WATCHING The Dark Knight (2008) | FIRST TIME | Addies REACTION

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[Music] what's going on guys welcome or welcome back to dan reacts i'm dan this is my reaction channel i am joined by the one and only addie how's it going it's going if you're joining us today we're going to be watching the dark knight which is the second film in the christopher nolan batman trilogy um you really enjoyed that last one yeah i thought it was fun i like you know it's a little bit of a nice like break from the heavy heavy heavy stuff that we've watched it's kind of like like it's it's still heavy in itself it was heavy in its own way but yeah but it's like fun i'm having fun good good and we had a great tease at the very end of that movie for the joker oh joe care so you know joker is going to be in this and you obviously know this is the movie with heath ledger and all that good stuff um one thing we didn't talk about we talked about it like throughout the video but then we never really like brought it back up but joffrey baratheon making a cameo yeah a little baby joshua yeah he's like such an injury which is funny because i think that movie came out maybe like five years prior to game of thrones so he like grew up very quickly yeah and well i mean they they do like you know the difference between like a six-year-old and an 11 year old is huge very true so completely random like the batman trilogy no jeffrey's still here it follows us wherever we go but it was kind of fun like seeing him but it was it was also hard to be like feel bad for him because i was just like i hate his face you just associate with like your evil yeah totally and his character in this one was like a sad little boy yeah who needs projecting and stuff and i'm just like what but let them die i love that um going into this movie do you have any expectations or like do you really remember anything aside from heath ledger about it um i mean i think that this is the one that i've definitely like heard of the most i think this is the one people like talk about a lot talk about yeah so i'm excited i think it's gonna be really good cool um and i'm sure all of his fun little like bat gear gets upgraded yeah they're gonna upgrade the batcave so that's always fun to watch yeah yeah black paint it black that seems like the theme for this is like painted black yeah alexa play painted black i like to play in black okay um all right well let's not waste any more time let's get right into it the dark night the dark night the dark night the white night hey gotham gotham's like just new york basically with a couple different records it's supposed to be like chicago well i think a mixture maybe but like if you look at like an aerial view of it it definitely looks like new york cause that's what i thought too i hate a clown mask gonna get a lot of those in this maybe i should watch the joker after this the joker would be a good choice i never saw the joker [Applause] [Music] that's the kind of bank teller you want in your bank oh that was very noble but what do you want to do i'm betting the joker told you to kill me as soon as we loaded the cash no no no i killed a bus driver stranger oh hello spit it out like you could have spit that out like what the timing on that i mean it just couldn't be better ever intending to see your wife again lieutenant i thought you had to go look after your mother detective checked you back into the hospital how would you drive stay to my customers you don't like what i have to offer you can buy from someone else [Applause] [Music] yeah no good luck buds [Applause] batman fighting batman he's like stop it imposter what gives you the right what's the difference between you and me i'm not wearing hockey plays i'm not wearing a hockey pad i didn't get my armor from big five i'm batman that's the difference the difference is i have an alfred how does he do that he just literally liked yeah literally he's running like why can't he just be like bye gordon yeah okay i'll see you later i'll come back later he has to be ominous yeah at all times he can't help himself he has a flare for the theatrical the theatrics yep theatrics and perception be nice when my manners rebuilt it was what not sleeping in a penthouse you're not sleeping in a mansion more copycats last night alfred with guns why don't you hire him and take a weekend off look at the new district attorney need to know if you can be trusted are you interested in his character or his social circle rachel spends her time with us your business so yeah they reconnect it's not rachel they recast her it always bothers me when shows or movies do that and just like don't address it it's like wait why am i supposed to just that's not rachel my eyes aren't registering why were you or anything harvey i know these briefs backwards i don't i make my own luck hostile i didn't even get that in a courtroom right your honor i'm not done the fact that they're trying to kill you means we're getting to them like he's they're just nonchalant about the fact that he's like the gun just jammed but he would have been dead i put every known money launderer and gotham behind bars but mom is still getting its money out gordon i don't like that you've got your own special unit i don't get political coins at least i have to do the best i can with what i have you want me to back warrants for search and seizure on five banks without telling me what we're after i'll get you your warrants i want your trust another long night this joint venture was your idea just needed a closer look at the bush anything else you're in trouble before i need a new shoe not only does he have alfred but he also has mr fox like what else do you need yeah seriously those two could rule the world rachel i fancy that yeah bruce fans see that rachel's told me everything about you no certainly i'm not so let's put a couple tables together just crashes their date he's like yeah so we're going to do this together now all of us who stood by take control of our city this is a democracy he's like alright i like heartbeat you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain i've heard that quote before it's a very famous quote in a lot of superhero movies well one fundraiser with my pals you'll never need another [ __ ] versus like i'm so like big [ __ ] him yeah was stolen a relatively small amount 68 million the problem is our money being tracked by the cops so what are you proposing moving all deposits to one secure location can you move the money i already have my boy i thought my jokes were bad give me one reason why i shouldn't have my boy here i know why you're afraid to go out at night the batman batman has no jurisdiction he'll find him and make him squeal he's like i don't want any part of that yeah enough all right so listen why don't you give me a call when you want to start taking things a little more seriously what an intro we need loud back the chinese won't extra international under any how will circumstances get him back [Music] he's like we shut it down because i'm yachting with a bunch of ballerinas and i also low-key don't want you guys going on this date i'm going to ruin your night somebody hear me they say they've just killed the joker they broke the body my father was a drinker he goes off crazier than usual mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself he turns to me and he says why is so serious he sticks the blade in my mouth let's put a smile on that face why so serious now good so which of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team there's only one spot open right now so we're gonna have try outs he's gonna make them all kill each other with spears like he's like one of you better walk out of this room what a terrifying like couple of scenes we've gotten to him so far he's like a really entertaining character to what like those scenes have been so good right yeah for security purposes whatever it is refuse how smart sneaky snakes [Music] [Applause] how could you not be terrified even though you know you have the gliders and even though you know you have the suit by mr fox like never literally this job would also only work if you were like a billionaire because you wouldn't get paid for this no you he does it for the love of the game [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] if i was in hong kong and the batman came i'd be like how the [ __ ] did you get yeah how are you even here right now they were very unprepared for this moment they're like so shocked they're like this was not in training well there he goes that's so scary seriously imagine being strapped to batman and you're just like whipping through the air you're like i'm gonna die please deliver to the lieutenant gordon enjoy your time in county mr loudoun they can't go to county i'll keep them here in the holding cell do you trust them over a county i don't trust them here that is like such a [ __ ] up situation where like you can't trust the people in the jail you can't trust the police like everybody's wrapped up in this crime that entire room is defendants that's the only reason that means it's on you oh my god okay that is not batman wait you said that is batman i said that is not batman oh yeah that dumbass armor will the real batman please stand up please stand up so you think batman's made gotham a better place batman must take off his mask and turn himself in oh and every day he doesn't people will die [Applause] but it's also kind of like he's already been killing people he's been killing people but he's gonna kill more so yeah that poor guy like imagine if like your dad was like out there trying to like be a good hero and he gets caught up in like some real [ __ ] like dad stay in the office please don't put away your pads and you're you're a hero to me dad that's that's enough he talks about you all the time you've known her whole life oh not yet psychotic ex-boyfriends i should be aware of oh you have no idea alfred's like i know i psychotic woman um batman batman is your girlfriend's ex that would be so tough how do you compete with that i'm sorry that i'm late i'm glad to see that you all got started without me now where is harvey the man of the hour where's rachel dawes she is my oldest friend come here are we a little drunk i believe in harvey then i believe that on his watch gotham can feel a little safer this is the face of gotham's bright future to harvey dent let's hear it for him oh nice speech he's just such a little like [ __ ] you know that day the unions told me about but gotham would no longer be batman let's come harvey is that hero gotham needs air over the face throw a party wayne i'll give you that thanks again you mind if i borrow rachel he's like i do he's like i was in the middle of a conversation with someone i'm still trying to date eventually trying to tell her to wait for me on the floor by far searching the entire building sorry sir we believe the joker's made a threat against your life take the envelope get in open it it'll tell you where you're headed then gunning for you makes you see things clearly yeah i bet about who you want to spend the rest of your life with it's a pretty big commitment well not the mom has no way is that a proposal wait wait there's no answers now what are you doing oh gosh that poor judge good evening ladies and gentlemen where is harvey dent free boy oh what a goon you know harvey i need to talk to him about something just something little huh no these people are like just like dead no but what would you do i know i don't know i would start crying you remind me of my father i hated my father okay stop you must be harvey's squeeze well you look nervous is it the scars look at me so i had a wife beautiful like you who tells me i ought to smile more i stick a razor in my mouth and do this now i'm that was intense yeah that was really intense drop the gun oh sure you just take off your little mask and show us all who you really are let her go very poor choice of words like terrifying thing to just barely escape from well and he just leaves the joker in there with all of those people he's like [ __ ] them so side note i've seen an interview with the woman who plays rachel in this and she was asked about that scene and apparently none of it was in script he like just improved it all so she was very terrified in real life with respect master wayne perhaps this is a man you don't fully understand either some men aren't looking for anything logical like money some men just want to watch the world burn a lot of iconic lines in this movie oh absolutely like give me a poster of that right i'm sure that exists i need 10 minutes for the scene before you've been contaminated us contaminated it's because of you these guys are dead lady you do not know who you're talking to tim it's because of the joker so just show you wanted me to do the diligence on the lsi holdings deal again well i found some irregularity don't tell me you didn't recognize your baby out there pancaking cop cars on the evening news i want 10 million a year for the rest of my life no you think that your client one of the wealthiest most powerful men in the world is secretly a vigilante and your plan is to blackmail this person you keep that he's like actually when you put it like that never mind i'm just gonna leave you have a great rest of your day you know what let me buy you lunch i'm gonna actually i'm moving to kansas tomorrow so don't worry about me stupid guy you have the nerve you thought you were going to do something on mr fox i always hear god like from bruce yes boy there's something you've seen i've seen bruce almighty and evan almighty my little cousin was actually in bruce almighty as like an extra she was one of the preschoolers oh my gosh jennifer aniston was her teacher she was she met jen aniston she doesn't remember it would suck to be part of something like that as a child and then like yeah she was like you have no memory of it it's like gerber babies like exactly cross reference the addresses look for uh i got one melvin white 1502 randolph apartments i'm looking for a mr do melvin dew melvin if you get that reference love you [Music] oh it's a funeral is it is it not maybe you're right but i thought it was a parade maybe it's like a weird time to be having a parade oh maybe it is a funeral for the the guy who just died from the poison in the cup people in the comments can be like haven't you seen this commissioner dedicated his life to law enforcement clearly it was not a man who means words nor should he have been what happened his uniforms [Music] okay so how did nobody notice him those scars are pretty it's prominent what no tell me what you know about the joker not the situation you want to be in he doesn't want to talk to us is he really dead oh that's a shitty piece of nose that's a shitty piece of noose you're not expecting that no he's like the only good guy literally and he's been there since day one like who's next fox rachel rachel listen to me you're not safe there oh this is for these men god is there anyone in this town we can trust bruce you can trust bruce wayne and you go straight there you don't tell anybody where you're going and i'll find you there i love you she's like no you don't understand she's like still in this situation is not saying it back yeah she's like i don't want the joker from one professional to another if you're trying to scare somebody pick up that spot oh like who are you to be mr honorable seriously my boss [Applause] and you gonna keep your head tails not so lucky you leave a man's life to chance not exactly you're the symbol of hope i could never be your stand against organized crime is the first legitimate ray of light in gotham you're gonna hold a press conference tomorrow morning why no one else will die because of me you can't give it it must be exhausting it's just a it's a lot of changing outfits i was just about to say he's either in a suit or a suit and like a pressed suit yeah doesn't he ever wear just like basketball shorts and a t-shirt you to tell me that if the date came when i was finished i wouldn't be together nope katie holmes told you that no she never said that to you i don't even know who this woman is i still have not adjusted just kidding it is sweet yeah but she plays a good rachel she's fine but as well everything anything that can lead should we give in to this terrorist demands do we really think that we can better protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of citizens [Music] [Applause] i'd be like first of all no you're not take my girl and my [ __ ] job perhaps both bruce and mr believe that batman stands for somebody more important letting harvey take the fall for this is not heroic at all you know him better than anyone you give this to him for me when the time is right it's not sealed it's not seems like you can read it i'm sorry i didn't have time to talk to start with you what are you doing they're transferring the essential ones this is your life you can't leave something like that to chance it's a double-sided coin it's always heads that's the gag hey you ain't like everybody else back oh boy the hell is that obstruction ahead obstruction ahead [Applause] that is not good all these poor bystanders on the freeway that are just like just trying to get home from work literally just living in gotham a bazooka the scene is so interesting because there's no like music there it's just the [Music] car sounds [Music] damaged catastrophic a bazooka you hadn't thought of that mr fox you didn't think he might get shot out with heavy artillery goodbye goodbye this is just knocking off everyone's mirrors like sorry [Music] he's just like at the end of the day he's just like a little crazy person uh [Applause] should have put his arm out and like knocked him over hit him with his arm yeah i [ __ ] knew it [Laughter] no but i trusted him to do the right thing well this is where that gift is where he's like tomorrow you take the big job i don't know what you say in the matter commissioner gordon oh my god i thought that guy in the back bowed down i was like that's overdoing it too that's a bit much like imagine like you couldn't even tell us we could have faked it you've been in just like in grieving for days honey where have you been like you've been in the hotel like please step away from the bars the inside's hurt like there's no reaction he's just like oh hello it's like this is a dream he's like oh good you're back i'll take him how was bob mac and cheese how was the trip to the grocery store dad you were gone for a long time mom wouldn't shut up [Music] i was right here who did you leave him with doesn't depress you commissioner to know just how alone you really are [Music] they're only as good as the world allows them to be i'll show you when the chips are down they'll eat each other see i'm not a monster i'm just ahead of the curve i thought you really were dead the way you threw [Music] are you okay i want my phone call you killed six of my friends please he told me that only one of us was gonna make it and they were gonna let our friends choose you see in their last moments people show you who they really are i know your friends better than you ever did would you like to know which of them were cowards don't fall for it he's trying to piss you off i just want my stupid call that's a rough way to go just in case and my answer is yes no no okay sorry listen someone [Applause] [Music] he wanted me to lock him up in the mcu [Applause] dear bruce i need to be honest and clear when i told you that if gotham no longer needed batman we could be together i meant it but as your friend i'm sorry i'm sorry love now and always rachel rachel believed in what you stood for which is work for now i'm gonna have to make them think away in the forest [Music] like shut up you're not helping anything i'm sorry um i'm sorry no not yet that's awful i think that if we can talk to den today he may feel different and we wish him a speeding recovery i'm only running my half tell your men they work for me now this is my city i had a vision of a world without batman i've had a change of heart if coleman reece isn't dead in 60 minutes then i blow up a hospital the priority is gotham gen wheel everybody out of that place right now you you and you you come with me this [ __ ] guy was just trying to get rich and look what happened you got involved which you did you're involved why did you want a piece of this action rhys all this for 10 million dollars [Music] little money grubber this is a lesson to all of you don't be a reese never be a race you know the guy you were trying to out yeah is now your only hope which is so stupid like why did he even want to out him he was not gonna like get paid for it he just wanted to go on the news like batman's the only one working against the joker right now so man we're gonna have to move him now you know what i am i'm a dog chasing why because my wife's in the hospital yeah that'd yeah i don't like the way you're holding it and the way that you're sweating it's you live you die his face is terrifying all right bruce take him out for the team yeah i saved you he's like uh that's like why didn't that work that is quite an explosion i really hope they got everyone out someone was in the bathroom was harvey still in there i suppose we'll find out push the glass up glasses up we're just now needing the national guard i didn't know there was even an option why have they not been here the whole time i know hasn't the city been like past the point of that hello [Music] full dark side turn every cell phone and gossip into a microphone this is wrong i've gotta find this man lucious this is too much but consider this my reservation when you're finished type in your name [Music] don't stop the lights caps nothing your driver he could have also died you know he straps his seatbelt like that that seatbelt's not gonna pick from a flip no oh my god [Applause] those men had their chances jim needs you to pack up and put the kids in the car right away and you'll have to move fast where am i supposed to take them 2 15 50 seconds sorry maybe the joker's point is very correct though like you put people in a situation and they all become savages this is so complicated right you got to fight the swad team and protect them at the same time and you got to fight the clowns but protect them at the same time [Music] i just like wouldn't trust it because i would be like what if he's lying like what are those detonators to our bombs like some weird reverse psychological detonator like he proves you're an evil person and then punishes you for an agent of chaos like you can't assume that he's telling you the truth like the straightforward truth why you made it i'm so thrilled fine i'll do it wow [Music] i can't rely uh [Music] you just couldn't let me go you truly are incorruptable aren't you and i won't kill you because you're just too much fun i took gotham's wine mine and i brought him down on them all it takes is a little push boy i feel like this is just not bothering him at all though no it feels like part of this plan he's already been caught once there is no escape from this you don't want to hurt the boy harvey the joker chokes me because you were the best of us and he was right you first yeah like he wears a kevlar suit [Music] he okay his voice is so dumb is he okay like no he just fell 10 feet 10 feet a lot of feeds you just took a spell the joker took the best of her saturday now people will lose hope they won't god hero i killed those people that's what i can be no no you can't you're not i'm whatever god needs me to be come on you're on me because that's what needs to happen sometimes people deserve more you didn't do anything wrong because it's the hero wow so good that was awesome yeah i feel like that movie definitely you know needed the first one yeah yeah to really set that up but that one is just so good so it could have been a standalone film yeah well i think you can watch just that one and and still like be very impressed by it yeah yeah that was really good i enjoyed it good i mean i knew you would yeah like obviously you're gonna love it but yeah you enjoyed it yeah no i thought it was so good i thought heath ledger's performance was just like incredible insane yeah captivating scary like so scary and it's so creepy and wild and brilliant like every scene that he had where he had those big long monologues i was just like on the edge of my seat yeah totally so good and just the way he delivers lines like i i love the added like the licking of the lips and just like the way he talks it's so like genius considering he probably was like in his house one day conjuring up that character coming up with how he was gonna play it yeah it's so good so good let's get into your notes the dark knight the dark knight um first thing i wrote was the bank i should have spat that thing out of his mouth that is so ridiculous put something in his mouth and he's just like instantly like yeah like it's not whatever's in that thing is not good no you should get rid of it get it out of your mouth this guy was so noble but also stupid so stupid um batman crashing rachel's date was funny sitting down and he's like let's put the tables together yeah he just like walks into a room and it's just like i own this building yeah he owns every building he's like i can do whatever i want that's fine um and then the why so serious monologue we kind of just said what needed to be said but yeah it was so good like hit that kind of he had the scene with the bus but like that was really i feel like the intro to his character totally like comes in hot bangs the guy's head on a pencil and then like just just a crazy scary person so yeah so scary and he's so like funny and like you kind of have to so it's you know makes sense that he's called the joker because he kind of is like just entertaining to watch so scary um bruce taking all of the ballerinas on the boat was so funny again crashing harvey and rachel's day he's just like oh i know you guys were planning to see this but i actually have all of them on a yacht right now that feels like a long time ago it doesn't feel like the same movie um joker during the fundraiser terrifying against scene with him and rachel such a monologue like grabbing her face like that and it's just oh i have to find that interview that i brought up with her because he the person who's interviewing is like very like you know what was it like working with heath you know all this stuff and she very much was like he kept to himself he didn't come out and so the very first time that she saw him was for that like when she saw him in costume was that scene and she said that she had no idea what he was gonna do and the director came up to her and was like just let him pop if you feel uncomfortable i gave her like a word like a safe word basically but he was like he's gonna go he's gonna come after you so if you feel uncomfortable yell this out and she never did she said she said but the whole time she had no idea what he was gonna do he's a great great actor obviously um harvey taking the fall for batman i was like why is he doing that he's gonna get hurt the rules kind of reverse at the end there but yeah um very poetic yeah like they kind of each did it for each other um joker and batman in the cell together was fun to me i like you know again like a very intense scene but i like when you get those little kind of like one versus one yeah moments um and then like again when he's hanging you know in the towards the end yeah and i love how he like he's getting the [ __ ] beat out of him and he just finds it so funny yeah he's just like keep petting me well because they're both it really is like they're each other's perfect opposite where it's like batman is justice and rigid set of rules and honor and like believes in society and believes in a community and whatever and joker's like the complete opposite no rules rules are made up they're [ __ ] community and like people are bad and there's no like reason for any of it to exist so seeing them like kind of juxtaposed is fun yeah um poor baby rachel r.i.p rachel what a death like that is just such a mo i feel like so tough and she really was such a such a catalyst in two faces yeah you know and it's it's so funny because they're a juxtaposition too because like she was kind of with bruce and harvey and like they both came out of her death in like such different different ways different ways yeah such a hard death yeah poor thing but also like blowing up i feel like is a great way to go because it's probably it's got to be very immediate yeah very immediate you know you died like that yeah so at least there's um i wrote harvey looks like hell the first time i saw his face that that whatever prosthetics that is or makeup they did was so freaky right so gross and i wonder how they do the eyeball i don't know but it looks really good you can do pretty much anything with something yeah i don't know we should look it up and see what that was let us know in the comments if his eye was prosthetic or cgi um and the mouth too like the open teeth yeah the teeth crazy that had to have been cgi yeah i don't yeah i don't know how they would have done that um reese you john [ __ ] you dumb stupid oaf dumb stupid like just for no reason just complicating things keeps getting himself involved for no reason go home drink a cup of tea and like lie down and don't involve yourself and it was really smart of bruce to save him look at him and be like we good we good are you stop now are you gonna stop threatening my identity like that's quite enough we've all had enough of your shenanigans reece reese quit it stupid race stupid rhys um i was happy neither boat killed the other one i know great outcome good for them it's such a suspenseful moment suspenseful yeah suspenseful moment that you really think like oh one of them is gunning yeah they both like both boats are like kill the other one but then when it comes down to it nobody wants to pull the trigger yeah at the end of the day humanity does exist and it is real even with criminals on boats like even they were like yeah they're like nope um and then batman taking the fall for harvey at the end was very sad but also just like so noble because he could have absolutely used that moment to be like i'm gonna get gotham back on my side so i can continue to do this but he chose to do he's the bigger picture yeah he chose to let harvey remain you know let his legacy yeah kind of remain the same so i kind of got tired at the end too like i don't know why i got emotional for him but he's like running running away and the sun's like he did nothing wrong i was like he did it you're right james he didn't do anything wrong super super good yeah loved it love it yeah all right well two down one more to go one more uh i hope you guys have enjoyed this video and addy's reaction to the dark knight if you did make sure to hit that like and subscribe button so you can stay up to date on all of our future movie marathons and game of thrones journeys we hope you guys have a great rest your day we'll see in the next video
Channel: Dan Worrell
Views: 133,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t3IEOcJWc1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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