Watched Spartacus Season 3 in one sitting

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ever since Spartacus Avenged his wife by killing his enemy gribo his life's purpose ceased to be about personal favors and small kindnesses instead he fought for the countless slaves who suffered under the oppressive Roman slavery system Spartacus and His Rebel Army fought their way towards Rome slaves from various regions joined their Uprising along the way the ranks of the slave rebellion grew rapidly posing a growing threat to Roman rule the two Roman generals on the front line were filled with unease at the mere mention of spartacus's name Roman soldiers trembled with fear to defeat the Rebellion they had no choice but to seek the assistance of the magistrate inviting Crassus to join the Roman army Crassus one of the three Giants of the Roman Republic was incredibly wealthy with his meticulous nature he had immersed himself in practicing gladiatorial swordsmanship oblivious to everything else he even insisted that his sons Stand By and observe learning from the slaves his son cambian was highly displeased with this Arrangement seeing it as an insult to his father to learn swordsmanship from slaves but in the face of his father's imposing presence he dared not voice his objections the magistrate approached Crassus and presented the current military situation bluntly requesting troops to suppress the Rebellion he demanded a legion of ten thousand Soldiers with full authority over their provisions and accommodations stay stating that the Senate will offer no assistance in return Crassus with command over these soldiers though he would rank below the two other generals logically no one would agree to such a disadvantageous deal but Crassus agreed the magistrate was highly satisfied with his response seeing this scene cambian was deeply dissatisfied with his father's actions Crassus responded firmly stating that all his choices were correct and for the glory of Rome however was Crassus truly as Noble as he claimed meanwhile a group of people found Spartacus they discovered a small Detachment of Roman soldiers attempting to pass through their controlled territory they couldn't let their prey Escape so they immediately went to intercept them oh foreign [Music] less than a round all the Rome soldiers were annihilated during the process of inspecting the battlefield they found a secret letter on one of the Roman soldiers the letter revealed that Crassus himself would lead 10 000 soldiers to suppress the Rebellion Spartacus immediately called a meeting with his leadership team to discuss countermeasures in the end everyone agreed that they must not allow a confrontation with the large Roman army as it would lead to being surrounded and suppressed instead Ellie Kong would lead the rebel Army to engage the enemy head on in the north drawing away the majority of their Firepower while Spartacus crixus and others would secretly attack the enemy's main Camp as expected most of the guards had been called away from the city Spartacus and his group took advantage of this opportunity and easily decapitated the two generals thank you meanwhile Cress has continued his Relentless practice of exceptional swordsmanship with the Gladiators day and night he harshly reprimanded the champion slave demanding he exert his full strength in their duel the slave admitted that doing so would mean certain death regardless of the outcome Crassus had Campion bear witness stating that if he were unfortunate enough to be killed by the slave the slave would immediately gain his freedom and must not seek revenge in the end they cast aside all reservations and began a fight to the death foreign the slave a champion for many years fell under Crassus swordsmanship the next morning the magistrate approached Crassus they deliver news of the deaths of the two generals revealing that everything had been part of crass's scheme how could someone with such ambition willingly submit to others using this stratagem he eliminated the two generals through spartacus's hands now the entire Army's command fell into his hands alone even though the magistrate suspected crass's scheme there was no countermeasure at present and only Crassus could command the large army these disgusting rotten and foul-smelling animal organs were quickly snatched by the children in the refugee camp it was one of the few sources of food that could alleviate their hunger Spartacus witnessed the miserable lives of the slaves who followed him and he remained silent vowing to liberate the millions of suffering slaves however at present he couldn't even solve their basic problems of food and shelter barticus constantly pondered ways to change the situation only by capturing another prosperous City could they address the shortage of food and the issue of living conditions until evening Spartacus crixus and a select few held a leadership team meeting after thorough discussion they decided to Target a city called Celia Mount Aisha near the southern coast the city was built on the mountains offering natural defensive terrain and pleasant climate capturing it would serve as a temporary base for the rebel Army resolving their nomadic existence they summoned a butcher who had lived there to verify the situation they learned that although the city was prosperous its Gates were heavily guarded the entire city is surrounded by sturdy walls to prevent slave rebellions the leading administrator established a rule that prohibits anyone from carrying weapons when entering the city launching a strong attack on the city is extremely challenging after careful consideration Spartacus decided to send a few skilled individuals to infiltrate the city at night they would seize the opportunity to kill the gate guards open the city Gates and allow the slave Army to enter adior happened to know a blacksmith in the city who specialized in forging weapons they could offer him a generous reward to quickly Forge several web weapons the Executioner mentioned that his former master was a noble figure in the city and could be invoked if necessary early the next morning Spartacus adior and the companions disguise themselves and arrived at the city Gates the coastal trading city was indeed bustling with vigilant soldiers questioning Spartacus in his group just when they were on the verge of being exposed Spartacus revealed the name of a prominent slave owner allowing them to pass as they entered the city they encountered a group of nobles disposing of slaves in the marketplace the slave owner described the crimes committed by the slaves to the people present one of the slaves influenced by spartacus's Uprising had stolen food and preparation to escape to set an example the slave owner decided to subject the slave to stoning the administrator and his wife leita were also present Letta had a kind and gentle nature she attempted to persuade her husband to spare the slave's life but received no response and left in Anger the Roman punishment of stoning was crude and cruel it involved a group of people throwing stones at criminal until they were killed thank you oh Spartacus wanted to save the slave but had a mission to accomplish unable to Bear seeing the slave endure the stoning he threw a stone with Force killing the slave however the precise Stone throw Drew attention from the surrounding crowd forcing them to quickly depart adiar led the group to the blacksmith shop in search of the blacksmith Spartacus immediately gave him a substantial amount of money instructing him to forge two swords before nightfall a Dior and Spartacus remained in the city while crix is left to Rendezvous with Ellie Kong to prepare for the nighttime assault night fell and City Gates were closed the blacksmith was punctual and two swords were quickly forged adior and Spartacus being strangers would be captured if they ventured out at night so they persuaded the blacksmith to help them open the city Gates the blacksmith initially refused fearing for his life as he had made the weapons for them once they discovered them wielding his swords he would be condemned to death under adior's forceful threat the blacksmith reluctantly agreed by midnight Ellie Kong and others led the Rebellion Army waiting for Spartacus to give the signal to attack the city progress was not smooth as There Were Soldiers patrolling everywhere the blacksmith came up with a plan pretending to have found Spartacus whereabouts you know [Music] he lured a group of soldiers into the Armory and locked them inside when the blacksmith was about to be executed adior and Spartacus fought their way out they mercilessly slaughtered any soldiers they encountered after years of training their martial skills were far superior and they swiftly dispatched dozens of Roman soldiers [Music] as they struggled to pry open the city Gates a large number of Locked Up soldiers rushed out at this critical moment crixus and Ellie Kong slipped in through the crack in the gate they quickly raised the gates and the Army flooded into the city like a torrent they killed anyone they encountered along the way before long the city's Defenders were all slain no Noble or Aristocrat in the city was spared and cries of Anguish echoed everywhere the once prosperous City had become a graveyard for slave owners and the privileged class Spartacus captured Leta while searching for her husband learning that this person was Spartacus let his face filled with Terror before long the city was filled with piles of bodies a scene Spartacus did not wish to see observing a stone still stained with fresh blood Spartacus felt conflicted at that moment another group of nobles was brought before them the Rebellion Army prepared to execute all these Nobles but Spartacus with good intentions intervened just then crixus rushed over and informed them that the administrator had locked himself in The Granary he had poured pitch inside and threatened to burn it down cutting off the Rebel's Escape Route Spartacus had no choice but to ask Leta to persuade her husband to surrender if The Granary was destroyed my men would continue the massacre and no Roman would survive Leta looked at the Roman Aristocrats and with her kind heart nodded approaching her husband while conversing with the administrator adior and krixus suddenly attacked from behind killing several nearby soldiers seizing the opportunity Spartacus impaled the administrator's head with a spear Lita filled with sorrow looked at her deceased husband and angrily accused Spartacus of lying after enduring so much hardship sparcus no longer trusted the Romans for the stability of the entire city the remaining Romans received temporary protection from Spartacus the former Aristocrats and Elites of the past have all become slaves with only a few survivors remaining a pregnant noblewoman leans against her husband unable to Bear the hunger a blond-haired man glances over and brings a loaf of bread to the couple as a trade-off he asks them to reveal the exact location of the Hidden wealth for the sake of his wife and child the chubby man reluctantly discloses the whereabouts of the Hidden riches the blonde-haired man scoffs and throws the bread on the ground which attracts another Roman who greedily snatches it leading to a brutal brawl between the two at that moment crixus approaches and grabs both of them do you desire blood he demands that the two former Aristocrats duel for a piece of bread the chubby man has always been a nobleman of Rome but he lacks any cruel traits he is kind hearted and friendly towards slaves although he is a Roman nobleman prior to the arrival of the slave Army in the eyes of the slaves the chubby man's reputation was still excellent adir finds this highly inappropriate and Navia outright refuses when the Roman Elites forced you to fight and kill crixus back then it was only for their entertainment and pleasure we slaves also have flesh and blood and now we are merely seeking Revenge causing the crowd to cheer and rejoice the two Roman Nobles pick up their swords and clumsily engage in a battle with each of them attacking and parrying after 10 minutes of grappling [Music] man the chubby man seizes an opportunity and emerges Victorious as he reaches out with his weary body to pick up the bread Nevaeh mercilessly cuts off his hand with her sword in her eyes the chubby man intended to grab the sword and attack crixus a blacksmith filled with righteous indignation loudly questions nevaeh's cruel actions crixus witnessing his woman being yelled at moves forward to strike the blacksmith adior steps in between the two defusing the conflict the enraged blacksmith hurriedly tends to the chubby man's injuries he is infuriated by the brutal behavior of the slave Army at this moment what distinguishes the slave Army from those cruel Roman Elites in their eyes prixis also expresses his deep confusion over nivea's actions but then nivea's words leave crixus completely speechless it turns out that before she was sent to the mining area as a slave she had become a tool for various slave owners to satisfy their desires they used various brutal tools to relentlessly torment her body this became a dark moment that Nevaeh still cannot forget therefore in her eyes all Roman crowds and Elites should be slain meanwhile on the other side Spartacus and elikong are inspecting the Food Supplies in the warehouse since the slave Army took control of the city their forces have been continuously increasing the remaining food supply will only last for two weeks with the growing number of people there won't be much left in less than two weeks just when they don't know what to do four Pirates wearing peculiar attire arrive at the city Gates Spartacus wastes no time and allows them to enter the city the pirate leader admires Spartacus for destroying the arena defeating grievo and leading the slave Uprising they also bring wine to celebrate as they share the same hatred for the Romans because they too despise the Romans Spartacus realizes that their visit is not solely for celebration and drinking he requests to have an open and honest conversation to which the pirate Captain reluctantly reveals their true purpose for coming it turns out that beneath the facade of this prosperous coastal city he and the deceased magistrate had secret agreement long ago the administrative official driven by the pursuit of immense profits secretly issued a valid permit for the Pirates then they provided the pirates with specific information about the passing shifts to be rated at Sea all the goods were evenly divided among them upon hearing this Spartacus had a brilliant idea if we find the seal we can continue the previous collaboration with the Pirates this way we can bypass the strict blockade of the Roman army on the land ensure the safe delivery of food to the city relieving the Urgent situation so Spartacus gathered all his followers and thoroughly searched the administrative official's office twice the final result was disappointing as no trace of the seal was found in order to achieve his goal Spartacus had no choice but to seek help from Letta the wife of the city official at this point later Harbor deep hatred towards Spartacus you helped myself by allowing my husband to be killed before your eyes our beautiful city has been ruined by you our kind and chubby brother risked his life for a piece of bread and you chopped off his hand now you are no different from a demon however Spartacus was unaware of the chubby brother's fate and assured Leda that similar incidents would not happen again let us still believe that her husband was honest and kind-hearted then spartacus's next statement shattered Lita's perception of her husband he devoted greater some towards secret Pact you lie presented to me by Hero himself she never expected that he was secretly colluding with the Pirates engaging in burning killing and looting without any moral bounds Spartacus said I'll give you a chance to find the slave and facilitate a smooth trait of food once we leave this city I will grant freedom to all the slaves before we depart I will ensure that the slave Army no longer mistreats the Roman Nobles for the safety and well-being of herself and others Leta ultimately found the seal at dusk the pirate Captain arrived is scheduled to finalize the contract at this point Spartacus proposed a collaboration and requested the procurement of the first batch of food the pirate Captain being clever requested Lita as a gift in return Spartacus firmly refused and eventually they reached a mutually beneficial agreement and began a pleasant collaboration they agreed to meet at the waterfront outside the city for the transaction Before Sunset soon the agreed upon time for The Exchange arrived but there was a lack of funds Spartacus had no choice but to collect money from his subordinates and finally raised enough funds this caused dissatisfaction among some of his brothers a consequence of the absence of a complete management system Spartacus was concerned that something might go wrong during the trade with the Pirates he repeatedly instructed Nivea when you leave the city immediately close the city Gates and do not open them for anyone without my order following his instructions he led the main Force out of the city shortly after they left the city a beautiful female Warrior approached and reported the chubby brother has escaped with his wife and we can't find any trace of them in the city Nivea immediately sensed trouble and feared that this could be a diversionary tactic wanting to take the opportunity to escape outside the city she immediately found a blacksmith stubbornly without giving him a chance to explain Nevaeh directly accused the blacksmith of being a traitor for a long time Nvidia and krixus had been studying martial arts together the blacksmiths had no intention of harming her come back at a critical moment nevia picked up a hammer from the ground she viciously smashed it on the blacksmith's head directly killing him at this point her heart had already been consumed by Relentless hatred indiscriminately seeking revenge against the Romans even though the incident had nothing to do with the blacksmith on the other side Leta secretly made her way to the cellar which turned out to be their hiding place since the slave Army broke their promise and killed her husband she could no longer trust these Ruffians to treat the innocent people kindly this man was Julius Caesar the first emperor of the Roman Empire however at this moment he was a powerless and penniless passerby Caesar's ancestors were renowned figures with illustrious family backgrounds but now their family fortune had declined burdened by heavy debts Caesar had displayed bravery and strategical prowess repeatedly achieving military exploits however he often disregarded his superiors and acted independently in the end despite his contributions he never had the opportunity for promotion Crassus greatly admired Caesar's abilities combined with his illustrious family background however at this time Crassus was heavily in debt he was also regarded as a thorn in the side by the powerful Elites desperate to get rid of him his Escape Route had been cut off in this way the two quickly reached a consensus with Crassus providing sufficient financial support allowing Caesar to lead a large army to defeat the slave rebellion led by Spartacus Crassus was a very ambitious man recently he used Spartacus to kill two Frontline Generals in order to seize command of the three armies immediately after he used his enormous wealth to personally fund the creation of a ten thousand strong Army preparing to battle the Spartacus slave rebellion he ultimately achieved military merits and established a firm footing in politics with Crassus Gathering his massive forces the Senate continuously sent messages urging him to pacify the unrest yet he was meticulous in his thinking repeatedly confirming the situation of combat supplies and equipment with his young son because all weapon procurement was handled by his son cambian who was also very dedicated cambian fervently hoped to qualify as his father's deputy and demonstrate his abilities however Caesar's appearance at this time became his competitor making him internally Restless Crassus welcomed Caesar rebellious and unrestrained he wanted to do something to Corey the female slave who had come to serve him little did he know that Corey with her beauty was Crassus exclusive lover just as Caesar intended to continue intimately Crassus appeared in time and sent Corey away coincidentally cambian arrived and learned about Caesar's mistreatment of Corey cambian immediately wanted to confront Caesar About It by chance he overheard his father and Caesar discussing military deployments Caesar said Spartacus has thoroughly studied our tactics even understanding our combat patterns and rules therefore we must abandon our previous conventional tactics which coincides with Crassus approach to Warfare Crassus greatly appreciated Caesar's thoughts I am also regretful why my son cambian lacks such understanding he added hearing this conversation from outside cambian's jealousy towards Caesar grew deeper that night the Arrogant cambian found Caesar he discovered a female slave lying on Caesar's lap with blood dripping onto the ground cambian thought Caesar was a super pervert but this action by Caesar would soon become crucial in defeating the Spartacus Rebellion at this point cambian advised him not to covet the position of his deputy and to stay away from Corey however Caesar completely disregarded the young boy's words a few sentences made cambian feel utterly humiliated and their first conversation ended like that with everything prepared the day of departure arrived the two arrived at Crassus Command Center awaiting orders to Caesar's surprise Crassus appointed his son cambian as the deputy Caesar was only assigned as his auxiliary Vanguard to unify the remaining forces of the two former generals the main force will arrive later leaving Caesar highly dissatisfied I am an experienced General yet now I have to listen to a young boy he thought under crass's mix of persuasion and coercion Caesar finally acquiesced to his appointment subsequently the two walked out of the command camp and Crassus delivered a speech before setting off and Glory of Rome [Applause] in a military Camp 100 kilometers away from cilyu Mount Aisha City an injured soldier who escaped from the city is being brought into the camp the soldier reports that spartacus's Rebel Army had occupied our city proclaiming himself as the bringer of death before the soldier could finish speaking Caesar swiftly strikes his head with a sword the one thing Caesar despises most is cowardly deserters witnessing Caesar's Furious action cambian strongly expresses his disapproval reaffirming his position as the leader here such an extreme abuse of power seriously insults cambian's Authority he immediately demands that Caesar leave the camp and go back little does he know this is exactly the result Caesar desired under the ignorant leadership of cambian little can be accomplished a brilliant plan has already taken shape in Caesar's mind cambian consumed by anger commands the troops to March towards cilio Mount Aisha city under the cover of night cambian and his army stand guard at the top of the mountain outside the city observing the situation inside the city they happen to witness Spartacus leaving the city to trade with pirates if the two factions successfully reach a Cooperative agreement it will be more difficult to besiege the rebel Army cambian immediately issues orders eager to annihilate them all if he achieves military Merit he can prove his leadership skills to his father he has long forgotten his father's admonitions before departing for Crassus repeatedly warned him not to act alone before the main Army arrived directly confronting Spartacus is a grave taboo at the beach the pirate leader has been waiting on the shore for some time while Spartacus brings supplies to purchase food however Spartacus notices that the Pirates have brought only a few items he inquires about their needs and expresses regret over doing business with dishonest people just as tensions rise between the two parties a spear flies through the air killing one of spartacus's comrades clearly this unexpected event has no direct connection to the Pirates all of a sudden Roman soldiers pounce like starving wolves the Rebellion Army and the Pirates merge into one in an instant they confront the Roman soldiers with Majestic Force [Applause] amidst the fierce battle barticus notices a large number of Roman soldiers slowly approaching from afar if they continue fighting in this manner danger will outweigh luck in this extremely perilous moment the pirate leader lights a torch and tosses it into the air [Music] upon receiving the signal Pirates at Sea immediately ignite flaming projectiles hurling them toward the Roman legion explosions of fireballs occur among the Roman soldiers in an instant the entire Roman army screams in agony and flees in disarray even though cambian shouts loudly to hold the ground not a single person obeys suddenly a rebel Soldier thrusts a spear into cambian's body his subordinates come to assist him and demand a retreat in order to save his life he reluctantly withdraws from the battlefield feeling bitter about it after this battle the misunderstanding between the Pirates and Spartacus is successfully resolved the two groups decide to cooperate for the time being unfortunately when Spartacus and his group returned to the city after the battle all they see is the lifeless body of the blacksmith aryar witnessed the tragic death of his brother leaving him speechless for a long time Nevaeh indicated that the blacksmith intended to kill him to silence him but adior would never believe that the blacksmith had betrayed them this event laid the foundation for the eventual separation of crixus and adior during the unloading of supplies by the rebels a can of wheat was accidentally shattered and Spilled onto the ground before he could regain his senses a group of starving refugees began to frensidly snatch the spilled wheat upon seeing this a man immediately turned around and started physically attacking the refugees while Spartacus stepped in to intervene he ordered his subordinates that from now on each person would be allowed to take food once every three days the refugees could no longer be bullied this was the harsh reality of the once prosperous City from the moment Spartacus took control of the city the Roman army immediately cut off all Land Transportation routes the only way out was to rely on Pirates and purchase food at high prices through the sea at this moment the Pirates raised the prices even higher claiming that Roman Merchants had stockpiled all the food it became increasingly difficult to seize food and they were forced to raise the price Spartacus dared not provoke Pirates at this time if he were to retaliate against them and cut off the only means of buying food then everyone in the city would starve to death he had no choice but to accept it crixus and Nivea once once again urged Spartacus to execute the remaining Roman prisoners of War as soon as possible they believed that wasting food on them was unacceptable but Spartacus firmly refused what meaning is there in liberating slaves if we indiscriminately kill the innocent he asked bigger problems followed as a large number of escaped slaves flocked outside the city walls as a fellow slave Spartacus had no choice but to accept them unconditionally one slave brought news of the massive Crassus Army camped less than half a day's Journey away their Camp was even larger than our city but they showed no signs of attacking Spartacus and the others were deeply puzzled by this at that moment a group of Roman soldiers suddenly appeared among the slaves they attempted to infiltrate the city to gather intelligence but Spartacus immediately ordered the city gates to be closed income soldiers were swiftly dealt with during the commotion a blonde man aggressively attacked one of the soldiers and Spartacus expressed his gratitude towards him to his surprise the man turned out to be Julius Caesar Spartacus asked him to display his personal slave brand to prove his identity as a slave Caesar showed him the work of female slave as proof this incident made people realize that Roman spies had infiltrated the city Spartacus immediately understood crassus's capabilities and his intention to remain stationary Crassus employed different strategies than other Roman commanders he used our own tactics against us he was too cunning with so many unidentified individuals in the city it was temporarily impossible to distinguish the spies Spartacus mentioned the worst case scenario if he were to be assassinated krixus would lead everyone since they now had food and the protection of the city walls adior and crixus happened to be training the newcomers together which would help uncover any suspicious spies they then set out with Ellie Kong to find Lita and extract more information about Crassus from her they never suspected that later had hidden over a dozen Roman Nobles in the stable secret Warehouse Lita informed Spartacus that Crassus was a meticulous and talented individual who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals his immense wealth was the result of his astonishing methods leaving no chance for his Rivals to succeed it was only now that Spartacus realized the two Roman generals they killed earlier had fallen into crassus's trap following spartacus's orders adior and crixus conducted a selection and training process for the newcomers adior was impressed by Caesar who had just arrived in the city and he asked Caesar to Showcase his skills during their sparring adior was astonished to see that Caesar's swordsmanship skills were far beyond those of an ordinary slave Caesar falsely claimed to be a Shepherd stating that these were basic survival skills this was their first battle against each other although Caesar was a formidable Warrior on the battlefield he was slightly inferior in strength compared to the champion who had fought in the arena for a long time however the defeated Caesar clearly displayed extreme dissatisfaction crixus keenly observed this and instructed his subordinate Tom to further investigate Caesar's identity Tom had long been dissatisfied with spartacus's decision not to kill Roman prisoners of War he tested Caesar by defying spartacus's orders and imprisoning a Roman noblewoman the woman had suffered inhumane torture and at this point she was barely Alive Tom repeatedly demanded Caesar to torment and mistreat the woman once again as proof of his loyalty to them witnessing the pitiful state of the woman the compassionate Caesar couldn't bear it he immediately revealed his true identity crassus's massive Army consisting of 10 000 soldiers will soon launch another attack on the city you just need to endure a few more days but the woman has no desire to survive her only wish is for Caesar to end her life quickly to avoid enduring such hardships she Longs for a moment of release and sees her with tears in his eyes kisses her forehead before taking her life Caesar successfully gains trust and Tom carries the noble woman's body to the square he falsely claims that the woman attacked him from behind but was fortunately saved by Caesar in this way Caesar's identity is acknowledged it also stirs up a burning desire among the people to kill the Roman captives including crixus and Nevaeh on the other side while Leta sneaks off to The Cellar to see the imprisoned Roman Nobles she is inadvertently discovered by a female slave after some questioning the slave learns that Letta is harboring those Roman Nobles the slave has always admired adior and immediately informs him of the situation adior hurries to the stable where he not only discovers Lita's hidden Roman captives but also learns that his good friend blacksmith was killed by Nevaeh adir becomes extremely angry and immediately orders them to tie up the captives and bring them to see Spartacus he goes alone to confront Nivea and clear his brother name but Nevaeh not only shows No Remorse but repeatedly expresses that all Roman captives should be executed to protect Nevaeh crixus directly engages in a fight without your foreign and Tom quickly steps in to break it up the evenly matched combat between two lasts for a long time meanwhile Caesar continuously seeks opportunities to make the situation worse at a critical moment he throws a dagger instantly killing the Romans who are preparing to attack odier then firmly pins crixus to the ground in this highly tense moment Nivea picks up a stone and hurls it at adior knocking him unconscious Caesar takes the opportunity to step forward and deliver a speech declaring war on the Romans under nevaeh's further instigation the thoughtless crixus immediately proclaims that the Romans will pay the price in blood thus the brutal Massacre of captives officially commences wherever they go as long as there are Romans they mercilessly slaughter them the entire city plunges into a bloodbath a sight too horrifying to Bear meanwhile Spartacus has already reached a happy cooperation agreement with the pirate leader at this moment a black man rushes in informing them of an emergency outside particus hastily rushes back to the city meanwhile Sasha Falls orders and discreetly avoids the rioters intending to bring Letta and a dozen other Romans to be dealt with by Spartacus unfortunately in the narrow Corridor they coincidentally encounter the rebels who are searching for Romans crixus also arrives at this moment ready to execute Leta immediately at a crucial moment sparkus intervenes just in time to prevent it crixus demands that sparcus kill Lita Spartacus finds himself in a dilemma unsure of how to decide he questions Letta asking why she didn't tell him and let her treat him like this leta's response moves Spartacus Spartacus contemplates for a moment if he were to kill later now he would be no different from their enemies he promptly rejects krixus's suggestion and orders the remaining captives to be taken to his Courtyard if anyone else indiscriminately Slaughters the innocent regardless of the outcome they will meet a dead end not long ago cambian was wounded on the battlefield fortunately he was promptly saved by his subordinates back at the camp Crassus criticized cambian's Reckless Behavior and also mentioned that Caesar disguised as a wolf had infiltrated spartacus's wolf pack hastening their demise to establish military Authority deserters were dealt with severely cambian insisted on enforcing the long prohibited 11 smash rule he wanted the Cowardly soldiers to know that desertion would have consequences worse than death at Spartacus hands cambia noticed that his loyal subordinate who had rescued him was also among the punished he urgently wanted to find his father to save his good brother from punishment but when the collective punishment arrived hearing his father talk about the punishment rules sent shivers down cambian spine the following words from his father plunged cambian into deep despair all those who survived the 11 smash rate will be banished to various camps living among slaves and prostitutes with meager food and clothing groups of 10 draw stones with one white stone representing death and nine black stones for survival those who draw a white stone will be beaten to death by the nine who draw black Stones using stones or clubs here there is no distinction of rank even if you are brave and skilled in battle if someone in your unit deserts you will be implicated as well luckily cambian received a fortunate Black Stone but his good subordinate across from him was unlucky cambians struggled to accept this reality foreign under General crass's command the brutal Collective Slaughter punishment began officially he helplessly watched as his loyal subordinates were beaten to death the soldiers did not die with dignity on the battlefield but suffered such dishonorable deaths with no other choice cambian ended the lives of his subordinates wanting this punishment to take immediate effect from then on in kratis Army there were no more desertions even in the face of great danger and hardship they would charge forward without hesitation if you even consider fleeing your fellow soldiers will sternly prevent it even resorting to killing you directly leaving the remaining soldiers to live without dignity they were assigned to camps as attendance living alongside prostitutes and slaves cambian was among them tormented by the deaths of his good subordinates gradually he developed a hatred for his father their relationship could never return to what it once was the then Crassus hope to reconcile the father son relationship through Corey his lover for many years Corey had treated cambian as if he were her own family she immediately told cambian that his father loves him more than anyone else all these actions were for the sake of your future Crassus could never have imagined that cambian's deep-seated hatred could no longer be healed he is about to completely take away the father's most beloved woman to comfort his Wounded Heart this is a morgue filled with corpses the bodies are hanging from the rafters appearing extremely terrifying and chilling Spartacus is not in a hurry to bury these bodies instead he has his brothers clean up their blood they sprinkle salt to slow down the rate of Decay as much as possible because they are going to use these corpses to carefully plan a major conspiracy their goal is to crush Crassus Legion of ten thousand men due to the killing of Roman prisoners sparkus and crixus have had a falling out krixus secretly determines to take away his own followers and completely separate from Spartacus the situation at this time is dire crassus's ten thousand troops have sealed off all land routes outside the city the opportunity to part ways with Spartacus will only come when the defensive line is completely breached Spartacus doesn't have much time to worry about it the threat from the Roman army outside an increasing day by day he has no choice but to leave Ellie Kong in the city to take care of the remaining prisoners this is to prevent impulsive actions by crixus from causing trouble Spartacus goes to the seaside and pays a large sum of money to the pirate leader he intends to use the pirate ship and adior to go on a mission at Sea the pirate leader only leaves behind one sailor who can operate the ship then he and his subordinates go into the city to enjoy themselves meanwhile Julius Caesar who is not far away is observing all of their actions as soon as Spartacus leaves Caesar immediately approaches crixus he pretends to casually reveal the news of Spartacus going to see crixus being a straightforward man becomes Furious and extremely angry upon hearing this Spartacus Now keeps everything he does a secret from himself so he immediately goes with Nivea to find Ellie Kong and verify the situation Caesar's cunning plan succeeds and he smirks with satisfaction on the side Ellie Kong expresses her stance without hesitation fully supporting Spartacus at this time Spartacus is on his way to Sicily that's because he learned from the pirate Leader's mouth that Crassus Army is transporting supplies on Sicily this time he specifically takes more than 10 people including adior to investigate the situation on Sicily as soon as they arrive on the deserted island they find Roman soldiers transporting provisions in less than a few minutes all the soldiers are slaughtered in front of Spartacus and his people when they open the carriage adior and the others become extremely excited what the pirate leader said was true which means we have finally discovered a major weakness of the enemy meanwhile Nivia on the city wall sees an unknown number of Roman soldiers appearing in the distance crixus wants to lead his brothers to a life and death battle with these Romans Ellie Kong speaks up stating that the leader did not allow us to go out and engage the Roman army directly the morale of the rebels is already high at this point they are ready to disregard Spartacus warning and go out to meet the enemy just when the situation becomes a dilemma Spartacus arrives in time barticus publicly announces the immediate release of all Roman prisoners krixus curses him but spartacus's Prestige is difficult to suppress leaving krixus dumbfounded Spartacus bends down and removes lettuce shackles in front of everyone he explains that the person who harmed you before has lost their reason and is no longer one of us now that crixus does not follow orders we are about to part ways I will take those who are loyal to me to Sicily they will be personally escorted by Spartacus causing a commotion among the slaves crixus wants to stop it but he is powerless and can only watch as Letta and the prisoners leave the city crixus follows Spartacus all the way getting angry and constantly berating him he accuses him of recklessly releasing the prisoners which will bring us great danger they have been in the city for so long and they have seen and heard everything clearly at this point sparkus openly Reveals His plan the reason I let the prisoners out of the city is to pass information to Crassus I want Letta to tell Crassus in person that we have completely severed ties they will mistakenly believe that we will part ways and go to Sicily thus falling into our trap the Roman Army's Provisions are currently on Sicily once Crassus receives the news he will immediately send a large army to rush to Sicily he will go to save his own supplies and that's when our opportunity will arrive eyes crixus along with half of the brothers will depart from the north crossing the milieres mountains they will attack the remaining enemy forces and give Crassus a big surprise half of the group will head to Sicily and the other half will launch a sneak attack on the enemy's rear at this time we will make use of the hundreds of preserved corpses that we have prepared earlier we will dress them up and have them stand on the city walls and inside the city give the enemy an illusion that the number of people inside the city hasn't decreased the people who went to Sicily turn back Midway Engage The Enemy At Sea creating a pincer attack on the Roman army we will keep fighting until we defeat them one by one now let's not dwell on the past unite and cooperate to defend together all plans proceed as usual until midnight with disguised bodies hanging on the city walls the city is overcrowded and everyone has moved out of the city Caesar at this moment always feels that something is amiss he draws his sword and kills Tom's brother with a few strikes it's only now that Tom realizes Caesar's true identity in order to survive he hurriedly promises Caesar I can take you to find Spartacus and kill him together Caesar reveals an evil smile and directly kills him with a single blow [Music] morning meanwhile on the other side Spartacus and ADR arrive at the dock waiting for the pirate ship to approach the Pirates are delayed and haven't arrived yet seeing the pirate leader again Spartacus notices the lack of yesterday's enthusiasm in them moreover one of the attendants is missing and the pirate leader draws his weapon directly Spartacus realizes that something is wrong and suddenly a large number of Roman soldiers appear from the Ship's Cabin at this moment Caesar suddenly appears he takes advantage of spartacus's unpreparedness and stabs him in the shoulder adir reacts quickly and Strikes him back with an elbow hit so why did the Pirates betray them it turns out that earlier in the afternoon Lita leading dozens of captives arrived at Crassus Camp She immediately informed Crassus subordinates of all the information she had in the city the subordinates fell for it immediately and took Lita to report to Crassus they directly suggested that Crassus send half of his forces to rescue the military supplies on Sicily Island while the remaining half launches a frontal attack on the city however the cunning Crassus would not be fooled he knows well that pirates are driven by self-interest the fact that Sparta can bribe the Pirates makes it even simpler for someone as wealthy as Crassus besides the pirate leader knows the extent of Crassus wealth and power they directly collaborate with the Pirates to deceive Spartacus catching him off guard at this time the rebel forces are still assembling at the back door Spartacus and Addie or quickly find themselves surrounded by Roman soldiers Caesar immediately summons dozens of soldiers to rush up the city tower preparing to open the main city gate and allow the Roman army waiting outside to enter the city Unfortunately they are spotted by a beautiful woman Lee Kong leaps down from the city wall and the three of them charged directly towards the Roman soldiers the battle hardened Gladiators combat prowess is impeccable one against three is simply unbeatable on the other side adior and Spartacus are heavily surrounded they are already tired from the fight and just as they are about to lose their strength crixus lets out a loud roar and jumps into the encirclement engaging in battle it turns out that the rebel forces received the message and immediately returned to rescue them the Roman soldiers gradually fall into a disadvantage and the situation reverses Caesar realizes that things are not going well and immediately shouts for the soldiers to open The City Gate Two Soldiers climb up The City Gate and pull the ropes The City Gate is about to open at this critical moment a gladiator with a huge ax rushes up The City Gate and kills the soldiers he quickly cuts the Rope and The City Gate closes again in the next few minutes all the soldiers are slaughtered at this moment Caesar standing nearby sees that he has been defeated he quickly picks up some nearby pitch and throws it towards The City Gate he grabs a torch and throws it at the gate in times of trouble true colors are revealed this unexpected event makes the two estranged individuals set aside their Grievances and reconcile however they haven't had a chance to clean up the battlefield yet in the distance Crassus large army is rushing towards the city the city is now empty and defending it is meaningless Spartacus can only order a temporary Retreat to the mountains meanwhile inside the city Ellie Kong and others are preparing to kill the Spy Caesar just as they are about to succeed suddenly there is a loud noise from the Blazing City Gate do you know how cruel the roams were to their prisoners they would bind iron chains to their limbs and have soldiers pull them in different directions this would continue until the prisoner's limbs were torn apart known as the legendary four horse dismemberment they used this method to boost the morale of their soldiers on the previous night under Caesar's leadership the city Gates were quickly taken a Roman legion of ten thousand swiftly integrated into the city Ellie Kong and the others were unable to resist they had no choice but to retreat with the remaining few towards the north gate at this moment Crassus entered the city with his army and joined forces with Caesar when the Roman soldiers entered the city and encountered the rebels and slaves they massacred them without distinction causing countless casualties at a critical moment Spartacus and crixus returned in time they quickly killed dozens of soldiers here and Ellie Kong happened to retreat to this location as well at this moment Ellie Kong informed everyone that the city Gates had been breached and we had been betrayed by Caesar Spartacus regretted believing the pirate's promises so easily the Roman soldiers were already approaching and many people needed to evacuate safely Spartacus immediately ordered everyone to evacuate to the north gate we must ensure the safety of the remaining people to retreat to the mountains clearly it was already too late the Roman army had reached the rear gate Spartacus decided to take the lead in intercepting the soldiers at this moment adir stepped forward and suggested that he would lure the enemy away to buy time he knew how important Spartacus was to the entire group if the leader died it would be a fatal Blow To Us my own death wouldn't have a significant impact on our Rebellion he resolutely took on the challenging task of luring the enemy away he fought to buy precious time knowing that every second counted after bidding farewell to his brothers Spartacus and a few others hastily left because there were still many refugees at the North Gate who needed to evacuate urgently adior was indeed a versatile Talent he and his giant ax went directly to The Granary and broke the oil jar preparing a fire to attract the enemy's attention by chance he discovered a little girl who hadn't successfully escaped yet compassionate adior couldn't bear to leave the little girl behind so he decisively took the girl and fled together upon seeing The Granary on fire the soldiers immediately dispatched a 300 member unit to extinguish the fire Crassus was truly cunning he demanded that all soldiers stick to the plan and attack the north gate he was determined to capture Spartacus and wouldn't let anything distract him at this moment a large number of refugees were evacuating from the north gate in a tense and orderly manner to continue diverting the enemy adior intentionally exposed himself he engaged in close combat with the Enemy but unfortunately he was captured when his giant ax was struck helpless ADR had no choice but to lead the little girl to leave first Spartacus was urgently evacuating refugees at the rear gate many slaves hadn't managed to retreat in time just as the slaves were about to escape successfully a large number of Roman soldiers chased after them Spartacus prixis and the others rushed forward without hesitation fighting the enemy to buy more time for retreat however there were too many enemy soldiers and if they continued like this there would be no chance of survival crix has had a clever idea and picked up a jar of pitch throwing it onto the rope that controlled The City Gate coordinating smoothly Spartacus grabbed a torch and threw it with Force igniting the Rope the Rope was about to break and crixus took the opportunity to escape outside the city Only Spartacus remained engaging in close combat critical moment Crassus and Caesar closed in marking the first encounter between the two great commanders Crassus sneered with disdain and loudly rubbermanded him but Spartacus was not so easily caught seizing the opportunity seconds before the city gate closed He Slipped Away at that moment Crassus decided to Halt the pursuit and temporarily stationed his troops within the city simultaneously he ordered the soldiers to search for any surviving slave Army members however adior and his Alice were hiding in the warehouse beneath the stable will they be able to escape from this heavily guarded City this marked the first significant victory for the Roman army since the battle with Spartacus Crassus received praise and recognition from the senate for his achievement therefore Crassus invited the magistrate to stay behind he planned to hold a Slaughter of prisoners as a celebratory spectacle and he wanted the magistrate to witness it together after magistrate left Caesar was puzzled by his failure to pursue the advantage knowing that the Spartacus Rebellion forces fled to mount Aisha their strength should not be underestimated the current situation was eerily similar to the previous Siege of Vesuvius by grebo during spartacus's time Crassus smiled at him indicating that everything was going according to plan on the other side Letta was brought into the city bound like a slave wave upon seeing this Caesar immediately ordered her release Caesar's visit at this moment was to receive crass's orders they were about to hold a grand Feast at the former estate of Leta he had also arranged a rose bath for Leah who was overjoyed the Roman army had reclaimed Celio Mount Aisha this time she would be able to regain her Noble status from before after freshening up she appeared before Crassus and the pirate leader also appeared before her at that moment let us suddenly realize that the pirate leader had not died in the war he had come to claim his reward in addition to a shitload of treasures Lita was given to the pirate leader as a slave for helping Spartacus meanwhile Corey who had been insulted by cambian stood at the windowsill wanting to forget everything Crassus touch made her feel uneasy and resistant she decided to tell Crassus about everything cambian had done to her but just as they were about to talk cambian suddenly walked in and interrupted their conversation Corey dared not say another word and left directly Crassus had no idea what had just happened so he told his son that he had changed a lot after the 11 smash law he had matured a great deal and soon he would be reinstated taking over his position of power he wanted his son to preside over the visual spectacle of the massacre of prisoners to gain popularity this would pave the way for his son to regain control of the military in the future the purpose of this Feast was to promote Caesar's achievements cambian was displeased upon hearing this he had never gotten along with Caesar and didn't want to see him succeed but Crassus advised him that intelligent people should know how to turn enemies into friends and win people's favor Caesar was a legendary figure and one day he would undoubtedly accomplish great things if cambian could befriend him he would benefit greatly in the future cambian heeded his father's words and went to the wine seller to find Corey he sternly warned her to control her tongue or else she would suffer severe torture Corey helplessly shed tears experiencing the plight of a slave then cambian found Caesar he had come to follow his father's instructions and get along well with him however the Arrogant Caesar looked down on cambian he directly said to him I single-handedly challenged the slave Army and defeated them while you leading the troops fell into chaos and caused failure such a comparison made cambian feel shamed so he angrily left in the evening the game of slaughtering prisoners officially began they witnessed a prisoner with limbs Bound by Iron chains being dismembered alive compared to crixus's attitude towards the prisoners Crassus was truly brutal this was not a massacre it was utterly inhumane and beastly behavior when the officers saw this bloody scene smiles and excitement appeared on their faces at that moment the magistrate suggested that the remaining survivors should be sent back to the city Crassus replied that no one survived in the city they all died at the hands of the mob Lita the former Magistrate's wife was also about to leave and would never return only then did the magistrate understand that Crassus wanted to monopolize the city for himself his face instantly turned embarrassed expressing that the Senate would not easily agree to such greedy demands Crassus said he would give him a mansion along with a portion of the port taxes the slaughter game reached its conclusion according to tradition the final fight represented the Pinnacle of Victory it was a tribute to Caesar's bravery stirred up by cambian in the atmosphere the final Glory was given to Caesar under the atmosphere created at the scene Caesar couldn't refuse he directly went to the arena to face the last prisoner in combat The Prisoner was a giant ax who had fought alongside adior and was injured and captured by Roman soldiers at that moment Caesar was delivering an impassioned speech to the soldiers little did he know cambian had secretly unlocked the handcuffs of the giant ax taking advantage of his distraction cambian launched a surprise attack Caesar realized that this was cambian's plot however in order to prove his strength he resolutely decided to duel the giant ax Caesar cleverly threw a sword to his opponent Caesar didn't know that the gladiator's combat ability almost cost him his life although the giant ax was already seriously injured at this point he still easily gained the upper hand in the battle he delivered a heavy blow and then stabbed Caesar's thigh rendering him defenseless fortunately the agile Caesar found the weak point of his opponent he struck the wounded area several times in quick succession turning the situation around at that moment Caesar was ready to take the giant ax's head unexpectedly the giant ax brother stabbed himself in the throat with a sword committing suicide he would rather die than become a trophy for the Romans Crassus witnessing the scene immediately stepped forward to cover up the awkward situation cambian at that moment was also very angry as his revenge plan had failed instead Caesar's Prestige within the Army had greatly increased from the fierce look in cambian's eyes it was clear that this one cited power struggle was far from over just as the entire city was on the verge of being captured adior in order to buy more time for retreat voluntarily offered to stall the enemy forces this is not requests shortly after the slave Army safely evacuated Crassus leading the Roman Legions seized control of the city and gradually eliminated the rebels within adir could only hide with his Alice in a concealed compartment beneath the stable floor however this place was not safe and Roman soldiers immediately launched a thorough search leaving no stone unturned exploring every corner before long a soldier noticed something unusual take your life will be a kindness in comparison to what they would do to you and bent down having made all the necessary arrangements out of your approached them directly engaging in a fierce fight only sounds of the struggle could be heard from above causing the Alice to anxiously raise her head at that moment she felt both terrified and hopeful in an instant a blood-stained sword pierced through the floor and warm blood dripped onto her face the Alice was overwhelmed with fear slowly placing a dagger against her neck preparing to end her own life the two of them stealthily climbed onto the rooftop to gather information on the situation they discovered every corner filled with Roman soldiers on guard Duty and patrolling they suddenly noticed the pirate leader passing by holding letter captive the pirate leader expressed his fondness for the gift before departing adir quietly followed them and soon Leta was brought into a small room by the pirate leader he confessed that he had admired her for a long time and that he would take her out to sea making her the noble queen of pirates disregarding Lita's resistance he left his distinctive mark on her wrist from then on the noble letter descended from being a lady to becoming a pirate servant the pirate leader shamelessly asserted his dominance at this moment adior fearlessly burst in filled with anger upon encountering his enemy without giving him a chance to speak he immediately engaged in a fierce fight with the pirate leader as an undefeated deity among Duelists the Pirates couldn't withstand more than a few strikes and were completely defeated just then the pirate leader seized adior's Alice as a shield threatening to kill her oblivious toleda approaching him from behind adior quickly confronted the pirate leader obtaining a cloak and a pass preparing to leave being kind-hearted his Alice couldn't bear to let Leta wait for death alone adir believed that since Leta was a Roman if they left together they would soon be discovered as you once did with a sense of righteousness adior had no choice but to disguise himself as the pirate leader his plan was to secretly leave the city with the two women during the Roman soldiers celebration as they neared The City Gate they noticed two spare horses by the roadside they prepared to mount the horses and escape the city Unfortunately they encountered Caesar who had just participated in a massacre Caesar sensed something amiss upon seeing two women and immediately became suspicious so herakliographs it but one woman realizing that his disguise was no longer viable odior turned around and engaged in combat Caesar was no match for adior and was directly wounded in the waist by his blade more and more Roman soldiers swarmed towards them adir swiftly turned and kicked over a nearby bonfire blocking the soldiers encirclement he jumped on the horse and dashed towards The City Gate with his Alice upon reaching The City Gate a group of Roman soldiers were already in formation without hesitation adior rushed towards the crowd he didn't care about anything at this moment and started a frenzy of killing against the group of soldiers Leta who had no martial skills was pierced by a spear and adior immediately came to her rescue bent over in pain let us struggled to escape towards the outskirts of the city at this moment adior had a contemptuous expression as he looked at Caesar who was catching up he threw away the token of supreme power in the eyes of the Romans turning around he left elegantly with his Alice Caesar infuriated return to the command post in lechaguan Caesar expressed his dissatisfaction to Crassus why don't we pursue the slave Army immediately do I have to risk my life and personally kill every traitor calm and composed Crassus showed no signs of impatience thing is under control and everything is going according to our plan at sunrise tomorrow our army will completely besiege the rebels under the threat of 11 smash law however on the Snowy Peaks of milia the chilling wind was piercing spartacus's slave Army gathered around a bonfire discussing countermeasures at present everyone was suffering from severe material shortages if this continues we will all die here just when a few key members didn't know how to respond adior arrives slowly with Lady Lita and his Alice everyone saw adir returning unscathed and the brothers were very happy Letta who was severely injured was now in critical condition Spartacus took her down from the horse and immediately arranged for a medical team to treat her then Spartacus and adior went to the mountain to analyze the current situation it was only then that they finally understood why Crassus didn't immediately pursue them there was not a blade of grass on the snowy mountain and a trench several tens of kilometers long appeared ahead on both sides were sheer Cliffs and mountains this meant that Crassus Army of ten thousand men would definitely attack our rear once the large army arrives our Rebellion will be doomed a living person turned into an ice sculpture and blizzard just a few hours ago however a few slaves were praying around a pile of stones on the top of the snowy mountain lighting candles and praying incessantly The Devout Alice even cut her finger and dripped Blood on the wooden carving as an offering to the gods their only purpose was to hope for the God's response and to end the blizzard as soon as possible Spartacus was saddened by this scene helplessly turned away he kept repeating in his heart that he must lead the army of tens of thousands of slaves out of Crassus Siege no matter what just the day before the slave Army had tried several times to break through the wall built by the Roman soldiers above the trench soldiers would effortlessly shoot them down with a spear after a few days the foot of the mountain was filled with the bodies of the rebels crixus looked at the corpses on the ground and roared in Anger he directly suggested to Spartacus to face the Roman army head on with the Gladiators Spartacus directly rejected crixus's foolish and ignorant idea at this time the Roman army was well equipped numerous in numbers and had favorable terrain at this moment crassus's Legion of ten thousand soldiers has arrived at spartacus's rear and is fully prepared for battle each of them is well equipped and filled with confidence however when the two Armies come face to face they halt their attack and set up camp waiting only for crassus's command at the command post in cilyu Mount Aisha Crassus and his son cambian are engaged in heartfelt conversation Crassus is very pleased with cambian's recent actions so as a reward Crassus directly returns cambian's armor to him and reinstates him to his former position as his right hand man facilitating their future collaborations side by side cambian is extremely satisfied with this cambian approaches Corey his father's lover stating that he now holds an official position and he is no longer the boy he used to be after defeating the rebellion of Spartacus he intends to settle permanently in cilyu Mount Aisha to safeguard this fertile land for his father and you will also stay in syllium Mount Aisha taking care of my daily life upon hearing this Corey's face instantly darkens a woman can never forgive a man who has violated her so she goes to crassus's tent to confirm the truth only to find out that cambian was not lying she prepares to reveal the details of cambian's forced indignation towards her just as she is about to speak one of crassus's subordinates approaches the tent to report the situation Crassus orders Corey to return to the city first and they will discuss the details once he returns Victorious in front of the two armies Crassus sets up a command post and a viewing platform the purpose is to send a message to the slave Army across the field in the eyes of the Roman soldiers you Rebel forces are merely fighting for your lives entertaining us much like the gladiatorial arena Spartacus remains clear headed and calm pointing out that Crassus currently holds an absolute advantage and is overly confident he dares to establish his camp at the Forefront of the army isn't this a perfect opportunity for us to assassinate him after discussions among the leadership team they decide to bring only a few exceptional experts and seize crassus's head during the stormy night Spartacus and a few others quietly approach crassus's military Camp quickly and effortlessly slaying several soldiers they enter crassus's tent to everyone's surprise Crassus is not present in the middle of the tent a crucifix holds a body bound with a giant ax carved on the chest are the words death is inevitable they realize they have fallen into an ambush and hastily escape the tent but it is too late a large number of fully armed soldiers have been waiting outside the tent with no retreat available the group is forced to engage in direct combat the exceptional experts live up to their reputation each displaying extraordinary skills Fearless they fight against the well-equipped soldiers unfortunately Nivia with a slightly weaker fighting ability is unfortunate to be injured by a blow just as Nevaeh is about to be slain Spartacus timely kills the soldier he quickly carries the injured Nivea and urges everyone to retreat upon hearing arrogant remarks from behind crixus can no longer tolerate it he immediately stops and turns rushing towards the Roman soldiers alone relentlessly attacking several of them witnessing harm done to his woman crixus's fighting ability instantly erupts in the blink of an eye The Arrogant Roman soldiers fall one by one at that moment reinforcements from the Roman army arrive from the rear Spartacus shouts for crixus to retreat and everyone manages to escape from danger Crassus learned that Spartacus had once again escaped and he was extremely displeased at this point his patients had run out and he had no interest in playing these little tricks anymore so in the middle of the night he had his subordinates wake up Caesar and cambian he announced that at Daybreak they would launch an attack on the rebel forces at the Mountaintop immediately he gave instructions to both of them for the battle Arrangements Caesar was tasked with assembling soldiers at cilia Mount Aisha and then following cambian's command Caesar who desired to lead the Army himself was very dissatisfied with this he expressed his discontent questioning why he couldn't lead the troops how can a mere boy who can't even wield a sword command an army Crassus was too selfish he selfishly left this excellent opportunity for military achievement to his son without hesitation crass is sternly reiterated that Caesar should guard behind the snow-capped mountain wall while he and cambian would lead the Roman army to engage directly in the main Battlefield the purpose of this was to keep Caesar far away from the main battle missing out on the chance to achieve great Merit Caesar was already seething with anger and resentment but due to his low status he had no choice but to comply after venting his anger he turned around and coincidentally met Corey apparently Corey had been waiting for Caesar for some time now Corey harbored a deep hatred for cambian faced with a common threat she openly revealed the fact of cambian's forced humiliation towards her so the two quickly formed an alliance and decided to seek revenge against cambian together meanwhile a heavy snowstorm swept over the mountain Alice and her group prayed directly in the blizzard hoping for the snow to end soon at this time Spartacus visited nevaeh's tent to check on her crixus rudely drove him away because in his eyes nivea's injury was a result of spartacus's poor decisions we should attack with all our might now as long as we are alive we must fight the Romans to the end it's much better than being trapped in this blizzard and freezing to death clearly Spartacus couldn't strategize against Crassus particus advised him to see the current situation clearly your impulsive fighting will only cause many of our brothers to die in vain the enemy is well equipped and disciplined we must focus on the long term crixus was extremely stubborn the moment they clashed it was destined for them to part ways [Music] just then Addie or Nelly Kong period in time bringing an end to the conflict unfortunately more unfortunate news followed many of the slave Army's Barracks had been blown away by the snowstorm the poorly clothed slaves struggled to survive in the blizzard even gathering together for warmth proved futile Alice still in devout prayer suddenly lost Consciousness due to lack of oxygen adior arrived just in time picking up Alice and urgently seeking shelter after a difficult search they finally found a small corner where they could barely escape the snowstorm within the cramped space the scent of hormones quietly bloomed adior has fallen in love with the innocent Alice during this time Alice had long secretly admired adior and couldn't resist being intimate with him they let their vital energy flow through their bodies warding off the severe cold in contrast the Roman military camp was very warm at this moment Crassus upon seeing the blizzard approaching was overjoyed believing that the gods were on his side now we don't need to attack the rebel Army Spartacus men will surely freeze to death just then Caesar's resistance Army brought Corey in under orders from Caesar Crassus was quite puzzled wondering why Corey would come to the front lines in such harsh weather Corey continuously hinted to Crassus that cambian was no longer the same cambian as before crassus's response however caused Corey to lose her last line of defense at this moment Corey finally realized that as a slave her identity could never change in this lifetime love was so illusory and her fate of being enslaved by her master could never be altered soon after she and Crassus had their final encounter while Crassus was asleep she quietly picked up the dagger from the table and left a few hours later the blizzard finally ceased and the few who had been praying had already turned into ice sculptures Ellie Kong told Spartacus that we had lost 1 000 Brothers in this blizzard although Spartacus was deeply troubled he also thought of a countermeasure he sought out crixus again to discuss their plan he told him that he now fully understood all of crassus's conspiracies Crassus dug an impassable trench that completely blocked our Escape Route but why build an insurmountable wall above the trench that's because there were very few soldiers guarding the wall on the other side by midnight Spartacus and few extraordinary Warriors arrived beneath the wall foreign as they stood on the wall they finally saw through all of crassus's schemes as Spartacus expected there were indeed only a small number of soldiers guarding behind the wall at that moment a large number of enemy reinforcements arrived without hesitation Spartacus and the other three jumped down and engaged the enemy in direct combat and just then the slave Army behind them also climbed up the wall they clashed directly with the Roman army in the blink of an eye they dealt with the soldiers on the wall Spartacus and his companions directly confronted the Roman military Camp the sudden Ambush left the Roman soldiers helpless following that several Rebels crazily hacked at the wall with their axes after much effort the slave Army successfully escaped from the snowy mountains surprisingly in order to escape cambian's grasp Corey also mixed into the slave group a couple of shouts were made before waking Crassus from his Slumber he learned that the wall had been breached Corey had killed the guards and fled he immediately LED his troops to the scene Crassus and his men couldn't comprehend how the rebels could cross such a wide and deep trench as they approached for a closer look they were completely shocked by the scene before them the chasm was filled with thousands bodies from the slave Army the corpses filled the 20-meter Wide Mountain trench looking horrifying and chilling this was the Escape Route for Spartacus massive slave Army however how could the Roman Legions let them Escape so easily [Music] they had been chasing from behind sending small groups of soldiers to delay Spartacus each time however the slave Army had a significant number of civilians elderly and women to ensure their safety Spartacus had to slow down the pace as a result the entire Army moved very slowly this gave crasses a lot of time to catch up [Music] at this moment spark has captured a living captive two days later Crassus Army caught up to the scene of Slaughter judging by the degree of decomposition of the corpses they could roughly estimate the distance to the rebel Army Crassus immediately issued orders the entire Army would pursue throughout the night giving Spartacus no chance to catch his breath however Caesar disagreed stating that the soldiers had not slept for several nights a severely demoralized Army could not defeat a rebel force of Ten Thousand and One strike by this point Crassus had completely changed insisting on catching up with the rebels and annihilating them Corey's betrayal had driven him to Madness at that moment a subordinate came to report that the civil magistrate had arrived at the camp the civil magistrate directly berated Crassus upon meeting him Furious because Crassus had promised to crush the rebels at the summit of Mount malayas and return early to claim the glory however Spartacus had managed to escape again causing the civil magistrate to lose face Crassus remained quite composed at this time he reassured the civil magistrate that everything was still on track and Spartacus was merely postponing his own death the enraged civil magistrate no longer trusted crassus's promises he directly stated that crassus's favorite female slave Corey had joined the rebel Army this statement struck Crassus right at the core he didn't care about the other person's official position he just wanted to beat him up Caesar knew that this civil official was someone not to be offended come on so he went to the tent and found cambian he hoped that cambian could step in and communicate with Crassus urging him not to lose his sanity over a female slave however cambian believed that his father was not at fault even humiliating Caesar in the process without hesitation he flatly rejected Caesar who then laid it all out on the table he revealed that cambian had raped Corey without cause forcing her to escape if your father learns about this he will surely strip you of your command once again see what your father will do about your barbaric Behavior upon hearing this gambian immediately panicked he approached his father for an in-depth conversation deliberately directing blame towards Caesar if it weren't for Caesar disobeying orders and bringing Corey to the front lines without authorization she wouldn't have had a chance to escape although Crassus didn't pay much attention to cambian's words he had great confidence in his son at this time the slave Army was constantly fleeing and their supplies were running low the entire Army was now facing a desperate shortage of ammunition and food crixus urged Spartacus to abandon the useless refugees the elderly and women bringing them along in their escape would only consume more food and be of no benefit to the war effort they will gradually slow down the speed of our entire Army at this moment Ellie Kong also expressed that our future will be extremely difficult particus decisively refused and instead instructed adior to scout ahead to see if there is an opportunity to seize some food at this moment a slave is about to give birth under the experienced command of Corey she safely delivers the baby and then in an unintentional moment he notices the slave Mark unique to Crassus on Corey's arm Ellie Kong believes that she is a spy sent by Crassus kind-hearted Leta quickly explains for her stating that we should wholeheartedly accept any slave who seeks freedom Spartacus feels that this matter is certainly not that simple upon hearing this Spartacus finally lets go of his guard because his own wife had also suffered the same humiliation before her death until the evening adior returns from his reconnaissance mission and reports the situation he has discovered a slave plantation in a nearby Valley with dozens of houses there are countless cattle and sheep there which can alleviate our scarcity of supplies following that Spartacus makes an important decision to immediately send people to attack this Plantation when day breaks we will head north together leading all our brothers to cross the Alps finally we will disband the slave Army and let the slaves scatter this way we can step out of the jurisdiction of the Roman Republic no matter how powerful Crassus is he won't be able to capture us on a large scale crixus upon hearing this becomes Furious if we disband the Army everything we have done so far will become meaningless and there are thousands upon thousands of slaves waiting for us to rescue them no matter where we run we cannot Escape the Fate of being pursued crixus directly suggests launching a direct attack on Rome Spartacus once again analyzes the situation rationally crixus did not expect that the Invincible Warrior Spartacus would also experience fear early the next morning the slave Brothers fight side by side for the last time amidst the cries of the crowd they unleash their anger upon the aristocrats without restraint these once proud Roman soldiers fall one after another under their frenzy of Slaughter [Music] after capturing the Mansion there's yet another wild celebration this is also crixus's farewell Feast at this moment Spartacus and crixus completely let go of their grievances recalling the past crix is sincerely thanks Spartacus for everything he has done to grant them Freedom meanwhile Spartacus approaches Ellie Kong to inquire about his thoughts although Ellie Kong believes that crixus used to have simplistic ideas as a gladiator he still chooses to fight alongside crix's till the end this time because as a gladiator who only knows how to fight a mundane life is not his Pursuit only dying on the battlefield is the ultimate Destiny after spending time with Spartacus for a long time Leta has developed deep admiration for him Spartacus also has Indescribable feelings for her upon leda's proactive advances the two of them engage in a joyful intimacy before leaving crixus finds adior and hopes that adior will join the team to attack Rome at this time adior is deeply in love with Alice he only wants to live a happy and peaceful life with Alice so he chooses to follow Spartacus and his group thus Spartacus and crixus bid farewell each taking half of the army deep down they know that this farewell means they may never see each other again Crassus learned that the slave Army had split into two factions Crassus hastily summoned his son and Caesar to analyze the situation Spartacus led a large group of people advancing towards the Alps however the majority consisted of the elderly weak and women with limited fighting capabilities crixus took most of the experienced Gladiators with him no matter which faction we pursue first it will be relatively easy at this moment Crassus guessed that crixus was definitely heading west to attack Rome Caesar became anxious upon hearing this and insisted that we must immediately return to defend Rome however cambian who was present didn't share the same view cambian believed that there were many defending forces on crixus's way to Rome so Rome was temporarily safe due to the significant disagreement neither side was willing to compromise Caesar followed cambian back to the camp determined to change cambian's immature strategy don't just comply with your father's wishes to please him Caesar bluntly stated cambian was extremely dissatisfied with Caesar at this point and couldn't listen to his advice Caesar who was also impatient resorted to blackmailing cambian Again by bringing up Corey's incident the outrageous blackmail made it unbearable for cambian Caesar believed that he had complete control over cambian by now unexpectedly cambian took a wine bottle and smashed it against Caesar's head cambian was no match for Caesar and was immediately subdued the guards rushed in upon hearing the fight and restrained Caesar they held him down on the table rendering him helpless the once arrogant and Reckless Caesar was now subjected to cambian's humiliation since the split between crixus and Spartacus crixus led the slave Army straight towards Rome they marched forward singing triumphantly Unstoppable and with high morale with each victory of the uprising more slaves along the way joined their cause crixus's slave Army grew in strength and Rome seemed Within Reach once we defeat the Roman legion and led by Iris Rome will be conquered crixus skilled at inspiring morale began his speech once again it shall be wrong [Music] Fireballs were ignited rolling down slowly with crixus's command a Fearless group of slave armies surged forward unafraid of death although the Roman soldiers were well equipped and disciplined laughs under the fierce assault of the uprising they were directly slaughtered due to the split enforces spartacus's retreat was remarkably smooth even though many were elderly weak or sick their marching speed was slow yet they encountered no Pursuit from Crassus this moment crix's saw Rome within close proximity and everyone cheered in anticipation of the imminent Victory surprisingly Crassus LED tens of thousands of Roman soldiers in Pursuit Crassus made a rational decision to defend Rome at this point the uprising found itself trapped between two forces with no way to retreat crixus once again inspired morale urging his troops to engage in a decisive battle with the Roman soldiers [Applause] having just experienced a fierce battle the uprising had exhausted its strength furthermore the Roman Legions now held an absolute advantage in numbers and fighting Power they gradually started losing ground in the battle [Music] Ellie Kong's eyes were filled with murderous intent he noticed Caesar turning around preparing to take his life unexpectedly cambian seized the opportunity and successfully launched a surprise attack from behind with his sword Ellie Kong was severely wounded and fell to the ground at this point the uprising had no chance of Victory crixus believed that killing Crassus was the key to winning this battle he raised his spear ready to strike Crassus who was not far away unfortunately Caesar intercepted him at the right moment and they immediately engaged in a fierce Fight The Undefeated war god quickly defeated Caesar with a few moves knocking him to the ground raising his sword crixus prepared to kill him oh [Music] at this moment the uprising was destined to fail in this heroic and protracted War Crassus arrogantly approached holding his sword to nivea's throat allowing her to witness her husband's fate up close both of them looked at each other with helpless and sorrowful eyes Nivea at this moment didn't know if she felt any remorse because of her constant instigation for the great battle her mind was clouded by hatred ultimately leading to the downfall of her beloved Crassus entrusted the glory of beheading crixus to cambian to allow his own son to earn Merit at the moment the sword swung The Undefeated war god vanished on the other side of the battlefield Spartacus was unaware of this in the dim night several Roman soldiers gathered around a campfire roasting a rabbit Spartacus caught these soldiers off guard and quickly killed them leaving no Trace then disposed of their bodies Spartacus suddenly noticed a dolphin in the eagle Insignia on the armor of these soldiers it was clearly not from crass's troops so he took them back to let Lita analyze and identify Lita remembered that it was the emblem of Pompeii's Army a prominent figure in Rome Spartacus was surprised by this Revelation Pompeii was knowledgeable in both Naval and land Warfare Spartacus realized the gravity of the situation once pompey's Army and crasses surrounded us our time as an uprising would be limited before he could figure out how to respond bill came to report someone on Horseback was approaching us from the front Spartacus and the others immediately went to investigate they saw a woman in a cloak riding a horse towards them not far away before she reached them she suddenly fell off her horse upon closer inspection it turned out to be nevia who had fainted from exhaustion clutched tightly to her chest was her husband krixus's severed head when nevia woke up Spartacus learned about crixus's sacrifice through her account in extreme grief Nivea recalled the reason I could come back alive to see you again because Crassus wanted to show off and provoke you in front of you he wanted to let you know that fighting against the Romans does not yield good results the tragic death of their friend left Spartacus and adior filled with immense sorrow and anger [Music] so the robed cruxes of life crixus was engaged by the traitor Caesar when boy God yes [Music] at this moment Bill approached does he share a fight with crixus or was he yet of this world and the Silence of the group spoke volumes barticus suppressed The Burning Anger in his heart how we need to consider the return of Pompeii's Army once pompe and crass's two armies joined forces their dual attack will deal us a deadly blow we have killed several messenger officers but if the messengers haven't returned Pompeii will surely send more Spartacus suddenly had an idea finally coming up with a plan to counter the situation in Crassus tent a guard came to report that an Envoy from Pompeii had arrived Crassus met with the envoy who conveyed pompei's thoughts Pompey was willing to cooperate with Crassus to jointly eliminate the rebel Spartacus as two powerful figures neither was willing to lower their stance and negotiate in the other's Camp they were even less willing to listen to each other's arbitrary commands according to pompey's suggestion both sides could only bring 20 guards each the meeting place was chosen in the middle of the two armies to discuss the Strategic deployment against the slave rebellion Crassus did not expect that the envoy was actually person sent by Spartacus in Disguise Caesar noticed the envoy's nervous and evasive eyes knowing that there must be a trick but he did not directly expose the envoy's identity as he had a conspiracy in mind his plan was to seize the opportunity to kill cambian he suggested that they must send a prominent figure to negotiate given cambian's young age acting as a representative in this matter would make Pompeii lower his guard in the end with Caesar's continuous Praises neither cambian nor crass is suspected anything cambian at this moment was exceptionally excited he kept expressing to his father that he would not let his father's reputation down Crassus was also very pleased of cambian's performance the next day cambian went into battle lightly equipped he led 20 soldiers and followed the envoy to a temporary camp set up in the forest cambian looked around and instructed the guards to draw their swords immediately if anything seemed to miss after giving the order he walked proudly towards the tent cambian feeling scared quickly escaped from the tent cambian attempted to escape by jumping onto a horse but it was already too late the remaining soldiers who had accompanied cambian were also captured Spartacus bent down and picked up the sword once used by crixus immediately realizing that cambian was the murderer of crixus he ordered them all to be taken back to the camp Spartacus wanted to kill them immediately to avenge his Brotherhood Corey's fearful eyes were filled with hatred good however Spartacus was not in a rush to kill them instead he decided to pay tribute to crixus in the Roman way that meant taking them to the arena and using their blood to pay the final respects to the war god crixus at this moment Nivea felt moved and guilty she regretted her past actions that had led crixus to question his authority however Spartacus had already found peace and urged her to let go of the past and live in the present unaware of the situation Crassus was still contemplating how to make these captives talk unexpectedly Ellie Kong was severely injured but not killed becoming a captive of Crassus even under torture he refused to yield Crassus immediately ordered him to be crucified thank you at this moment the real Envoy from Pompeii arrived at Crassus tent it was only then that Crassus realized that Pompeii had not sent any previous Envoy here however there was a group of Messengers sent to latinum but their whereabouts were still unknown Crassus suddenly realized that he had fallen to Spartacus trap he suspected that cedar knew about this but Caesar denied it and Crassus had no evidence so he had to give up the investigation Crassus expressed his willingness to do anything to save his son he believed that his son was still alive he was willing to exchange Ellie Kong and all the captives for his son Crassus ordered Caesar to complete the task the slave Army despised Caesar and it was clear that he was being sent to his death helpless Crassus held absolute Authority and Caesar had no choice but to obey the arrangement on the other side cambian continued to incite the soldiers to remain defiant reminding them that they were just lowly slaves at this moment Corey quietly approached cambian who saw her as a savior cambian hoped that Corey would secretly release him and help him Escape but how could Corey who had escaped so hard help an enemy who raped her Spartacus and the others once again became Gladiators entering the arena with a majestic presence the crowd cheered and joist excitedly [Applause] Spartacus faced the crowd and plunged his dual blades into the ground he grabbed a handful of sand today on this ground stained with slave blood it would be drenched in Roman blood a Burly Roman captive was brought into the arena turning his head to glance at cambian the Arrogant Roman captive widened his eyes he was unwilling to lower his self-proclaimed Noble status to please lowly slaves so he simply dropped his weapon and refused to fight under spartacus's intimidation cambian and his group trembled with fear in order to have a chance to survive they had no choice but to engage in the battle the two fought against Spartacus together but Spartacus was as fast as Lightning compared to their previous Encounters in the arena his skills and swordsmanship had become even more Exquisite he wanted to show these self-proclaimed Romans his true power with a contemptuous smile he treated the battle against the two weaklings as a show he once again plunged his dual blades into the ground confidently turning around he walked towards them empty-handed now was the time to demonstrate his strength Spartacus bent down and punched one soldier to the ground he swiftly performed a perfect elbow strike and rolled quickly with a flying kick he knocked another Soldier down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he pulled again killing the soldier directly the cheers at the scene continued and the atmosphere exploded the other soldiers panicked and didn't know what to do Spartacus pounced and knocked him down fiercely attacking with alternating punches he knocked the soldier down with a deadly knee strike then he made a continuous move not giving the opponent a chance to fight back Spartacus drew the swords from the ground by this time the soldier was already incapacitated Spartacus slowly walked behind him kicked him in the back he jumped into the air and thrust the sword into the Soldier's eyes the scene was extremely brutal it was a perfect response to the slave's present out of your fought in the arena being the only Gladiator to gain freedom through competition he had a bold personality and was known as the god of the Arena his movements were extremely agile once killing 12 Gladiators with a single stroke of his dual swords no one has surpassed him to this day now he effortlessly battles three weak Roman soldiers thank you [Applause] are your cleanly and neatly chopped off the Soldier's head and throws it to the audience the atmosphere at the scene reaches a climax once again the remaining Gladiators also step onto the arena this is to let the blood of Roman soldiers stain the arena soon the soldiers are being slaughtered [Applause] finally cambian who is despised by everyone steps into the arena to alleviate nivea's pain losing her husband the chance to personally kill their enemy is given to Nivea after numerous battles and crixus's careful guidance Nevaeh is no longer the timid woman who fears everything without any hesitation she charges towards cambian seeing his expression of fear and despair cambian who has never experienced a major battle is completely overwhelmed by Nevaeh The Spectators in the stands are excited and Corey is also delighted this bastard who once humiliated her is finally receiving the retribution he deserves Nivea grips cambian's head preparing to send him to apologize to her own husband suddenly Spartacus shouts from behind just as the two are engaged in combat Caesar not daring to defy Crassus orders comes here alone Caesar directly states the purpose of this visit he wants to exchange the hostage Campion with 500 prisoners in the Le Kong Spartacus confirms multiple times that there is no trap in this situation he rushes to the arena to stop Neva from killing cambian while announcing to the crowd about the exchange of 500 prisoners The Spectators in the stands fall silent because among these 500 slaves many are their brothers and loved ones Spartacus does not force anyone but gives the decision-making power to Nevaeh after all cambian is the one who killed nevaeh's husband Nivea is torn she Ponders for a moment in order to rescue the 500 brothers and sisters who are currently imprisoned and abused her Trembling Lips uttered words to spare cambian Corey's mood is low at this moment and he vows to make cambian pay the price the next morning Spartacus takes cambion to the designated location for the prisoner Exchange Caesar pretends to be pleased to see that cambian is still alive cambian is furious and urges Caesar to take him away quickly at that moment Corey bursts out of the crowd charging towards cambian with a knife aimed at his abdomen Corey Smiles with relief at the same time it signifies the loss of a valuable bargaining chip for the exchange Corey comes up with a perfect solution at this moment he offers her to Crassus as she holds equal exchange value after all she is the woman Crassus favors the most under the cover of Darkness cambian's body appears in Crassus tent Crassus looks at his son's lifeless body tears streaming down his face Caesar does not tell him the true cause of cambian's death at this moment Corey enters the tent providing a glimmer of Solace to Crassus amid his grief he vents all his anger on Spartacus preparing to immediately March and launch an attack to eliminate the remaining Rebels and avenge his son's death on the side of the slave Army comrades and brothers return unscathed Ellie Kong survives and Spartacus is genuinely happy at krixus's Memorial ceremony barticus sincerely addresses the massive slave Army vowing to fight the Romans to the end even at the cost of their lives yet let us not pass from memory so that all free as the Flames burn they are about to engage in the final life or death battle with the Roman army the largest scale slave Uprising in centuries is officially underway as a thoughtful leader Spartacus is well aware that his slave Army of tens of thousands is not a match for the combined forces of Crassus and Pompeii totaling two hundred thousand soldiers for this purpose Spartacus deliberately divided the slave Army into dozens of small squads they attacked the Roman slave masters of States from all directions liberating the slaves the objective was to distract the enemy's attention and forces whenever a mansion was captured slaves were freed they intentionally left one person alive to tell them that it was all Spartacus is doing as a result Crassus quickly received the news Caesar upon hearing this was extremely angry and within a few days six massacres occurred the astute Crassus remained calm he understood that this was Spartacus trap even though the Roman army was well equipped it was difficult to travel long distances in a day the slave armies with their scarce resources were even less capable of doing so spartacus's purpose this time was to confuse Pompeii leading him to follow spartacus's Shadow and disrupt their plans at this moment the slave Army is actively completing their deployment at this moment Ellie Kong hopes to join Spartacus in resisting Crassus Army however due to severe torture Ellie Kong can't even hold a knife in his hand Spartacus arranges for him to lead the elderly weak and women up the mountain they will cross the Alps and escape to foreign lands completely evading the Roman Siege Leta hopes Spartacus will lead them out of the mountains Spartacus states that only if he personally leads everyone to resist crass's Army do they have a chance to escape safely Leta said affectionately that she will wait for Spartacus at the foot of the Alps hoping to see him return unharmed the noble and beautiful Lita is completely captivated by the charismatic man before her however she did not anticipate that this parting would be forever at this moment Ellie Kong approaches Spartacus once again wanting to join this great battle Bill combines his shield and sword to create a unique weapon even if he cannot wield a long sword properly he can still fight Spartacus accepts him with gratitude he knows that Ellie Kong was born to fight over the years from rebelling against the house of basiatus to the present Ellie Kong is the only surviving brother at the most critical moment Ellie Kong can continue to fight side by side with his brothers even if it means sacrificing his life he has no regrets thing is in place and Spartacus reluctantly delivers a farewell speech to the elderly weak and women my friends heavy upon thought when we Face Crassus in his Legion it can Ben course of inevitable faith and live free on the other side Crassus is actively preparing for this great battle since Corey's Escape last time her treatment is not as good as before her limbs are bound in slave shackles Crassus attitude towards her is no longer as gentle and caring as before he demands that Corey once again revealed the cause of her son cambian's death Corey says that the slaves witnessed the anger of the release of Crassus son that day an elderly slave runs out from the crowd and stabs cambian to death the mark of the slaves is deeply brand on her flesh it is evident that this story was planned between her and Caesar therefore Crassus has no doubts at this moment Caesar enters and reports that Scots ahead have reported a small Squad retreating to the north without hesitation Crassus immediately orders the entire Army to attack under the Moonlight Crassus 100 000 strong Army equipped with heavy weapons such as catapults and crossbows advances towards Spartacus at this point Spartacus is no longer bound by civilians he leads a force of ten thousand slave soldiers to directly confront the Roman army used as the two armies are facing each other a soldier messenger brings a message from Crassus he wants to invite Spartacus for a conversation before the big battle barticus immediately takes a few trusted Companions and goes to the meeting point it turns out that Crassus has been curious all along what kind of person could entangle him for so long causing him great losses and pain if they don't talk this time he may never have the chance again to show sincerity Crassus voluntarily unsheads his sword his attendants leave and the two men begin their conversation by all the Romans I've killed who held such belief all died upon field of battle an honor denied Tiberius Crassus now starts to doubt the true cause of his son's death but he remains calm and continues to question Spartacus about why he spared no effort in launching the slave rebellion we decide our Fates not you that are Fall by the sword but by the masters of lash the two sides shook hands and bid final farewell back in the command tent Crassus asked Caesar once again about the cause of his son cambian's death at this moment Caesar began to speak again but before he could finish his words Crassus slapped him because he believed spartacus's words to be the truth at this point Caesar still did not reveal the true culprit behind cambian's murder however Corey was also brought in for questioning she saw that Crassus had lost his sanity terrified Corey finally confessed that she had killed cambian my hand that moved against Tiberius Crassus couldn't accept that the person he loved had killed his favorite son he approached her ready to kill Corey your Noble [ __ ] son forced himself inside her Crassus couldn't accept that his son had violated the woman he loved and that the woman he deeply loved had killed his own son why was the world so unfair to him after calming his emotions Crassus kept apologizing to the woman he loved the most then he embraced her in his arms at this moment no one could tell how he would treat the woman he once cared about the most on the other side Spartacus contemplated the strategy to face the hundred thousand Army in the camp perhaps now it was necessary for a group of Warriors to undertake a mission with no chance of survival in order to have a chance of winning the war adir walked in slowly still casual and carefree he did not want to be involved in any strategies or important positions within the Rebellion until Spartacus spoke out cannot do this without you assuming rightful position with catapults and crossbows streaking across the sky a battle of immense disparity and strength officially begins this war is not just between Spartacus and Crassus it is a pioneering War of the slave class against tyranny facing crass's well-equipped Army of one hundred thousand soldiers barticus is 10 000 slave Legion appears so small and vulnerable compared to the current situation in combat power this is clearly an unwinnable War however for the pursuit of lifelong freedom in their hearts every Rebels gaze is unwavering loud shouts reach Crassus ears Crassus remains calm determined to kill these traitors in this battle making the people of the Republic fear him even more as catapults and crossbows ignite and streak through the sky Spartacus hesitates not and leads his Legion to charge towards the enemy giant bows and crossbows launched like rain upon the rebels followed closely by the sounding of the attack horn with a majestic momentum a force of thirty thousand armored troops advances forward as the slave Army is about to charge into the enemy camp barticus suddenly ordered a halt in the advance the enemy forces decisively charge forward without hesitation [Music] foreign [Music] suddenly appears between the two armies countless Roman soldiers fall into the Trap and are stabbed to death before they can react it turns out that all of this was a trap set by Spartacus before they can comprehend what is happening archers on spartacus's side unleash a volley of arrows the smooth and successful strategic deployment leaves Caesar and Crassus astonished they quickly change to a Turtle formation to withstand the onslaught of Sword strikes Spartacus doesn't give the enemy a moment to catch their breath foreign he charges ahead leaping into the enemy camp his brothers follow without hesitation piercing the enemy's heart they madly slash and kill those adorned in their fancy armor at this moment everyone seems like Invincible War gods fiercely wielding their swords unexpectedly something unimaginable happens suddenly Crassus orders the indiscriminate use of catapults and crossbows towards the front line everyone on the main Battlefield becomes a target of Slaughter Lamentations fill the air Flames erupt and many are burned to death before they can react clearly there is no way to retreat now Spartacus only way out is to charge forward Crassus stands in the rear overseeing the entire situation as he Witnesses the dwindling numbers of the uprising Army it is clear that the remaining Rebel are destined for failure at this moment Crassus is filled with confidence in his imminent Victory suddenly a cries heard from behind it turns out that adior has led 1 000 Cavalry to join The Fray foreign they swiftly charge into the rear of the enemy forces instantly seizing control of the catapults and crossbow positions IDR immediately orders the repositioning of the catapults and crossbows aiming them directly at Crassus this unexpected turn of events disrupts the Roman army the deputy Commander hastens to suggest a quick Retreat however Crassus remains calm and composed he immediately commands Caesar to lead ten thousand soldiers to surround and suppress adior and his group in the rear the attack horn sounds once again Crassus is determined to lead the remaining 60 000 troops straight towards Spartacus yeah [Applause] in the chaos of War Crassus rides his Cavalry and sees Spartacus fiercely fighting amidst the crowd the two lock Eyes For a Moment Crassus is brimming with confidence intending to use his learned swordsmanship to strike down spartacus's head with a single sword strike Spartacus Cuts Crassus down from his horse leaving him lying on the ground at this moment Crassus finally understands the vast difference in strength between himself and a true Gladiator his practice swordsmanship is utterly inadequate against absolute power the Duelist he sparred with in training is entirely subservient to his authority as Spartacus Rises to seize him soldiers have already evacuated Crassus from the battlefield Spartacus immediately orders Ellie Kong to take command of the battlefield the only hope for victory Now lies in slaying the enemy leader Crassus in doing so there is a glimmer of hope in this battle of immense disparity in strength meanwhile adior finds himself surrounded by Roman soldiers he knew that this was a path of no return everyone was trying their best to kill every Roman soldier but the difference in numbers between the two sides was too great he witnessed friend after friend being surrounded and killed Caesar pierced nivea's body with his sword now she could reunite with crixus without any regrets at this moment only adior was struggling desperately amidst the siege of Roman soldiers Caesar wanted to take the opportunity to come and kill adior but his strength was insufficient he was beaten when he got close so he had to retreat from a distance at this point a large number of Roman soldiers surrounded adior he even though he was The Undefeated God of War it was difficult to withstand the entanglement and exhaustion of a hundred people in the end under the siege of several Roman armies adir was already exhausted on the slope at the edge of the battlefield Crassus escaped with a dozen soldiers escorting him barticus brimming with amurus aura charged towards him with a furious Roar he concentrated all his inner power onto his sword and rushed directly towards the crowd the manifestation of Spartacus possessed by the war god directly instilled fear in Crassus leaving him stunned by this point Spartacus had already killed hundreds of people on the battlefield and he was nearing exhaustion meanwhile Crassus had long engaged in Sword duels with renowned Fighters seeing Spartacus whose power had greatly diminished he let go of his awe looking at this extremely arrogant and conceded Roman nobleman in front of him Spartacus felt intense hatred it was under their incessant oppression that countless suffering slave Brothers LED lives devoid of dignity with each sword strike against the nobleman he would be reminded of those brothers and sisters who had been brutalized by them ah this was the driving force for him to win a life of Freedom even if it meant sacrificing his own life Crassus completely devoid of any means to defend himself awaited the arrival of death unexpectedly fate played a cruel trick as a spear suddenly pierced through spartacus's chest okay [Music] enduring the intense pain barticus pulled out the spear determined to make one final effort but at this moment he had no strength left even to stand up readily accepting the arrival of death in an instant his wife's Red Ribbon suddenly appeared on the ground it was the only Memento his wife left him symbolizing their yearning for a simple and ordinary civilian life however he was born in the wrong era making it difficult to fulfill his wishes for countless oppressed slaves even having enough to eat was a challenge Crassus raised his sword with both hands preparing pay his final respects to Spartacus suddenly Ellie Kong appeared before him colliding with him and knocking Crassus down the hill Ellie Kong intended to seize the opportunity to kill Crassus at this moment a large number of Roman soldiers had already surrounded them closing in with no other choice Bill and Ellie Kong quickly helped Spartacus up and took advantage of the chaos to escape Spartacus looked back casting a fleeting glance at the battlefield by now the entire Battlefield had been completely occupied by the Roman army perhaps this was a fate that could not be changed after his great Victory Crassus in order to assert his dominance to all the slaves who harbored thoughts of rebellion crucified all the captives he wanted to eliminate these traitors in the cruelest way possible this was the only fate for those who opposed the Roman nobility heartbreakingly his most beloved woman Corey was also crucified in that moment the innocent Corey finally understood that she was nothing more than a play thing even if the Master loves you dearly actions that cross the boundaries of Master and servant will also be subjected to severe punishment just then Pompeii and the magistrate arrived on their spirited horses his face was filled with joy because he personally led the troops to eliminate the slave Army that had escaped into the mountains he had already sought recognition from the senate in advance and the Senate commended Pompeii as the greatest hero in suppressing the rebels upon hearing this Caesar was infuriated and accused Pompeii of shamelessly seeking Glory Crassus had long recognized the political situation at hand and he maintained his composure he attributed the great success in crushing the slave Army to Pompeii which would help to win Pompeii's favor thus the Roman power structure formed a formidable triumvirate deeply influencing the course of history under the scorching Sun a Dior faintly caught a glimpse of the man he couldn't face for so many years adior was willing to live a life of idleness and freedom about any constraints but deep down in his heart he was lost and directionless feeling a sense of confusion until now he has found his goals and responsibilities this has given him a deeper understanding and Enlightenment about life at this moment he returns to the Glorious moments of his life as a true undefeated Warrior at the foot of the Alps Spartacus awakens Lita has Faithfully kept her promise waiting here for her beloved safe return the crowd weeps as they watch Spartacus but they are powerless this seemingly Unstoppable slave Uprising was destined to have a tragic ending the deeply rooted system of slavery coupled with the flourishing Roman Empire the Rebellion did not shake its foundations or have a grand strategic plan although the uprise ended in failure its significance went beyond the Rebellion itself with spartacus's death the greatest slave Uprising in thousands of years finally comes to an end but it also points to a New Direction in life for future Generations who are enslaved and yearn for freedom foreign share different movies and videos every day [Music] foreign
Channel: Image Memory
Views: 876,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D0snFJ5HfY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 11sec (7691 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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