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hey guys welcome back to live your style I'm Sarah and today we are going to talk about a different subjects than normal because it's almost spring and it's around this time that I start getting a ton of DMS and messages and emails and things about our wedding and about the wedding subject category in general a lot of you guys are in the middle of planning your wedding your wedding is right around the corner or a long ways away or you guys are in weddings and you want to know detailed information on how to be the best maid of honor or what kind of wedding gifts to give or where to find really good bridesmaids dresses things like that okay for all of those that submitted questions on Instagram or dm's or whatever for this wedding video I'm going to actually go on Instagram today and I will be posting the answers to all the questions that were asked on Instagram that way this video doesn't get too long if you guys want to know the answers to some of those questions how should you book the location how can you be the best maid of honor what did you look for in a wedding venue and those are just the beginning there are lots of other questions I will answer on Instagram if you want to check them out go to my Instagram at sheriff students and I'll see you there and then also if you guys want links to any of the products that we used things that are available a lot of the decor pieces were rentals however I can link you guys to a lot of my vendors and people that we used in our wedding a lot of them travel so it's gonna be fun we're just gonna talk about some wedding stuff even if weddings aren't really like in your world right now it doesn't apply to you one day you'll probably be invited to a wedding or have something to do with the wedding and hopefully this will help you for that a lot of you guys also know about our wedding series so if you have not yet watched our wedding series wedding Wednesdays totally used to be a thing we did like twenty-something episodes and it was such a fun season of life I actually rewatched all of them the other day just like a be refreshed of what I went through and what tips I want to give and things I want to recommend so if you guys haven't seen that it's really entertaining and really fun to watch and I think very informative so I will link that below as well if you guys have not yet hit the subscribe button you know what to do give this video a thumbs up and let's get started [Music] the first thing you guys need to consider when you're planning a wedding is your venue that allows a lot of the other pieces to kind of fall into place once you pick your venue you kind of know how much money you're gonna be needing to spend or saving for that environment for your wedding and that will then dictate how much you have left over to spend on everything else also your venue is going to dictate the style of your wedding it's gonna dictate the date of your wedding cuz it's all about what they have available so there's just a lot of stuff that kind of starts to form once you pick the place when you guys go to pick your venue you need to make sure that you think about your guest list before you pick your venue I did not know this I had to learn that the hard way so I encourage you guys to sit down maybe even before you get engaged not necessarily a conversation you have with your potential spouse but something you do on your own is just make like an Excel spreadsheet of at that point in your life like who would you want to be invited to your wedding that way you guys can sit down kind of go okay we only have a hundred people we want to invite to our wedding so that we can go get married at this place that has a max capacity of a hundred people or if you have 250 people in your wedding you know okay we cannot go to that place even though it's totally the look I want and everything I've imagined they just cannot house that many people that will really help you narrow down where you should go the other thing with venues is you have to identify who you're inviting to your wedding and where they live so with our wedding Tyler's family is all from the East Coast we got married in San Diego that meant a lot of our guests we're gonna be flying in and then they needed to stay somewhere so when you pick a venue you kind of have to be specific with finding accommodations nearby and that's gonna probably dictate whether or not you pick a certain venue you want to make sure it's within like I don't know if 30 miles depending on traffic you want to make sure you're kind of close to an airport if people are traveling and then if everybody's local then you have a lot more flexibility and you could go wherever you want also when you guys are doing the whole venue shopping thing you want to consider the months that you're looking at the venue and the month that you're planning your wedding forth the thing I loved most about the place that we almost picked was the roses and I didn't even like oh yeah these aren't gonna be here when we get married and it would have been a bunch of brown sticks also if you guys want more tips about venues because again I could go on and on on but we need to move on to number two all this stuff and more is on the blog we're gonna do like a series on the blog's it's a little bit more built out and if you guys really need help with this it'll be super helpful and crucial for you guys to get on the mailing list for those blog posts that way you guys get all the information and again all the links too so go over to the blog and check that out [Music] the second thing to start thinking about is rentals if you guys want rentals if your venue provides chairs and all of the details that come with that and if you want to get something that's a little bit more customized or personalized to your style furniture rental companies are really great oftentimes they do offer like the event designer which is a great perk if you can afford that and they can really help you understand their inventory what they have to offer if you don't have an actual event designer that's totally fine the one thing I highly recommend and we even did this with ours you kind of start to splice and piece together the look of your wedding as you get into it so you pick the bridesmaids dresses and then you pick the flowers then you never really see everything together I highly recommend taking photos of everything print them out on like big pieces of paper and lay it all out on a table so you can kind of see it okay how does this all look should I go with those plates should I go with those flowers for me I ended up picking black bridesmaids dresses and we had no black in any part of our wedding decor and everyone was kind of like ooh so we've realized oh we know we should do is pull in some berry pomegranate pull in those darker tones and really piece it all together and kind of make it make sense but we would not have figured that out how would not look to everything all at once for our wedding wind used a company called archive rentals they were fantastic their warehouse is incredible if you guys go watch episode 6 of wedding Wednesday's you'll see the warehouse at archive rentals it's pretty darn incredible in the same line as rentals and event design it's equally as important to invest in a wedding coordinator our event planners were so amazing we had two wedding planners that were in the same business it's called before I do events they were a huge part in helping us tie in the black love those black balloons I think a lot of you guys love those black balloons you asked me where I get this all the time I was super involved in the wedding planning process about a month before the wedding they had a meeting with me and they were like guess what this is so exciting for you you don't have to worry about any of this anymore because we're going to take all of it and it was amazing you want to be able to enjoy the process and not be like going absolutely crazy so maybe you can't afford to get a wedding planner for you know the your wedding planning process but if you can at least find somebody that can help you the month of that is a game-changer and certainly day of you need that because you need someone to tell you when to go and when did not go these are not ordered in any sort of lists of importance these are just randomly itemized but the third very important category of a wedding is the photography and the videography I definitely use my wedding video more then I use our wedding photos meaning I watch our wedding video more I'm so glad we have wedding photos as you know Suzy our photographer hurt she just did an incredible job and captured the day so beautifully but I would be like close to saying that a wedding video for me at least is like as important if not more important than wedding photos that's just me the day goes by so fast and it's like what can we just like reset no you can't reset it's just over you can never go back so to have an actual video is really special and really cool when you guys go to looking for a photographer the first thing you need to figure out is what kind of wedding photography do you like there are lots of different genres if you will there's really light and airy there's really sharp colorful and processed and you can't just go to one video or one photographer and say this is what I want and ask them to do that because a lot of the time they have their own style and taste and that's why you hire them maybe you put a Pinterest board together and just take the pressure off and just pin photos that you think are cool that you like then go back through your Pinterest board and start to go okay these ones all have a lot of natural light so I probably really like natural light I don't know figure out what it is that you like then you can start googling and searching for photographers that have that type of aesthetic in their work another recommendation I would have is if you guys can afford it I would highly recommend doing all of your wedding photography with the same photographer so that means your engagement photos your rehearsal dinner and also your actual wedding day so you want to make sure that like you know you pick somebody that's easy to get along with and then it's really important that you guys go on Pinterest I think and find poses that you like it also helps give you guys confidence to go be like when you're taking photos you're like oh I do my hands and I like freaking out now you know what to do their hands cuz you saw it in a picture and you practiced you guys can practice that's another good one practice your poses you don't do an awkward prom pose [Music] the fourth very important element of a wedding is the flowers flowers are gonna make your wedding so beautiful and so fragrant flowers are very expensive but there are a lot of ways that you guys can be smart in small ways without sacrificing having a beautiful floral wedding one of the best ways to do this is to really embrace the greens and not so much the flowers themselves and you can do this by having some of your maids of honor or your bridesmaids only have like a bouquet of greens the other thing you can do with greens is put them on your tables have them be like a long eucalyptus table runner that'll take up a lot of space and then another great tip reuse your ceremony flowers for your reception flowers another reason you want to get a wedding planner because they will make sure that somebody moves those flowers I just encourage you same thing with photography do your research on Pinterest and then make sure Forbes portfolio that you are looking through aligns with the photos that you like and our florist Wallflower inspiration her name is Esther she's incredible and she totally works with your budget so if you're in the San Diego area where she does travel I think anywhere close to San Diego give her a call [Music] okay my favorite category hair and makeup this is a very fun exciting and important part of the wedding planning process for those that aren't planning weddings or if you're just interested in when you should be doing all of these different steps and processes we actually have kind of a checklist if you guys want to get that if you're part of the live a journal you're gonna get that automatically this week if you're not a part of the live a journal you can go to the blog and on our first blog post about venues there'll be an opportunity to sign up for our email newsletter and once you guys do that you will get that automatically sent to you but back to hair and makeup I had the lovely ladies from kissed by AML her name is Alma maillot and she's so wonderful and so sweet they did such a great job they definitely do travel so if you guys want really good hair makeup people call Alma I will link her below and you guys can check that out but it's a really great tip when it comes to hair and makeup again go to Pinterest figure out what you like but also do a few different trials don't just go on at any old Tuesday and get your hair and makeup done like what it'll be like for your wedding I suggest making those hair and makeup appointment for trial dates on the same times that you have like your bridal shower when you take your engagement photos because you're taking pictures you're really able to see what your hair makeup look like and you get comfortable with the people and then you can critique it and that way on the day of your wedding I knew what it was going to look like they knew what they were gonna do and it was easy so and also again when you're going to try on your dress it really helps have your hair and makeup done it makes you super excited to be able to see like you're in your dress and your hair makeup is gonna look like this on that day and another thing to keep in mind when you go look for wedding dresses I loved bringing all of my girls to the wedding dress Tryon thing but it was kind of a big ordeal so I had gone and looked at dresses with just my mom before we film in that episode it was like I got to try on so many and then I narrowed down like my top 10 or whatever and that's what I tried on for my friends and that's what they got to like see and interact with and vote on and it was just really fun but keep in mind you probably want to keep that number down to like two or three and not bring 10 people just about [Music] okay some random day of details that are important things that don't really fit in a category but are really I don't know things I recommend the first would be to get a live band over getting a DJ I can't even tell you it made our wedding people still talk about how fun our wedding was and it's because it's just so much energy and like there right there and there it's kind of they're just like they're performers so they get people up they get people excited if you can afford it and if it's something that you can manage I highly recommend a live band / a DJ also something to do with music live music as you walk down the aisle is better than a recording because when you have a recording there's a possibility that it could glitch or something could go wrong and that's like your moment so I think you know it's one of those things that's like super important to not get wrong and to make sure that it's perfect so play live music when you walk down the aisle also during the ceremony I really recommend having an unplugged wedding unplugged weddings are great you need to be really bold in abrupt with how you tell people that the reason you want unplugged wedding is because you have photographers that are in the back behind everybody that are trying to take a picture of everything and when you have aunt Susie with our arms in the air and a huge iPad taking photos it kind of ruins the look of the wedding ceremony and kind of gets in the way and then a couple other fun things our wedding hashtags we actually have a friend who made up our wedding hashtag her name is Marielle and she created a company actually called happily ever hashtag like if you have a name that is complicated and you don't know how to at all find something funny combining the two names I can almost guarantee you that she won't be able to fix it figure something out she's just like so good it's called happily ever hashtagged and if you're in desperate need of the hashtag check her out another fun thing is signature cocktails you can make one that is more Bridal and one that's more groomy and I think ours was about fig in time that was Tyler's that was the groom's signature cocktail you come up with fun little names had a fig and thyme in it and it was like a whiskey something or other and then mine was like a sangria and it was called the blushing bride because it was a blush sangria color if you have a venue that gives you open bar for free for an hour do it but that's another component of having a wedding planner is they know to ask those questions sometimes venues offer crazy packages that you wouldn't know you can get really good deals so having somebody in the industry to help guide you is really it pays off in the end I think and last but not least this did not exist when we got married and it's kind of become a thing over the last few years it's so cool it's called a silent disco the venue's they sometimes have like really strict noise policies if they're in like a residential area or whatever and after like nine o'clock you can't make any noise with the silent disco it is essentially headphones that everybody wears and everyone listens to the same song and it's silent if you have the headphones off but if you have the headphones on it feels like there's a full-on music party happening and everyone dances and like engages and it's a great thing so if you have a venue that your heart is stuck on and you love it but the noise ordinance is like 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock that is a great option [Music] thank you guys so much for watching I hope that all of my wedding tips have helped you guys those that are getting married or thinking about getting married or if you're in a wedding these are just the things that stood out to me as I think back about our wedding planning journey and I mean you never know maybe one day my mom and I'll write a little wedding planning book I'm just saying and that could be kind of fun right thank you for watching if you guys want to thumbs up this video please do if you're new and you have not yet subscribed you know what to do and if you guys want to check out the live a journal we're gonna have a pretty awesome limit journal entry all about the wedding stuff and a bunch of additional links bridesmaids dresses things I recommend so if that's these Xclusive shrimpo so if that's the season of life that you're in be sure to check that out I will see you guys next week thank you so much for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sharrah Stevens
Views: 501,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy decor, interior design, room decor diys, small apartment decorating, decorating on a budget, robeson design, Sharrah robeson, small space decorating
Id: WK3sFtyOaNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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