Water Disinfection & Military Surplus

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[Music] welcome back to the West I am Staff Sergeant badass I had a guy ask me a question about the music and could I give out music tracks I'm sorry it's a ham radio and I searched for stations until I find a song that actually strikes me and I say hey that's the song right there I'm gonna let me go when I play and I can listen to anything around here when I do my reloading I sit and I come back here and I'll reload ammo I don't film every time I reload ammo I was reloading different types of ammo the other night and I didn't I didn't film any of that I don't always film when I reload ammo but I could play anything from like Bryan Adams to poison to whatever it is or Metallica or whatever you know I mean anyway let's get into this no say all right so boy man I had some strong coffee it's cold in here I live in a house from the 1940s I don't know how many of if I've said that before this house is really really old and he's really drafty in here whoo so we're going to get into water disinfection if you've ever had like food poisoning it's kind of similar to water that like steel water that has just set up and like surface water if you want to disinfect like surface water if you're in a survival situation it's good to keep handy there's two items you can carry I usually carry bleach and I keep it in a bottle like this you can pick it up at any like arts and crafts store or whatever but it's got a dropper and that dropper looks a lot like that and you just pick up what you need and just give it a drop you know for however many quarts now it's one drop per quart it most people don't know like one drop per liter so if you like a milk jug for example I gave up I did a video on storing water on the cheap and what I would do is I would disinfect by I get some extremely hot water I just heat up some water on the stove and then I would run it through my container and I would I would basically full-on disinfect a container of light for a milk jug and then afterwards I will I will add its three point seven five or seven eight three point seven eight I think of leaders in a gallon so what I would do is I would just add 4 drops to be on the safe side I'll add 4 drops of my bleach to my container and then I will take [Music] it's empty oh I'll just show you this is a plumber's tape if you pick up some plumbers tape and then you wrap that just a couple of times around the rim of the container and then put your cap on you'll get a really good seal from that and then I just sort of I take a sharpie and I write my time and date when I started it and then I'll cycle it out every year and I use my garden as my guinea pig so my garden gets that water and that's where it goes that's for Bleach and then there's I got a note here sometimes I can't remember every single thing I need to say so I have to make sure I stay on track here okay so iodine tincture 2% iodine tincture 2% I'll say it again if you're another option for disinfection of water you know you don't want to get the thing is is that water if it's if it if it does have bacteria in it what's going to happen in your body is you're going to now a board ship people would get sick all the time and they do get sick all the time aboard ship you're in the middle of nowhere thousands of people and you're gonna end up getting sick it's just going to happen and what we would call it is I'll say the polite way of saying it's like butt to mouth and the reason why is because bacteria has gotten in your body and you're basically your body goes into like a defense mode to try and get it out so it's trying to push it out of your body so basically you start throwing up and then while you're throwing up you're also pooping at the same time so you're doing you're doing the throw-up technique out of both ends it's really bad I have to say that because it is a bad thing it's not cool and if you're in say an outdoor environment and you're trying to stay alive and survive and you get this anger system you're going to get really dehydrated really fine it's gonna be a very very bad time for you and you could possibly die so to avoid dying I carry now you can get different types of water treatment from even Walmart you can buy in the camping section they have different types of water treatment they're a couple of different types I think but you can get water disinfection from there too in Bank T tablet containers or you can carry you like some bleach I carry the bleach thing around with me and I also carry the iodine Tincher 2% I have iodine tint or 2% in my truck and I'm not gonna go dig around in it to grab it but it's in it's in my get home back in my truck so I'm not gonna go dig it out but iodine Tincher 2% it's five drops per quart and don't take it if you have a hypothyroid or hyperthyroid which like overactive thyroid or if you're pregnant I had to put that on here because I had to look up one more thing and it was pregnant pregnant was the other thing they don't recommend you taking it and it's just something to keep in mind so if you have issues like that then I would recommend just maybe bleach you could probably look up some more details on pleats to see if that's gonna affect like thyroid and things like that and I'm pretty sure you'll be okay don't take my word for it just look it up for yourself I don't like to give advice like that and I'll leave be stray oh so that's not bad I said it was okay just don't be alright alright so I'm gonna get into like military surplus stuff in just a sec I want you to talk about so I never know who's gonna walk in the room I could have a princess Barbara or I could have Billy whoever but Princess Barbara walk in the room and be like I don't like beards but your beard is like well-groomed and you know I know you don't care but look people this is like a hobo beard all right it's I don't trim it the neck is it's all grown out everything I don't I don't do any fancy dolling up I don't really put anything in it and I literally just woke up and I come back here to do my video I don't I don't sit in front of a mirror for hours my level of care after after multiple deployments like a ridiculous number of deployments in my life I I have just decided my level of care is like way down and that's as far as like what people think of me and I don't show my anger side and get violent with people or anything like that people don't need to see the gruesome mean side but I'm not a Care Bear you know what I mean I'm not I'm not gonna like the shootout shimmer and sparkle out of my belly or anything or rainbows and unicorns and hearts caring in love you know I know all the quotes my kids sit and watch crazy stuff like My Little Pony and I you know I've got two girls that if I don't put on my little pony in the morning they're gonna freak out and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic you need to know these quotes because if you've got kids they want to know it you know what I mean so but I'm not I'm not magical sparkles or anything or glitter or sunshine all right you keep that in mind when you watch my show it's not gonna get that crazy and I'm not gonna be that that caring about my looks that I'm not gonna sit in front of the mirror and prep for an hour before I make a video or anything I literally get out of bed or whatever it is I'm doing I stop what I'm doing you know I come back here and I make my video real quick and I just go away this is for your educational purposes not for all the other stuff so once again before I talk about military surplus Billy walks in there I don Tincher 2% not you're not you're that's five drops per US Court one drop bleach you escort and keep in mind that's for water disinfection all right and once again the thyroid thing be careful and keep that in mind now now as far as military surplus goes me and sippy cup we go to a lot of military surplus stores and places around and sometimes a lot of gun shows and we walk around and we do things and get information on some people don't know what they have they have hidden treasures they have no idea it's literally a treasure to us and not to them they have no idea and the prices that they mark for stuff is hey we get surprised when we find these things and we find a lot of stuff from millet from from medical equipment to medical gear to medical supplies all sorts of stuff and also now when it comes to like military gear and it's like GI Joe type stuff they tend to mark that up as GI Joe prices you know what I mean but when it comes to like medical stuff some people have no idea what they've got and they may market for whatever it's one thing to keep in mind and the way we see things going is different than how you might see things going me yo sippy cup and I we feel that the medical part of it is probably going to be very important very very important and we might need to take care of people and we have kind of a I don't know if you guys want to hear it or not but it's more of a like a Christian mindset maybe it's it's a different kind of a mindset I don't know what you would think of us but if it's a living creature and it needs help we sort of have that kind of a softness so in that part we do have a Care Bear sense you know I mean we're not vicious creatures you know you know I'm I'm not that kind of person I'm not going to go around I'm not you know I'm not a complete Rick Grimes or anything for all you Walking Dead people out there I'm more of a Daryl and and and and Rick Grimes mixed maybe I'm pretty good with a bow so let's get back into this before I get to sidetrack dermo all right so military surplus stores and dermo right if you look up dermo and now just so you know military all branches they did they conduct audits each one of them will conduct audits and it was usually a guy like me having to conduct the audit and and the audits will lead to say they go through everything gear equipment all the stuff all the trash everything personnel what they have what they don't have and qualifications and whatnot and do they know basic CPR have they had their classes and all that stuff they go through everything and every so often they need to be requalified in so many different things even they even cover training they do what's called like a joke in the bunk inspection where they dunk everything out and just go through all your gear to make sure you have everything that's required and your training how far are up to par is your training and how many fat bodies do you have and there's a lot of stuff about the military people don't know and it gets really really anal and they're very very nitpicky about every little detail right yeah so they want to make sure you're doing the right thing when nobody's around and the thing is is that when it comes like medical kits they take this stuff once it reaches a month past its expiration date take it down and they chunk it and it just goes right a lot of stuff just goes and some of this stuff might end up in dermo and it might be because of like aspirin aspirin for example once it goes bad it'll kill you you need to keep that mind if it's a month past its expiration day just throw it away I mean if you get mad because I said that I'm sorry but I'm not so I'm gonna keep going and if you got like your non aspirin it's it's not gonna be effective right and you're gonna have to take like four versus like two to get any kind of effect out of that and then iodine and stuff like that now the iodine that's inside of a first-aid kit is not the same iodine that I'm talking about your iodine Tincher it's not the same thing it I don't adjust to percent and your iodine that's inside of a first-aid kit is like 7% of a different type of level so you need to keep that in mind don't go using that stuff unless you you literally need to look up to see if there is uses for that before you go trying to use that for your bag or whatever I figured I'd tell you that before you go digging through a first-aid kit when you're at your office somewhere and you're like digging through your first aid kit they've got iodine around here I could put it in my plug out back no and and if you do find some look up the uses for it before you go trying to play around with it dermo is a good option for you guys that are looking for a military truck or whatever it is they had you military options and Jo SMO you know Billy jr. and all these people will sit and do these auctions they get this gear they get ammo cans they get all that stuff and because in the military once they will face once they spent their ammo sometimes there's an ordnance work center somewhere that sets in reloads ammo they literally set there they're reloading ammo facility and they're usually near gun ranges for the military shooting ranges in Yatta Yatta but they'll literally sit there and reload the ammo and then they'll reuse the ammo cans now sometimes not all you ammo cans get reused for whatever reason they do their inspections and their audits and they find reasons to get rid of their ammo cans but then those ammo cans will go to thermo then thermo will auction them off then they'll end up in the military surplus store or the gun shop near you and you'll walk in and say well Bob I've got some money barians and that's how that works a lot of people don't know all that stuff but that's kind of how it goes but you can go online to dermo and you can look at millets military auctions and you might find a k5 blazer that's like OD green or whatever it might be diesel-powered you know a 6.0 or whatever their whatever they are six-point whatever those really big diesel-powered k5 Blazers back in a day the ones that were there listed as a military truck so they have military numbers they're not listed as a k5 on the title they're listed as something else I can't remember exactly what number it is so don't quote me on any of this stuff you get like you're Bob deuces you're Deuce and a half's I have tons tons all that stuff there are all sorts of different types of trucks and they go into office equipment and supplies and medical type stuff I'm talking medical equipment and dental equipment that like hospital use anything from a defibrillator to all sorts of reading stats and checking things electronics all sorts of stuff yeah I just told you all that you never know what you're gonna find at dermo and there's other there's other military auction sites and they do they do auction off they're highly sophisticated medical equipment and it's that's what means sippy-cup look for we look for that stuff we have this feeling that hey we might end up being in the hospital you know what I mean I'm not saying that she's like a medical expert or anything but you never know I mean do you really want to take your chances with trying to go to a hospital in a doomsday scenario the lines are going to be long I'm just saying saying EMP goes off equipment doesn't work and we wanted to be able to if something major goes down here and we can't get to a hospital for whatever reason we want to be able to take care of ourselves and that's just something that we learn as much as we can and that's why sippy cups still in school and that's just what we do but we were going through gear I vacuum seal this just a mess of stuff it's pretty ridiculous but this is just a bunch of random stuff that I found laying around and I made a full kit this is just a full emergency kit for all sorts of uses and it's the list is pretty long abuses for this kit but I just whipped this up out of nothing and we did two more kits last night but put together this one and two more kits last night she wants to do bits is supposed to be medical Monday but she wants to do a video on one of the car kits she just put together it's pretty cool she put together a car kit that's pretty neat I think you'll get a kick out of that one and then she she helped me whip this one up she threw the stuff in a pile and said hey vacuum seal all this so I did and that's what I do I follow orders sippy cups so that says for me to do this it's like a honey-do list right then she put together another kit that's for the home and it's it's for anything from just anything it's all sorts of ridiculous I don't know if she's gonna do a video on that we'll see she might she loves doing these things now so I kind of got her into it a sub dream all right I hope you got something out of this I'm sorry - you're watching SOS please like subscribe share my video I love your comments I love you guys stay alive don't die hang in there take it easy
Channel: Step One Survival
Views: 3,833
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, survival, axe, knife, fire, bowdrill, canoe, ontario, canada, backpacking, dog training, hd, nikon, gopro, forest, tinder, outdoor, woods, camping, shelter, wilderness, make fire, draußen, germany, landschaft, natur, wald, Überleben, deutschland, brandenburg, berlin, naturensöhne, game, animals, fun, hobbies, family, tipps, education, trees
Id: c6Ru_jIpBAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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