Water SHUT OFF is a JOKE | Project Zomboid Build 41

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boom said Survivor you know what I was thinking water cut off means very little and you know why because there's water still in the pipes whatever that meant there's like three units of water per any sink or toilet this is literally two water bottles per one of those and let's not talk about a bathtub that thing is a monster because it holds 100 water per tile and guess what bathtub is two tiles which makes it two hundreds that's 20 bottles that can hold you for a very long time and when you run out whoops just go to another house and you got even more water and so stockpiling before cut off is just not that important because when water does run out not only you still got plenty you also got Alternatives like rain Lakes water dispensers and more what is the point water is never a problem the only way you will have a chance of dying of thirst is being stuck out of town with no water but you won't let that happen now will you so my opinion in balancing this is first have no watering pipes after cut off because that's also realistic when my water gets cut off in my house I can't drink any at all especially not to hold water bottles from the pipes second give the option to fill up bathtubs with water third buff up the water spoons and add bigger bottles and then you can also Nerf the rain water it doesn't need to be poisonous while you can buff the tainted water from Lakes to give more sickness right now dainted water doesn't really kill you it's not that poisonous I really want that experience of thinking forward and stockpiling water in pots bottles and even mugs right now the only reason water cut off is annoying is you can not wash yourself or water your plants and that's literally it but wait you don't have to wash yourself as it does absolutely nothing and rain will water your plants so there's no reason to be afraid of water cut off at all the only reason you should be worried is if you and far out of town with no leaks but you won't put yourself in that position anyway so you're all good what do you guys think should this change water cut off is a big joke right now there could be more reason to stockpile and loot for water which would make the PVE experience more challenging and now it's time for the tip of the video bleach bottle is like two water bottles in one the weight also scales accordingly thank you for staying until the end and I will see you all in my next video
Channel: TheZedSurvivor
Views: 17,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project, zomboid, project zomboid, long term, project zomboid prep, build 41, late game, electricity, water, shut, off, what to do, project zomboid water shut off, project zomboid electricity shut off, project zomboid guide, guide, tutorial, beginners guide, beginners, new player, new player guide, new players, project zomboid tutorial, project zomboid what, project zomboid when, project zomboid how, project zomboid generator, project zomboid generators, how to use generators
Id: o6WkUqD0e8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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