Watch What Its Like As Navy Sailors Go To Sea

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thank you since the earliest days of mankind sailors have left their homes and families and gone to sea on this day aboard the aircraft carrier john f kennedy american sailors are getting ready to repeat that experience the kennedy is one of 516 ships in the united states navy in 24 hours she will depart on a cruise lasting between six months and a year and will sail every one of the earth's major oceans she'll be second home to 5 800 crewmen we were given a unique opportunity to accompany these crewmen to record their last days on shore and their first days at sea what they experienced as they prepared to depart and as they began their voyage is the subject of this to their department film if you don't know who your department head is check with the personnel office good to have you aboard perform two distinct lines it'll move a lot quicker get your id cards out [Music] military personnel personnel until 15 30. [Music] it's everything from uh toothpaste stereo equipment paper plates toilet paper uh repair parts for the aircraft and the ship you name it we've got it this stuff right here uh the other day we loaded 500 cases of beer on board uh once we get out into the indian ocean and we're out there for a set period of time each man on board is allowed two cans of beer for the whole deployment which is gonna be seven months long together i'm going to the indian ocean where they say the bass are that long i'm going to catch me one and if i don't catch me [Music] all one possessions must be stowed either in your locker or under your puck whatever doesn't fit must be on the ship tonight for all duty section sweepers man your groans to begin a clean sweep down it's not happening there ought to be 30 people out here what is this stuff doing here what's left over from the contract civilian types all right you got a little odd snacks like that look one thing you got to get a handle on right now this kind of shit's got to come out of there what are you guys going to do outside this door hey what are you going to skate outside this door whose shop is it put that guitar up and get the work out here it's filthy [Music] i'm going down below i'll be in a dungeon john piano the kennedy's executive officer the xo second in command he's the ship's mayor den mother troubleshooter go ahead go ahead chief disciplinarian you're going to spell out in my passageway and i'm going to break your legs you need to uh retrieve him let's just talk about it before we sign it up to the cavalry okay piano a career officer has been in the navy 22 years he's responsible to the captain for the thousands of details that keep the kennedy functioning at sea good morning and for everything that must be done before departure first thing tomorrow morning is he a board call him in the state loan for me come on in newsletters how often we're gonna put a newsletter out in the cruise yes sir family ramps family grants not not later reports in one month yes that's my problem we're geared for that oh it's weekend you ready to go yes sir oh you're not see you later yes thank you next let's go turn around now turn around again and you tell me the legal limits of a mustache where is this supposed to end where in the mouth sir where is that one in try them again yes sir get out next blanket ship marginal on sideburns also an earring an earring yes sir get control of him yes sir dismissed keep him moving master take your hat off oh christ you don't even have to turn around that's a very nice haircut i think it's appropriate huh this is where all the sleeping compartments excuse me aviation bosons octavio there's 5 000 guys here you know a sailor for 10 years during that time while he and his wife are raising three kids he spent more time at sea than he has on land do you think you can find your way if you got lost yeah you could all right that's better than me i got lost one time it took me a long time to figure out where i was vilona's job on the kennedy's flight deck is considered one of the most dangerous in the navy okay go in there right in there come on go in there okay you set it up there on the table yeah right there on the table right here what's this huh yeah we use it to direct the airplane okay open the lock that's what i like to see huh that's all we can use at night they are find our way around three bars of soap more than that [Music] that won't last me long at all what's up chad um oh do you know that i'm gonna be leaving for a long time tomorrow you know how long are you gonna be late eight months long time you might have to do the whole third grade without me being here i know you're in the past right yeah you take care of mom and the other guys aircraft carriers never sail alone the kennedy is supported by a battle group in this case nine ships one of which is the yarnell a guided missile frigate a supervisor in the yarnell's combat radar center is 28 year old scott gordon this is the first time he's had that responsibility permission to come aboard he's taking some clothing aboard now so he'll have more time with his new wife shim they've only been married for two months all right well this is where i'm gonna live out of for the next six months somehow i'm gonna fit all this stuff in here and i had to explain to my folks one time um about sleeping on top of your clothes you know because it's all stored underneath your bed and um it's kind of a hard concept for a civilian to understand that you have to pack all of your belongings under your mattress a lot of three guys jump out of bed all the same time very carefully that's that's the problem is you get this little cubicle as they call it and you've got uh what six people that live here so you have to try and um maintain a friendly status with everybody in my naval career i don't think i've ever met anyone that likes to depart on a seven-month cruise i'm sure you all have plenty of personal problems at home plenty of emotions in your mind as we depart however we're flying 25 million dollar airplanes and we got lives at stake there's no time starting tomorrow to be worrying about mama in a home front i do not want or nor can any one of us tolerate any mental lapses causing accidents or fods i look forward to seeing each and every one of you on may 4th when we pulled back into this town with all your limbs and your big shitty grin on your face because you know you chalked another one up a division officers take charge to carry out the plan of the day the flight deck is a little in a little better shape leaving the mark in the hangar bay flighttech is coming along right there i'm sure there's still a lot of bbs there but we've got to get hot on the hanger bait all right mike's going to tell you what we need as far as working party but we got to get hot into the corners into the on the ledges out by the elevator wells pick up the trash get the stuff put away and we're going to some airwing help on this so a list of about 25 people i'd like that in progress as soon after this department head meeting is over what is possible item of interest we've got the healers coming aboard today at 1500 that means that the flight deck has to be sterile to ensure that that happens when airwayne to give me at least 25 people for the flight deck for fod walk down at 1300. go get it all right i'm satisfied guess honey i'll be going to shore probably stay there for dinner and uh be back about seven o'clock to stay the evening keep a taunt watch if anything comes up don't hesitate to call me at home okay see y'all later i'm not taking any romance books i'm sorry harlequin doesn't do anything for me no romance no romance okay see there was another vietnam book over here that i wanted to i would think you'd want something to keep your mind off of it you want to get a dog when you get home you want to get a dog before i leave we'll talk about it when you get home he won't know you could get a puppy now that's true of course not he'll be house trained that's how i get back yeah swing is ready i wanna go fix the car okay whenever he goes the car always breaks down on me so i always make him do a general repair on the car i always tell him make sure this make sure the tires are good the battery the plugs make sure it's got a good tune-up he does a hell of a job with the car you got to learn this junior because if mommy take it to a garage it's a lot of money right but if you do it all you got to do is pay for the parts i want you to make sure you get every piece of that don't leave any you want to try i'm i'm serious i'm not gonna get out here and do it you're very independent when he's gone you have to be very independent you have to know how to to handle yourself and take care of yourself and your family and not to depend on on your husband and that makes it very difficult i'll be sitting by the fireplace thinking of it i'll bet you will what kind of civilian clothes do you want to take all right i want to take the majority of my civilian clothes why god why because i'm going on liberty that's why oh okay so i i gotta now let's get my shoes i need some shoes why don't you get them i'm tired of getting it for you wait a minute get my shoes scott all right i'll get my shoes it's hard for him sometimes he he doesn't want to get real emotional how are you gonna fit all the stuff in your seat well shim i may not take all this stuff but i want to get it out and i'll decide what i want to take when i want to take it all right sometimes he gets very hard do i need those and you'd almost think he was cold you don't want to make me happy that you're getting underway do you you're starting to well it's i think his way of mentally preparing himself and emotionally because he's got to go in front all these other guys and and not be a crybaby and say well guys i love my wife we're here to do a job let's get going and kind of give him a little pep talk gloves i gotta have gloves can you believe that going to the middle east i could have clothes i know you have to get mentally prepared i know you have to get psyched up to go but i got to kind of get psyched up that you're leaving there's a lot of stuff to put in there you know you don't have to get me mad at you to make it easier i know that i know that okay just bear with me huh oh what's what'll happen if say we decide to get into this war what will be your position in that will you have to go over and our main our main goal in the crisis in lebanon right now is to protect peacekeeping force that's there the marines that we have ashore remember we only have 1200 marines there you're talking about hundreds of thousands of uh the various factions that are fighting in lebanon you can't 1200 marines can't stop that you're avoiding my question yeah you're probably right we're not at war there we're simply on a peacekeeping mission a show of presence and at the same time to protect the marines you're avoiding my question are you going to have to be involved in it well of course i'll be involved in it i would i would want to be what will you be doing flying i'll fly you can understand that i think i know you well enough plus i'm safe you're sad i promise you if i could go saint christopher and i promise if i go i'll come back okay you best i'll do my best to come back i hate i hate to leave this should be the last time [Music] wow on the last day we usually pretend that he's really not going anywhere what we do on that day i make him a really good dinner we all sitting on the table we say a prayer we eat at dinner it comes eight o'clock we put the little kids to bed he has to talk with the kids after he finished talking to the kids you know me and we usually sit down and we just get drunk you know and enjoy the evening all right mark you'll be good okay and i'll see you in a couple of months write me a letter all right come on this is it you got it um horse all right [Music] and we pray father we place ourselves present to you present to one another mindful of the separation that will take place in this family but one that's necessary for so many reasons for the defense of our own country for the good of all of us so father we pray that this family will be constantly under your watch while he's at sea let this family be mindful of him and him be mindful of their family let them be together in spirit we pray in jesus name amen like you're at a funeral and you're trying hard not to cry that one person that you care so much for is is leaving and it's not because he particularly wants to although you understand that part of it but everything you know as orderly in your life is just turned upside down [Music] my kids my wife and me with kisses and sighs it's time for goodbyes it's never been easy to leave and i tell my kids that i love them as the time draws nearer [Music] i say you know your dad is the same but he carries you along in his heart in his heart we're here on the shore we've been here before my woman puts her hand in mind [Music] she whispers a prayer for my safety and i hope she understands that the job i do on the ocean [Music] is [Applause] [Music] where are you joe hey mass chief let's get civilians off under this huggy kissy over here we're gonna get him off the ship let me say bye tomorrow you guys can get going but i gotta go now you guys be good now huh ivan you'll be good [Music] bye hawaii division let's go call up reporters right over here two ranks square your head away uh we're all disconnected everything's ready on the hanger bay to get underway oh yeah we're ready to cast offline your call what i mean is just you know put the jack staff down the guardrails uh the nets and just make sure that night check you got your gears before you go down how many of you ready to go to see i am sir you're lying too no sir okay at least you can't break [Music] seven months two weeks and eight hours before no line goes over [Music] we're moving [Music] let's see who's the last the last wife on the edge of the pier we're at a center a basket of fruit so and [Music] till our voyage comes to an end with the moon the stars and sailors as companions till i come home to america again till i come home to america again seven months two weeks eight hours all right all right no more we've got we got a six month cruise coming up my first one i'm sure most of you guys have made at least one cruise already it's my first cruise on this coast it's gonna be long write your girlfriends gotta keep a good attitude and then be over real fast before you know it would be pulling back in i would say the toughest thing about the separations and the toughest thing about being a sailor in the navy at sea is the concept of emotional instability i can't promise any of my men where we're going to be tomorrow when we're going to come back from deployment or what we're going to do on deployment because we're an instrument of national policy and that's the great capability of the navy the ability to respond go to anywhere almost anywhere in the world on a moment's notice stay there do the mission and then come back home when the mission's over [Music] at two zero five two zero six so this is x-ray tango one standing by for control scott gordon rogers radar center the mark from tekken roger sir immediately after the kennedy's departure the yarnell was pulled out of our battle group and sent to join another off the coast of spain we stayed with a kennedy as she headed for lebanon you're in the middle of the atlantic ocean almost and uh this is a small part of america floating out here uh it's a city and uh we're totally self-sufficient i need no support from the land probably three quarters of the men on this ship just said goodbye to their their wives their children their girlfriends their mothers and i will bet you that uh they've already started a major transformation as a matter of fact it started the moment the last line hit the water and we were free from the pier major transformation haven't forgot about them they still love them they still care for them they'll still write to them they'll still worry about them they'll still want to be with them but now they're in a different environment they've got to be able to function in this family unit on a flight deck let's make a ready deck all unnecessary personnel create a flight deck with catwalk areas those personnel remaining getting a complete fly deck uniform get your helmets on buckle sleeves roll down and goggles okay get them moving get it moving visit her to pork catwalk get below now he's on that pork catwalk now because we've got a lot of new guys around and it's been a while [Music] single chair approaching bracer [Applause] rogers the kennedy's airplanes are approaching for safety reasons they don't join the ship until she's well out to sea the men are tense landing jet aircraft on a flight deck is a dangerous business it's also been more than six months since the ship last conducted regular flight operations oh [Music] we're back in business the kennedy's 80 plus airplanes touch down at 110 miles an hour in what the pilots call a controlled crash each must immediately be moved out of the way so the next can land split-second timing and precision movements within inches help prevent costly and don't they just take dangerous accidents over there that's that should be your first priority because we're going to park your airplane director okay clear man clear mountain clear the landing area clear the landing area on the double on the double green [Music] clear day [Music] tractor two more times approaching a break after that got a time at the bow right now we got a time count on finals he's aiming for that wire that's the number three wire out of four you have to go around again and get back into the pattern sometimes they wave them off because the wire is not fully retracted if the wire doesn't come all the way back that means the machinery is not reset therefore they can't catch them like that cowboys [Music] rods roger 5226 comcast the flight deck operation is probably the most well orchestrated operation you'll ever see we do everything that a major airport does in a compressed time in 1 100th of the space and we do it with the average age of 22 year old kids up there [Applause] i mean you're talking about on a uh a thousand foot by 350 foot ship moving 40 or 50 airplanes at one time having aircraft turning on one end refueling the other maintenance in another spot all at the same time this is the guy that just see the touch of you he's a switch what's your state guys on the ball zero five there [Music] think you have 205 state okay 205 state six six six okay he's good no gas stand by [Music] while airplanes land above the 2500 men of the ship's company keep the kennedy functioning they also provide all of the services of home to the 5800 men who live here it's a complete city we're not picking up master chief yep put that on fire let's get it really hard tonight on tv you know i'll hit it at the department head meeting we're not picking up i'm responsible for the well-being of every man on this ship okay let's head on down they deserve everything i can do for them it needs a little more attention to detail to make their time at sea as bearable and as pleasurable as we can possibly make it any clogged things yep cigarettes all right this kind of stuff will be taken care of i'm extremely proud of the association with these people sunglasses i'm not sure they like me okay that's uh hey mike that's a perception what the hell is that get your jacket on and get to work but they know one thing you're not supposed to have this in here are you i'll look out for their well-being are you the ppo i'll listen to what they have to say all right and answer questions when i ask you a question if i don't like what they're doing i'll tell them i'm a hard ass if they if they fall off the uh the proper track i'll uh i'll smack them back on they know that it pays your nickel and you get a nickels worth of bubble gum well why not i've been aboard two days now it's time for you to get your guys get some locks in the locker so people don't go in there and take their personal property right yes sir are you glad to be back no you'd rather be at whidbey huh so would i it's a nice place in it oh oh they must have heard me coming how you doing guys they have very little privacy on board who taught you how to arm your mother huh tell me the truth your mother taught you how to iron right you know we're shipmates on board here and you've got to take care of each other you know what happened if a fire would break out and you didn't hear the call not just when you go ashore the buddy system on board help each other you might wind up dead we don't want that to happen do we this is our home this is where you live this is where you eat this is where you go to church the doctors on board even make house calls everybody on this ship has to work together brazilian article we've got to leave it out this time we're running next time that feeling is just overwhelms the ship that it's a family unit and we take care of ourselves five thousand people we're gonna season this with soda we try to make the areas that they can go in for some meditations and quiet and privacy is as comfortable as we possibly can but you have to remember something though while you're trying to uh to give them all this quiet and privacy and solace and everything else their airplanes landing on your roof yes sir i've got oscar standing by on the fan tail i'm talking to them on the radio and they're ready to throw it we need your call sir put oscar in the water [Music] oh [Applause] uh let's go guys come on come on [Music] plus 9. hey nice job guys i stand by here hilo's got oscar in sight or you can do it better with a boat can't we all right okay guys let's see if we find out who it is first of all he's got five names from first division what time are we working now plus 12. good we got a good muster going okay all right [Music] dave what was the uh was the time to pick up for the helo about uh seven minutes they took a while well that's real world so uh that's still a good time all right spray jackso yeah all right greatly loud and clear it looks like the new system's working well the airplanes kind of roll back and forth you change the loose focus is upside down it comes off and we find upside down hook loose chains and stuff like that okay we're gonna be walking sharks if it starts raining yeah well we're supposed to walk chalk all the time anytime you're moving an airplane close to the edge you walk chalk but uh if if the weather gets bad you want to do it all the time you know because you never know when he's going to start sliding okay so uh we still got to get the tow bars off all the airplanes in the landing area you know and uh you guys be careful out there let's go do it all right i come out here cause this is my job when i go home i don't even want to see a canoe it's as simple as that i you know uh there's nothing romantic unless you're on the love boat you know and then we're playing shuffleboard on the level over here we play shuffle arrow playing bombs and whatever have you taken down here at times it seems like you just want to give up you can't you know you get fatigued we put long hours you know i forget what sunday is i don't know when it's sunday monday tuesday whatever days i just got hours it's just when you get fatigued and tired you say hey there's got to be something better i can serve the country somewhere else you know my feet are already killing me you put in your boots yeah i got another pair standby good evening kennedy men and welcome to the first of many fathom shows and a long and hopefully enjoyable cruise we've got a lot of stuff we want to talk about this evening i've invited exo up to this tv studio and we're going to do a little bearing back and forth and try to cover as much ground as we can exo welcome to fathom thank you very much here as usual good to be here it's good to be here 219 more fathom shows to go if i computed correctly but that's not counting the day's import we don't have to do a phasma port i got to have a little time to go over there and just taste some of that good italian chowder wherever we go i thought you were one of those guys that didn't go ashore well once in a while once in a while i understand that you're right about one thing though we got a pretty important job to do and i'm sure that the men on kennedy understand that we've talked about that so many times before and i know that they're gonna do the best they possibly can to keep us razor sharp so we're ready to take on any contingency any place in the world called tonight you need to get out and look around your spaces your compartments and secure everything that's that's not tied down it needs to be tied down it needs to be secured to something so it doesn't fall and hurt you before this is over we're going to travel virtually all the major oceans of the world and anything can uh can happen come on chief let's get the morning motivational film going victory at sea's on the ocean lifeline i wonder if they had trouble with mail calls in those days [Music] salt water showers [Music] you haven't designated the goals for the first one now we're gonna need those six uh six jets for each quarter probably more like seven for a backup for the first two events we can get uh that guy turned around this guy down pull off this guy drop him once let him swap around and then 206 goes in every hour okay that's not going to be easy okay i'll go ahead and do that okay just send them cleaning all over there okay all right hanger we went 2-11 up four 607 6-7 ready to go to work yeah get your gear let's go see that a6 back there we got to put it on the other side otherwise just before i came in the navy i was working with the phone company i know that i just dropped out of high school or you know i was running around so much that i was asked to go into an adult scene send them out watch the rabbit hole over there straighten them out and what i really wanted to do was you know uh become a jet mechanic and uh i seen a sign i was going to join the air force and i walked in the air force recruiter and he wasn't there so i went across the hall and asked the navy recruiter uh have you seen this guy here next door and he says no but we got airplanes too have a seat huh you got a problem what i want to do before the launch goes away is go over the hand signals again okay everybody knows all the hand signal because you people don't seem to be paying attention on the hand signal that's right this means i need a blue shirt everybody knows that one right okay this means break it down this means tied up chalk's in chalk's out everybody got that and most important this one you guys see a lot get your head out your ass that's it right there that's the one you're going to see when you got walking around space cadeting on me okay so uh let's go ahead and go for it when i go up on the flight deck i like to get to my airplane as soon as i can because uh i feel safe in there i feel safer up flying and i do on the deck of the make sure you got enough brake pressure bro you know pilots like to go flying if you want to see a pilot really act like a little kid telling me he's not going flying he'll start jumping in the cockpit just like a little kid and banging the window and howling and shaking his head because you know he wants to go flying they know we're the one to make it happen if he he knows if he gives us a hard time he'll be the last one off the flight [Music] [Music] when you go up on the flight deck you don't just put on a yellow shirt the yellow shirts have been up there for a while they've been blue shirts and they're more or less hand-picked [Music] one guy you really have to trust that nobody can look at or anything is the guy hooks up on the catapult there's no check on him [Music] [Music] then this isn't your everyday team you know uh football players or baseball player uh the one thing that we have to look out for is the next guy what he does can cause my life and what i do can cause his life to someone who hasn't experienced it [Music] it's hard to describe the danger so that you can adequately appreciate it the gas is coming out of the engine it's real easy to lift somebody's feet out from under them or send them flying down the flight deck and obviously we are a floating island so if you don't stay on the flight deck you're going to get real wet [Music] 514 airborne [Applause] the flight deck is like a ballet except instead of petite ballerinas you have sixty thousand pound airplanes [Applause] for instance in the position that i stand i have maybe three or four airplanes blowing on me so i got to be eyes behind my back to see those airplanes because i got to look the other way in order to to keep the operation going it's very easy for any one of us to really get hurt for instance i might be taxing an airplane and somebody else is taxing now playing right into me i depend on one of the guys that i work with one of my shipmates to come and grab me out of there and then in no way would i get offended if he's rough you got to keep listening you know pay attention at all times i always just see me move my head turning around how does that make you feel sometimes that's the way you all feel up here is nervous keep alive guys are working in uh and really trying conditions in the rain probably 120 125 degrees on the flight deck and they have to launch the airplanes they can't stop because they get hot they can't stop because get thirsty have to get the airplanes off the flight deck and i've never seen one guy complain up there they might complain down their shop but he never seemed like playing with like that i see a lot of guys that have done absolutely nothing with their life because in the period of time you know when i go home on leave and i ask them what what you been doing hanging out uh i'm not hanging out [Music] i've learned so much you know in reality has a tendency to hit you a lot in this job all the hooks go under because what happened when you go up you got 90 of the hook on the outside of the thing and if the chain is loose a bounce will knock it out but if it's under like this the bounce won't knock it out [Music] take a break take a break this plan one of the best parts of the job flying is uh the best part of the job no question about that the way you put these lego straights on is also important you always put the left one on first wow then the why because that's the way i've been doing it for 20 years lucky that's not going to change it now do you and you take them off it's just as important to take the right one off first and left one off last now how it goes jim i take them both out the same time that's great some new tricks younger generation how many times have you gone off a carrier like uh i think the number is 1275. roughly plus or minus 10. one time i was only at three and i mean i've been doing this really i am we had this guy named murray he was pulling his a6 off of the range you know so he turns your thing and i'm spotting the cat and i'm not aware of what he's doing so ship's in a real bad alyssa so he kills the guy to speed up you know so the guy pushes your heart on his throttle and it blows me over top of the cat track and i'm sliding i'm falling down and i'm directing the airplane and then you know as i'm falling i'm still directing the airplane real cool and get up here and say something that happened to me yeah you didn't see that yeah but what about getting hurt out there you got a chance to get hurt if you get in your car you get hurt right don't think about it i never i never think about the factor of getting hurt it's the chance it's after what you think about it yeah yeah but it happened i mean it happens all the time out here doesn't it yeah after it happened you said well man that could have been i should have could have been there what happened wow that was close saw two guys get killed i think when you put in a situation where you really get close to the things that affect the whole entire world hey you kind of have to grow up quick he was going to send a 212 back there for the for the fantail we're going to stick among l3 so you can send us some more a6 when you put in a situation where it's a matter of life and death the clowning around stops i think that's the kind of attitude that most of the guys have you have to mature you know you you really have to know how important it is what you're doing you see uh guys young guys you know they just came in the navy 17 and 18 acting in a responsible way because they know how important it is all right let's make a ready thing we have two times approaching at seven miles i think what we do as a navy what we do as a military force the most important thing we do is to prevent another war i certainly don't want to experience it again but we have to be prepared i hope one day there is no use for for aircraft carriers or war fighting airplanes and tanks and everything else i frankly don't see it not in our time not in my children's time my children understand this because they've been a part of of of my career they've seen me go trudging off to war they've seen me come back they've known friends of the family who haven't come back they've known how they've died or were lost they felt it as they grow older i think they understand it more they appreciate it more and i think it's going to make them better citizens overall and i'm proud of that little part i did for them and they're growing up because i think it makes up for some of the things they've missed because of my absences [Applause] [Music] it was [Music] let's keep it that way [Music] you
Channel: David Hoffman
Views: 357,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Hoffman filmmaker, aircraft carrier documentary, F-15 documentary, F-14, fighter pilots, top gun documentary, U.S. Navy stories, flight deck, John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier, American military history, navy documentary, navy history, us navy seals, u.s. navy aircraft carriers, military history documentary, fighter pilot training, fighter pilot dogfight, flight deck ops, f-14 tomcat, top gun documentary pbs, f-14 crash, vietnam vet, navy veteran, navy training
Id: Rhf5zyvBYFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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