Jim Croce, John Denver, Don Mclean, Cat Stevens - Classic Folk Rock - Folk Songs Best Collection
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Channel: Folk Country Music
Views: 2,407,149
Rating: 4.754982 out of 5
Keywords: folk rock and country music, folk country, folk rock and country 70s, 70s folk rock, the best of rock 70s 80s, throwback 70s 80s, dance 80s, country folk music 90s, folk rock and country 80s, folk country 80s, folk rock and country 90s, 70s folk rock & country music, 70s folk songs, 80s country, 80s best songs, 80s country hits, 80s country songs, 80s country music, country songs of 70s, top 80s country songs, best 90s country songs, the best of rock 70s, throwback 70s
Id: 34DX0d4MY2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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