How THIS Crop Makes $60,000 PER ACRE and WHY We Switched - Big Gamble on a First Generation Farm

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directly behind me is a 2 acre Hayfield every year this Hayfield will produce approximately $1,000 worth of hay on a good season over the course of 7 years it will produce roughly $7,000 in Revenue that doesn't include operating costs as a first generation Farm we're always on the lookout for new ways to diversify our crops and really dive into the niche market so what if I told you then we could take this 2 acre Hayfield and instead of getting $7,000 over the course of 7 years we could actually earn upwards of $60,000 or more have I got you interested let's go take a look at what we're doing on our first generation Farm to make money and provide a stable income for the next Generations should they choose to take it on this is the WT farm girls Channel if you are not subscribed be sure to hit the Subscribe button down below and click the bell and go back and watch all of the previous videos on all of our excitement out here trying to run our first generation Farm let's Goa this is our trees 6 in auger should be uh plun day yeah B I'm going to move the trailer huh oh dude we'll easily beow F well this says 250 and we had two stacks of 250 right yeah so what of this does it say 250 that says 250 these These are definitely our trees these will easily fit on this trailer how old are these pine trees again just for fun you should count and see how many times I say pine trees instead of fur trees these are all Furs they're not Pines but nonetheless I keep calling them Pines so just keep track and put your comments down below fur trees sorry they're not pine trees fur trees all right be better like that just do a for St hold on bud go start on the other side [Music] bye oh wow [Music] [Music] he's going to kind of show you how to stack we put a straight line [Music] an angle just keep [Music] handing all right time to hide on home [Music] [Music] should I we just got pack and uh for our new crop we are going to have the front filled in we don't need it filled in just yet but as it happen there's one a lot of construction on our road that's near our house and Eric ran over and told the guys if they have fi dirt they can dump it over here so we are now getting our uh drainage Pond filled in so well that's pretty crazy cuz I never saw that I never thought this day would [Music] [Music] come [Laughter] [Music] you don't like the wind you don't like the wind what babies so hopefully this will work out pretty [Music] good yeah 250 in here 250 over there but these are slower growing than those those are supposed to be 18 to 24 in a year these take 12 years to mature 10 okay 10 yeah so that's 10 year investment right here 8 to 10 well on this size of tree a little bit less time cuz these are a little bit bigger potted tree these are fur trees nice dude they're not even Pokey at all no cuz they're furry they're fur trees you like that okay let's not eat the top off my pine tree we need to worry about the deer at the poppers yeah we shouldn't have to have doggies eating our [Applause] trees daddy stay back here good girl see I just got a backup camera which would have worked perfectly for this but I couldn't get it installed time I guess that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] works yeah okay so I'm going to show you quick how we go through and do the potting the kids pull the trees out they stick them in the hole for me that it just keeps them from blowing around and then we're going to pull it up going to grab the tree right here do a little pinch on the bottom and it will slide right out just like this now we want to make sure when we plant this that it's actually the same level as the ground so right about right there now this has fertilizer on it if you really want your trees to do well um either put some manure in the bottom around the top or you can use uh tree tablets uh that's what we're going to go through and do at the very end is put some tree tablets in you don't want to put the tree tablets directly in the soil with the tree you're actually going to put them Just slightly off to the side and just a couple inches down on the top that Thursday we managed to plant 120 trees or about two rows unfortunately the next Friday was rain all day and all night which meant that that next Saturday it was wet but we couldn't stop we had to get the trees in the ground before it got too late in the [Music] season see just squish it right in the side just like that and then that goes in there you go yep and then to set it [Music] [Music] right all right oh that was [Music] l [Music] that want a deep hello [Music] help [Music] and then much to our surprise several of our grown kids and their families came to help plant pine trees and worked the entire day I didn't get all of them on video but I did get a couple oh I know I remember the fence digging dad I remember that oh man he's he's getting stck oh he's only got it in two wheel drive [Music] [Applause] too wow that's crazy and it's not like he's even got any weight on there wow man that's a lot of a lot of mod actually we'll probably end up having to get a hand auger a motor powered one just after they get cut cut down I think that's the protocol all right so we got our first hole one kid grabs the tree the other kid grabs a tablet he stuffs it in the hole as far as he can go and then Aaron sticks the tree in the hole all right now our part is a little more involved cuz it gets really messy okay so this ground isn't too bad so far so we're pull the tree out we want to make sure that it's not too deep so we might need a little bit extra dirt in the bottom just to make sure that it doesn't get planted too far down so about like that grab the tree at the base pinch and then you just kind of pull it on out set it down in there make sure it's just slightly above the grass level and then you just kind of Squish the clay all the way down and around it and then you want to make sure the tree is as straight as possible so it grow row straight yep you just pack it on in okay there it is then you've got to stack these up cuz otherwise they blow away all right so you want to try this one yep I'll do this one while you do that one yeah that was yeah that look really nice yeah you can pack them a little harder Eric likes to smack those suckers in there I don't have as much strength that Pacman as he does let's wait till it gets soupy that's when it gets really exciting there we go I think that's pretty move on the [Music] [Music] next it looks like he's digging these a little more shallow so that's good so that means we don't have to knock too much dirt into the bottom to start here you are Joey I won't forget about this one [Music] there but they also grow slower too oh they are different than the other ones yeah we just got done with those guys so this is our son-in-law's first experience helping out on our family farm and so far I'd say he was doing a really great job he really put in the effort really applied himself and was not afraid to get dirty I'm sure he went home tired exhausted and probably sunburned but he at least had the advantage of seeing how a family farm comes together to get stuff [Music] [Music] done all right we got all 500 planted it took a total of 6 hours working pretty much Non-Stop and uh we actually had today a whole pile of people helping I on a tree is really just it doesn't look like a lot it looks like maybe I don't know maybe a 100 each row has a little over 60 trees in it uh we've got four rows of the Frasier Furs four and a half and then four and a half rows of the Canan Furs so the Canan furs are actually younger trees than the Frasier furs but the Frasier fers are a much slower growing variety of tree they mature to Christmas tree height which is about 7 feet in anywhere from 7 to 10 years whereas the Canan F will mature out in 5 to 7 years that's a huge difference and when you're in the market to make money turnaround time is everything however we have never grown Christmas trees before we have heavy clay soil and especially this year it is very very wet yeah I'm I'm very sunburned I should have put some sunscreen on my arms didn't think of it I did wear my true work shirt because I knew that it was going to keep me safe from a lot of the UV rays so I'm not sunburned anywhere else and of course I've got my true work pants on and these pants worked out great because um they repel a lot of the water and then when they do get wet you can see right here they dry super fast so you're not left being cold and wet wet like you would with jeans that are a pain in the butt to get off when they're wet these were just perfect for planting just completely perfect Carl get off the pine tree get off why don't don't on the pine tree apparently the dog assumed the pine tree is a butt scratcher while he's also making deposits on the pine trees well if I look relieve here it's because I was relieved I thought we were done at least for I don't know maybe 6 months maybe plant some more in the fall and then Eric would go through and fill in this whole low area so that we could put more trees in that area which is approximately one more acre all the way down there no it it's not a pond it's actually a drainage pit that had been dug out years ago to add fil dirt to the driveway and it just keeps filling with water every spring so it it's not an environmental hazard to fill it in regardless much to my horror uh we were not done planting pine trees no we actually ended up with 600 more trees to plant and these actually were much older than any of the other trees that we currently had which would then put us ahead a schedule hey guys and welcome back to round two little did we know we were going to have to plant 600 more let's go so the morning started out about how you'd expect we got everything all set up Eric ran a test hole and of course sliced right through the cable line so we didn't have internet for a couple of days but other than that it seemed to work pretty good we measured off the distance using a very high-tech system of measuring and I were able to rip a line in the soil to prepare the ground to hand dick the holes I'm not sure why but we figured hand digging the holes would be a better way to go for these trees but I don't know this is going to be new we haven't tried this before all of this is new it's always new so if you have ever done this for uh your family done this put in the comments down below how you guys manage this come on goodness sakes now got to play with you all day s's going through remarking the whole spots pretty easy Tok without a Str Street yeah I'm sure maybe the first bundle all right so these are be root trees we got these from Eric's boss who's also planting pine trees Christmas trees sorry M you can see they're in a little bit worse shape these are uh Canan Furs Canan Furs and these are a little bit older than what we have they are Canan fur plus to 10 to 16 in and that's is heavy the roots are nice and wet are they I guess they are we watered these last night just because actually they don't feel especially wet they just feel damp which I guess is pretty good so how many are in a bundle I don't know so these are what's known as barar root which means there's no dirt on them so what we're doing here our planting shovel is this deep so we want to cut our roots to the depth of that planting shovel so because you don't want to jroo your trees so we're going to cut these off put them in our bucket so these buckets um have a special rooting supplement in there that's supposed to help them retain moisture there are lots and lots of different kinds of rooting buckets you can mix up um this is just one that we got a hold of I'll put some links down below if you guys are interested in taking look at a couple other ones roots are really wow that's a lot of roots doesn't that make you nervous cutting that much root off I don't know I mean you don't want to stuff it down in there wow hopefully that she will be okay that makes me really sad it's like chopping all your hair off except your hair doesn't feed you so now these were trees that were grown in actual dirt and not in buckets yep pots so this is going to be definitely a more timec consuming process because we have to go through we have to trim the roots we have to put them in the bucket to soak for a little bit and then that has to get carried out there and then holes put in the ground and each tree individually inserted and packed and we have it does take a long time aing the holes though it does yeah so I don't know we'll see at least I don't have to worry about getting sunburned today all right so we're going to use this planting shovel and we're going to step on the ground and we want to make a V and again the ground is really soft cuz we ripped it first okay and we got this shovel on Amazon so we can try to put a link on there so we grab a tree out actually this one I was going to put in one of the oh look at that stuff is looking slurf fied look at that oh yeah this one I actually wanted to all right so we take a tree like this oh look I see the slurry is like sticking to all the roots on there mhm take a tree like this shove it down in there make sure you try to get the roots down in there you got a root popping out right here that's fine and then we're you PL go deep and then you want to pull up on the tree cuz then that pulls the root straight let me take the shovel doesn't need swop a little bit more yeah I'm going to pack it a little bit go next to the tree just working in like that or you can try your foot I don't know we're just experimenting right now so this is one technique he saw online on how to do us pull it up a little bit so it's at ground level you see how soft the ground is this is why you do this in the spring time and in the Rainy part of fall the ground is soft enough up and down we have fertilizer tabs we're going to go get in here's your tree all right do we want to try it without doing the side shovel and see how that works we can try that just with a foot pack yeah why don't you do the next one let's see how that goes you can try the double bar too whichever one you like but I find this one works pretty good I think I like that way better you know it's too bad that these trees are not planted next to the other Canan F because it' be interesting to see the difference in the growth rate yeah this is be Root versus potted well but I mean not just that I mean they're different growth points I think these are a year ahead of those these are these have more branches on them for sure yeah they're definitely older [Music] [Applause] [Music] trees somebody to use but I can't stay you make me roll the dice they look a lot like you [Music] sake if your heart open in then I leave you my [Music] ashes I got my C Amo by my side going [Music] 65 i p m the light all right so there's 40 trees so we only have 560 more to go laying in the Wind man you look pretty muddy what you been doing yep getting rained out today great timing come on Daddy come here thank you moisy Daddy pinkle she's asking for it come on Daddy come on pingle come on pingle come on there you go stay stay good girl it took several days to get the be root trees all planted digging 600 holes by hand and stuffing the trees into every single one of them it was a lot of work but we got it all done finally and this is about 1 acres worth we can probably fit about 2 acres worth all the way up here on the front part of the property once we get the pond drainage area filled in there'll be other areas that we'll plant later on in subsequent years and eventually we'll end up with a 7-year tree rotation we are still doing hay don't worry our main producing hay fields are are still planted with hay and we are still going to harvest hay uh we can't take a full loss on all of our farming activities plus we have our own Critters to feed but the area right up front has always been kind of a mixed use area it used to be an additional horse pasture that just last year we decided to start cutting for hay just to give a little more added bonus to our crop so it made sense to do the experimental Christmas tree planning right here in the this area plus it's right by the road which gives a great Visual and a great reminder to anybody who's curious that hey I think there's a Christmas tree farm starting over there it's almost like the property was set up with the full plan in mind to be a Christmas tree farm and when everything is said and done it's actually going to be a pretty cool little Christmas tree farm but you've got seven years to watch and find out now this this is by far one of the wetest Springs I can ever remember here on the property many of the holes even the ones on the top level of the Hill were full of water right after we dug them so a lot of these trees were planted into roughly 4 to 6 in of straight muddy water but the varieties of trees that we selected are supposed to be rated for heavy wet conditions uh we talked to the tree people we told them what type of conditions we had the soil pH um the ground type and these were the two that they recommended for our specific soils so all we can do is put them in the ground and wait and like most Christmas tree Farmers hope for the best that the trees will grow thank you guys so much for watching I really hope that this was enjoyable for you guys to watch and again if you are not subscribed hit that subscribe button and click the bell I really look forward to reading your comments down below this has been a lot of work but it has been so exciting and if you guys are still around in 5 to 7 years you'll get to see our first harvest until then guys take care we have hay Harvest coming up in just a couple of weeks so definitely stay tuned for those videos coming up thank you guys so much love you bye
Channel: WT Farm Girl Videos
Views: 1,610,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wtfarm girl, wt farm girl, wtfarmgirl, farm girl, farmer girl, tractor girl, john deere, farming, wtfg, gets er done, girl farming, T5, female farmer, first generation farmer, ag youtube, woman farmer, woman run farm, TYM tractors, tym 574, tym girl, hay farming, maple syrup making, debt-free farming, planting fir trees, planting christmas trees, planting potted christmas trees, planting bare root trees, christmas tree farming, canaan fir trees
Id: UZjdQT3dE18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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