Paramedics and Movie Stars!! (NFR DAY TWO)

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next year when you're announcing you got to get us into the inner park you almost cried I almost caught you I was like when he left I was thinking man I gotta up my game or when this guy quits riding bucking horses he might take my job [Music] hey everybody morning my sin good morning just haven't been a good morning right yeah it's been kind of a stressful day oh good yeah it was a crazy morning lots of miscommunications just all kinds of stuff we're getting here a little later than we wanted but today's vlog brought to you by our friends at Ram rodeo Ram products and everywhere you look with rodeo you see ram everywhere you look out in this parking lot you see a lot of Ram products there's one there they're all over the place in Vegas this weekend so they're bringing you today's vlog we hope that you enjoy it we hope the next time you need a new truck you'll consider our friends at Ram all right let's put on a smiley face let's go in and meet the public let's go inside and have a good time what do you say I'm ready let's do this hi guys morning yeah people have been looking for you already really have some bad news lefties where's Rhydian I'm here in 10 15 minutes who said yeah I told me that an hour ago really got a note hey so a big big announcement that we're gonna make here in just a second you guys get to be a part of it here in just a minute we're gonna make Shanna and Kevin really happy here in just a second we're going to show you hey turn that down Amy right on the side so you guys having a good day so far and great great to hang out because you're good people more importantly read read wanted to see your level of excitement given the news that you're going to be going to Jewish bacon oh really they bought they bought tickets yeah so you you and you and Amy and you three are gonna go with thanks Bill almost pride yeah very cool so check this out this is our friend Edna Edna tell us about your necklace you have on this made with Al Qaeda's I made it last you a couple years ago actually harvested every one of these in not beautiful and then she makes all of this jewelry or so for how many years you've been doing this 28 I've been coming here for 28 years have you been doing so respecting 335 she doesn't look a day over 30 to know is this your dad so I have a lot of people to ask me my jewelry that I wear this is where I get it I always have a piece of Edna jewelry on I got two right now probably even more than that this is her handsome man mark if you want some a custom piece based on this is this is Bob right yep and samples Andy and they're from New York no peanuts right what do you guys do up there I'm a truck driver for wagons to market so he is a truck driver I'm not a true our grocery so just do day trips hello you how long you been doing that 25 years oh wow so I'm standing here talking to George and he says he watches our YouTube channel and so always my first question is where are you from guess what he told me open your upstate New York upstate New York so you're walking off I mean long shot but I said hey you know that guy so anyway two guys from New York right here that's kind of interesting it was a long sweep I tell you that yeah well you didn't drive right no no why did you road the plane yeah planes what's that okay so we came down to the RAM booth today because today is Ram rodeo day at the blog and while we were down here we ran into this guy who watched us our blog all the time so sir were you from Temecula California back to the California where he turns out that the Elvis here they'll have it he's my dad's so he's my great oh he's your grade up yes my dad's a but he's like a father so Dale Chavis you could probably tell me that you're for going take that silence the winning side was yes their plan develop certain I live here how long ago was out oh shoot I'd say six or seven years ago and you found this without a year ago about a year ago I watched a video to tell us tell us how you found our channel i stumped watched on YouTube and I stumbled upon I was looking up videos for the NFR and you guys posted one from the Year previous and it came up and I just couldn't stop watching guys and watch y'all every every single night well hey thanks for watching pleasure and finally meet you nice to meet you to hunt you down I was just at your booth and they're like they're like they just missed him he was Iran's booth they're my gloves you said you were headed down here I found your booth because I was watching the video somewhere y'all sorry you're kind of the pieces together grow you do break away what else you do that time go time and then what's your favorite you don't know so you watch our YouTube channel what's your favorite thing about the YouTube channel you don't know well there you go read oh this has had two I don't know if you could hear in very well but you need to tie down Roper and he does yes he's eight he's from Arkansas hey Hudson we're we're filming today for Ram trucks so you drive around does your mom and dad driver am [Music] edit that out you I cram trucks okay that's good enough let's try that again do you like Ram trucks when you get older do you want to drive a Ram truck now we're talking nice to meet you buddy all right these guys are of the age now that they can grow a little facial hair so they're kind of exercising their rebel --mess I guess maybe you're still welcome well yeah you can grow can't you underneath a little bit so what did you say honey I need to grow my back the girl his foo Manchu back and he'll be on the ticket next year and what did you say you said maybe they'll let you announce it next year if you grow that whiskers back and you'll be golden I told my hippie bucks yeah say that again tell them I pay him 50 bucks he'd be real fool minute well all of you guys will all of you guys pick in 50 knocking I think total is good and it might not get paid to me so now I will gather and you pay it in advance twenty five twenty five minutes and you'll be the have next year when you're announcing you've got to get us into the inner part well I probably won't be announced until next year what do you think well you need to okay well a little sign a petition or something all right let's start it let's start up a petition for you okay Oh check it out we come down here to see one of the RAM rodeo rep guys and he's on the back of the NFR number one bucking chute stay right there stay right there this is Jesse and he's up there posing all like he's what are you uh are you a bull rider or a stock contractor hey I'm trying to go from being a cowboy to being an actor trying to a cowboy to being a wat an actor an actor I want to get into the TV business you know I wouldn't be so thank you here so show us those show us the pose that you guys were doing okay here it is so we're talking about a real-life actor and we're talking about a wannabe actor side right thanks I don't you guys look good hey hang on hang on yeah I'm getting off I'm getting up in there with you okay just to let y'all know we love this guy and this pipe is even more me just got nowhere near that bar right now but I just got through doing here sir say you still see with with Reid announcing it there and I just want to say he gave me the biggest compliment he said to me just it's not the kind of friend the best friend you can have just the kind of friend that you want to be to a friend that's right all right I appreciated that so anyway love you guys get off okay so we have gathered on the back of the bucking chutes and you can see behind me all of those good-looking brain Ram trucks so we're here at the ramp display today and Jessie how long have you worked for Ram rodeo wow man it's been a it's been a great run I spent 14 years now 14 years for ten years for Ram rodeo it's in it's a great great that's been a great experience you know I get to meet people like Jim and Reid Blake and Amy and the crew that's standing here right now man it's all about relationship building and being in an industry that you love to be in and then it doesn't seem like it's been 14 years no Jessie and I go way back we've done a lot of rodeos together have a lot of fun and tell us a little bit about about Ram rodeos involvement with pro rodeo well for 37 years now and ramp in the fish' truck of the PRCA and have gained a great relationship with all the capitals and cowgirls throughout the United States we try really hard to put out a truck that's going to do the job when they hook onto their trailers because we know how important it is to get from one rodeo to the next this is how these guys make a living and aren't punch to get here than where we are now the biggest rodeo Super Bowl of all rodeos the NFR so you know it's just been a great road okay so I'll joking aside when we walked up you guys were up here on the back of the bucking chute we were having fun with you but introduce this guy for those that are watching maybe or and they seemed they seemed here and they're used to maybe seen him somewhere else and they may not recognize this bucking chute you know what else tell us who this guy is about but we kind of got a crowd gathering behind us as you guys can see so I think their card is starting to figure it out I don't think it's because of Reid and I but but not only can I call this guy just a great actor in the part of a great series that's been on for years that all of America's come to love but he's truly my friend you know he and I met way back before I got to be the guy that knew him as a great actor but you know if you guys have seen Grey's Anatomy you know then you've seen this doctor right here that kind of runs the show on that on the floor there so we're so happy to have him and just to come hang out with us here at Ram and he does it every year it's got to be a tradition you know you look at you look at home in cowboy clothes how and I often how often do you get to dress this way and the cowboy lifestyle how often during the year do you get to do that every day I try to get on a couple times a week or so you know obviously the demands of what we do as a as a five day a week show you know it takes us about eight nine days to shoot an episode I know we're on our 15th season I think about halfway into the year movie we come back on the air in January and about our fifth and show one will be most realistic as they are and so it's been a it's been and the cowboy and the western lifestyle was importantly a chance to kind of get away from the forty questions that came from the Broadway stage and came out here and back so it's nice to have a kind of an escape and it's kind of my church you know and I can see why it's such an attractive lifestyle a lot of folks because you get a chance to be out in nature kind of commune did you fare on I don't know what I where I would have been if I hadn't guys I had obviously showcased our roping back a few years ago I had to draw a lot of attention to it oh really big fan and a friend and I appreciate hey hey so one last thing my wife Amy was a paramedic oh wow yes he was a serious a full-fledged paramedic wrote on an ambulance go with ambulance do it fast save people's lives Yura you're an ER doctor sometimes I mean you know everybody knows what we're talking about yeah so maybe you guys ought to talk a little a little better yeah she can probably help three bucks you can do a thumb right there you go that's all you have to know right there okay so I was talking to Emily here and it was asking her about Graham's involvement and rodeo itself and Ram isn't out here just to be a pretty face can you tell us a little more about that Emily okay yeah sure so we have what is called ram nation and what it is is it's an organization of truck members that own Ram trucks and they get together and they will go out to devastation areas and help just lend to help you can bring supplies I think blood drives they help kind of rebuild that community devastation [Music] Wow that that is something that not everybody does and what a great boon to those who have had devastation in their lives wow that's just awesome that they do now not only somebody that's devastation in their lives what else does Ram do for those that are male another deal that we have is called the ability road rewards program and if you are a member of the PRCA the W PRA or the USTR see that you qualify for this program so what happens is if you having membership being call into the office and it's on why Iowa and talk to me number six four one six eight four six thousand and I will be used up with a control number and you get one percent off the left track so pretty good deal yeah that's a good deal so if you are thinking about having a ram and I think you don't need family and talk to her join one of those associations then you can get 1% off that's a really good deal when we're talking at the track we're talking about a lot of money and the cool thing about that program is it's just besides getting that 1% if there's other incentives or rebates that are going on along when you purchase that you can combine those with that control win-win situation I think so thank you - ramen for all you do for you're welcome Mason we met a family while we were here inside of the RAM rodeo booth and they told us about their about their son Hayes and this is Lacey that's tad and you guys move Yolo Arkansas and tad was telling me that Thanksgiving Day tell us this story this is funny right here about about Hayes my nephew treating him my son Hayes they spent four hours Thanksgiving Day crawling around in my brother's pot so cheap toy I mean you know not but yeah it's a it's kind of a kind of a dual-purpose toy and i and i asked him i said i hope it was cleaned out if they were crawling around in there he said it was a me there's a cute picture right here that I think we need to see Hayes so here's Hayes he stand and what is that inside of the door of a trailer no that's a trailer that my granddad had built in the fifties oh really he's all decked out in his cowboy gear and looks like he's ready to go to work so we're gonna see if we can find a picture of you handing out a lot those of you don't know don't know what a pot is or this the terminology were using it's not that that's that's yeah it's not the toilet it's a big cattle trailer it's the semi-trailer that's what we haul our cattle in the cattle prod we're gonna see if we can find him inside of there Thanksgiving Day at plan oh there you go oh it is cleaned out inside and outside look at that even got it they've even got the flag and their Cal sticks and their jaw sticks yeah I wish my trailer was always that playing too much haze good job buddy I'll let you walk out with me any day we're still inside of the RAM Rodeo booth and Tim and Aubrey came walking up to us they have a son named Colt we're gonna show you a picture of him here in a second but Amy tell us when we tell us when we met we didn't really meet him but it was kind of a met him on the road yeah we were coming home from Evanston and going down the canyon and then we get people passing us and waving and honking and we passed each other a couple of times and this was Labor Day last year and so when he tells us the story hey you remember this we remembered it and he looks familiar to us so yeah that was I just think it's cool okay so here here's a picture of their son right here he's cold and yeah he's all ready to roll Disney girl loves roping is that at your house yep oh that's one Reena out there that's a pretty name view right there yeah pretty awesome didn't we alright guys well nice to meet you great to meet you you betcha like out we're gonna give away to rodeo tickets right now compliments of ram rodeo everyday they have people fill out a form drop it in a box over here and then everyday they draw at 3 o'clock is at 3 o'clock 3:04 I got to be to the arena just a few minutes anyway everyday they drop or to Rodeo tickets so we're gonna find out who the winner is of the road suanne Larsen all right hey can I have everybody's attention that's right here in the RAM in the ramp display area as you know every day compliments of RAM rodeo who are great partners with the PRCA of pro rodeo they give away to rodeo tickets every night to the rodeo and today and we are having that drawing and if you are in this area we need to come right back over here and we would get to you your to rodeo tickets so congratulations to sue and Larson out of Mesquite Nevada Sue Ann is the winner tonight already own tickets compliments of our friends at ramp or oh do make sure that you text to enter the wind that you stopped by an ear to win tomorrow you can enter for the tickets as well even if you enter today a big thank you to our friends at ramp at the all-around rodeo riff for all the venue with row row heel hey so that's going to basically end our coverage today for the RAM rodeo booth check out that booth behind us there's all the RAM rodeo folks and by hey how you doing this is a little behind-the-scenes right here so at in about what 10 minutes from now we're gonna be shooting the piece for PRCA pro rodeo and it airs every night at 5 o'clock 5 o'clock ish and it's just a little recap as to what half of the night before it's just a little maybe some things to watch and tonight we're gonna have us a little special guest here besides having to cast the Emerson with us I got filming Cooper here with me say hey time to go against so Tilden back in September work with me and you all up and the little back story to that is he did such a good job on the microphone and on the camera that I was like when he left us thinking man I gotta up my game or when this guy quits riding bucking horses he might take my job I don't know I don't know how true it is that you need to up your game but III think sure had a good time working with hit that was far there's something you want to do right is absolutely when I'm done riding I want to I love I love rodeo and I'm gonna talking about rodeo so it's a much pretty natural fit for me so take a look at the face right there nice little scruff on there for TV and he knows all about the game so we're gonna talk about it here just okay so today's vlog was brought to you by our friends at Ram rodeo we have appreciated being able to stop by their booth checking out all of the great Ram products we hope that next time you consider a brand new truck you'll consider a ram ami tonight she went off kind of playing with the folks from EB trailers her and Shanna and Kevin along with Phil they went to the George Strait concert and I'm sure you'll be seeing some footage from them so we're gonna sign off from down here in the press room tonight thanks for joining us everybody we'll see you tomorrow flake out you [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 34,614
Rating: 4.961853 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, therodeovideo, rodeovideo, George Strait, NFR, National Finals Rodeo, Richard Webber, Grey's Anatomy, Cowboy, cowboy Christmas
Id: 3XuG1-pd_4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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