Ways To Make Money For Your Homestead: Becky Shares Her Secret

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the number one question I get asked is how do I pay for all this where do I get my money well today I'm going to explain to how I live on my Homestead let's go welcome to Becky's [Music] Homestead I used to work jobs I was the busy busy busy person in the rat race running around like a chicken with my head cut off work work work work work and I was living in a newer home of course we had a big mortgage and it was just like I just went to I'm like what am I doing here it was just like I'm like this isn't what I want in life it's just like this isn't me I don't care if it's a big new house with a mortgage you owe Forever on it and so that you know know I had to get out from under that which isn't easy but still it's worth every effort to live a simple life where you have a small house and no mortgage and grow some of your own food it tastes way better I want to talk about what I work I have a very well well I've been able to get my lifestyle to a point where I have a small part-time job and I'm able to survive I don't have a lot of money and I don't make a lot of money and didn't come from money so that's the idea that I want to put forward that anybody can do this yes it takes time but anybody can do it the key to me and what I would like to encourage people to do is work Less hours instead of working a 40-hour week try to cut your cost and get your life simplified enough to where maybe you can work a 30h hour week or 25h hour week and pay all your bills obviously a step in that direction would be mortgage free buy a small piece of land you don't need acres and acres and acres to be a homesteader you can grow a lot of food on one acre it's managing your land that's part of homesteading manage your land plan out where you're going to build your house plan out where the gardens are think about it put a lot of thought in design into your homestead that is the key to keeping your cost down and to having a simple life you can't go all out and just think it's all going to run smooth and be cost effective it doesn't work like that some people say it looks like I spend a lot of money I do not spend a lot of money I am very conservative by nature and I'm cheap cheapap cheap everything I buy I look around for a deal secondhand or when I go to purchase something I always buy the cheapest of everything and it's fine it's adequate it works you don't have to be fancy pants to be a homesteader quite the opposite I I want to talk a little bit about your bills you know it's not realistic to think you're going to live completely off grid first of all that takes a lot of money to get that set up to live off grid I started out with nothing so it's not like I have this big cash flow to spend to get a homestead set up anything to bring your bills down on a sustained long-term basis that is what you're going for that way you don't have to work too much and you can stay home more and the more you stay home the more you can develop your homestead it kind of snowballs and you know pretty soon you got something good going on and it's awesome when you have a small house a small car and keep your bills low and small you have more time to live big and you're going to be happier and healthier that is the opposite of what our society tries to get you to do they're getting kids in debt in college and I mean it's spend spend spend bigger bigger bigger better better better and then everybody's miserable stressed out and tired we are going for the complete opposite this is the opposite Club it's like we want small inexpensive Less hours at work and less bills in debt one thing a people spend a lot of money on is a cell phone I personally know family that we'll have three or four people in the family they're paying hundreds of dollars a month for a stupid cell phone and it's just so not worth it so shop around and get the best deal you can to save yourself some money and just think in your head the more money I save the less hours I have to work at a secular job the more time I can spend on my Homestead developing my life for me and my family and the less I have to to give to a corporation and waste my life I use straight talk for my cell phone nobody is paying me to say this it's a really good deal and you might want to check it out another thing I would like to point out is there's a really big difference between a homestead lifestyle and a homestead business if you want to make it a business to sell eggs chickens potatoes whatever it is that's a business more like farming what I'm talking about and what I promote is a homestead lifestyle it's to have an independent lifestyle that you supply things that you need for you and your family and the goal of having your little Homestead lifestyle is to have low bills so you don't have to work your butt off in the rat race you get free of all that and you get to spend your mornings doing this at your little Homestead around here feeding the animals and working in the garden and it's really really good for you and it's good for your kids okay I'm going to sum it up step one low bills get your bills as low as you can think about it be creative just whatever you can think of to get your bills down step two is work Less hours your goal your aim should be to work 30 hours a week or less and step four will be to develop your homestead get on that Homestead and just develop it and and be creative and have fun and be healthy sign up for Becky's Homestead newsletter go to Becky's homestead.com and sign up on the right you'll get articles news and specials from Becky every month unsubscribe anytime no spam if you like this video click the like button it really does help us a lot and if you want to be notified every time we post a new video click the Subscribe button are you going to do some shopping on Amazon start by going through our link to get there you don't pay one penny more but we get a small percentage the Amazon link is on the top right of Becky's homestead.com thanks so much
Channel: Becky's Homestead
Views: 422,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading (Literature Subject), Money (Quotation Subject), Ways To Make Money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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