Watch This C10 LS Swap Come to Life | Final Install | First Start

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hey welcome back to Classics or better everybody I'm Travis and today we're back working on my 1966 C10 I call Bandit got the 5.3 LS and the 4l60 in in the last video now it's time to uh start hooking up all the wiring and the doodads and the hoses and put the intake back on and all kinds of good stuff I'll start chipping away at it [Music] howdy hottie my friends so welcome to a warm Texas afternoon so if I'm looking a little juicy it is a 96 in my shop right now so I'm just trying to make some progress guys so this weekend I am going to hopefully get these hard lines out here for the cooler lines my new radiator is a little bit different uh set up in the stock one so I switched to all uh black braided nylon lines I'm going to all an fittings just so everything's nice and super clean I'm going to paint the coil uh pack brackets just to kind of match my truck look I'm going for a little bit better with the dark gray and patina I got a low carb shifter kit or shift Rod kit so hopefully I can keep the column shift on this truck if possible with that 4l60 I got a little um heater hose like bypass hose uh just to try and help with the AC delete kind of lets everything circulate back around this is going to be the biggest booger my friend so I got an aftermarket Cheapo wiring harness for this thing so wish me luck getting that figured out and on um got some MSD spark plug wires off uh in a box over there got some headers here to put on you got to get the intake back on so just gonna start chipping away at this thing and hopefully make some progress let's get after it all right got the old cooler lines out Parts guys this is what I'm using to convert the transmission cooler lines to am lines it's just a little adapter where you go into the training on this side and a 6A in line on this side it is uh from Summit Racing and it's ICT Billet uh 6 AM transmission fitting five five one one one four all right so I got the adapters in to make an lines fit into my 4L60E there and got the original lines pulled out right now I'm getting this all kind of cleaned back up I decided I'm going to go ahead and paint these pulleys with the same vht engine enamel paint that I did on the valve covers here uh just so it looks a little bit fresher since they're right here to be able to do it anyway in a little bit later but I'm still making progress I just finished painting all the pulleys here black um now I am going to paint the water pump and the accessory drive here with some of this DupliColor cast iron style paint I did a couple test shots right here so you can see it's really not that different from uh what's on their stock but it's just gonna clean everything up a good little Tech tip is to use foil if you don't want to use just rolls and rolls of tape when you're taping stuff up to paint okay you also got everything painted I went back and ended up painting the alternator so I decided it looked better as a complete package all right I am making some progress y'all I got most of the existing wiring harness and stuff taken off of the firewall and then I ripped out a lot of this uh kind of carpet insulation stuff that was all up in there around it so I'm gonna try and start cleaning and get some kind of Dynamat or equivalent type thing to go up in there so now it's clear enough that I can start putting my wiring harness through and we'll go from there I'll get the rest of this sorted later so I got most of the new wiring harness pulled through the firewall here kind of getting it positioned which way it goes that kind of thing I have the memory of a goldfish so I got me a little cheat sheet out here or whatever but time to start kind of getting stuff plugged in a little bit then I'll get the intake on plug some more in and we'll just take it one thing at a time all right so I got most of the wiring harness installed here or at least everything I can do with what's on the motor right now so starters in cranks uh sensors attached knock sensor camshaft sensor turns out the oil pressure sensor here that I replaced that's actually a standalone thing that doesn't go in the harness so learn that that's new um anyway the only things I have left really to do is we'll hook the transmission up but I'll do that later I need to get the intake on here get that going and then I also painted my uh coil my these are coil packs so I painted the coil brackets that these things write on the same cast iron color that I did all of this stuff so just trying to make it match up a little bit or whatever but time to get this intake onto this motor and start getting everything hooked up y'all so make sure when you do this that you have double check for anything that you have stuffed in here to keep debris and stuff out so like I need to get all these paper towels out and you do not want to suck stuff through your motor it's almost midnight and it's hot as hell in here but I'm making some progress this evening check it out so it actually looks like a motor again got all the coil packs on got the manifold on most of the wiring is hooked up I still got to do the and the fuel injectors but all the other stuff's hooked up is it for the uh MAF here I'm gonna take this off and probably paint this too but made a lot of progress today guys getting close all right y'all so it is the next day and it is a toasty one guys so it is literally a hundred degrees in my shop right now so if you see me getting juicy that's why it's one little issue I did run into that turned into a learning moment for me was when I was doing the wiring here these are the little offshoots for the injectors this has what would be called like a multi-tech 2 or a mini Delphi connector on here if you see it um this is what would work in most O3 Suburbans like I got Well turns out because mine is actually a flex fuel model it has an ev6 fuel injector plug right here so I need to have an adapter or cut these off I was going to go ahead and snip the ones off the Suburban since obviously I have these little adapters and just have to splice it into the whole thing all the way around so I could clip it in there but I looked on Amazon real quick and they literally sell an adapter for 15 that does all of them so I'm just going that route should be in the mail get here tomorrow all right so while I'm waiting on those injector adapters in the mail I'm gonna go ahead and keep on doing stuff I did notice my MAF this looks kind of like trash compared to everything else being nice and painted so I'm going to take this off and give it a little rattle can magic and get it to match real fast you know so it has been like two hours since I've had the camera on I have been on the Google and I have been poking and prodding this thing because look at this mess that I am dealing with so this is most of my new uh LS wire harness that I got the aftermarket you can see it kind of goes through right here and I'll have this grommet set in back in the back um this is the existing wiring harness that was in the truck for the small block slash the truck overall it is a hot wires or hot rod wires something like that kit from probably 2010 I don't know something like that 2009 maybe uh it has been a minute since this has been put in I suck at wiring and this is a lot of wiring so I am learning as I go if you feel like it is super scary and you're like oh my gosh what to do you can always hire somebody to do this part but guess what this is how you learn how to do it like I learn by doing this is a mess but I'll get it figured out probably not today but I will get it figured out uh nothing a little bit of research and just going through it I can't solve so don't get discouraged on stuff like this I mean it does suck that's a rats nest maze to go through but we'll get it done stay positive right all right so all the fun I'm having now is right down here so I relocated the original fuse box and all that kind of stuff up over here kind of up under the dash just because it was skinny enough to fit under there and then I am going to relocate behind all of this wiring spaghetti my PCM up here somewhere and then some of this stuff are like um hot power um fuel pump Etc in this one ground and that's like my OBD2 kind of get this all over here so I'm either gonna try and tuck it up behind the vent which is kind of in the way with the handle and all this and I'm not really going to use it so I might just delete this vent that way I have a ton of space up there in that corner just to tuck everything up there as high as I can so you don't really see it so kind of going over a few different ideas on that another fun problem is here is my drive-by wire gas pedal for my 03 Suburban got this cool little adapter on it so it will screw right in here since it's flat on the back and the back of the truck is kind of a wave um but you can see it puts the gas pedal really close to the brake pedal it's not really showing up on the video as much but it is super close and very awkward so I'm going to trim this thing up customize a little bit so I can get the pedal over that'll either be later in this video or probably in a different one we'll just have to see how it pans out all right y'all so I got most of the wiring harness all hooked in and taped up um again I am just using some of these adapters to go from the midi Delphi connectors to the ev6 because this ended up being a flex fuel motor uh but you just plug it in here plug the other end in the wiring harness it's good to go all right good news y'all I got most of the wiring harness all hooked up and mostly cleaned up to kind of where it's going to go or whatever so I've got all those adapters in everything electrical tape and cleaned up Etc the only thing really left is the plug for the cold air intake but now it is finally time to do fun stuff y'all so check it out I got some Speed Engineering short length headers they are made for a C10 LS Swap and they uh all the welds look pretty darn good y'all so I am excited to get these on and getting this thing closer to done all right new plug wires and headers are installed things starting to come together dipstick in I got the belt back on the front here I got the alternator all wired up I did take this Fender off uh just would be easier for me to change out the steering stuff I'm going to put on a new um steering box right here so that'll probably be a different video and I'm going to change this to uh and fitting lines to adapt it to my power steering reservoir on the ls so I got the fender back on I got the new power steering lines in so I did do the braided a in line or a braided line going into an fittings for the pressure side and then on the other side is just a normal hose but it is time to get the front end back on this thing start making it a real truck again got the front of the truck on everything went pretty well on my gaps and stuff are nice uh the only one that was not so fun was this one right here was a little off but everything else lines up so it's just a little wonky maybe I'll dress it in the future I also got uh some rubber on the custom radiator Mount I put down here so it'll sit on that and then bolt in here on the top got the battery tray painted up and back inside so now it's time to move on to the radiator I also got the AN line adapters onto it um so that I can run an cooler lines to the 4L60E moving right along all right so I got the radiator in there I think it's looking pretty good I ended up having to just buy a whole bunch of hoses at the store and this was the one that ended up working for me I took the others back because they ain't cheap um this one was a hose I had saved um from the small block that I just hacked up and it happened to kind of fit with the right Contour the issue I kind of end up having with this being so close to the block luckily it's not touching or whatever so you know that was still good but having my cold air intake coming over here there's just not a lot of room right here for the pipe to go through and I could have you know move the alternator and all that stuff but I ended up just rigging stuff up to kind of get a shorty going here so instead of being cold air I guess it'll be coolish air because the fan is right here and it's like 1500 CFM so obviously it'll heat up some being in there and suck it through the radiator but is what it is right now so I'll see how that works out if it doesn't work good I'll rig something up coming over here but you can see I was just trying a hodgepodge a different stuff to get this to work and the only issue I run into right now is this is the wire connector from my wire harness that I bought to plug into the MAF right here well this is the one out of the burb and this one was having issues plugging in and it turns out if you can see it's the right plug but this one has this little cutaway right here so I'm gonna try and get my Dremel out and shape this a little bit because it's actually hitting on this um if not I'll splice this thing in but since this is the right plug I'm going to see if I can just chop that down a little bit real quick but it just goes to show you sometimes even when you get a wire kit you still have to modify stuff just ever so slightly to kind of fit whatever donor your stuff came out of all right it worked yay Dremel all right so let's do a little update I've been making some progress on this thing I got all the vacuum lines tucked away got a lot of the wire loom put up and tucked away I got some custom battery cables made and installed got new grounds put in everywhere over on this side I got all the new power steering and everything in I have not bled it yet I still need to bleed the system good news is I also got my low carb shift linkage put in and I got all the gears so that is nice that I was able to keep my original steering column and shifter and all that kind of stuff instead of having to go with the floor shifter in the back I got the fuel pump in so I got a Holley inline fuel pump that one of my buddies gave me thank you Dean and then I put on a Wix fuel filter so I put this all down here just so if one of these you know if that gets clogged up or that goes out something like that it's easy to service without having to take the whole bed off the truck and then here on the inside I've tamed a little bit of the spaghetti I know where a lot of it goes now anyway and then I did do a custom uh job basically on the Suburban drive-by-wire Gas Pedal so I have my own video on that if you guys have seen that it seems like it's going to work out we'll see once this thing's running if I get any kind of foot fatigue if I do then I'll just buy an aftermarket one but that was super cheap and did not take that long to do so hopefully it works out because it's kind of trick making progress got the drive shaft officially in it's reasonably centered in there pretty dead on finger on that side finger on this side let's go here is my Dakota Digital goodie so this is on the modules that run all my stuff um this is for my fan my HDX gauges and then that uh Bim down there is uh to run everything off of my OBD2 instead of having to run sensors individually for all the gauges Etc so that should be pretty cool um I did make this nice little license plate custom uh module Mount type thing whatever you want to call it a module tray but I thought that came out pretty good for how simple it was anyway hopefully hopefully hopefully tomorrow we'll be starting this thing up and I don't have exhaust on it just headers so it should sound pretty good fingers crossed hopefully I got all the wiring done never done that before what do you think you think it looks good yeah and so the guys have put in ls's before so hopefully if I do have something wrong they can help me kind of troubleshoot it real quick but I'm getting excited guys they should be here in like the next 15 minutes we'll get rocking and rolling on this they're out here all right let's see if we got power stay says HP tuner so he's got the high-techness that even works I just put that column back in we might have to oh fuel pump turned on I guess that works HDX things are flashing around fans turned on it's supposed to be on yet all right uh if you don't turn it off I'll pull the fuse for it that probably be the best way right [Music] okay guys so we've been fighting the vat system hopefully we got it going to get it in here we gotta try and go [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] definitely got to uh adjust the linkage it's not supposed to be going cool I'm glad we jacked it up see any fuel leaks or anything we have success yeah we got Paul and Carl and Stace all here for the moment Mr Cooper [Music] how happy about that wheel turning but I guess that means it moved heck yeah all right let's see if it'll start up for a second time put on the break [Music] [Music] or any fluid that water got a leak a couple yeah all right [Music] so my overall opinion guys is if you have the means to do an LS swamp in your old small blocks tired go for it it uh wasn't that hard I mean there was a lot of challenges but that was just the learning curve I could do it so much faster now that I know what I'm doing but again if I can do it anybody can runs really good um it does get a little wonky after a while just because the O2 sensor is like an inch from the end of the exhaust just because it's basically straight headers right now um I did have to get a new water pump because the one that I got from the donor was leaking but again wasn't a huge deal one thing I forgot to mention previously because I sprayed water out is there is a steam line that goes through right underneath your intake here that kind of balances out the pressure in your cylinder heads or whatever normally that would run into the radiator again since I had a radiator for a small block I ended up just tapping the water pump here and running it into there they make kits where you can tap your hose but since mine's a little bent right here I didn't want to put it up there so this was just my best option as long as you get that to recirculate everything will be a-okay but yeah it's looking good I am really really happy with it y'all so overall that's gonna do it for this episode of Classics are better as always thank you guys for watching for supporting me while a LS swap Bandit my 66 C10 and now that I'm finally done doing wiring and motor stuff we can get on to some more fun stuff with this truck and some goodies with the Impala and the Camaro stay tuned my friends more to come have a good one no no [Music] [Applause] no no [Music]
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Keywords: c10, ls swap, chevy, chevy c10, c10 build, c10 ls swap, ls swap c10, first start, ls first start up, ls conversion, ls c10 conversion, ls c10 swap, 5.3 ls swap, 5.3 ls swap c10, c10 nation, united by trucks, vice grip garage, dd speed shop, custom c10, c10 progress, c10 motor swap, 1966 c10 ls swap, 1966 c10 ls, 1964 c10, 1965 c10, chevrolet, chevrolet c10, chevy c10 ls swap
Id: oCaYWFoeSK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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