Water Sprouts

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foreign [Music] folks welcome to Savannah Citrus today I want to talk to you about water sprouts [Music] here in the greenhouse I discovered that I made a mistake in My Water Management the Trees of course are in a controlled environment the tubs inside the greenhouse shelter I gave them too much water and the trees tried to deal with it as best they could the way that the trees are dealing with this is trying to create water sprouts a water sprout is a a shoot that blows up quickly out of the tree it grows really fast it's almost like like when your mom goes to buy a mini warehouse because she's got too much stuff at home and she fills it up with things that she'll never see again that's a lot like a water sprout the tree grows this big Chute it can't produce any fruit it can't really metabolize any of the energy that's put into that and it doesn't serve a function I need to get those out of my trees because they place a burden on the tree it's a mistake we can fix it and I'm going to show you how here we are at a variegated lemon and this is my water sprout you can see the texture of the Sprout is different from the texture of the tree itself and I've got to get this out of here and this is a big one this Eureka lemon is one of my favorite trees and this water sprouts about 18 inches long we're going to get this out of here you can see this is about 18 maybe 24 inches long lost growth I mean it's just wasted energy and I had to get this thing out of the tree it would never produce fruit basically it just stores and steals energy from the rest of the productive tree this phenomenon also happens outside the greenhouse this is a water sprout in this case I didn't over water the tree we just experienced tremendous rainfall a hurricane passed by a couple of weeks ago and I simply didn't see it growing so big so fast look at this thing this is all got to go once again we're going to cut this water sprout all the way down where it joins up at the tree get it completely out of the way look at this say wow look at the size of this thing Ollie it's as big as some of my trees this is all wasted growth wasted energy heartbreaking but I mean it happens you know it just happens got to get these out of the way of the rest of the tree so I can have productive growth for next year remember we all make mistakes I surely make a lot of them but they're all repairable we can fix most anything with these little citrus trees all you have to do is keep your eyes open be aware always on the lookout for something like this we can fix it you can fix it I'll show you how well that's all for today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did hit like you can subscribe to our YouTube channel follow us on Rumble and as always I love to hear from you guys leave me a comment remember keep it fresh and keep it local foreign [Music]
Channel: Savannah Citrus
Views: 13,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jVaCHNorDnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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