Watching THE PRINCE OF EGYPT & trying not to cry...literally | First time watching

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few moses i literally want to cry stop it in theater [Music] subscribe what's good what's up everybody it's your girl kia jay today we are watching something that i have been getting requests to do since last december the prince of egypt i had never heard of this movie before i started getting requests for it but i do know now that it's based on the book of exodus which is a great bubble read by the way you should check it out so let's just get on into it this is dreamworks who knew dreamworks has like an abundance of films i just either never heard of before or just never seen well hold on i like this music it started this is different the motion picture you're about to see in this adaptation of the exodus story while artistic and historical licenses has been taken we believe that this film is true to the essence values i didn't get a chance to finish reading it oh the prince of egypt look at the the seems very old i know it's not that old this seems like like vhs tape oh that's loud oh okay yeah whoa oh man oh no the israelites in the egyptians [Music] wow wow slavery is just disgusting at its very core it's fundamentally just disgusting deliverous oh oh that's powerful that's powerful deliver us oh my gosh [Music] for what what's your point what's your point oh my goodness to the promised land oh that oh my gosh who's the singer who's the singer yes girl you better sing [Music] i love the animation i'm gonna hand drawn to the animation just like it does it for me like i i love it [Music] not the little solid look smart i love this i especially love knowing the story it's just making my heart warm we will show pharaoh your new baby brother moses moses wow that is a lot of hard work building these statues yes that little that that that voice right there goosebumps [Music] you almost killed me oh come on so he kept the same hairstyle this is so interesting that this is what people wore however long ago this was i don't know that was at least six months of hard work gone to waste interesting i'm interested to see how dark are they gonna get with this it's adaptation so it won't be by the book but close we should be close enough the soundtrack's great though why do the gods torment me with such reckless destructive blasphemous sons be still pharaoh speak that's pharaoh not impressed one damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition but one weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty wait hold on pharaoh's their dad tell me this moses tell me this why is it that every time you start something i'm the one who ends up in trouble moses a little delinquent child i don't know why he's reminded of naruto always causing destruction you might as well something else privilege i propose that the high priests offer tribute to their new regent point why does that little dude look like the lady from mulan an exotic apparition stolen from faraway land who's this we offer you this delicate desert flower the camel or the woman more like a desert cobra period as you wish [Music] i don't know why i thought she was about to follow the bitter nails what are those nails this is really happening really just kidding up a woman that's not her that's a statue can be oh that's a man and she top the dogs up you know as she should guards princess moses girl that would have been her head right there well look into it oh she did though fast not this little jog he's doing oh oh i'm sorry i'm so sorry oh she knows him of course she knows him you're our brother what oh the sister that's his sister where's the mom you you must know be careful slave oh oh you shall be punished no how dare you god saved you to be our deliverer enough of this period i said enough i thought he's about to slap her i want to say hold on moses come around my baby don't tell me he's going to remember the lullaby [Music] so no one told him that he's adopted sister he's not gonna believe it his whole life has been a lie all i ever wanted was sweet perfumes of incense those palaces statues whatever are grand [Music] don't worry moses you got a far greater life ahead of you oh wait this is interesting oh no it's gonna trample over them oh no not the baby boys [Music] wow so did the mom die oh i love this choice of kind of like showing us this wow oh no goosebumps wow i literally just got goosebumps that's so sad that's like just horrendous how could you even be like a human at the end of the day you sent babies to their death the hebrews grew too numerous they might have risen against us so you were scared so he was sometimes for the greater good don't be looking all sad like vices must be made sound like thanos they were only slaves and he was one of them they were babies slaves are not human life so everything i thought is a lot anything i am is a lie no why did you choose me well you're the only baby that floated down the river now you know the truth love now forget to be content [Music] wow that's his own people it's interesting how realizing and realizing that you could be one of them changes his whole ideology you should still have the same compassion whether they were your people or not he's gonna kill him who did this i just killed a man i will make it so it never happened nothing you can say can change what i've done all i've ever known to be true is a lie what are you talking about go ask the man i once called father [Music] wow well he gotta leave look like he's getting sick traveling alone no food no water in the desert i can't wait to see him come back and save everybody [Music] oh that's like when you hit your toe on the side of the bed oh that is scary this is kind of scary nature is scary he's just buried how can he breed he already had a little hair to start [Music] not him falling in the whale and she got fresh water wow well that's one i've never heard oh that's the woman santa my father jethro jethro that's his name so that's the one that he's going to marry when we honor him tonight please sir i wish you wouldn't he want to renounce his entire life he's like i'm used to this already this is exactly the opposite of what i want but it's from you think that is nothing i mean at least you're being honored for actually doing something this time look at your life through heaven's eyes it's really easy just move a little bit anything could be considered dancing if you think about it one lost sheep a shepherd boy is greater than the richest king oh there goes little staff to look at his life through heaven's eyes oh he's getting older i love this [Music] i like great number oh i love you i just love how his hair just gets curlier [Music] went from prince to shepherd boy seems much happier for her too got about to enter in where's the burning bush oh looks so mystical wow that it's just so big my heart is so like warm i just love this oh no wait who's the voice of god wow that is so creepy i love god but i'm sorry if someone just started talking to me randomly i'd be scared for the place on which you stand is holy ground ah holy ground we love that who are you i am that i am i am the god of your ancestors abraham isaac and jacob this is just beautiful and have heard their cry so i have come down to deliver them out of slavery a land flowing with milk and honey and honey it sounds like a great land how can i even speak to these people who made that oh oh who made the death the mute the seeing or the blind i gotta turn this up moses i shall be with you i love this it went from like fairy to gracefulness and smite egypt with all my wonders you shall do my wonders [Music] this is so beautiful i shall be with you moses i literally want to cry stop it i don't cry i don't cry oh oh but moses you're just one man hell he was giving an assignment he was given an assignment he understood the assignment he executed the assignment off we go to save the israelites from slavery and damnation oh my goodness oh i hate to see whips on the back [Music] look at moses moses is a man on a mission you gotta respect that why they just living good in this beautiful palace moses is it really look at you but look at you what on earth are you dressed as i prefer that outfit better than what pharaoh has on just saying that this man committed a serious crime against the god no one actual dismissed and the god of the hebrews came to me he commands that you let his people go the power of god oh look at that [Music] impressive hmm very well moses i'll play along he's so annoying the entire time i'm reading the bible like pharaoh is so freaking annoying [Music] okay it's a nice performance though why is this like the dance that zukon did for the fire bidding masters interesting you think you've got friends in high places i do babe you're playing with the big boys now playing with the big boys wait pharaoh had a song that was a nice performance all right moses i know you what's this really about he's ball headed oh he took off his little hairpiece look what do you see slaves his hands bore the blood of thousands of children slaves my people you have returned to free them only to free them at least there is communication right now oh i do not know this god neither will i let your people go pharaoh was a stubborn son of a time i will not be the weak link oh let go of your ego's pipe down it's moses how does it feel when you get struck to the ground wait who is that the brother when did you start caring about slaves was it when you found out that you were one of us that's that's what i said it's kind of what i said i have been a slave all my life and god has never answered my prayers until now he saves you from the wrath of pharaoh i mean god's timing i can understand them not wanting to listen to moses they've been slaves their entire lives and a lot of it was under this man's nose but look if someone said they about to come save me from slavery so i'll follow too not pharaoh up there sipping tea let my people go i will hear no more of this hebrew nonsense bring him to me hebrew nonsense look how quick he switched up he went from brother to you hebrew oh look at the clouds they getting ready to do something nasty take the staff in your hand and um wait what did you do next all them dead babies can't drink it if it's bloody ah rest assured your majesty uh yes we are going to demonstrate the i love how idiotic they made them the entire river though that's one bowl that don't look like blood looks like kool-aid didn't you see what happened the priests did the same thing did you not see what happened we did it completely differently but we will see god's wonders such a beautiful story we'd love to see it wait hold on what's going on oh the frogs oh that's disgusting that's literally disgusting oh oh oh that's nasty that's nasty powerful but nasty innocent who suffer from your stubbornness and pride i must you calm down oh the boys oh that's that's great that's beautiful that's a beautiful scene shot right there [Music] i love the contrast there's the darkness i really love seeing the visuals of all this i love seeing you know stories come to life ramesses we must bring this to an end i mean all of this could have been over and done with after the first plague why is he here isn't that the man who did all this another little boy with a whole attitude you hebrews have been nothing but trouble there shall be a great cry in all of egypt such as never has been or ever will be again ramesses you bring this upon yourself god has come to me again saying take a lamb and with its blood mark the little and posts of every door i shall pass through the land of egypt and kill every firstborn all the firstborn but when i see the blood upon your door passover i will pass over you and the plague shall not enter angel of death pharaoh's son's gonna die right he's the firstborn wow like look how magnificent that looks wow period girl close that window oh omg i love how jis i don't know the way they went about making this so beautiful didn't he try to warn you oh that's why he looked at the sun like that at first i was like why are you looking at him like that but he knew was about to happen you and your people have my permission to go leave me there oh great singing i wonder who who's the main cast of this no freedom it's a beautiful thing [Music] oh this is so cute [Music] come on moses you better show out show out look at all those people phil just couldn't let it go just couldn't give up oh look at the clouds oh oh wow with this staff you shall do my wonders [Music] period period so not god showing out no but honestly that has to be uh it's scary like look how tall that water is oh well it's like terrifying but beautiful at the same time [Music] [Applause] not farrell thinking that he was going to just be able to run up in there yeah i better get swallowed up hole wow that's crazy then we just made it across like how big is the red sea how far did they have to walk oh this is so great we love happy you gotta love god i love happy endings well i mean well they were walking for about 40 years but they pretty much did that to themselves not him screaming my name well his name look at your people moses they are free they are free [Music] [Applause] what a great work i love this soundtrack it's coming from the mountain oh this is giving me goosebumps with this song in the background and everything yes that's one man right there he did that you did that [Music] that that vocals those vocals right there goosebumps wow that's it i've literally never heard this movie before before like until i got requests to do it i didn't know this movie existed okay such a beautiful story i love it it's one thing reading the bible and seeing the stories and hearing the stories but it's like it's different thing watching stuff come to life yeah i think they did a brilliant job making it entertaining making it like the story itself is entertaining it's a great read okay let me go see the voice acting real quick who played moses ralph wait oh voldemort was freaking what's his name vero valcamiro don't know who that is sandra bullet isn't here jeff goldblum is aaron steve martin wow patrick stewart danny glover was jethro wow martin short they got a stellar cast for this one okay great great movie i think they did the story justice as best as they could i don't care what you believe in literally you could believe or not i do either way great movie great story great book of the bible should check it out 1998 the year i was born that's when it came out we love it i hope you guys enjoyed this video this was a great film a great watch yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to leave a like comment subscribe and i'll see you in the next one when she really keeps you bye uh
Channel: Lakia Jai TV
Views: 382,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lakia jai, lakia jai tv, movie reaction, Watching The prince of egypt, first time watching the prince of egypt, the prince of egypt reaction, the prince of egypt first time watching, movie commentary, prince of egypt reaction, prince of egypt deliver us reaction, prince of egypt review, the prince of egypt, first time watching, the prince of egypt through heavens eyes, the prince of egypt movie commentary
Id: RAerlpn7oYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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