategies for this map honestly amazonia is even better for this and concealed hill is also better for this only map where this lich first doesn't seem to be too good is northern isles but i mean we have a lot of maps here in this pool we're going to see how it goes now finally we have the expansion coming but the garages that are soon to be coming out might just be able to cancel this uh yeah there's no match to them nothing can shoot up except towers and you won't get this towers in time lich is a little hurt it's not going for a ritual dagger just a potion mana from eating a skeleton excellent can you crew up to level three somehow i got the staff he got the boots and there's a beetle moving south so maybe a little staff action but in happy's case offense is the best defense one more big nova connects against the rules another important deny these experience points very very crucial glitch is not going to reach level three too easily right here but it's a big force by happy that should easily be enough to cancel the haunted and when this one is cancelled then the gogs were canceled over and over but actually happy is going for the ziggurats here okay doesn't want to deal with the cold of the narrow tower always split forces here a little bit of pressure onto that glitch but here comes the garx and he needs mass repair but how do you mess repair when there's no acolytes anymore this ziggurat will fall buying some time for the haunted gold mine but axe lord's life on map too i'm not too sure if it lasts for a little longer hook it about to be level three there it is that's a big one and the haunted finishes did happy make a mistake he could have canceled the haunted earlier but i guess if he takes out the towers that means no anti-air also a good call it comes at a price though quite a few ghouls are going down but in the end the ziggurat is destroyed can he somehow with a block at this ledge oh not controlling oh maybe doesn't even need it that's a tp right no level three for another kill was about to ask if he's miscalculating this but happy is not miscalculating anything litch survives needs the potion and is this the time for counter aggression by axe lord he has to distract the guards are just ravaging the acolytes and now they're haunted big ground army though we see right here by hexlord moving towards the enemy's main if he surrounds the lich this is absolutely still winnable but there's not enough man not even close to it for an impale and without us around happy now with some towers coming up in his main he's got the narrowball ready spirit tower coming the beatles cannot reach the acolytes this is a wall off and the gogs are ready and this doesn't seem to be too successful here this runway okay exo trying to break through this in the meantime garx again against acolytes no anti-air is happy losing quite a bit not sure yet it's not getting too much closer to the level four here there are certainly forces by axe lord still behind enemy lines but there's also two towers now it's going to take a while for the towers and guards to clean this up but they will at some point especially if the lich helps out with anova where they're just always getting threatened by these beetles actually in a desperate position he's losing so many units down to only 24 supply his expansion is not mining he's stuck on tier one desperation only now the tier two starts but the german is in a horrible spot yeah happy reigning supreme over the server as it seems and yeah what what do you do now man you can't build entire he's not breaking this tower he doesn't get happy supply stuck he's just sending in more melee forces but the garx cannot be matched you know some people say mmr is just a number but happy on what three champions has clearly much more mmr than everyone else and so far this tournament is reflecting exactly that fact well as he takes out the expo the lich level 4 is so strong now if you're coming in break into the back of the base but it's not going to happen if you're coming in with numbers in mmr i'm coming in with elo because uh just yesterday happy is the first human person ever in the history of this earth who cracked 2600 elo on war 3 dot info and yeah nobody did it better and nobody does this better playing warcraft 3 happy 2-0 yeah looking amazing happy with his own style the lich first ultra aggression very hard to execute but obviously happy has the execution that style has some weaknesses on map one we saw the heart counter but happy still was able to win it perhaps they are excellent not with a perfect follow-up but map to happy knows exactly what he has to do against the crippled fast expansion actually was almost able to get it up if he keeps those towers alive and maybe one upgrades into a spirit tower and he has the anti-air against the garx maybe he can do something but it's a 2-0 and happy may very well be on his way to another flawless victory for a prize purse of around two thousand dollars yeah i don't know if um if going crippler into happy when you know he's just been playing lich pretty much all like every undead mere recently i don't know if going crippler into him is a good idea i think you either stick to death knight or you go for the lich mirror and the death knight of course looked a lot better with the uh with the philbot fiends in game one for for excellent yeah i just don't think crippler's the play man but if the next map is northern isles he might go lord again oh no definitely a lord map but i i gotta say i'm liking the style of gargs um from happy it's it's hard to deal with especially with the ghoul follow-up his micro is insane and he's good on the ground and in the air it's hard to deal with so um i don't know what xlr really does but probably going to see lord again might be a little bit of desperation we're loading into happy's home turf but not before thanking all the smoke one smoke him axelord well he needs a little bit of help there uh maybe uh breathe some some some air onto him or something twenty dollars so we cracked the 7800 before we go into the maybe deciding game three i was talking about walker three dot info and we got great news from war three info because not only do we have the war three champions finals here thanks to the server we also have from our stats side and scene side walker 3 info league it's coming back goes back to the roots for the round robin system we had a little experiment with the swiss system in season 4 that's gone so you can sign up at the moment we reopen w3il and now we reopen the grand final between happy and xlr these uh this news of course walker three dot info shout out to the admin team and all the teams participating cool new rules i like that you're going back and now i like that we are going back to in-game action explored not gonna try the crypt lord once more he's trying the third different build he's looking for the counter against his lich aggression first it was fast fiends there was crypto expansion now it's ted fiend build fast dk with delayed fiends which can also work well scales especially well into the late game but has the issue that it's very hard to defend with early against five ghouls that is where the f uh fast fiends have the upper hand but we'll see how x-lord fears here the intention again to counter this glitch is he finally gonna find the answer um happy still didn't lose a single map in this competition which is crazy this competition had infi and fly and foggy and x-lords and so many great players happy just not dropping a map glitch first it is ghouls it is exot sees this coming from a mile away it's investing the nova right away which means uh it's gonna be a little low mana here for a while oh wow and happy for the first time gonna switch up his build having seen the scout he seems to be convinced that in fact it is not a crippled fast expansion does he actually know the scout timing of the acolyte so well down to the second that he can tell from the acolyte that this is a ted fiend build quite possibly yeah i would never rule anything out when it comes to happy and walker three his game is just incredible seems like he always does the right decision so yeah maybe maybe we're going to a little creeping game as the dk moves over to the middle of the map contesting that these guys fought wars on this map i remember uh stay at home story cup where the result of this map was decided by like two mana points where happy had the nova and x-lord doesn't or was it a frost armor even that was incredible and i i kind of want to see something like that here more like game one less than game two and seems like we're getting there double tier two straight away for once not a crazy tech lead for the russian level 2 rush on both sides and as i mentioned earlier level 2 is the big power spike for the dk just that coil and the aura makes him really strong the lich really wants the level 3 to have the powerful nova so ha uh xl again gonna try to be aggressive and slow down the creeping also of course uh happy has the faster creeping at the beginning with these ghouls until we see more fiends first ghoul died but was the knight there with a dark ritual the other ghoul should make it away and it's all about the experience here who's gonna get level three first excellent needs to make sure the lich doesn't get it too fast doesn't get it too easy okay can you steal something very very hard to do as nova is of course an instant cast and the protector for the coil flies a little bit okay first find out now i want to touch on this again like the denies of happy when he has a lich in his hands are just absurd of course you have dark ritual which makes denying a lot easier we all know this from dota but also in the skirmishes with left click i guess he denies a lot of experience these days making it harder and harder for his opponents just going to go for the mobility again century board's also going to help him out you can always keep vision of the middle and he's threatening something with the lich really good movement he's threatening an attack into the undead base with a lich in the meantime the ghouls are creeping solo and that is gonna reach level three for the lich here and that's gonna be and then the strong level up also this great healing potion is the best thing he could have found early this gives happy sledge a lot more opportunity to stay in and really terrorize these fiends yeah there's a graveyard for quite a bit so there's corpses there's skeletons and skeletons you can eat them for more mana and that is more damage and that is probably more killed acolytes should be at least at least two you can easily get out of course with the telestaff and this is starting to hurt real bad this might be three acolytes going down actually it's not coming back he knows he's far behind in levels he needs to creep he has to suffer this damage and indeed suffer he does he's gonna pop the big heel potion he could just still staff out here happy pushing it is a big healing perhaps a bit of a waste but damage is done the damage is done he has another role of necromancy in three and then he could eat one of them and nova more we will compare the gold income axle of course creeping ring of protection not the best is heating is he knowing oh excellent using another acolyte this is big this is this is a law let's take a look at the gold 400 gold difference and excellent is still under pressure by happy slitch yeah oh my god that was five acolytes ultra painful i think exxon made the right choice though he had to keep creeping and he is again strong now he sold the tp because he needs the gold oh this is crazy gotta when are we losing okay full force onto that lich but the dk pops out at the perfect timing one could call him gandalf and the dark ranger is i guess oh was trapped at least he gets the tech delay with the slaughterhouse but there's also so many ghouls to threaten these fiends again plus the home base advantage happy's respecting these fiends as he should the focus fire here is strong how much longer until tier three it's gonna be a while spirit tower upgrade a very good choice excellent knows he has to do something big right here but so far he's only getting these skeletons happy with the patience the patience that normally exxor is known for when of illusion did a great job here soaking up tons of damage dark ranger can't really reach for the ghouls seems like the units are not really doing what axolot wants them to here's the ghoul gang of course they don't have to fear anova which is still banged and blocked behind the tier three and now there's real damage now there's orb of corruption and now this could be happy terrorizing axe lord again oh the dk slowed he doesn't have a tp anymore if he dies the game is definitely over but instead happy is going to go for the fiends opting for these surrounds surround so far not going his way but here it is now fiend locked in the dk was low for happy but he had the heel potion already anticipating that option we're gonna have a next nova here very soon and suddenly only two fiends left for the gym nothing is working in this grand final xl look steaming hot all the way into this grand final and looking at this game man it feels like happy is just a level above everything the emperor does is working and for excellent is the other way around unfortunately yeah when happy is on he's just on and this new lich built by him it hasn't been really proven or uh hard countered yet very successfully there have been ideas there have been theories seems to work it seems to work against everything i would say it wasn't even really threatened like it wasn't even real close in the games not vortex not ax lord here no one can touch him anymore happy looking like the emperor that he's been for such a long time his unbelievable track record in europe and the scene seems to continue game is not over yet now mind you we're gonna have tier three finishing for exot here in a moment honestly just looking at the game state it's very winnable by no means is this hopeless for ex-lord but just like player confidence and aura wise yeah it just feels like happy's unbeatable now dr lord again isn't it fascinating that happy found a way to incorporate dreadlord third into two matchups now against night elf and against undead we also see it a fair amount nowadays against orrick when he goes into the into the ghouls so yeah the dreadlord has found a little niche and of course when happy starts playing it a lot of people will follow the issue is nobody else seems to do it so far on the top level outside of happy but maybe that's gonna change in the future as well first big middle camp here now going to happy he got the wand of the wind which is insanely good he's gonna have the wand and the sleep to disable the enemy dk these fiends are gonna have a tough time for axle you know what we didn't try yet against this remo the units that are half a hero maybe desperate times desperate measures you know okay frost worms everybody that can in theory be really good obviously against ghouls but of course guards will be coming in and they're going to be a pretty good counter but if you use frost armor on the frost worms the double frost if you will they do become pretty resilient against the gargs slow them down effectively this used to be meta like a long long time ago like 2007 melting valley days but it's been a long while we'll see if x-lord can make it work i like it though you know it's it's a it's a reach into the bag of tricks something unusual and probably something happy has been facing too much as although a blast from the past why exort was not playing for mouse sports but sk gaming and happy was the one wearing the mouse jersey those were the days glitch of course roaming around getting another inval heal scroll very good against uh frostworms and he's just soaking up the map let's take a look what it got big experience lead for happy of course thanks to the lich opening weapons coming against the guards but once again the question just like on autumn leaves like how do you control the guards uh not gonna be easy that much is for certain the idea in the fight should be in an ideal world the guards get wept to kite back away from the guards and the worms and the focus fire plus nova take out the ghouls quickly and then you start taking care of the gargoyles i think previously in the in the other mass perhaps exo didn't focus the frenzy goals quickly enough i feel like he went for the garx pretty fast but the ghouls are the real threat those are along with noah what takes out the fiends quickly so i think xor should perhaps try to focus more on taking out those ghouls yeah definitely the red camps agree especially since you can take them out rather quickly if you have a lich and in this case uh frostworms plus if you focus perfectly with the dark range or that sort of ground army for you so that snowballs that should be the number one priority but man these fights are so hectic and so quick so even an axe lord can't do everything perfectly and now he does what an axe lord does best sit in the base and wait for the timing not over aggression he's trying to hide this frostburn from now warsong battle drums of course an item where frostworms benefit the most dropped of all units plus eight damage not too bad another frost rim coming in and has have you seen the worms yet i'm not sure i don't think so he sent nothing into the base they're far in the back there's a watch award but far away from the this is when you play frostworms you don't don't only need worms but also you desperately need destroyers otherwise the worms is going to be slept over and over and it's going to be useless but there are enough statues for exo to do this he does have the resources and two worms is pretty respectable i don't hate exxon's chances here should it come to a big fight i don't at the moment again like 60 supply 6570 that's pretty good but if happy gets up to like 20 gargs up to 80 supply then it's again gonna be insanely hard for extra to micro against that did you look at that lich already dude claw claw rope orb plus 21 so that's a great glitch happy always builds amazing heroes thanks to this marketplace here okay we got two worms we're going up 280. does he want a third worm really that's a lot of firepower that's maybe something that happy doesn't know inside out like the fiend focus fires for example i'm pretty sure he hasn't seen it yet because this is not enough garx this is only seven gargs you need more than that against all these worms so now he sees the boneyard wouldn't be too surprised to see garg starting up instantly but at the moment happy's pretty broke this is perhaps looking the best out of all the games so far here thanks all right let's see happy still committed i guess just distracting a little bit and he can he should distract the expansion the upper left is coming up so he just keeps exhort his base and now he knows exactly what to do more garx as you said there is oh no necropolis coming also no ziggurat so he can't go higher than this or much higher than this happy has the tactical edge right now he can always threaten the counter attack he's got the expo standing which has been revealed again with this crystal ball but if exod moves out he's just gonna get attacked excellent knows this very well so how is he gonna get out of this contain now i guess he's just walking out happy i think he should be going to the south though and keep threatening this counter attack but happy just falls back towards the main in the russians he's himself with the supply disadvantage this is the best that exxon has looked this whole series okay what can i get what's the upgrade by the way zero zero but still plus eight damage here frost armor on them as well one yield scroll still no tp glitch has an involve at least happy starts mining clock is ticket first are more pre-applied and all the worms absolutely love that it's going to be extremely effective against the gargoyles we have no upgrades on either side despite the fact that it would be so effective 80 supply for x-lord three worms when do we ever see three worms anymore this is one of the very very rare occasions every second edo game well you know i mean players who didn't lose one hard elo in the last oh oh i hear some shots fire i love that axon is splitting these ghouls and so he's tearing these acolytes apart getting some revenge for the echo he lost earlier this expo for happy is not working sells it immediately gives him level four happy lost the expansion but he's gonna come in for a painful counter attack ex-lord doesn't have a tp and he knows this raid into the base is coming all of the acolytes are going to die here and the ghoul as well excellent has decent gold though to remake them but this will certainly be painful not if he buys the tp i guess that will take some time happy just going straight up for the haunted gold mine if you kill a gold mine of mine i will kill a gold mine of yours and that is just the way very smart very smart but happy he knows he can't really win the fight right then at that time but he can abuse the strength of his army the speed he's so fast with his frenzy rules gargs and the aura quite a bit faster than these somewhat sluggish fiends gets a double kill exlord has no gold for a new haunted gold mine has to go either to the shop and sell stuff which is painful claws gone battle drums gone and it's still oh okay it is enough with the haunted rebuild but that is so much gold happy now sitting in the base and we do see some upgrades now coming in happy of course can afford them exploit absolutely cannot and upgrades will make it make a huge difference the goal for happy here is have way more air than there is web fiend count is at six wait only six no that does not look too promising and the nova is only level one i mean uh worms do also good damage to air [Music] i'm looking for like some silver linings here yeah it's uh getting getting harder and harder but always look at the brightness i have he's gonna have infinite mana with a level two dog ritual you can eat gargs all day but extort he wants to take the fight to the opponent courage from the german okay there is barely a way out there's an involved at the heel scroll no upgrades 80 supply against the 80 of happy with home turf advantage with a high level ledge with a lot of guards so how will this go is this the last fight of the war 3 champion season final guards are just flooding the air one worm almost taken out right away just barely manages to make it back take the next target the next worm almost dead there got dying so quickly in the meantime the ghouls on the ground tearing through these fiends happy is moving forward and it's just impossible for xlr to do calls for the gg and congratulation happy does it again not dropping a single map the emperor firmly on the throne with an insane performance two three four and six and the only reason he didn't get the championship in season five is because we had no finals there nobody is conquering the west nobody again and again and again and again and again happy not very surprising but uh absolutely dominating everyone um plus it wasn't even close it wasn't even close congratulations to happy um a nice try to xlr though i mean three zeroing fly is is definitely something worth remembering in the future as xor continues to improve and impress but happy is uh the most impressive of course and what could he say man he just he just owned everyone you know he owned lolita dexlord owned everyone and i as the president of the happy fanboy fan club can say nobody's better nobody's better happy just uh unbelievable showing it time and time again it is insanely rare that he has an off day he's been losing a couple of games recently too to be precise against uh foggy in the ears that opens but where it counts most he wins he delivers and he is our first place again nobody dethrones him not yet i really think it's so hard to emulate too like he's been doing this lich style for so long and it's so hard to copy what he does with the ghouls and the guards and the micro and getting on top of the armies and just like crushing them every time if anyone else does this it's always gonna be close um he's just so talented man like uh obviously big congrats to happy he just he didn't even drop a map he really didn't yeah yeah man so i really think we we got robbed of more awesome warcraft here 303.030 in the one-on-one section 3-0 in the two and two section uh i guess if the ffa is the best of something it's also going to be a 203-0 pretty one-sided uh affairs here today but very very fun nonetheless we had an upset too we had an upset we thought fly would or at least i thought fly was going to be in the grand finals against happy quite a big upset we of course had an upset yesterday x-lord defeating uh foggy uh i thought you're gonna say excellent defeat against i was like yeah oh yeah hell yeah brother so an exciting result at least uh seeing who is in the grand finals so you know it's a big congrats honestly to expert for making it there but uh you know happy what can you say dude he's making bank dude he's making banks this year he's not messing around yeah and good old mouse sports tradition i want to say maybe axel is just saving strats for dreamhack [Laughter] you'd know best uh well you know he tried a lot of different strategies i'm not sure how many more things he can try this was literally three different bills even with frostworms involved necromancy banshees is the way to go though that's the one thing you didn't do normally fiend batches is one of the best things you can do having that anti-magic against the nova makes all the difference potentially but yeah it's really hard man when happy plays like that someone has i don't know if it's going to be xor or who but someone has to find the answer against this uh lich first style we have seemingly seen a very good early game counter that's not good enough we've seemingly seen a very good late game counter with worms that's not good enough i don't know it takes something new maybe vortex you know vortex is oftentimes the guy to come up with something brilliant especially in dreamhack there he delivers uh quite amazingly but yeah something has to be something has to give as ricky would say let's do an interview oh yeah how about you ask him yeah why don't you get a when you get a hold of him and i'll ask him if he's planning on competing in the next uh war three champions finals i can't uh i can't do that but uh yeah i guess anyone else i thought it'd be nice to talk to him you know i really want to know like how do you beat his style like the lich first he'll probably tell us yeah he would i think everybody this was like this was the first time we've actually seen has anyone even really countered the lich first as hard as ex-lord did on autumn leaves i haven't seen that before like that was like perfect early game for explore too so it was like what about lich philbot fiends to counter the lich ghoul opener rimo demo what do you think what do you think terrible i think you're gonna lose all your acolytes and maybe a fiend or two so i think it's better sounds good sounds good let's try it i'll give happy some practice games i'll i'll throw some stuff at the wall about that yeah happy got some more ice cream money he's probably going to bed with the helm of a dominator on his head as well just uh yeah once again an incredible performance here incredible performance by the community as always as well seven dollar donation by skip the jack and olivier g86 with ten dollars thanks for the cool matches let's go happy you got your happy end here seven thousand eight hundred and thirty five dollars is what we got at the end pretty damn good pretty damn good crowdfunding here can't complain with that man jesus what a tournament and i'm sure it will only get bigger and bigger as the days go on this isn't the last we're gonna see if the worst three champions finals but it is the last we're gonna see if uh this season at least but we got we got lots of games throughout the week as well but um i'm excited for the next tournament hopefully we have more uh chinese and korean players of course there and hopefully more american and canadian players and maybe some south americans you never know maybe some australians maybe some people from new zealand maybe try it out guys grind the ladder for this season make it there play next season hey you as a team manager uh ricky i i think we all would appreciate for next season if you could somehow get hitman to play here because i feel like that's the one guy was really missing and the one guy who really could have put happy to the test because he's been beating happy at this on ladder semi regularly of course hitman you know he's got his own um you know uh reasons not to participate in his own concerns and priorities but if he could be there next season as well i think that would be the cream of the crop the best of your the best of an a the best of asia to see if there's one out there who can give happy a beautiful death we need lin too that's who we need we need lin we need moon we need maybe infie to not get knocked out by fly and then we need hitman and i think we're cruz and i think somebody will be able to defeat happy certainly we get all those people someone's gotta do it right yeah otherwise we're gonna start one versus something tournaments it's uh it's pretty wild pretty well what he's been able to do for such a long time as well it's been like um what has it been four years of happy absolutely dominating europe and he's not letting up uh it is quite crazy i know some people find it a little dull that he wins everything but i think it also has to uh has to command some respect as well like imagine how hard it is to maintain this level and be so much better than everyone else in an esport that is still competed by very many people on the very highest level and happy has been sitting on the throne for a long time i want international tournaments with a global elite offline to return so bad amen brother amen and it's uh it's it's it's the lord's day i couldn't agree with you anymore um this was a really good start this is the closest we've ever had uh zealous red was decent but i don't think uh i don't think it really touches a war three champions hype um that this tournament does and i think i hope more and more you know players from the regions that were lacking step up and definitely play um man can you imagine if like more players played like a moon and a lin and a hitman next season that would make it crazy right like that would be one two zero maybe he'd start playing on the ladder recently yeah yeah would that be perfect i mean adding those four players maybe a couple more that would be exactly what we're looking for no like that it's we're getting there yeah uh what three champions has been doing an amazing job the saviors of the scene i think we talked about on the first day like nowadays the western warcraft 3 infrastructure is unthinkable without war 3 champions we would all be in the dumpster and it would it would be uh just a barren wasteland what walther champions has been able to do is absolutely outstanding they keep getting better as well and your support to them has been glorious here in this tournament if you want to chip in help them out on their patreon we mentioned multiple times you can continuously support and uh yeah and that's it for this tournament exactly you can support if you want for two more hours and then it's all gone by buying some w3 champions merchandise t-shirts hoodies jackets snapbacks all that good stuff here at shop.back to warcraft.com i see that new hero did that side did that and who doesn't want to be as cool as side is not many people can match them but you can get closer ana vera gamo an average mo i guess also buys a hoodie and another thing amazing tournament had to get some merch to support we got subs and armin vb you wonderful soul thank you very much uh should be more or bigger but you guys are absolutely awesome wooten gifting subs just magic 11 month cars do you think it's funny hope for an interview soon uh you know i'll have to prepare my questions a bit more if we if we gotta interview happy soon but i'm sure we will be seeing more of him we'll probably get an interview with him eventually i mean he can only win so many tournaments without getting an interview from us so it'll happen guys don't worry it'll happen dreamhack wednesday is the start of a dreamhack everybody um i can't wait man we get happy and his first round match is against starbuck it's going to happen on twitch.tv esl underscore wc3 we're going to have taught on the line there as well and ah this chord is question again um and it's going to be great it's going to be absolutely great uh in case you want to hear more about warcraft there's a wonderful way am i backing yeah i'm back hello hello we're gonna have todd on the line as well that's that's what we got exactly turn on the line for dreamhack and if you can't get enough of the twitch channel here ricky what could people possibly check out i mean yeah the viewership's been incredible this whole weekend it's a good time to uh you know if you guys missed the 100k celebration we announced a bunch of new stuff as well um our own patreon which you know have we have been seeing uh some good success there's a lot of cool perks uh on patreon.com back to warcraft um some pretty cool tiers where you get some a little bit of insights behind the scenes we do have a podcast me and neo do i think we're on episode seven recording this week so uh some good insights from us a little bit of behind the scenes a little bit of banter a little bit of uh just like a little bit of an insight on what goes on in our heads like week to week uh which i've been having a lot of fun of patreons do get early access to that but the previous episodes are available on youtube spotify uh apple podcast or just wherever you get your your podcast uh fever from uh we do have of course uh i don't have the page open so you're putting me on the spot here but we do have uh q a where you can ask us questions we do answer them on the podcast we do answer them all the time uh the big big perks the the the coach perk for remo you get uh music and movie recommendations which is always good priority in the q a and theorycraft user priority as well so replays from theorycraft so if you submit something as a patreon you will for sure have the mustachioed man looking up your replays and uh going over them as he did on the previous episode i believe as you get more and more through the perks the profit perk obviously that we had our first in-house monthly last week it was a lot of fun uh we played some uther party we played some 4v4 i beat remo's ass again he has yet to beat me in warcraft 3. maybe he needs you on his team to carry him because he can't do it by himself so please join the patreon and uh maybe you can help him finally defeat me uh in warcraft 3 because he's he's unable to do it i don't know really what to say as well as personalized replay analysis from either remo or carson if you want me and neo we will do it but the greatest minds are right beside us uh and they can also do your uh replay analysis it's a video they'll send you like their own analysis on your replay if you want it's very in-depth it's a one-on-one uh and patron shoutouts as well which we will do probably at the end of the stream for are uh profit and midas and golden goat patrons as we go on to the midas the midas is the 50 50 euro one that's the big one that's where you get all of what i've just said access to all of what i just said plus private 45-minute coaching with voice chat like pretty much in a call with remo or carson uh you know if you want extra from remo he will do it i can i tell you from experience if you want a little bit of variety there as well as work r3 coaching remo is your man you want him to tie up that bun he'll do whatever he whatever you say um trust me and then of course you get a back to workout chat vip and then uh you can't get the golden goat because that's reserved for the man the myth the legend himself noob quakes who actually showed up to the monthly uh custom games too had a lot of fun playing with him uh big shout out to you man you're you're a legend of this channel is it jeff bezos he he's got to be like oh the rockefeller warren buffett eyes wide shut party dude like on a yacht just getting blown i hope uh buy whatever he wants you know he's he's the king basically and the kings do what kings want neo but uh yeah we we do have uh our own patreon our own podcast everything we're doing um we're doing a lot of stuff man and uh just glad that i could plug that for you guys while we had so many viewers because uh you guys are important and you need the news and if you guys are enjoying the channel that's a great way to support us is is the patreon the patreon is actually uh probably more beneficial than like a twitch sub or whatever but we we appreciate twitch too but it's whatever you want you don't have to support us if you don't want you can just watch the show and it's totally fine don't feel like you have to open up your wallets uh but that's just an extra route to support the channel and keep the lights on so thanks i love you thanks for the happy birthday wishes and that's it there was a wonderful impression also of our podcasters ricky going on a monologue for five minutes we thank our wonderful patreons here thank you kenobi quakes thank you toxie thank you taggy thank you nem thank you save orca thank you scription for being uh the amazing midas tier guys and also don dolar jay getzen and padrud for being the crazy prophets and i want to thank all of you guys here for being with me for a lot of warcraft this weekend remo demo we will see each other tomorrow for esl meistershaft relegation we will see uh sharkey versus joe kern for example and your final words before we end the stream um i had a ton of fun this weekend i think we all love this world three champions finals tournament we're gonna be back in a couple of weeks for the next one really appreciate all you guys tuning in follow us here if you haven't already lots more warcraft to come in the next few days with myself dreamhack and so many other things i wish you all a good night a pleasant day whatever it is and we'll see you again soon bye-bye mr carson anything left to say well thank you guys for watching um appreciate you um i'm gonna go get some sleep i slept for about 12 hours in the last three days but it was well worth it uh for these these beautiful games i'm glad i got to cast some some europeans and some asian players for once because we're always uh we're always trapped in n a but we will be trapped there yet again tomorrow me and b do i believe you'll be with me we'll be doing esl cup americas as well tomorrow so come check that out and i'll see you guys throughout the week goodbye i'm incredibly grateful for the war 3 champions team everybody there i know this event was a little bit stressful for all of us but i think we all end up very very happy with what we accomplished here so especially taxi and uh saffir did a wonderful wonderful job as uh floss mentioned earlier so that's my thank you and a little bit of sorry as well for my behavior uh leading up to this and since it's his birthday today and he is in general the most important person on the entirety of the internet the last words of the war three champions season six grand final belong to ricky oh yeah thank you uh thanks for the birthday wishes everybody and uh yeah yeah thanks for saying uh happy birthday just so you guys i just everyone knows ricky uh said in our discord chat wish me happy birthday he did type that out into the chat but go ahead rick have yourself you guys all forgot nice sick closing closing your mind on your phone and didn't even listen i'm swiping right on tinder i need to have some love tonight it's my day all right i thought you guys would be like happy birthday rick like at a long assembly line but i gotta ask myself that's the worst maybe i reserve the final words for myself and mute you right here right now so thanks for watching everybody we see you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 17,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: f3UPfO4qNkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 18sec (4518 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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