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we're doing a trading program on the gist ranching calves okay so like will trade a man for a blue rooster or a roll out cat are you done yeah [Music] good morning everybody hey thanks for joining us today we're still at the end of our and yes we're still going nine oh but it's been a lot of fun today is brought to you by cactus ropes them go with this today check it out so this is the hilum attic little arena here obviously let people in here with other than something other than cactus rope hey so we're talking here about the no track track and this isn't tool if you have a hilum attic that you want your machine because when you're done dragging your hilum attic around you don't have any tire tracks for your four-wheeler or your hilum attic or your skids from dragging it around so we're going to show you this no track bag we're gonna talk a little bit about how it hooks up and a little bit about the design of it and what it can do for you so whip it on us okay the note the note racks is great for when you want to go out you spend a lot of time or in short on time your machine automatically drags it while you're doing it you can set the tension pretty hard if you've got a hard arena if you got a fluffy arena you can set the tension less it's a simple bolt up so so obviously I was asking you about if it put extra drag on your four-wheeler if you said it for less tension because you have a fluffier arena it's just gonna fluff it up but not put as much drag on correction right so that you can either dig them in or you do this kind of flow - yeah you can you can either set it to just knock the lines out or you can actually set it to actually work it down you know work your ring up especially if your ground is a mix ground or or native so that's going to help you right there you have that adjustment to be able to do that so show us how that bolts on there basically just this bracket right here bolts to your machine is the two bolts set up this J bolt right here will actually hook here I'm go up to the pin on the post on the machine it's got changeable teeth on it yep it's got to stand pretty much a standard spring to seat to use it down wear it down turn it over real quick so you can use that other round pick to do the whole meal takes about 10 minutes and then could they get the teeth from you all - they can or you can just go down to your local farm store like the tractors prior apply big R something like that and they generally have them in stock i buy them there's seven eight bucks apiece done all right there you go folks the no track drag those of you that have hilum attic machines out there you want to knock the lines out after you're done running around with your you're a four-wheeler and you're drag that's what you need right there hey so we just get them talking about the no track drag and the young man walks up here and he's got a diplomatic patch on he's part of the young girl to program with Hill o matic this is Jack Webber Oh Colorado little bit about about the young guys all right so we just use videos about talking about how we can progress and Ropin and we talked to some professionals about how they how they prepare for summer opens and rodeos and it's just a good flow thing to do we can get you get there like an endorsee for them and then classes for sure to do how long you've been a part of the hilum attic program they just started this this August oh yeah that's the first time so you're kind of like a pioneer yeah all right well good job nice to meet you thank you this is Maine right here and come to find out well she's down here in the cactus business that's the important part and she watches our vlog and she's kind of our neighbor right so do you drive yourself every day 50:55 one-way 110 miles every day but that's the way you do it in northern Arizona so what did you buy it I went to buy out of the cactus store today not irrelevant oh dear oh that's for you oh you are really that's the one that's one of the ones he is just what is that rope did you see the name on it that is a swagger yeah so how about that so what are you gonna hang it on the wall hang it on the wall maybe I get a rope yeah okay well nice to meet you man here's the rest of the family right here right okay guys okay so these ropes were flying off the shelf down here inside of the cactus booth as you can see right here we've got a lot of ropes laying out that guys can just pour girls can just pick up and swing the tail of the rope like that right there had to tell you what the lay is going to tell you what the rope is how long it is and you can pick it up and swing it if you like what you see or like what you feel then grab you one pot off the shelf there's a couple of cactus rope swinging boys right here right you got swing cactus ropes all right where you guys from Alabama you guys watch the vlog what's your first name Peyton Emily Ethan all right does that mom and dad over there yeah glad you're in the cactus you watch all the time okay so you guys are from Birmingham elevant Birmingham Alabama I said Jennifer you have to limit the kids YouTube time what'd you say it's all right a little bit but what do you do for a living I'm an engineer civil engineer really you guys wrote trail ride a lot yeah I love the trucking part of it - my daddy's truck - your dad is a truck driver easily truck for real qualified yeah well you know what I'm like I like the way I Drive cuz I can grab like two or three days then I'll have to drive for a while that's right yeah so that's the best way to drive how old are you 7 yes cool no how about you 10 what grade you in you got a girlfriend what's your name Emily oh how about you what grade you in hey hey you got a girlfriend man Turner Gina nice to meet you guys okay so when you say the brand cactus with a name cactus you don't only think of ropes but you think of like cactus salary cactus equine and all of their leather goods that cactus has a lot of cactus saddles they have for sale these guys will set you down in one fit you for a saddle find out what fits best for you and get you on your way with brand new South attach the saddle ring of cactus ropes [Music] equine business [Music] okay so Alex and Brennan they're from Louisiana we get down well now you're taller than I am but you and I are about the same height so how do you say Louisiana it's not Louisiana what lady on the chicken on the Louisiana chickens you can call from Louisiana chicken no it's not that so you guys getting straight A's in school yes that's it yeah that's a yes or no answer that's right that's what my dad used to always tell me how about you instead A's not all the time well at least you're trying huh okay well guys thanks for stopping by and seeing us today I see the majority not that what are you doing you've been sitting on the floor over here for like two or more hours what are you doing what do you edit in someone's gotta make this magic get on the internet somehow that's what you're doing you wish you had a little table or something how much longer are you thirty minutes you'll be down to 30 minutes Kelly you have enough internet to upload it here okay yeah by the time you see this you'll have already seen that right he told me you had a blue rooster yeah I'm good do you like that one actually I like that one but I'm gonna settle for this why are we out of that one that's the last that's the last blue rooster the last blue rooster that's the last blue rooster hat total Wow we ordered too many of those Rallo absolutely sure you don't want to route [Laughter] you're like a celebrity because she wants to make sure she did but I might give me one of them offer oh you can fold me here take my best offer hey so let's see what Amy's doing over here she's with Bob and Cindy a couple of good friends of ours they're like family actually brothers from another mother sister from another mister right nicely nicely done have you been in the hood or what the hood baby in the hood baby in their business what have you got there Amy holy cow check that out that is right way cool and often visit a lot of the t-shirts who did that Bob or Cindy Bob paid for Bob paid for Cindy did the work he pays the B pays for the machines she runs the machines yes some days that's awesome that's a big soft blanket right yep okay we're going to what do you mean you ain't Sharon's got my name on there first Oh see Amy and rate that's that's nice this is Blake met him last night anyway pull that cap down just a little bit we're doing a trading program on the gist ranching cabs okay so like we'll trade a man for a blue rooster or a lout oh you did oh yeah you better hang on to it now we're just messing with you Dell frisbee [Music] [Music] alright hey Dad I wonder he did how are you pretty good sir good Oh Nathan he's showing us how to rope yeah yeah how to drive truck show them how to drive truck what does your dad do for a living first team okay he does team roping not for a living not for a living now I was gonna say if he broke for a living let's back that up cuz he's gonna be right up there on that TV right so kind of cool tonight for the first time ever we get to bring our daughter Becca her husband Bob down into the press room and so they get it hang out down here a little bit and see what's going on but they also have tickets so they are headed up now because watching the opening is pretty cool so they may just like it well enough they don't come back down here and they stay up off the top side yeah you do have tickets tomorrow tips well I don't know your dad has tickets for you tomorrow if you'll give him if he'll give them to you well on Bob did run the cash register pretty good today so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I know your son through the eyelets Skylar where do you live Waco Waco I work for Desiree oh yeah [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Applause] that's what happens in a rodeo when the national anthem starts is everybody stop [Music] good stop on the best come see us [Music] [Applause] he has a real shot and his first title his first time [Music] [Applause] disappointed that he is telling good job so far [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we've already turned a 3.9 this year in one round it would again gasps do it again a fast clean run tight inhalation at 4.30 [Applause] they what [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah private are you done yeah quick and then we'll are you done yeah okay you trying her crazy and trying and crying four and a half hours later after the first time I loaded it I'm sorry if you got a notification and then I turn it away hey thanks for joining us we'll see you tomorrow flake out [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 18,864
Rating: 4.9380379 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, therodeovideo, rodeovideo, NFR, National Finals Rodeo, NFR2018, National Finals Rodeo 2018
Id: -5j0bqwL188
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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