Watch this BEFORE you paint a chalkboard on your wall!

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i'm about to show you how i made this blackboard right here i actually love it right now but i didn't love it all the way through as i was making it because there were some nuances that i didn't know about and i was thinking that maybe you would like to know all the details of how to make one mine is framed it is five feet across by six feet down so it is a giant thing you cannot miss my name is cynthia and in this channel we talk about all the things that have to do with home and garden and we are talking about making blackboard walls this is the kitchen area of my home it's actually like a multi right it's kitchen dining living room area and here it is so i've clearly made a big piece of artwork is what i'm calling it i had gone into a market and saw this frame and i originally was gonna hang it on the wall but then i decided to make it right on the wall so step one was to make my frame which you will make yours and so you will decide what size you want it i wanted mine five feet across by six feet down and i did two horizontal pieces and two vertical pieces cut them straight edge first and then after that i went ahead and cut the 45 degree angles on all the sides when i get ready to put together the frame i always get confused and it messes with my mind about how you're supposed to cut them so i figured out an easy way to cut them and i'm going to show you how so that it's easy for you as well all right so you're going to cut your pieces so the 45 degrees are always like this on all sides so the these are six feet for example and these are five feet okay and then at the end when you put them together it basically goes like this right so you have your 45 degree angles here and then when you come this way oops you go this way and then you go this way and then you go this way okay do you see that basically that's why you cut them all the 45 degrees going this way i hope that helps because in my mind it was a little bit like tricky so that just makes it easier for me so here is the frame and before i actually put it together i went ahead and painted it and then step two is to measure and prep the wall because now you're going to put masking tape so we're going to measure where the inside part is going to be i put level marks making like a square of all the parts that needed to be painted black so inside of the square and i painted kind of in the middle of the board so that um you know when you put the uh paint it was like a clean smooth line like you wouldn't be able to see white at all and also don't use this kind of tape i happen to not have the other tape and i had this one but the other blue or green tapes are so much better i use them all the time for painting i just was out i happened to have this because i had it for another project but i normally don't i took a 220 grit sandpaper and i started to try to smooth out as many of the little imperfections on the wall as possible because step three is to paint a lot and when i mean a lot i mean a whole lot when you start painting this is going to feel awkward it feels very much like oil paint and it is just the most awkward paint you will ever encounter i've painted a gazillion things in my lifetime and this paint is by far the most weird feeling kind of paint and it leaves so many streaks at first you need to wait about four hours between coats so i waited four hours and then i put the second coat which really didn't feel much better i was really still freaking out because it did not look any better at all on the second one it still looks streaky it was still hard to paint it's just yucky even the way the paint is on your fingers it's hard to clean off of your fingers it's just kind of very different and i wasn't used to this but i wish somebody had told me to just hold off and keep painting because i might have just quit at this point i was so freaked out about what i had just done to my wall and that i wanted to quit but don't i don't just brewed my morning coffee and i'm sitting here wondering if i have made the biggest mistake ever i thought about that all night last night because just not sure how i feel about the shiny uneven mess so this is two coats look you can even see my shadow it's so reflective and it is just so uneven so this is two coats you have to wait four hours between coats and so yesterday i waited four hours into the second coat today i'm doing a third probably a fourth and if i can squeeze in a fifth maybe if i can't then i'll wait till tomorrow then you're supposed to let it cure for three days then you're supposed to prep the chalk i hope the shiny crap goes away it was not until this third coat that i actually started feeling better third coat meant it started to get a little bit darker a little bit more even but it was still not completely even you could still see a lot of streaks you could still see that three coats was not gonna be it this is coat two coat three shiny shiny though this definitely looks black a lot of the streaks have gone the shininess is still strong you know how you start reading online when you freak out about something so i did and people said that they went ahead and sanded between coats so i sanded between after my third coat to see if it would be better for the fourth one in all honesty it did not help at all i didn't need to sand between coats and you don't need to do that because the fourth coat uh looked better but it's not like the sanding part really helped i ended up giving it five coats and felt that it looked better and i finally took off the tape in hindsight i probably should have done a sixth coat and i read someone online did a seventh coat so if you have to go six or seven to feel really good about your blackboard do it it's been three days that the wall has dried that's what the instructions on the can said so now i have to cure it and that means i'm going to get regular chalk that cheap chalk you can buy anywhere and put it sideways and then go all the way through the board and then clean it off i used three chalk pieces to finish covering this all up and now that i'm done this is what it looks like and now it is time to clean it all up hopefully this works do you see all those chalk particles everywhere they were everywhere in the house obviously as you can tell from how it's erasing right now this was not the only passing that i did it took me a while to get it done so get ready to put some elbow grease into this and get ready to clean up your house and yourself then later when i wanted to make it look a little neater i took a piece of paper towel and wrapped up my eraser so that i could make it even neater but that chalk is still flying everywhere it will definitely start looking better with time but it's going to require patience here is my very first attempt at trying to see if it worked and i'm going to shamelessly say if you like this go ahead and subscribe and as you can see it erases just fine so it works so now it was time to assemble the frame and the easiest way for me to do that with wood is using a kreg jig if you don't have a kreg jig i highly suggest getting one because this thing has helped me through so many projects i spent a little over thirty dollars and it has helped me do so many things i've gotten my money's worth and then some i had actually worked on this on the corners i had put a little bit of spackle and had painted all through it so it looked a little bit smoother then when i was done we actually put it in so this is manny helping us put it in but then my husband came in to help us as well because i think three people is the best way to put a big frame like this on the wall two people were holding in my husband and and his cousin and then i was actually leveling it and making sure that the um screws went into um the studs so of course we used a stud finder to find the studs so that the wood had something to grip on and i always like to double check by tapping with a nail and a hammer to make sure that we've hit on wood then it was just a matter of making sure everything was screwed in and safely secured and then of course we had to cover the holes and repaint that area so that it looked nice and neat this was actually sample writing that i used to practice but actually if you see the top and right there there's some dark spots those are because i took a wet rag and i cleaned it off but those areas have to be re-cured before you write on it again so here i am erasing it and getting it ready for the artwork that actually was going to stay so there i am re-curing it and now you're gonna see my little artwork so hopefully i've given you enough information for you to decide whether you are inspired to put one on your wall maybe to put one on a piece of wood and hang it up or whatever it is you do because remember guys you can create bliss at home and in the garden [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] me [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Bliss Home & Garden
Views: 47,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chalkboard paint, chalkboard wall, how to make a chalkboard, rustoleum chalkboard paint, do it yourself (hobby), best chalkboard paint, chalkboard paint diy, chalkboard paint projects, diy chalkboard wall, how to paint a chalkboard wall, cynthia bliss, blisshomeandgarden, blissinthegarden, blisshomegarden, diy tutorials home decor, writing on chalkboard, rust oleum, rustoleum chalk paint, diy chalkboard paint, blackboard diy, diy chalkboard
Id: Ut7vBVgKP6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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