Watermark - How to add Your Logo Overlay To Images✨ Canva Tutorial ✨ Hack for Multiple Photos

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♪ You got the summertime love ♪ - Hey creators, Nina here. So watermarks, you're doing it wrong. People are taking way too long to create watermarks on their images, videos, all that kind of stuff. So, I'm gonna teach you three different ways, that's six, so let's just do three. Three different ways to create watermarks. So first is gonna be the simple, quick and easy way. If you just wanna do it and be done. The second way is gonna be if you have multiple images that you want to be done a certain way. The third way is if you have a lot, like a ton, like you always do this and, or if you have an Etsy shop and you need to always add watermarks. You ready? Let's go. (crowd cheers) Alright. So, I just created a regular like Instagram post for example, here. So I'm gonna do the normal way that everybody's probably teaching you. Right? You get your photo, let's grab a photo. This is me and Shaun. Awww, my friend, Shaun! Okay. So we have an image here. You want to actually add your logo and actually in this case, I'm gonna use something else. Let's do what I have here, actually. Okay, so I have zoom. So were gonna use that as a logo. And so you can either put it in the corner. This is gonna be super duper easy, right? I'm gonna just go ahead and resize it and like this, just to make the transparency. You don't want it to kind of stand out that much, right? So when you do it this way, this is just saying, Hey! This is whose photo it is. It's probably not something that you care about if people steal or not. Now, if you want people not to steal it, another way to do that is to put it this way and I would probably just do it like this, right? And you may want to make it a little more transparent, whatever. It's still there. People can't really take it. Put it over the important parts. Right? So let me teach you one other way, before I move to something else. Another way that you can do it is I usually use elements and lines. Right? And you can do this. I'm just gonna take this and move it, so it's like diagonal and you're gonna want to make, and there's probably like an extra something that we can use in here but I'm gonna make this semi-transparent again. So you can see it, but not-not really and actually let's change this to gray. Just in case you didn't know, in Canva when you use lines, there's different line types. So you can make the line weight a little bit heavier, right? The type of line you can make dots, whatever. At the end and the beginning, super duper helpful feature. This should be fine. So I'm gonna use Control D which duplicates this line. And so I can just do this and you can actually just drag it longer and I would keep on doing this. ♪ You like the summer breathe ♪ Okay, before I move on, you do want to actually do a cross cause you want to make sure that people can't steal your images, right? So I'm gonna duplicate it and I'm gonna take this. And I am just going to flip it the other way. And we're gonna do this on all the way across. Right. And I probably would have made it like a lot more transparent but you can do things like this. I'm not gonna finish this. I just want to show you that you can do different shapes. You can do it with this. You can do it with circles. You can add your logo, whatever. The whole point of this is so people don't steal your image, okay? So that's another way to do it. Just when you have like one quick image that you want to add a watermark. Now let's show you, I'm gonna show you. If you have multiple photos that you're gonna be making a watermark on. I would suggest, we'll use the same Instagram posts, create the watermark first and then don't add the photos yet. So let's look at, and just in case you guys didn't know there's this thing called Brandfetch. I think I created a video on it. I don't know if it's up yet, but I'm gonna show you guys. So let's act like we are, now let's say we're Spotify today, right? Okay. So I'm gonna go back. We don't need anything else besides this. Same thing, but if I know that I have multiple images I'm just gonna resize it in the middle, make it semi-transparent. Right? and maybe make it a little bit bigger if this is your logo. Maybe make it a little bit more transparent. Okay. What's great about this is now we can duplicate this image over and over again, and then anytime you need to do it, you just drag your image in it. So let me explain. So I'm just gonna duplicate duplicate, duplicate, duplicate, right? So if you have like five images, you do it five times. And so then, let's have your uploads or your images. So what you're gonna do is just drag this to the background, right? Now, this works when you kind of- you may want to test it with one before you duplicate it but cause maybe we want this a little bit darker, right? But what's great about this is that now you can just grab your photos. Click on this first, right and then make sure it's clicked to the background. I click, right click and set as background image. Just a little tip for you guys, if you haven't used it before. And so now you have your watermark on all of it. So that's a lot easier than creating it over and over and over again. So let me go ahead and show you. This is if I had an Etsy shop or if I was using this all of the time, one thing I would do is create a watermark as an image and then just reuse that all the time. So I am- I have a regular Instagram image up here or a square image, basically. I'm gonna go down to my folders, go down to shared with you and your logos. If you set up your Canva, your logo should be here. So I have my logo here. Let's just use this one. Right? So I actually do multiple logos when I do Etsy items, right? So I do them back to back and I have some like all kinds of shapes in there. So I'm gonna do this and then make it semi-transparent. Remember, the way I'm doing it is just if you don't want anyone to steal your images. So I'm gonna do this, Control D to duplicate it a million times and then I just move them all around. Right? And what you're doing is basically creating a template. So you can use with your images and it doesn't actually- I would actually make this a lot bigger than an Instagram square, just because you can use it on any image, right? But for now we'll do this. And if you want, you can do something like an element like a dotted line or a let's do circles. Right. You wanna do this in the middle. You were gonna make it- You don't want to take it with- from the image, but you know just depends, you do this or lines or whatever, right. For this, I'm just gonna leave it as my logo. Okay. So when you download it, you're gonna download it with a transparent background. Download. And then you're basically just going to upload it back to Canva. So, let's do this to my downloads. You're gonna upload it back to Canva. So you have it in your brand kit. So I'm gonna go back, put on my brand kit for logos. You just go back and upload it as a logo. So when you create a new design, again Instagram posts, because you know, why not? And then you have your photos. So you're gonna upload your photos, whatever it is. Let's go ahead and take this. I have no idea what it is. Right click, let's set it as a background. Then we're gonna go down to our folders, shared with you, go to your logos and now you have (trumpet playing) your watermark, that you've actually created. Isn't that cool? I actually just thought about doing it that way today, when I was recording the video, I was like, oh this is cool. Right. So- and then now you don't have to do this each time you have a new video. Hopefully you liked that. I didn't want to give you guys the same old tip that everybody else was giving you, but let me know. Do you like tips like this? Do you want more tips like this? Bye. Oh, don't forget to watch my other Canva videos and other. I talk about other stuff you guys, besides Canva, like there's, you know, Tik Tok and Instagram. I actually have YouTube videos. Like I teach you to, like all that kind of stuff but y'all love Canva. Y'all love, love Canva. Alright. Peace. (upbeat music)
Channel: Socially Nina Thomas
Views: 88,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva watermark, how to add your logo to a picture, watermark your photos, watermark your images, watermarking, how to watermark, what is watermarking, sociallynina, How to watermark logo in canva, free photoshop, add watermark, add watermark to photo, photo watermark, Watermark photos, how to watermark photos, how to put logo on pictures, how to add logo to pictures, how to add watermark to photos, how to add logo in photo, how to put watermark on photos, 2021, canva tutorial
Id: n-8aArU3h2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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