Waterfront with Toposolids in Revit Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to be showing you not one not two but three approaches to modeling water with Topo solids inside of Revit let's go now quickly before we jump into rabbit I would just like to ask you to check out my website balcan arc.com I'm going to link it up in the cards above and then also down in the description of this video if you're serious about learning gravit that's definitely the best place to be with over 140 hours dedicated to all of the interesting and complex topics inside of rabbit now without any further Ado let's jump straight into rabit and here we are in Revit and as you can see we have this cool uh console house with an actual chain and I actually have tutorials for both the house and the chain uh which is an Adaptive family so if you want to check those out I'm going to be leaving links up in the cards above and then also down in the description of this video video so you can check it out if you would like to model something like this and now here I'm going to be showing you the first approach which is to model the bottom of a body of water as part of the water uh geometry I guess you can call it that so basically what we have is we have this Topo solid that goes all the way down into the ground it's basically here where the water should start so then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to move to the site plan just like this here I'm going to go to massing and sight go to Topo solid and instead of choosing water I'm going to choose this one water 2,000 mm but we can see here in the little preview image it has some Earth down at the bottom if I go to edit type go to structure you can see we have water first as a finish but then on the bottom we have some Earth this is what we want for this first approach so then I'm just going to click okay okay again and then I'm just going to place it by creating a rectangle I'm going to go a little bit inside of this Topo solid just like that so create a rectangle let's go to the 3D view hit finish now obviously it's in the wrong position so let's go down to one of the elevations like the East elevation here we go and then I just want to align the bottoms here so let's go to the move tool and then I'm just going to move this from up here to down here just like that now here we're going to get this warning saying that we have a topo solid overlap that's good we want that so I'm just going to hit escape and now we can go back to the 3D View and this is what we have so now we also want to join these together so we don't have this overlap so you do that by go going here to modify you go to join geometry you first want to select the part that you want to keep in its entirety so I want to keep this slope going all the way down so first click on the main topography and then on the water so now if I hit the Escape key a couple of times and select this see this was kept and then this was cut to get that effect and now here in the 3D view it doesn't really look perfect we don't get that effect however if I were to create a section running through this thing just like this so let's open it up what you'll notice here if I switch this to fine level of detail yeah so we're going to have that Earth running down so we have the effect that we're looking for change this into shaded so yeah we have that water there now it's annoying that you can get that in the 3D view however there is a workaround what you can do is you can turn on the section box and now you can cut into that a little bit and you can keep that section box in place and then it's going to well show that desired effect and you can even hide the section box if you want yeah to get this effect so this was the first approach now for the second approach we're going to model the bottom of the body of water uh as part of the main topography and then we're just going to be adding the water so let's now go here to massing and sight go to Topo solid here I'm going to again pick out water 2,000 mm go into edit type then here I'm just going to go into structure click on edit here I'm going to delete the main layer or the the water layer and then this Earth layer I'm going to change into a water layer double click here on water and then change the thickness to 200 click okay apply okay so we have basically the same uh Topo solid it's just completely water then let's go to the site plan here I'm just going to create a rectangle like so go to the 3D view hit finish now here uh I'm just going to go don't attach get rid of this and now we again have to move it so let's go to one of the elevations East Elevation and just move this down like that again it's overlapping that's perfectly fine go to the 3D View and now again we have to make the cut so for the cut you go here to hit the escape a couple of times go to modify if I go to join geometry and then select the main terrain first and then the water so the main terrain is going to be cutting the water hit the escape a couple of times and this is what we get so as you can see with this second approach it's much better in the 3D view it looks much better much nicer I prefer uh this approach so yeah this is the second approach finally for the third option and that's for creating a pond like this you want to have kind of an indentation in topography like we have here then we're going to go to massing Insight go to Topo solid here I'm going to pick out water again go into edit type and then go into structure and make the same changes as we did before then let's click on okay hit apply okay and now let's open up the site plan and then here I'm just going to create a simple rectangle like so hit finish we have an overlap that's okay go to the 3D view now we're going to give it a height offset of minus 50 let's try yeah perhaps minus 30 would be better yeah looks good uh then I'm just going to switch this to wireframe for a second so I can see everything then let's go to modify go to join geometry select the main typography first then the water so it's going to switch like this then we can go back to realistic and it's going to look like this now also if you like these trees these realistic tree families you can find those on balcan arc.com I'm going to link them up in the cards above so you can check them out there now finally one more thing that I want to show you is how you can create kind of a different uh finish for the the sand that's here in the middle uh so what they like to do is I like to use subdivisions so that's this option here however a subdivision is ADD as an extra layer on top so my kind of approach is to select the topography go into edit type go into structure now here we already have this sand as kind of a midf finish or substrate so let's just delete the grass just like this and then we can increase the thickness of this to like 20 that's okay and then let's click okay apply okay so now this is all sand and then what I'm going to do is go to the site plan select the topography go to subdivide and then let's create a subdivision for everything else to be grass so I can just do it like this and then we can even use a spline if we want and I'm just going to kind of follow the the contour lines here so something like this so just like that going all the way around okay now you don't want to finish this as a spline so you want to switch to Aline and then use the Tab Key to connect it here go back to the 3D view hit finish so now we have that subdivision then you want to switch this to grass here in the materials so let's just search for grass perfect and then make it th like I don't know like 3 cm or one even H apply so this is what we get so we have grass then it kind of goes down and switches into sand and then here we have water in the middle so that's the third approach I hope you have enjoyed this video If you want to get access to all of my rabit project files you can find those on my patreon page which I'm going to link up in the cards above and then also down in the description of this video thank you for watching guys make sure to check out my website balcan arc.com for more uh rabit courses there I have over 120 hours content uh and I'm adding more each week make sure to subscribe for more videos and also I've added a video over there that might interest you as well
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 10,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, balkan architect, BIM, tutorial, Autodesk, Water, Toposolid
Id: qL90T_Y6vJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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