Watershed and net runoff calculation using Arc map 10.2

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the partnership and oh you have to be absolutely here to be is we have to be done here yeah a lot to share badly first of all we have to be what the things that we we have been what all the data you think we have to be need here commercial model first of all we have to we need our data that is the sgem that should be a 30 meter and that's a source usgs for our website in the here in the next what reach like you can be see and then we have to be clip data and then we will be seeing a combination and will be awarded I need and then after that information precipitation data intersection with what shape and calculation of an electron this is the basically first first of all we have to be doing data from the study team this is a website where we can be download our data you can see that this this is we have the rhythm take the place of the Pakistan they'd say it's longitude their latitude and then you have to be just open it till their creator time and then you then you can go there and write the name of the place the place will be in front of you so after that for downloading as cheating data you have to the data set so first search criteria first of all then we have to we go our data sets and until data sets there will be a check mark on SRTM one of second big level and next they all will be will be correct in to be here you can see that and this is the footprint and you can be a click on this you can be see at this this type of rectangle that is your study area and so if you are looking at your study again under one tile it is in that completion of vendor you can be times you can be download and then literally have to be there download investors you destroy and which you have to be open to the effect where you have to be in the editor then next you have to be neat are when you add data you have to be need to clip your study area but clearly we have to be need power shape file of that area so this is the bed of Punjab and this is the pattern that's unwise and so it's question we can keep in the study area you can see that we have to be unto the go under the click and we will be market select selected how will be selected like this and we can like this arrow we can be select it and after to the selection this will have to be on the search criteria will be right click and data management we will be used and we will be keep it here and the input raster file will be write a file which we want to keep and output will be there will be a shapefile that is the vector data and there is a in case of input data there will be a raster data which we want to next is and to the next step we had to be go on to the hydrological Torre hydraulic is equal to that's on our toolbar okay we're into the art of bomb and art or artists here you can destroy my hour and set of these are blue box and by clicking this there will be heard a logical total found there you can be see that how can we we just giving this it away to sink the error sink the basically that's if there is any other that will be sinking and then we will feel if there is any error any type of file tell you there will be fill it by using the application of in that is our so now are two there are two locks next to we have we will be a play flow accumulation floor emulation is where the one can flow basically what capacity flow onto the behave model and in each direction water cancel so by the D eight values are d8 model that has a sphere to be a white of no so by this we can find out where the water is flying and this will be applied and that is on the armoire in tool box and that is an to the hydrological tour and the a quadrant that is the basically where they are moving this the eight map where the body is for direction to each other direction for if this is cube power if two power is zero then that will be one to power is one they will be 2 to power two for 2003 a to cover for 16 to power 532 to power 6 64 to power 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 there will be 0 will be ours right accommodation onto the pizza flow accumulation I'm the after death floor accommodation will be last conclusion a rush to completion is a raster calculator detonated on counter ions metal will be applied that this sort of formula will be used and 100 we can change the value 100 it's me greater than 100 values that will be generated stream network if we apply 1008 is will be greater than than the value that has 1000 so there will be not our best model as lower the value that will be our best man we will get best watershed model the one is constant and count count is here and you can open it in combination we apply it then give an output in okay see I'm the master completion at threshold when you master collision is a master computer so this is the elastic confusion and after disaster the polygon we will be converting this from the roster to paladin it's universal networking not a polygon that is aligned so will we change it from a restrictor polyline and after that this will be string links to each other that will be a you play them into the harbor vegetable and so on to the outer box and how to be to each other and after their stream order are there to method strong and show you method one is [Music] there is the strain other one see by the colorings India other is to be given here and now to strain to the future and there is also play after stream order and strain to the feature now shape file will be created far to the pint you did I shall be created and be there so we made a safe and fine shape I will be apparently aware the stream network are connected to each other they are here you can see that in here they are parted we will be given at hand here by start editing when we created a shapefile they will be gone to the editor and start meeting and all to all the white said we will find out where the two streams are meet and then and this these are the unkind date having parted to be here and this is the watershed has been created when we were stream that we're public really will be spot variety as we start editing from the editor from the meter will be save edits and then swap else when we apply the water shape and application you can see [Music] [Music] now we have to be a precipitation this is the second step to find out the precipitation under the bed in here so we will play a precipitation we have to be a data of X right there from where it's from the file we will be a player X Y Z direction we will be not given to be earlier and after that then they will be also are the busiest 1984 we will be sleep and after that interpolation of precipitation data by using either W and with interpret this data and the precipitation output and see when you will be normal every Wantage annually for mailmouse okay we have anyone from the environment sitting will be one even sitting it's a flying this will be get such type of inverse Destructoid a little basically in what is reported the calculation of how do we we can compare to anything so after that we have to begin our roster calculator and the master cat Claytor and a VW precipitation will be waiting and this is the formula rd w p+ z dokkan double 0 to 5 a multiplied by 1000 will be it will be a plan that is to be in this formula to calculate the master calculation faster calculation hi DW we have to calculate here now you can see the figure after they will be liberated from rostov-on-don pastor Mary donezo vector conversion is basically evaluated first we have to be created this shipment I knew for it we have to calculation precipitation you cannot see so far this we have to your projection setting it so you have to be going on to the hair a little are or will be settings projection projection according to this then we will be a play of cutie pie and shape I we we we have to be a crazy too after this we can we can shape for this mission ended that should be we had to begin there instead of WGS 1984 so we added this and there will be creative [Music] [Music] after this chef Milton built for good quality we designed it onto the final break onto the intersection we have to calculate runoff calculations of an office equal to its formula area in village here multiplied by the rainfall millimeter so when you multiply it by field computer generated a new qualified you can see that so net fan a free basically it's a formal Q is equal to K PA where Q is Nvidia some bad please n1 our email contains consonants question and you can answer these two minutes in also please subscribe made this channel for more videos thank you
Channel: SOGIRS Specter
Views: 5,684
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Watershed, net runoff, calculation using Arc map 10.2, Arc map 10.2, map 10.2, net runoff calculation, runoff calculation, software, 10.5, arc map 10.5, stream link, stream order, stream network, sink, D8
Id: Fr64_eMFDcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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