Water & Ocean Rendering Using Houdini and Karma

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hello everyone and welcome to revelway in this video we're going to talk extensively about water rendering using houdini and karma we have a few different examples that we're going to start with going from easy all the way to a complex example that includes ocean white water foam we're going to cover a variety of rendering features and topic and things that you have to make sure that they are there to get the final result that you need so let's get started so let's talk about what we're going to cover today in more details we're going to start with ocean rendering which is the most common water related topic that you have to do and this is a test render using karma and houdini and we're not going to be reinventing the wheel in this case we're going to try to replicate karma workflows presented by side effects and try to get those same workflows in karma this is going to be we can use the shelf we can rely on the shelf tool to get us going with the initial node graph and setup and shaders and then try to get the same result with with karma so the first thing is going to be ocean rendering we're going to talk about that then we have a a water sim and this one is just a flat tank with a box going through it and interacting with the water so we have the water mesh we have the water volume which you see here this is a volume surface rendered underneath we generally don't see this but for illustration purposes i kept it visible it's something that you only see in in reflection and refraction then we have the white water here which is rasterized at volume and render it as volume in the final in karma i'm going to talk about that the last example combines all of this it combines ocean rendering as well as sim and the volume information under the ocean as well as white water we're also going to talk extensively about how to render white water using particles using as volumes as particle and as well as rendering them as points but treat them as volume so we cover we're going to cover all these cases and this can apply to many other effects as well that you may be doing right what else and then we have uh yeah we're going to talk about custom avs how to set up all the necessary passes so you can have greater controls in comp we're going to talk about a cryptomat setup as well as the final render settings which is talked about more extensively in previous videos this is not a beginner tutorial by any mean it's gonna dive straight into houdini and i'm gonna start covering advanced topics we're not gonna be building the simulation here but we're gonna rely on the shelf tool to get the initial workflow and i highly recommend watching this after you uh check out the karma arrow scene uh rendering that will give you the basics of rendering with karma and then the second one is the interior museum which will cover render settings this one is built on top of that so if you're completely new to this i highly recommend checking the other videos all right let's get started so what is the requirements we have to solve to be able to render water efficiently and ocean in in houdini and or karma well we have few things that we need in general we have let's say a mesh that we deform to be ocean we then have a water sim on top of this so we can take a segment off of this and sim that so we have a toy here and this is where the simulation part is going to be okay we take that we put it through the flip solver and then we combine the result back with a grid with the mesh so we have this is the surface we have the water sim here and then we sim this part and then combine it and deform everything with the ocean spectrum that's what the noded houdini does but that's not all so we end up with a surface which is a geometry of the sim and on top of that we need to create something else to get that nice volumetric look underneath the surface we have to make a copy of this mesh and i'll try to do that so i'm going to copy this let's say that's our mesh and what we need to do is we need to make a copy of the same mesh and extrude it and give it thickness now this new mesh is just a box it's just the same sim but extruded so it has thickness this will be rendered as volume but we don't want to convert this into an actual volume just want to pass the full mesh to karma or mantra or arnold and then ask them ask the render to treat it as a volume so that's the first thing we need to learn how to render a solid geometry as a volume okay then we have the actual mesh which is very simple to render so this will have transparency and reflection and if we look through this if we look sorry i'm using the mice here if we look through the water we should see reflection refraction as well as the volume underneath it so we can color that volume give it the bluish tint that we generally see in rivers or ocean and in this case here i made it visible and that's the volume you can see how it's extruded and it's made of a copy of the mesh extruded down and that's the workflow that is in houdini by default that's what we do in general then we have the white water which is a particle sip and this particle can either be rendered as points you can render them as disks and or you can rasterize convert those points into a volume and render them as volume the conversion the rasterization process when i say rasterize meaning we do it in houdini soft so we take the sim convert it and save it into disk as a volume that's one way the other way is to actually render the points the spheres at render time as volume same way we treat this treat it as volume we convert or ask the render to treat the mesh as a volume so we're going to cover all of these techniques and then the displacement of course which is taking grid and displacing it with an ocean spectrum so let's let's start with the ocean example i'm going to use the shelf tool to create an ocean and this is what the shelf will create initially we have an ocean surface and we have an ocean interior if i dive inside this you see it's only displaying the uh a null here so the result is not visible but it's actually a copy of the mesh being extruded down so it's the original mesh let me hide everything else it's the original mesh and then that gets extruded and this going to be uh displaced at render time so when we save the ocean deformation or the spectra file and apply that displacement to this box everything will line up so let's hide this and dive inside all we have to do is the ocean spectra so this is the file that the shader need now along with this uh houdini and side effects they they have a pre-built shaders these are very basic shaders that we can find in the gallery everything here we have a basic liquid ocean surface and ocean volume and let's start with the ocean surface first so if i go to the material tab material context we have an ocean surface node and it's reading the displacement or the spectrum file that's where the file is then we have an ocean volume and if i dive inside you will see that it's an actual volume shader and this gets attached to the solid geometry you cannot attach this it won't work with a surface it has to the geometry needs to be closed watertight mesh and this is a volume shader attached to that along with the displacement so when i said the box is going to be displaced at render time this is where the displacement is going to be applied and then there is a setting in the in the geometry node to treat this as a volume so if i remember this correctly oh sorry it's just in the shader so we don't have to do anything here we just have to assign the shader and it's going to work fine and karma is going to be done differently now all these shaders are created in matte we can still rely on all of this all these shaders in the stage context or in karma so everything is supported which is awesome and that's how we're going to save time so what i'm going to do is i have a pre-built scene and this first example is going to be basically importing the ocean surface and then importing the ocean box which is this one you see it has thickness let me change it to flat shaded and now we're in stage and we're looking through the viewport of usd we're not in houdini it says houdini but we're in the stage context sorry okay so this is our ocean setup and this is the final result of rendering that and let's take a look what we have here is we have a material node and it's referencing the match shaders so i i use the shelf tool to create the ocean same as we did here so you have an ocean surface and an ocean volume and that's what's being attached to the surface in karma so if i go back to the stage you will see that the ocean surface is pointing to sorry the material is being assigned to the ocean surface and then the volume is being assigned to the ocean volume surface now to treat this object as a volume to tell karma that you have to treat it as a volume we create a render geometry setting node then go under karma click on set or create and enable this and then inside the uniform volume we notice that this setting has to match the density of the volume so what we do is we link the density from the shader which is here let me find it sorry this one so we copy this cloud density value and link it inside the ocean surface this way we're not going to have any artifacts and that's it we use the shelf tool assign those to import the geometry and make sure the spectra file is saved to disk and now if i hit render which i have already done this is the result that will happen now let me do that here and let me just switch to the viewport so it's going to take a second it's going to take a couple of seconds for it for karma to dice the geometry and give us the final result but it's gonna do it here so let's see why is it not loading the spectra file let me restart it it should displace the geometry i'm not sure why it didn't do that yeah this is the same scene i just hit render and this is the final result there's one more while this is going i'm not sure what's happening but this is the result that we we're gonna get once you guys receive the scene and there's one more option uh i did two tests yeah it's working fine i did two tests here and you can see there's a difference in quality mainly with the details of the displacement so if i go back and forth obviously we need more samples but the second one has much more details and this is due to a setting called dicing quality and the default in mantra if i select the ocean surface and go under dicing the default in in mantra is one in dyson flatness zero zero five now to get the same result and match karma with mantra you have to create a render setting render geometry setting node and scroll all the way and you will find this the default is not the same so if i middle click here the default is set to zero five which is more forgiving so this is the default setting and then if we change that to one we get higher quality dicing and capture more details this will be on par with metra ocean rendering so that's pretty much it you have the grid you have the ocean surface at the ocean volume and you save the spectra file and assign the shaders and everything looks good and then we're going to talk more about the volume under the surface in detail in the second water simulation example okay so let's talk about simulation itself this this example was created using the flat tank shelf tool we just put a box going through it and it's creating the water ripples as well as the white water now underneath this there's a volume surface and then we have the mesh of the water simulation as well as the white water and this is done using the flood tank so if you click on the sled tank shelf and hit enter on the viewport you will get the initial setup now what i'm interested in when you do this you get two shaders this is what we can use so a basic liquid shader and a uniform volume this is pretty much the same one as we had it before and we don't need uh we don't need the displacement we're not going to use any displacement so it's simply a volume shader that we can use so let's take a look at the scene and i'm going to keep it simple we're done with the ocean for now and this is what i have inside of stage and i will show the houdini file in a second let me switch to the viewport so we have the water mesh and this is the result from the sim so let's take a look at that and this is one way of importing data inside of stage so you can have them imported in houdini and then reference them from sops you can cast them to this as a geo file and load them you can load you can cache them as usda files and load them is totally up to you so here i have the fluid sim and what i'm doing is i'm reading the water the white water this is points i'm reading in the water the water surface this is the final mesh you can see it's flat there's nothing underneath it and then we have the version of this that we're going to render as volume so it is pretty much the same if i template this you see they line up quite well and this one has is watertight so it has thickness and this one is going to be rendered as volume and placed underneath the water i'll show this again this is the water mesh and this is the water of mesh that's going to be rendered as volume then we have the particles so with the particles we can do a few things we can render them as points we can render them as disks and or we can resterize them in houdini and render them as volume and or we can render them directly as volume treat them as volume at render time so here i have the points and then i'm using some preview based on velocity to get this nice coloration and here we have a conversion into volume so the rasterization this is the default workflow and i'm also computing a gradient for this so the gradient is going to be like a normal field and we can compute a specular component on this volume and i will show that so that's one way of rendering it with the rasterizes rasterization we can compute a gradient field and use it to generate normal we can also render these points as disks with no orientation or random orientation and or we can render them as disks with orientation and the best way to sample or get the correct orientation is to sample the surface field which is an sdf that comes with the sim so when you cache the water sim itself it has points as well as a surface field and a valve field the surface field contain is a gradient basically and it contains information about the surface orientation or the surface normal so here i have the points they don't have normals and then after this we're simply sampling the gradient and giving them a normal and this way we can render them as disks with within and i'll explain this once we get to the section where we uh yeah where we need the uh uh to write where we're gonna look more into particle rendering okay so that's the normal being displayed in in colors okay let's go back to stage and here we have the mesh just swap import referencing it and then we have the box cube and then we have the volume the water mesh to be treated as a volume and this is the render setting render geometry setting uh turned on and the thickness or the density is linked to the uniform volume depth and then we have the option to make this visible at render time or not and i'm going to disable it for now i'll show this again later and then we have the particles being rendered as volume it's been referenced from uh thoughts and then to uh turn on motion blur let's go to karma now to enable velocity motion blur you have to create a render add sorry a render geometry setting and apply it to the objects that has this in this case it's all of them all the geometry you can already see it here if i go to the display setting i can disable motion blur and see now it's super clean and if i disable this it means it's on it's going to work so we have to make sure that this is on creator set or create and then turn on motion blur and enable velocity that's how you get your velocity point velocity to render and we have the shader attachment and this is a very basic shading so we have a liquid which is transparent and has reflection has been assigned to the mesh we have a uniform volume assigned to this and we have a volume shader assigned to the whitewater being rendered as volume and i think that's pretty much it let me look through the camera yeah so that's all that's all we need and i i talked about having the volume not visible in most cases we don't want it to be visible so what we do is we create a render geometry setting node and go under shading create or set and set the visibility to minus primary meaning it's only visible to secondary arrays and that includes refraction reflection or any other and any other indirect ways or secondary arrays so it's not visible to camera but it's visible through the shader and and then for the coloration you can see here the water mesh itself has some color variation now there's a gotcha here and let me go to the fluid surface shader which i believe is just a classic yeah so it's a classic cross shader you can use any shader you want here you can use any mantra related shaders like the principal principal core whatever you like but what we're doing right now is importing the vortices attribute which comes from the flip sim as well as the velocity and there's one one gacha is that the velocity is not called v anymore the reason for that if i go to the mesh the reason for this is that usd is going to unpack and import the data and prep it for its usd usage right it's not it's not the same so there's naming convention that are different and if i select the mesh if you're having trouble figuring out why certain things don't work you just select the mesh and look through the attributes and they have they start with prim vars you can see we have few vortices there and then the v is getting renamed or that's the naming convention of ufc it's called velocities there's also a base color we would not have it here but if you need to access cd with an uppercase c and d which is the default workflow it's not called that anymore it's called base color and that it gets automatically renamed so if you have shaders rely on this that needs to change to accommodate for that very very important so let's go back to the fluid surface and let me dive inside so we're importing vorticity velocity remapping both of them computing the lengths of velocity so the higher speed parts look uh have a different color in this case they look white and let me do one more thing i want to hide the white water so it can show this better so you can see color variation on the water here and that is based off the velocity and vorticity and we're simply changing the color adding a little bit of diffuse where there is faster moving uh points to just make it more interesting okay the other thing which is i think is very cool is the gradient that we computed with the restorized points so when we imported the volume they contain they contain the volume contains a gradient field which is basically normal and let's take a look at that shader which is this one no this one so it's a fluid uniform volume not this one sorry white water reflection nope where is it is this one yeah so this is the shader that will give us the specular component the way it works is we we have a uniform volume or a volume shader and then we also have a specular component a pbr reflect and it's reading the gradient normalizing it transforming it from world to camera that's the shading space we need and then that's being used as the normal so that's how we're getting this nice highlight on the volume and i'm gonna go back and hide few other things just to make this very visible i'm going to hide the water white water and let's change this to black it's right i can change it to black but yeah that's how we're getting this nice specular it's because of that gradient and pbr spec again we're going to provide all of this it's all the default shader that comes with houdini and the rasterization workflow but that's how you get it to render you have to make sure that you have a gradient field or compute the gradient of your volume and use that for the shading all right the next thing i rendered all of this as a one sequence one pass but in most cases we would want to split this into different passes so you would have the water with the white water and then the the box is not visible would only be visible through reflection and reflection and then you would have the box separate being matted out by everything else and the way to set mats and in stage and visibility is using the render geometry node so let me look through the camera so what i want to do is i want to render two passes one for the water with the box being visible through reflection and refraction and then one for the box so two passes and to do that we're going to use a render geometry node select the volume the surface and the mesh volume and set them to matte go under hold out create or set set this to matte that's the box or the cube pass the next thing is we want to make that cube invisible to primary arrays so create a another vendor sending node run the geometry setting we tell it only to apply and work on the cube and then minus primary so it's only visible to secondary rays and that's that gets written to this and then if you overlay a over b it's going to work and look perfectly fine so that's all there is for water rendering you have the ocean you have the water mesh surface you can use any any shader you want you just need refraction it's available all the shaders pretty much and then you have the underneath volume you can use a uniform volume make sure the settings and the depth matches and then if you want this to be visible or invisible depending on your use case you can use a render geometry node with the primary visibility turned off and then if you want to render white water as volume and spec with specular that's how you do it you can view the gradient on the sdf or on the volume you cache that and that's what gets used in the shader and again i think with with the scene being provided i'll have cache i will cache out one frame of each so you can replicate this you can use a shelf tool to create the basic shaders but they're all pretty much the same if you hit alt g in houdini you've got basic liquid ocean surface and ocean volume that's all what the shelf tool is utilizing pretty much so let's talk about particle and white water rendering we have four different ways and i mentioned this already we can render the points as points spheres we can render them as disks we can render them as disk with orientation we can render them as spheres and treat them as volume to get the volumetric look and or we can rasterize them in houdini and convert them into a volume and treat them as a volume so there's four different ways five different ways i'm going to show we covered one of them already i'm going to show three three others so let's take a look at this i have the particles here and again this few gotchas so this is really what this is for to cover all the necessary workflow issues that you may run into so the first thing you want to do is you don't want to cache you don't want to change the data if let's say you didn't like the p scale here you have to post process it in the scene and to do that in stage i mean without recaching to do that you put down a attribute wrangle node and the p-scale attribute is called widths okay so what i'm doing right now is i'm simply changing that to something lower in this case point zero zero five so that's how you change the p scale of the points and they are being rendered as spheres to change that you put down a render setting node render geometry setting node and then scroll down to a geometry render points as and you have few options you have disks spheres and oriented disks if you change that to disk that's what you get you get desk and let me take a look at the final result through the camera and let's make sure we are on switch zero and here on zero as well okay so this is our uh discs or points being rendered as disks and no normal let me turn off the motion blur so under the settings disable motion blur and that's our disks the next option is to render them as disks with normals and this is how you this is where you sample the uh the normals from the sdf gradient or from the sim now by switching this let me make sure you guys remember this let's go to the soft context this is where you do it you load in the original sim has a surface field and then inside there's a volume gradient and you sample the gradient from that and currently has been plugged into the color just so we can see it but the important part is using it as normal so we know what the orientation of the mesh is and that's what the disks will have and if i zoom in all the way you can see they're nice discs but the cool thing is now you can get specular component and get this to look very close to the surface but it's it's not it's just points the next thing is to use them as points number two and with points you can get them to be rendered as volume so that's the main advantage here and uh depending it really depends on the look that you're after there's no right or wrong you can choose whichever approach you want and also this clicks is applicable to other effects rendering so if you have you're dealing with particles this is how you work with them so to render them as points which is the default you just set this to spheres okay now with spheres like i said we can render them as surface or we can render them as volume and to do that we simply create a uniform volume a render geometry setting and turn on uniform volume and make sure that we attach volume shader as well as use a link this density to the volume shader density and that's what this node is doing it's attaching a volume shader if i go there this is the uniform volume nothing fancy here so let's go back and let me switch this to one and you will see that this starts to look well it is it is a volume but if you go close enough you will see that they are actually spheres but they are being treated as one that's one way of rendering it this is different than rasterizing it in houdini but this is one way of getting the volumetric look with points and motion blur is it works just fine and all you have to do is make sure you set the turn on enable motion blur and tell it to use velocity to get the nice nice motion blur streaks and let's switch this to let's switch this one to zero so we render it as a surface and that's our particles being rendered with velocity motion blur so that's all there is a particle p scale this is how you do it you can render them disks oriented disk spheres and with spheres you have the ability to render them as one all right now to the more advanced example which combines ocean with flip sim as well as white water and we put a ship here with textures this was already shaded in mantra so we just copied the mesh and the shader and we assigned them here there's nothing crazy going on and then the sim uh has been done and displaced and saved to disk with all the information that we need so let's take a look at what we have so this is a more complex example we're going to cover custom avs in crypto map that's why there is more things here but we're going to go through it step by step and i think everything is going to be clear so we have two material nodes here just to keep things clean let me disable the rendering so we have a ship shaders and let me dive inside that this is all just reading the specular texture diffuse texture and getting assigned to the right meshes and then we have an effects library or effects material library effects hold and it has very basic shaders uh ocean surface and ocean surface volume this one you get by default and then yeah same same thing here and then we have a whitewater shader which is a uniform volume okay so for the data we have a mesh so this is the ocean surface ocean grid and with the flip sim combined with it so we just have a single mesh and we're going to apply the ocean displacement to all of this and get it to you know be displaced at render time for the render settings we're setting the dicing quality to 1 to increase the details on the mesh then we have the ocean the fluid mesh which is the same thing simply extruded and being treated as volume same thing as before uniform volume the depth uh the string attribute or this wrangle node is creating a string attribute called my id and has a text called or a value of fluid mesh equal to a fluid mesh in this case and this is for cryptomat we're going to cover this later then we have the white water it's points and we're increasing the p scale here let's take a look in karma making them thicker and then we're rendering them as volumes so the points are being treated as volume but there is a trick here there's a gacha there's this edit point node and if i disable that everything will disappear and you will spend a week trying to figure this out maybe not weak but you'll spend some time trying to figure this problem so the reason this is happening is when we import this data see why it's not showing so when we import this data from saabs or from disk oh in this case it's being read from disk using a geometry sequence and this is another node so the sim is cached in red and this white water sim has has an attribute when you run white water sim you have you get an attribute called density and this attribute was conflicting with carmen usd and the shader data and it was making things invisible so what we need to do is we need to delete that attribute you need to delete the density attribute unless you need it obviously for certain cases but in this case we don't need it so to remove it you select the data click on the points find it in the tree and then find this density attribute you can see it here right click edit property and this will add a node to overwrite that value and what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on this pen icon and set it to block that's what this node is doing it's blocking that density attribute and that makes everything works so it was setting if i don't have this it's setting the attribute density to something very low or zero and needed to delete the density attribute so that's how you do it then we have a string attribute this is again for cryptomat we have the rubber toy object with transformation this has just been copied the same from softs and then a string attribute as well we have some cameras you can import cameras from softs you can create them here and then the shaders and everything gets combined along with the ship and then we have the material assignment for the ship so this is just assigning wood you know ropes whatever it's needed and then the material the effects material is assigning the volume shader to the volume geometry the ocean to the ocean white water to the white water volume or uniform volume and then the rubber toy and i believe karma is trying to uh yeah it's it's rendering right now and it's trying to restore sorry dice the geometry so it's taking a bit of time and i'm gonna try to change the camera maybe this is the one i used or the the one i used to render is this one so it's gonna take a second let me switch it to camera two and it's gonna just take a couple seconds because when you have displacement it's a comma is gonna dice the geometry and then you know display too and i really apologize if i switch between if sometimes they make a mistake and say mantra and not realizing it uh it's been very confusing to all of us but yeah this is the new workflow and we're focusing on karma so i think that's really it for the shader you have the water mesh you have the water volume the water mesh volume and you have the white water particle points whatever you want to render them as and then the shader being assigned the the liquid the volume uniform volume for the uh under the water mesh and then the points in this case we're rendering them as volume as well so that's the result that's what i have here okay so let's talk about custom auvs and custom avs in the next video so the last thing we're going to talk about is the uh avs and kryptoman so here i have a render and this is what we have we have a few cryptomat material uh avs and this will allow us to pick and create masks in nuke on the fly then we have the default utility depth n np we have more data for cryptomat and then we have direct diffuse direct reflect emission effects util this is the custom av and then we have a few a few other ones and this is all the default now the effects you till is a custom av and it's storing the velocity and verticity as red and green so here i have two masks and we can use this in comp to make color variation to the render if we wanted to so let's talk about the default in instead of using all of it and putting the auvs in karma node and losing that we can just create a standard aov so if you're in production they have a predefined list of names or things like that you can create a template and have them be the standard this is the nodes you plug in before you render and all the auvs are set up so here the this is the standard avs and what igor did he he set up that the file he uh mapped all the names to mandara and this way it stays consistent with nuke you don't have to do this depending on where you uh what your project is what you're doing but basically if you want to get the same naming for direct diffuse direct reflect and all of that this node will help you with that and it's basically enabling direct diffuse indirect direct reflect and yeah keeping the names consistent with karma and then we have few utilities avs and this is the p and n and we're using a node called render standard karma standard render vars you can have as many as you want okay the next one is the albedo and this is useful for denoising so if you want that just hit enable it and then we have extra effects this is for custom they don't have to be separate by the way like you can use the same node and to create a custom avs you use a node called additional render vars and then you hit the plus button and give it the name this is all that matters the name how you want it to be named in the x are where this data is coming from let's take a look at this fx util it's in the effects and then it's the mesh displaced mesh so we are changing the color of the diffuse of the water using velocity and vertici and we simply wanted to export this data as red and green so using a float to vector the red is going to go to verticity and the blue green is going to go to velocity and then we export this as the color called effects util that's how we create custom avs same as mantra before and this is how you would declare a an extra uv in karma for them the next thing is the kryptomat so we have two things we can use this standard cryptomat which will analyze the scene and use the object name and or object material to create give you masks this is the default you don't have to do anything you just set cryptomat object cryptomat material name and it will define autodefine itself and then if you want to create your own let's say i like to group all the water uh separately all the geometry all the ships separately and then the toy separately you can go in inside of stage and create these uh attribute angle nodes and this is how you create a custom attribute a custom string so it's called my id and i'm just giving it a string value and same here it's called mighty and it's called fluid mesh so i'm going to combine all the fluid water related stuff and then the white water separately the toy separately in the ship separately so if i go in the crypto mat and i'm using a render bar node i think you can also use the standard the additional render voice same thing and here all you have to do is tell it to be use these strings this is the default yeah i think you potentially have to use this i'm not sure why or use this one but i believe this is the workflow so you type in crypto prim id this cannot be changed you have to name it this way and then the source name is my id and under the settings this is the options that you need to turn on you have to tell it that this is a cryptomat and this will create a your own auv your own cryptomat mask based on that id string that we've declared and then the render settings here i didn't do anything really it's just the default so pixel sample set to 32 and then the variance one to eight under advanced i turned off the pixel oracle and then the depth or the limit is one two two that's how the entire sequence was rendered no no auvs and like i showed before this is the final result and this is all the auvs that we need the kryptomat may work here but generally it's it's not going to show as as you would expected in the viewer it's more designed for comp for comp stuff and this is the cryptomat default based on the material this is based on the object name and this is based on our custom id i think i think this name can be anything you want but uh the the most important thing is that you have to tell it which string to look at and then you have to turn on toggle the kryptomat attribute uh option to make sure that this is treated as cryptomine because it has to save data differently and then all the other passes are there all right guys i hope everyone liked this and found it useful i think we've covered all the necessary steps to render ocean water white water and everything that comes with it again this is not a beginner tutorial it's designed for existing convenient users and i hope that will provide you enough guidance to transition workflow and being able to render your water effects uh using karma overall i think it's very very promising uh the renders the render time are very reasonable and it i think it's faster than mantra i haven't done any one-to-one comparison but so far we have been able to render all the effects and projects that we uh we needed to do and again there's a lot of gotchas there's a lot of things that needs r d and i'm hoping that with these videos we will save everyone's time and show out things needs to be used and done all right so everything should be included and i think uh good for now talk to you soon and bye you
Channel: Rebelway
Views: 9,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Houdini Tutorial, Houdini, SideFX Houdini, Nuke, Nuke Tutorial, VFX, FX, VFX Industry, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Hollywood, Simulation, VFX Tutorial, VFX Tutorials, Ocean, Karma, Ocean Rendering, Ocean in Houdini, Advanced Houdini Tutorial, Karma in Houdini, Karma Houdini, Houdini Karma Tutorail, Water Rendering Houdini, Ocean Rendering Houdini, Waves in Houdini, Ocean Houdini, Houdini Ocean, Water in Houdini, Whitewater Houdini, Saber Jlassi, Rebelway Tutorial
Id: NN0SbcReOek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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