Wayne June Breaks Down Voicing Darkest Dungeon, Lovecraft & Microwave Manuals - An Interview

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okay so you might be aware that a few weeks ago i asked you to like describe my relationship to darkest dungeon for a very particular reason yep so what i did after that is i got on a phone call with wayne june the voice actor from darkest dungeon and i asked him all about his process and how he does what he does [Music] hello can you hear me i can can you hear me yes i can excellent that was really weird yeah every it's it's me uh skype is allergic to me is yeah i don't use it that much but whenever i get on something happens yeah that's you know it's welcome to my world so yeah so he's the narrator he's the he's the voice of your dead grandfather uncle is he dead or is he's definitely dead yeah okay so he's super dead he's super dead and he's like calling to you from the grave he like sends you a letter and then kills himself at the opening of that yeah ruin has come to our family you remember our venerable house opulent and imperial gazing proudly from its historic birds above the moor i lived all my years in that ancient rumor-shadowed manner fattened by decadence and luxury and yet i began to tire of conventional extravagance and he sort of narrates he narrates over the top of most of the game and he kind of narrates the fights he's in all the cutscenes yeah and i guess like essentially the the estate that you play the game in is sort of he's it's like his estate and you kind of it's your kind it's your families and he was like looking after it but he found he he went crazy found like the darkest dungeon and then has called on you to uh complete what he couldn't and then he kills himself in the end i alone fled laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity until consciousness failed me you remember our venerable house opulent and imperial it is a festering abomination i beg you return home claim your birthright and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows [Music] and then i guess like for he's you you're sort of also picking you're kind of cleaning up his mess i suppose because it's pretty much it's entirely too deep yeah so he's sort of he's like he's kind of he ends up being a villain i don't want to spoil the game but he's sort of a bad guy so i sat down with wenjun on a skype call um the morning before i moved house which was stressful so i wanted to run you through that and see what you thought let's do it check one two wayne june reporting for duty one two one two i started asking him to try and describe what he does right well i guess there's a million in in the voice business there's a million different uh categories and niches you can fit into and uh i guess what i have uh sort of narrowed myself down to over the years as a voice actor and uh narrator and there there are there are different uh different places um you know there's there's uh commercial voice over guys people who do uh corporate work there's people who do you know things like um voicemails there's people who do you know hosting for live events that sort of thing and you know it all falls into the rubric of a voiceover or voice work but with audiobooks and uh just uh within the past couple of years uh gaming work uh primarily with uh red hook from canada uh that's where i get the voice acting from so i'm an actor with a capital a an axe taught a boy that's a bagel i like that so he does he was he does audiobooks that's how he got into it yeah um i'm gonna ask him about that in a minute but he yeah that was actually what he did originally so it was well before in games he was he was voice acting for audiobooks he seems to be like he doesn't he you so he's talking about voice acting for games and in particular red hook which is obviously the darkest dungeon developers he almost seems to just be like this at least from what i'm getting this sort of venerable voice actor who's been around for decades and has just he's done one game that is what it feels like and so and that was my natural assumption too so i asked him given that he's done one get like that's the that's the um impression i got two so i asked him how he got into it and sort of how how like this dude who did audiobooks kind of got hooked up with this canadian game studio making this esoteric um turn-based lovecraftian uh combat game so i was i was interested to find out how the hell they connected in the first place yeah um well when i when i first started doing uh voice work i was trying to find out you know find my place in it uh i did all sorts of uh seminars and um uh went to conferences and took uh acting lessons and took specific voiceover lessons and uh basically it was like in terms of the the industry i was like a clean slate you know i had done nothing yet so i wanted to i didn't have the wisdom at the time to want to actually find out what my strengths were i just wanted to do everything you know so find out what you could do and um i did get one bit of advice the fellow i was studying with was you know i said well you know what's your background where you're coming from what do you like to do what are your interests and uh uh the you know subject of um of horror movies and horror literature came up and and he's like man you know see if you can work that into sort of an outline of what you do and what i ended up doing with that advice is um recording some edgar allan poe and um and hp lovecraft uh audiobooks dude so this guy's actually done yeah i'll play you a bit of oh my lord i'm doing the raven um once upon a midnight dreary while i pondered weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore while i nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping rapping at my chamber door tis some visitor i muttered tapping at my chamber door only this and nothing more now distinctly i remember it was in the bleak december and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor oh my god why it's like he's made for it it is so good yeah oh my lord i'm gonna listen to that later i was gonna say sit on sit on your balcony and have a scotch and listen to that yeah boy so yeah he's um his background is definitely that gothic literature um that new wave gothic literature and and it i think it's a natural dovetail into what red hook was doing and um to sort of skip ahead a little bit uh an email from a young guy in canada who said uh he uh really likes the lovecraft stuff he's been into lovecraft for a long time he liked what i did with it he liked my delivery and he likes to put it on while he's working and he he was an artist and that was that was chris barasa and he's the um one of the main guys of red hook studios he's the artist and the writer and the developer for darkest dungeon however at this time this was years and years and years ago um so you know i just responded to the email well thanks a lot i really appreciate uh you know you're reaching out to give me a compliment uh you can't give me too many of those i love that yeah all that stuff and then uh years later i get uh another email from the same chris barassa only this time he's got red hook studios uh independent game developing studio and they're working on darkest dungeon he started giving an overview of it and wanted to know if i would uh be interested in being involved in it he first wanted me to just do a narration for their uh uh what the heck's the name of that place it's a crowdfunding thing uh they kicked kickstarter projects exactly yeah he wanted me to do the narration for uh his the kickstarter for raising funds to uh move forward with uh the concept and move forward with the game so i said sure and uh we did that and a bit later um he called me back and said it said that uh he and his partner tyler sigmund [Music] really liked what uh what i did with the narration and what i'd be interested in getting you know and being written into the game so i said yeah yeah yeah so they just they were he was just he was just there for the kickstarter and then they were like [ __ ] we yeah we have something here we can't we cannot just let this go absolutely not because you've i don't know if you've seen that original kickstarter video but is it is just the opening yeah it's just the opening but like it i saw that and i bought the game from that like i was sold um i mean so yeah they landing in a bottle to be honest yeah i like the the game just would not be the same without the narration like it's it's such a huge part of just like the whole aesthetic like he's he's such an integral part of the of the whole experience it's crazy that they would just kind of have him as the kickstarter they just he was just the dude that they got because he was free yeah it's crazy crazy right and it became uh it became a big part of it and uh most of that's due to uh uh tyler and chris's genius that as far as this is the most humble dude in the world the whole game the art and just the way it works it's you know i don't know it's amazing they uh wanted to achieve a lovecraft style ambiance and he remembered me from the lovecraft audiobooks and that's how you know he got a hold of me but i think they i think they just did a great job really been my ple pleasure and privilege to to work with these guys so then what happened next is that i i messaged you the morning before or i think maybe the night before and i was like hey ben is there anything you want me to ask wayne june like is there anything that you want me to yeah to put forward to him to find out the one thing that you said is i i wondered if like whose idea his character was from the perspective of like did they write a bunch of lines to give him and say hey here's you know here's what you we want you to say you've got the voice we just want you to say the lions or was it more of a case of they brought him on and he just created this character for them and just put all of this character that they didn't expect and then suddenly it's just this big thing that they've gone oh okay we have a lot more than we expected i have a feeling i think i know what the answer to that question is i asked him that and he gave me this response uh well in terms of the uh the words the words of the script i always keep my own counsel and i don't offer any suggestions unless i'm asked because they've done their work already whoever wrote the script has uh birthed this already you know that's their baby so uh you know i'm not i'm not going to come in and you know well with uh you know my colossal ignorance here's what i have to say about your business so they've written it and it's my job to interpret it and to interpret it um in the way that they direct me and the way that they tell me to so this is a really interesting part of the interview because he basically unprompted gives me this really clear idea of his workflow yeah um which i don't think anyone really thinks about with voice acting no it's kind of people because it's talking is a thing you do every day people just kind of go oh it's you just talk right you get a microphone and you say what's this just say words yeah not the case at all no not at all and uh what i generally do is uh i work from a home studio remotely so i can either do uh a live session where they're listening in and they can listen to what i do and go no not like that like this so uh yeah that was great just you know do you know make it a little angrier or make it a little make it a little sweeter you know whatever whatever they want to do they can direct me there uh but what i generally do is take written direction and go from there you know submit a file a short one a couple of minutes worth with like three or four different um attitudes three or four different takes of the same lines and then they can take it on their end from there and go okay number two sucks uh number one number one was okay but number three was great you know and then we settled on that and then from then on it's just a back and forth of trying to trying to fulfill uh what they want me to do from what i've learned uh going into it so far and and that's basically how it is if someone were to were to ask me or if there's some kind of uh if there's an obvious error uh you know grammatically or something like that you know i'll i'll tip him to it and uh and let him know but uh that's basically it you know yeah so then i kind of moved on a little bit and i i sort of at this point he was giving me a pretty deep insight into his workflow and his kind of process so i jumped a gun a bit um and i asked him about the hardest part of his job which i realized in retrospect i we've been talking for about 10 minutes and we didn't know each other but i felt like he was ready to open up and i so what you're going to see is me getting a little too eager uh and then him trying to be very polite about it i apologize to the fans i don't know the fact that you got to wear all the hats in my particular case i'm a one-man operation so i have to uh seek work i have to do the marketing i have to do the uh recording i have to do the editing i have to do the mastering i have to you know run the business uh have to do the books i've got to decide on what kind of budget there is for advertising at any given time if there is so that was something i didn't really realize is that before he's exporting and sending all these files um to red hook or to like the audiobook companies he's actually sitting down and he's going through and he's he's clipping out just the narration that they need like he's not sending them the raws yeah that's kind of interesting i would have i mean obviously to a certain degree you would do that just to clean up your work but yeah it seems it seems odd or at least yeah i wouldn't expect you know if if someone was like i want voice work from you i would just send them the rawest and most uncut stuff they wanted i guess when you're when there's you're trying to sell yourself when you're actually trying out you know this is your job you're actually trying to get work you have to you know it this could be the the thing that sets you apart from the people who do just send raw audio directly to their whoever is commissioning it yeah if you open up the the zip file and it's got 10 really polished you know mp3s versus you know an hour of audio that you don't have to spend you know two interns days editing like it makes a huge difference yeah i i was uh when i first started out doing an audio book um they're notoriously uh uh work heavy in terms of uh to get one hour of finished audio down uh with preparation with performance with editing uh with uh the mastering um working out the artwork for the cover if i'm responsible for that which i am with my own stuff uh you know you can i was getting like 12 15 hours of work to finish one hour finished or edited audio ready for real retail and that was just that was just too much um i've gotten it down now um to about six to one seven to one so you know it's uh one of the challenges is having people who uh approach you to um to uh cast you for an audio book for example they they don't necessarily understand that uh you know there's like i got i've got uh x amount of words it should come out to about uh two hours you know right they think that's all the time it takes yeah yeah so i mean i'm not i'm not recording an answering machine message for a phone you know it's uh it takes a lot more than that so that's another challenge to getting people to understand those who don't know getting people to understand what uh what's what's involved in it what what actual what actual kind of man-hours you're putting into something does he do answering machine messages he i can ask for you do you know no no i feel like that's way overstepping but like does he i probably yeah oh man that would be the best answering machine oh my god but it's it is interesting that like i think he's so right though people just don't they don't appreciate i think with creative stuff anyway like it's even with like writing with someone's like they see a book and it's like like how many words in the book uh ten thousand hundred thousand and you know they go oh that's just ten thousand hundred thousand fifty thousand words you know like right yeah not really it's it's the best ten thousand fifty thousand hundred thousand of about ten times that exactly and you port over every word yeah fifty to a hundred times like yeah definitely and he seems to have this he i mean we both seem to have this and it's part of why we clicked so quickly you both just have this this reticence toward people who pay for these services and don't really understand what it is they're actually paying for right yeah which is a complicated thing in the artistic space because you're trying to explain to someone look this is a business of creating something from nothing like we're doing this magic trick that you're paying us for like this is this is effectively like real life you know precigitation like we're making something from nothing and you're saying well it should only take you this long like no dude like magic it doesn't have a there's no clock on it you know right it's it's yeah it is work but also like you can't quantify some of that time it's not as one-to-one as you know building a house you can measure the time it takes to build a house literally you can't always measure the time it takes to do a creative thing literally and so i kind of asked him about that i was like look how do you feel about the what's what's your temperature on the space how do you feel when you approach clients what's kind of your you know where do you sit in that space because we obviously have a pretty strong stance i guess so i kind of i kind of asked him his opinion on it yeah and i think you hit the key word there in as far as this subject goes which is creative any kind of creative processes like uh it's um you know it's a different animal um it's it's very similar to what uh what i'd done before [Music] i'm gonna hit you with a bombshell here before he gets to it um he's about to reveal that he has this whole bee career that you didn't know about oh my lord so just prepare yourself for that all right when i was 15 uh i joined a band and uh just never looked back i've been i've been playing drums and singing what right and bands for oh god i'm like man 50 years now so um that was one of my um [Music] motivations actually for uh developing voice work this is that's something i could do uh without leaving the house yeah without without without getting out of my dreams uh he's wearing a box but a lot of the problems in terms of being you know creative um you know you'd be surprised or maybe you wouldn't because it's just it's it's common knowledge yeah you know people uh want music for free you know it's uh i saw a cartoon the other day where uh one guy is giving uh this kid who's getting into uh music for a living he's giving him advice and he's going you know there's there's no there's no future in this kind of business you know you really ought to do something else you know you got to go to school or you got to get another different kind of a job get some vocational training or something like that and the kid you know looks puzzled in the cartoon and then in the next frame he goes but i'm having a birthday party can you play for free yeah yeah okay that's exactly it that's why it's so hard given that he mentioned his 50 years of being creative i kind of thought about the amount of experience that he would have gained over that time because like we've been doing this for nearly i've been doing this i've been making content on the internet for nearly nine years now which is crazy to think about but he's been um he's been doing this sort of pretty much his whole life so i wanted to know what it was and what were the projects that that didn't work what were the things that that for him were like his biggest kind of failures that he learned from that's that's one lesson too is a a big part of uh of any endeavors uh creative especially at least from my perspective but uh but anything really is uh you know learning the demands of the market uh you can come to something with a lot of passion and be just like oh i want to be this i want to be this but if you're creating something that there's no market for you know you it's time to go back to the drawing board you know and do you find that have you found in your career that there have been projects that you started pursuing where that's that's sort of ended up being the case and you know you know so doing an uh uh an exclusive uh deep cuts only from uh atomic rooster albums yeah that's that's you know not everybody shares that uh there or not a lot of people share that musical taste especially back in those days i mean pre-internet pretty much nowadays you can get online and you know find find a community uh that's grown up around uh almost any interest really but uh you know back then it uh if it was an obscure band uh it was an obscure band and that was it you know so modeling yourself after that being a cover band doing those kind of things that that's not a good choice i figured it's got to be it's got to fill a hole in the market because nobody's doing it but maybe there's a reason no one's doing it yeah yeah which is a tricky thing to realize that's so funny i mean everyone starts there i guess you know you've got to start copying other people yeah but it's it's like it's so true how like nowadays you can if there's like a weird obscure thing [Music] that exists like you can you can find the people that are into it exactly that didn't used to exist yeah like there's there's so many examples of that nowadays you know stuff like the probably the biggest one on top of my head is like the the classic tetris world championships which is just like this super grassroots movement of people competitively playing nes tetris like the og teachers from like the 80s or something and it's like these group of people who like all grew up playing the game like separately and then 20 years later 30 years later they've all just realized oh there's actually a bunch of people who are into playing this game let's host tournaments and now it's like because of the internet and because of streaming because of you know reddit and twitch and things like that it's just this massive community around people playing like a 30 year old game i guess that's what he's alluding to is that like that's he came up in that space but that stuff didn't exist like you were just the weirdo that was still doing it yeah you know he didn't have the what the atomic rooster fan there was no subreddit yeah there's no subreddit for atomic rooster there probably is now and there's probably a few thousand people on it but i think it's a hard thing for people that are younger than us to understand it's like that that that didn't use that wasn't an option like you couldn't you also just couldn't like look stuff up like i couldn't tell you about a band and you you couldn't just like find this stuff no you had to physically find their cd yeah you had to hand me a cd and say hey listen to track five like it's a different kind of universe that we live in yeah um and so given that i was also interested in in like the good stuff so like what what was like the biggest surprise for him what was like the kind of the this the stuff that was successful that that kind of that he wasn't expecting because i think it's obvious that in hindsight the cover band stuff not the best option um but i was like well what did what was the stuff that has worked that you didn't think would um and he had a pretty surprising answer i think yeah yeah it was kind of a at least the voice stuff it was it was a matter of i was a little bit more business savvy by that point uh i didn't start uh doing this until i don't know uh 20 years ago so you know i was in my 40s so i i had more of an idea of what a business does and what it's all about so you know learning the demands of the market and balancing that with um what are my strengths and where do the twain meet you know or how can i put this together it took a while to learn that you know i ended up doing mostly i do mostly horror stuff or you know dark type material and my wife says it's because i'm just a natural creep so i could i could be creepy without much effort so early on i did some uh i did some stuff there's a market for it i don't think it was particularly good casting i had the voice but it wasn't something i was passionate about it was like self-help uh self-help book you know how to how to deal with anger um how to lose weight uh you know if uh when i was doing it as if if people had known who was giving them all this advice about anger management kind of thing it would have been ironic to say the least yeah they would have uh probably put down the audiobook yeah right i think we need a self-help book about how to reduce anger but from the narrator of darkest dungeon just is a very aggressive dude yes talking about the the depths of the human character and where where the anger festers where it lives and where it grows malignant over time definitely yeah let's get them kicks get that get a kickstarter going get a kickstarter happening absolutely um but i decided to make i decided to kind of change gears a bit um and one of the one of the things he's alluding to here is that he found his niche pretty quickly um or pretty slowly depending on how you look at it but the minute he got into games he kind of it seemed like he immediately found the space that he'd been hunting for the whole time and i think like i don't know about you but one of the things that i struggled with when we first started making content was like where do we fit in um yeah what's what's the space that we occupy that no one else occupies and we found that now it's taken you know five six years of this company and you know ten years in total of like making content um so i wanted to know how he kind of found the space he's in because no one else is doing what he's doing um and no one else is doing it the way he's doing it so i kind of asked like how did you find that niche and if you could give advice to other creators you know whether they be they be young or old or anywhere in between what would you kind of pass on to people trying to get into any creative business um what would you recommend it's worth it it's worth the effort and it's worth the work and you know you learn something new uh in the meantime so i mean you know it's just it's a win-win situation and um just in terms of finding your niche i had a pretty good experience starting out one recommendation i had is uh there's um various studios around that produce uh audiobooks for the blind and uh you can volunteer there so uh there's one in a city near me uh called the reading for the blind and dyslexic and you'd go in there and typically for um a two-hour session but you can do two a day if you want uh and you go in and you don't know what you're gonna get they uh you might get a newspaper you might get um a novel you might get poetry you might get a textbook uh okay you might get um i don't know anything i mean just uh i read uh um i read an owner's manual for a microwave oven [Laughter] yeah not not usually what you know i pick up for light reading but yeah yeah but there's responsibilities there i mean you've got to um go for it word for word and at the same time if there's something that's unclear or something that you think could be a problem to a person who's not sighted to to understand what they're talking about you have just got to deliver it the right way you know at the right speed with the right intensity and without going overboard you never want to overshadow the material you don't want you know what i'm thinking about you you want them absorbing the information yeah so so that was a good experience because uh i did that for a long while and did everything and and that was one thing that helped me find out where my strengths were trying everything funny really interesting that he he doesn't he like he doesn't want to overshadow the work which is funny because his performance in darkest dungeon like yeah it's you're not really you're not like always just like oh his voice is so amazing like it's it's incredible it's it is like the writing the writing really comes through and it's yeah it's it's not like other kind of games that have sort of you know big name narrators or you know the narrator is like a like a big deal of the game where you kind of you get lost in the narration a little bit i think like i don't know like maybe stanley parable like the narrator in stanley parable is is such a [Music] yeah he's so sarcastic and he's got so much personality to where he is a character whereas his uh the delivery and darkest dungeon is a lot more yeah it's it's it's actually giving information kind of it's it's reacting to what's happening and it's kind of giving context to like the amazing feats that your characters are performing in in the in this in this dark and and in dank dungeon a devastating blow a dizzying blow to body and brain their formation is broken maintain the offensive annihilated slowly gently this is how a life is taken so naturally i couldn't really resist um asking about darkest dungeon 2. so that's what i did uh that's i he didn't give me much but i had to ask sure the darkest dungeon 2 is coming out and um i i can't talk specifically about uh details or dates or anything like that i mean mainly because i don't know most of it i it's a need to know situation where i find out what i have to find out that's relative to my part of it and uh so uh it's uh it's in process it's going on and um it's uh it should be out soon that's pretty common for most for most voice actors they you know you you ask them about oh like what do you know about this or like what you know what about this game that you think you're gonna be in and they'll say i mean i've recorded some lines but i have no idea what it was for um that was that was pretty common with uh with with smash brothers there there was sort of it was like murmurs that like some of the voice actors for some certain characters were at nintendo and people sort of asked them on twitter like obviously they're not gonna say yeah it was for smash i mean my character's in smash they would just say like i did some lines and i don't they didn't tell me they didn't tell me what it was for i just did some lines um yeah so yeah voice actors almost never always never know what's going on right but i was like what if he did though it was my thinking what if anything [Music] you know it's been an education uh learning about the gaming industry i mean i didn't even know the outline of gaming industry existed of course but i didn't know there was such a um a focused community out there it's uh it's uh it's incredible a lot a lot of people um relate to games in the gaming industry um and it's not all kids but a lot of uh young people the it's not all children it's just mostly children the people yelling slurs definitely are yeah this is mostly children mostly i think maybe he got lucky like in that the darkest dungeon attracts a particular type of crowd a particular type of child yeah and and and they seem to relate to that much in the same way that you know when i was 15 when i was 16 17 the way uh the way i related to music and uh you know and music was a big part you know my generation when you're a kid growing up uh in the uh late 60s and throughout the 70s it was you know music was the thing if uh you know if if you weren't interested in music what the hell is wrong with you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the same there's there's there's a lot more um i don't know different areas uh these days and you know with uh with the internet uh coming along just changed everything in every industry and uh i think that's just a great positive thing but uh you know learning that there's such a huge uh great interested uh community it's a focus group really on uh yeah uh on games that's really educational i've i've got a lot of friends through it from you know interacting on social media and you know just uh getting to know these folks a lot of streamers i didn't know anything about streaming before you know this happened so oh no he met the streamers no he did can't send them back now so then i just asked like if there was anything that he wanted to kind of plug at the end um if there's anything that he was that he anything he had upcoming anything that he wanted people to know about yeah you could search me out on on youtube i tend to use that for um more or less just sort of to let people know what's uh what i have going on at any given point i'm besides uh doing voice over stuff i've promised myself for years and years and years and now and uh that uh i was going to finally get back to hp lovecraft i did three volumes of his stuff a number of years ago and uh i really enjoyed it i really liked it but uh i've been priming promising myself that i'm going to do his whole fiction catalog it's just you know that's where my personal interest lies and uh stuff keeps coming up you know i mean because of the fact that this would be a self-published venture it's uh it's more or less on speculation so if a job comes along you know guess what what gets put on the back shelf yep that's been happening and happening and happening so finally i'm like you know uh i put my foot down and uh said uh 2020 is going to be the year um i started working on a website and uh that's that's another challenge i started programming websites in like 1999 2000 uh way back with like html of one so nothing he learned was right no exactly like but we veer into like html5 territory for a second but it's just like us talking about like how quickly markup language has changed yeah or just some two big nerds more than five or six now aren't we yeah yeah uh and well it's it's a whole different universe now and it's it's incredible so i'm trying to try to get up to speed on programming and accomplishing what i want to accomplish but i want to do it and i want to learn how to do it because it comes up to making a change i don't want to have to have somebody in the payroll that knows how to do it and because you know it's a specular venture and uh you know i'd rather have money coming in this direction you know correct i know exactly what you mean yeah so look if there's any if there's any style of programming that is most like hp lovecraft it's absolutely web development that place is just it's just pain it's just pure pain and like like have we gone too far now let's keep going working on the website it's going to be called weird audio books and weirdaudiobooks.com and what i do with youtube is a lot of stuff that's eventually going to be going up for retail download uh on weird audiobooks appears um on uh on youtube either pure audio with just a picture or i've also started um creating videos to go along with some of the uh some of the samples and some of the teasers and uh and that's another thing you know so always always learning yeah learning to do something else and getting distracted that way so but it's just it's nothing but great fun nothing but great fun and uh so i have a um soundcloud account that i put stuff on that's uh uh some of the same stuff some different stuff from audiobook things and but i also put music up there because uh i've stopped uh touring i'm off the road but i still have a full-blown studio i got my drums here i got keyboards guitars and everything in the universe and uh i do a lot of music stuff mostly covers but some of my own stuff play everything sing everything produce it start from scratch and see what i end up with and that's that's a lot of fun so my music ends up there too that's on soundcloud and i'm on twitter and i'm on facebook and excellent well i'll make sure to link all that um when when this video does eventually go up yeah um yeah it's great been absolute pleasure talking to you wayne i appreciate you taking the time oh it's my pleasure uh like uh you know my wife said i'm creepy so i love attention amazing he's so humble i'm trying to be nice and he's just like still being humble there is a lot more to this man than i thought there was right i mean that was my thoughts i mean absolutely he fits the bill of doing lovecraft um audiobooks which is just so exciting i did not realize that was a thing i could have it's the kind of thing where it's like yeah you know you you play dark as done you're like dude this is so lovecraft you're like oh i wouldn't be sick if there was if he read lovecraft it's like he's doing it he's doing it now he very much knows what he's about and i i i feel like he's you know if if you're like you know if you're like a fan of lovecraft like you're probably going to enjoy darkest dungeon which means you probably like this dude's narration which means you probably like its stuff like you talked about finding the niche and like dear god if he hasn't found the niche like he's he's absolutely nailed that that like it's not not even just a niche but that association like he he's got that it's like he's found an aesthetic illness or like a brand but but it's not that's why i always always hate using my brand because it feels kind of dirty like it's he's found like his his vibe or his aesthetic or his kind of tone i guess yeah like it's not the same thing and and especially you know having having stuff like lovecraft which is public domain it kind of you know it's it's something that everyone can get into because it is so like it's like universal like it's like it's like sherlock you know there's so many renditions of sherlock that you can be a fan of sherlock and find other people sherlock as in the character not the bbc tv show but you can be a fan of sherlock as a character and find this group of people who are also interested in that kind of victorian era detective story thing and kind of the same with lovecraft where it's like you know it it opens the gates to this to the other side uh but it kind of opens the gates to this kind of part this this subculture of like horror and just you know gothic aesthetics and things like definitely yeah it's it's your gateway to like your your blood-borne and you know the the weird part of the internet that you know it's maybe not it's not as in-fat anymore i guess yeah but it but but it's always it's always cool it's always it's always interesting like you're never it's never out of fashion but it's never in fashion it's kind of the best bit it's it's on the fringe the whole time yeah i like it i wanted to end with um this delightful video that wayne made where um he i'm just gonna play i'm not gonna explain it sure [Music] what is it this is an amazon echo ad it is i've seen the ads i've seen from memes it's called amazon echo how's it going uh i'm just finishing up right now is it on oh it's always on can it hear me right now nope it only hears you when you use the wakeboard we chose alexa well what does it do alexa what do you do in time you will know the tragic extent of my failings alexa play rock music because i flow alexa what time is it in truth i cannot tell how much time has passed since i sent that letter okay oh my god that's so good so i can just hear you anywhere yes well everyone can hear you anyway oh these are custom lines i was thinking [Music] special thanks to everyone involved wayne june for taking the time ben hill my co-host that adly adam bradley for all of his support and advice and of course our top patreons yup commands and cameron we couldn't do this without you thanks for watching and listening if you're interested in this check out our podcast on the darkest dungeon thanks again guys we'll catch you next time
Channel: ZeroIndent
Views: 57,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, parody, insightful, podcast, dcmworks, digital and creative media works, creativity, arts, learning, education, through the glass, the antagonist, analysis, video essay, logan, xmen, batman, killing joke, zelda, breath of the wild, assassin's creed, michael fassbender, iron fist, danny rand, netflix, marvel, darkest dungeon, wayne june
Id: iHKvugx6MiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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