WATERLOO - 1970 - FAN CUT in 1080HD
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Channel: marlbrouk
Views: 1,127,812
Rating: 4.8814054 out of 5
Keywords: waterloo, steiger, epic
Id: 0F5zEHVl3tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 50sec (8150 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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This movie is Epic. The scale of this battles was just mind boggling.
Telegram was invented 40 years later. So thatโs why he lost itโs a premature celebration?
One of my all time favorite movies. Itโs unreal that this was all live action.
He didn't send a telegram though. He couldn't have.
No telegram in that era.
Why is this censored in Germany?
The scene where he says farewell to the Old Guard is so good.
Wow can't believe they got a video of it
Just curious since the movie is from 1970, are all of those people marching in the wide battlefield shots real? Thatโs a lot of damn extras