WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU GO TO ICELAND! | Ultimate Iceland Travel Guide 2021

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[Music] so [Music] rory and waterfalls volcanoes northern lights hot springs geysers what more could you ask for in a destination iceland is an absolute dream destination for an adventure lover if you are looking for inspiration for your own iceland ring road trip then this video is for you but first things first when visiting iceland there's a few things you need to know let's talk about getting into iceland in the first place so we flew into keflavik airport keplervik is a short 45 minute drive from reykjavik which is actually iceland's capital right now there are a few things you need when visiting iceland you're going to need a negative cova test within 72 hours it needs to be either a pcr test or an antigen test the requirements are constantly changing so make sure to keep a very close eye on all the different changes on the websites we both happen to be vaccinated which is why we're talking about that way of you presenting the vaccine card you are allowed to enter iceland if you are unvaccinated but right now you do have to have a negative test and you do have to take another test upon arrival at the airport and then you have to quarantine up to five days until you have another negative test all of the restrictions and requirements are listed available online and i'll put the links to those resources in the description box below you will also need to fill a pre-registration form that gives you a barcode to scan after you reach baggage claim stating that you are indeed healthy and well and following all safety precautions when flying in the country they will ask you for your test results at your airline counter before getting on the flight and once you arrive in iceland there are checkpoints where you will have to show these documents again so make sure to keep them handy so after doing our iceland trip we really recommend breaking it up into potentially like three different kinds of trips so the first trip would be a summer road trip and summer is the best time to visit iceland if you're going for all the outdoorsy hiking camping kind of trip and that way it's because all the snow is melted and it's very easily accessible all the campgrounds are open that kind of thing at the beginning of summer in june there's this phenomenon called the midnight sun and so there's a lot of photographers that will go out and try and capture this phenomenon where it's daylight like 24 7 basically you're getting like a beautiful sunset at midnight and so that's a really cool opportunity if you're a photographer you can go a lot of people will just like sleep during the actual day and just stay up all night and photograph since there's like less crowds and still beautiful lighting so that's one option if you're going later in july in august they're just like what we did we went in august and our summer road trip was more oriented just towards like i said like the hiking if you're wanting to go into the highlands or the western fjords you're going to want to make sure you go on the summer just because they're more the roads are easily accessible and they're open you can't go to the highlands if it's not summer time the last trip we'd recommend doing is a winter road trip and that would be more geared towards looking at the northern lights and going to all the hot springs so we'll get into this a little bit later in the video but not all the campgrounds are open during winter in fact a lot of them are closed so you do have to have a little bit more preparation in this trip the best time to do this winter trip would be september to march it's also gonna be the cheapest time to go since it's off season but if you are looking to see the northern lights this is the best time to go how long to visit if you fully want to make the most out of your itinerary around the ring road we'd recommend six to seven days if you want to add on scene excursions off the ring road plan on adding a few more days unless you're crazy like us and go from sunrise to sunset every day if you're only exploring the southern side of the island we'd recommend around three to four days so the weather in iceland can be all over the place a lot of locals in iceland recommend using the app or the website called veder and we'll link it down below and it's the most accurate weather forecast for the different parts of the country the weather app wasn't always a hundred percent accurate when we were there so we liked using this website and it definitely helps a lot because different parts of the island have different weather all the time so like you could be in the south and it could be cloudy and foggy and then we'd drive over to like vic and it would be sunny and gorgeous so it's nice because it breaks it down into each region of iceland and it will tell you exactly what to expect with more accuracy than your average weather app also this app has a really cool aurora tracking feature so if you are going for a northern lights trip this will give you an accurate predictor of um the levels of aurora and like how which part of the island you're more likely to see them come up speaking of money let's talk about budget iceland is not a cheap country in fact it's known for being fairly expensive if you are trying to ball on a budget we highly recommend buying your own groceries at budget grocery stores like bonus cronin or costco and restocking along your trip at gas stations with markets in terms of money everything is in isk but you can basically use a credit card or debit card anywhere and it will convert into the currency for you just make sure to check if your card is born in transaction fees before heading into iceland other budget hacks that we have are just never buy water just bring a refillable water bottle as you can see we even drink out of a glacier here use the fuel discount card your car rental gives you happy campers offered us gas discounts with three different companies which was super nice our budget was for covet test 35 each van insurance was 173 dollars van rental was 220 per night so around 190 euros budget for food was around 300 if you're eating cheap for one week and snacks we ate out of non-gas station foods and food stands twice during our trip the blue lagoon tickets were 155 dollars for the both of us combined if you're renting a car or van and you're driving around iceland there's definitely a few things you want to know as well so at gas stations there are a few different options when filling up the nice thing is they do have multiple languages available at the pumps so make sure to select the one you speak otherwise i tried filling up the first time and i accidentally selected like a different language and i didn't really know how to navigate the machine and then also you're gonna need a card with a pin so we had a debit card that we brought over that had a pin unless your credit card has a pin make sure when you're filling up you don't hit the fill up button because it can place a hold on your on your card we've known quite a few people that didn't know this beforehand and then your card is locked and you have to call your bank and like deal with a lot of red tape and that's just not fun so never hit fill up just hit like a certain amount of gas that you want and if you need more you can get more and if you if you end up using less they'll actually refund that amount on your card if you've already prepaid for a certain amount also on the same line of driving around iceland there's a lot of gravel roads and roundabouts make sure you learn how to drive a roundabout if they're not in your area because i mean a lot of americans have a hard time driving in roundabouts get familiar with driving on a gravel road or off-roading if you happen to be going into the highlands or on f roads also get familiar with dodging sheep because there's a lot of sheep in the roads when you're driving around the ring road we absolutely recommend renting either a camper van preferably with a 4x4 option or a 4x4 vehicle with a rooftop tent option for your ring road trip driving and camping really makes sense some of the most scenic spots super accessible if you don't have a rental with a 4x4 you won't be able to explore any of the icelandic f-roads we used a van from the company happy campers and absolutely loved it keep in mind when you are booking some of the vans are automatic and some of them are manual just so you have an idea of what to expect in terms of what we got in our van it came with a full pull out bed setup it originally set up as a couch and then you convert it later at night it came with a sink soap pump and then there are also like a stove dishes utensils anything we could have needed to cook in there so that was really nice you can also add add-ons with your van rental we decided to get a wi-fi unit with a gps which was a game changer definitely recommend doing that some extra blankets you can get some sleeping bags like a bluetooth speaker there's a ton of additional upgrades so just check out whichever van rental you decide to use look at their website and see what extra amenities you want to invest in we definitely if we could choose one invest in the wi-fi gps unit another thing when you're booking your van is to get insurance a lot of the time people are very stubborn about getting rental car insurance because like a travel credit card will cover it or something like that but in particular with iceland there are some insurances for different things we would definitely recommend getting the gravel and tire insurance if you only had to pick one because a lot of people we know got flat tires or it's just like the conditions of the road it's super windy it's very extreme weather even in the summertime so it's better to be safe than sorry and it would be real bummer if you know something happened while you're driving on a dirt road and then you have to pay a lot more because you didn't get the insurance and and like we said i think it's around like 170 so if you're doing a lot of off-roading it's probably worth it to get the insurance we did lose a hubcap while we were out and about and we luckily had the insurance on it camping hotels and hostels if you're doing van life or renting a car with a rooftop temp there are plentiful amount of campsites around iceland during the summer time however the majority of campsites in iceland are not open all year round summer camp sites are only open from approximately may 15th to september 15th winter camp sites are open all year round with facilities and hybrid campsites are open all year round with limited or no facilities and spending the night at campsites can be significantly cheaper than renting expensive hotels so the nice thing about icelandic campsites is you don't have to book them ahead of time unlike in the united states where campsites fill up like six months in advance you can kind of just go and park and drive as long as there's a spot and there's so many designated campsites in iceland and because there are such plentiful campsites you actually are not allowed to camp anywhere you want it is illegal to not camp in a designated campsite there are almost 200 campsites that you can stay in though so you do have a wide variety of options what was nice about using happy campers is they gave us a full gps like google map of every single campsite in iceland so since we had the wi-fi and the gps map when we were driving if we decided to just like spontaneously hey let's sleep at skogafoss or something we could just find the nearest campsite and then super easily pull in and spend the night so that's another reason why we'd recommend getting that little gps unit because it comes pre-loaded with all of those designated campsites so you don't have to worry about it most of these campsites do have a small fee they're around like 10 to 15 dollars a night but when you compare that to the price of a potential hotel stay or a hostel stay it's as cheap as you can get for traveling however if you are going in the winter since like we said earlier the campsites a lot of them are closed hostels and hotels could be the way to go especially if you are not inclined to enjoy the cold weather our van did have a heater in the back which was super nice but it was also not getting super chilly at night time like it can during the winter so that's just something else to take into consideration when booking what time you're going in terms of the year because it can get very cold if you're car camping during the winter there's some also really cool pretty unique accommodations throughout iceland one that we know of that we didn't actually get the chance of staying at but we've seen a lot of people go to it's called the panorama glass lodge and it's this insane like glass cabin where you can look up and see the northern lights so we'll we'll link that one down below if you guys want to check that out it seems like a very cool accommodation option now while exploring the ring road or any part of iceland here are some things not to do off-roading is actually illegal in iceland they've created all of the roads between the f roads and the regular roads on the ring road stepping on moss is also very disrespectful and can hurt the nature so if you see paths makes you stay in them don't go off them especially if you see moss try and avoid those now that we've covered the basics let's jump into our itinerary and stops we made along the way starting in keflavik we immediately took our shuttle over to happy campers office which was a short 10 minute drive first things first we immediately went to costco to stock up on road trip snacks for the week and then we headed into reykjavik to explore the city before starting our drive down to the southern side of the island next up we hit the reykjavik food tour and if you guys didn't already see this video of ours we will link it up here for you um it has our full experience and we just thought it was such a great way to learn about the city's culture the food the history the architecture so we definitely recommend checking it out um we'll also link it down below for you if you are interested in taking this tour but it was a fantastic way to start our trip before we headed down south to explore disclaimer for this portion of the video if we butcher any of the pronunciations of the names we do not speak icelandic we're trying really hard and we did look at a pronunciation machine but that they could be wrong so don't give us a hard time we started by hitting cellulin's foss so this is a waterfall you can actually walk under it's a 200-foot waterfall and it's absolutely beautiful it's one of the waterfalls in iceland that you can actually walk all the way around and it's something else make sure you bring a light raincoat because you will get very wet if you decide to do the short little trail there's another waterfall that's right next to cellulin's foss and it's a hidden one that a lot of people are just now starting to go to and its name means dweller in the gorge and it's another really cool waterfall that's worth the time if you have it however it does involve walking through a pretty small canyon and the spray is very strong so you might get soaked so make sure to have a dry pair of clothes in the car if you are planning on doing that because you need to be prepared to get wet the first day we hit two more waterfalls of course we hit the famous gogafoss there's two different viewpoints there's the one right under the fall we're gonna head up the stairs first and go all the way up to the top if you don't like stairs you're gonna hate this side so stick to the bottom view steven thinks there's around like 400 stairs we did the upper lookout first it's up a ton of stairs you get a little workout in and you can see an aerial view from above there's also a connecting trail up there so if you're looking to do some hiking around skogafoss check out all trails or do some research on that area or there's of course the one standing right below skogafoss and it's absolutely beautiful and quite humbling to stand under such an insane waterfall you guys we basically have skogafoss all to ourselves this is crazy look at that there's one family so if you want to go and you want it to be less busy we definitely recommend doing sunrise or sunset there because middle of the day is going to be absolutely packed then right next to skogafoss is cavernufas it's located right behind the scogar museum and it is possible to walk around in the summertime and that's just another little waterfall in the southern region that if you have the time totally worth checking out an optional add-on for the area is the famous plane wreck you guys i'm sure have seen on instagram because it takes about an hour to walk there and about an hour back the next day we started off at the dire league lighthouse and beach this area is really cool especially because you have this beautiful view from the top where black sand beach meets the ocean in a long straight line but we highly recommend checking it out as a quick stop on your way to reynos vyara beach this is the black sand beach and the black basalt columns there's a really neat cave over there that is also beautiful to check out it's not going to take too long it's a short walk over but highly recommend adding it to your list we definitely recommend getting there early though because it's a very small parking lot that can fill up very quick so we were over there right after sunrise and basically had it to ourselves also another thing to note about the area is it does have really they they're like sneaker waves so they're really strong waves that can drag you out and people have died there never put your back toward the ocean there because a wave could come up and they're very strong currents the next place that you want to stop is vic vic is actually where we camped that night there's a really nice easy campsite that's only about a 30 minute drive from the drilly lighthouse and beach and if you guys are there for breakfast we recommend checking out school beans coffee it is a beaut it's a really cool little coffee shop directly in a school bus in the town next up is this cool canyon it is absolutely incredible we recommend going early in the morning for sunrise or later in the day for sunset to experience the most beautiful view you cannot walk out on the little ledges because of the moss there so please respect that and leave no trace at the very end of the canyon you'll find a beautiful waterfall and you can fly your drone here so if you do have a drone please be respectful of the other visitors around and enjoy the scenic view next up is malaga fur canyon this canyon was a really fun hike this was probably one of my favorite hikes in the south of iceland just because of how green and beautiful the waterfall was once you got up there you can take this hike up pretty deep into the canyon we only went up into the first waterfall where you can see into the deep area of the canyon and we went pretty late in the day we just finished up our last hike for the day it was awesome it's like 3.6 miles round trip 1200-ish feet of elevation gain that puts us at around 15 16 miles of hiking today plus jet lag plus you know short amount of sleep so correct we're wrecked but we're gonna go down make some food find a campsite for the night and we'll see you guys out there i got some nudes from the uh gas station here's our little van setup we're cooking up some hot water it's actually really cozy yeah really nice and all the food storage is down here so there's like silverware there's cups and plates and everything in there and then there's just like an extra drawer you just lift them up and you can pull it straight next up we did the glacier lagoon and diamond beach and explored the whole glacial area it's absolutely stunning out there there that's another spot where there are sneaker waves so just be prepared for that especially if you guys visit during the winter or earlier in the summer we would recommend going to diamond peach to find the bigger ice particles and just a reminder at the glacier lagoon you're actually not allowed to fly drones there without a permit so if you want to do that make sure to apply ahead of time next up was farty foss and the scaffold and vatnajokull national parks so svardivos was probably the most popular hike that we went on we just arrived at skaftafell national park and we're headed out to do the spartan boss hike about two miles round trip pretty flat like a couple hundred feet of elevation gain and it's busy guys i'm sorry i lied to you it's all uphill not mentally prepared so make sure to bring shoes with proper traction it is a little slippery and lots of water the waterfall itself is surrounded by these beautiful basalt columns similar to the ones on the black sand beach that you'll encounter and right in the middle is this gorgeous flowing waterfall we definitely recommend going for sunset if you can we went in the middle of the day just that's how our schedule worked out but definitely recommend that as a top waterfall hike around iceland and then we headed on over to vatnajokull national park to do a glacier tour so if you guys missed that video too we already posted that one right here and it was so much fun if you're there in the summer we highly recommend doing a glacier tour with local guide and we'd recommend doing the longer one and if you watch that video we explain why if you're going during the winter we'd recommend doing an ice cave tour with local guide that's something that's still on our bucket list when we go back and do our northern lights trip we'd love to do one of those ice cave tours we'll link them down below too if you'd like to check them out and their tours they're awesome next up is stockness this is one of the most popular areas for photographers to visit so we highly recommend checking it out either for sunrise or sunset to take in the beautiful area it is also one of the most cloudy areas in iceland we sadly did not get to experience a crazy sunrise there but still had a beautiful morning and then we headed to hangi falls she's traumatized she just hit a bird i don't know i hope it's okay hanky foss was a really cool hike all the way up to this waterfall there's actually two waterfalls the first one has these beautiful basalt columns next to it made it to the first waterfall with all the basalt basalt columns it's pretty we're going up to the next one and the second one has this crazy red tint to it it is much bigger than we anticipated it being and the hike is also a little bit steeper than we anticipated as well so we would recommend spending about an hour and a half to two hours to take in the full area before heading to our favorite aryan iceland student now both sudla gill and hanky foss are in eastern iceland so we've officially moved out of southern iceland zoola gill was hands down our favorite thing besides the volcano it's got this gorgeous turquoise blue water during certain months of the year i believe it goes away in august in the summer it has this beautiful water the hike is really short and easy it is through private property for a first the first part of the hike but you're allowed to go on there so please be respectful of the land don't cut the trail we saw some people doing that once you get to the end the water and the columns there you'll see the trend there's basalt columns everywhere it's just a scene straight out of game of thrones it was really really cool so if you have to put if you have to narrow down your itinerary make sure this specific hike is on the list after we finished that day the next day we started sunrise at dede foss this is the second most powerful waterfall in all of europe it was insane to experience the size of it you can take in at three different levels from the viewing points we like to hike up close as we can to it and really feel how powerful it was that was pretty cool we had daddy foss and cellophos all to ourselves definitely recommend getting here early before the crowds because it's incredible and definitely like one of the most insane waterfalls i've ever seen probably most powerful definitely rivals uh skogafoss next up would be mybaton and there's a ton of really cool like hikes there that kind of remind me of yellowstone national park so if you're interested in like geysers and thermal vents and whatnot we ended up not stopping there because we were on our way to the next locations we did a lot of driving so we had to cut out some of our top itinerary spots but we definitely say if you had time to add this in there if you're looking at hot springs and want to narrow it down or compare all of them in iceland give these ones a try and also if you missed our iceland hot springs video we did compare blue lagoon and sky lagoon and we'll link that up here if you are interested next up on our list was go to foss this waterfall is beautiful it creates almost like a u-shaped waterfall that is pretty wide it's not insanely tall but it is worth the stop and it's right on the left side of the ring road there are two different viewing points there is parking lot to the right and a parking lot to the left we recommend checking out the viewpoint from the right if you want more of a grand view but if you want to walk down to the waterfall make sure you park on the left because that is how you can access the river then as we mentioned there's lots of hot springs in iceland we drove over to a free one called the fosslog hot springs and it was absolutely beautiful it was very crowded actually it's a very popular one amongst locals it was very hot too so like make sure you bring a towel some water it's a little it's like a short walk from the parking lot it's like maybe 10 minutes but it's a beautiful area very secluded and there's a nice little river next to it if you get too hot you can just jump in the river and cool off next up is the western fjords now the western fjords can be a trip of itself and we rushed it just a little bit because there were a few spots that we really wanted to hit but if you guys do go we recommend spending two to three days really taking in the beautiful views we're in the western fjords yo driving this is pretty crazy like definitely be comfortable driving on gravel unpaved roads and lots of windy turns and hills it's it's quite a drive if you like that kind of off-roady driving it you can definitely do it in a normal vehicle like we're in the van but you gotta take your time and 100 get gravel insurance or like tire insurance because you never know what can happen and so many people that we've talked to have lost or gotten a flat tire or popped a tire or something like that so if you're visiting the western fjords you can actually either drive it yourself like we're doing or you can take a ferry but we decided to drive so here we go one of the top spots that we liked there was dingandi waterfall this waterfall was my favorite waterfall on iceland it looked like a cascade it is a really fun hike going all the way up to it there's about three or four different waterfalls leading up to the actual djng waterfall one of the spots we deck definitely recommend checking out after that is road to sander beach this beach is one of the golden sand beaches in iceland you'll see a lot of black sand beaches because of the volcanic eruptions and whatnot and erosion so this is one of the rare non-black sand beaches in iceland so it's worth a check if you are on your way to our last recommended location which is the lottery bar cliffs and this is a popular puffin viewing location they do go migrate out to sea the rest of the year but from like june to august you can likely get a very good view of puffins nesting there and so if that's on your list as a photographer or you just want to see some cute little birds it was still a really cool spot i highly recommend checking out i'm gonna butcher the name like everything else in this video the latra barg or lotra barg cliffs it's the most western point western point in all of europe apparently and yeah really dope spot insane dropping cliffs right on the side here that's where all the birds are and there's four different major types of birds but still definitely add to the list now back to the rain road once you're done with the western fjords or if you decide to skip over the western fjords our next stop was kirkjavel one of the most photographed areas in the world it is a beautiful ridgeline that's covered in green during the summer and white during the winter and it has a beautiful waterfall leading up to it we recommend catching a sunset here on the way back down to rykovic one of the most fairytale-like places in all of iceland then we decided to hit the western side of the island and so we stopped at arnostopy and it's a really cute little town we stopped at the coffee shop there got some coffee walked around there's a sea bridge and just did some coastal exploring it's really nice especially if you're on your way to the classic boudier black church saw a lot of people photographing it it's cool but i think it's over hyped in my opinion but gisele thought it was over hyped i really enjoyed it it's a church that you've never seen before it's very symmetrical it has a lot of history to it and it's very very fun to photograph still a super fun area to stop at especially since it's about a two minute drive off of the main road back to reykjavik then there's this other spot called londongar which is a really cool little area where there's some like sea cliffs and formations that you could check out if you are into like the coastal views some really cool rock formations this could be a cool stop for you to check out next up we did a hike spontaneously called glimer it's the second tallest waterfall in iceland and this was a really fun hike we didn't really know we're going into with this one we just had read about it like the day before and decided to say you know what we're gonna do it and it's pretty steep but there's some really fun ropes you get to do a river crossing across this really long log and it was just a really fun hike and you get to the top and there's like a rainbow over the waterfalls from the reflections it surpassed all expectations so we definitely recommend checking out the glimer waterfall hike and then we had to go back into reykjavik and get a kova test to come back to the united states so that's kind of why we ended with reykjavik instead of starting there and we went to the sky lagoon the sky lagoon is very high class it's a beautiful area if you want to check out more about our blue lagoon or our sky lagoon experience like gisele said earlier make sure you check out this video where we go through the details on both these beautiful places yes and then the next day we finished with the golden circle which honestly was not like we were happy we finished with it but we had seen so many cool things beforehand where we'd really recommend getting outside of doing the golden circle is probably the most touristy thing to do and it's for a reason there's like tons of tour buses but the waterfall is really cool goldfox is probably our favorite stop along the golden circle thing viller national park unless you're doing the scuba diving in the continental divide area could maybe skip it like and that's just my personal opinion no offense if you enjoyed it but i think it was a little hard for us to do the golden circle after seeing the entire country if you start with the golden circle and that's the first thing you do in iceland you get to see some really cool rock formations you get to see the waterfalls you get to see these beautiful rivers flowing through this crazy waterfall like where we were talking about but after seeing the entire island and everything else it has to offer there's so much better things yeah that's definitely on the lower end if you only have a few days here and you were thinking well do i need to add an extra day in for the golden circle you really aren't gonna miss anything except for that one waterfall we do recommend checking that out and guys it was kind of cool you can just like make a pit stop there we watched it go off a few times uh the little baby geyser was adorable that was like the first thing you do when you walk up there's a few different geysers one of them only goes off once every eight hours and is the biggest geyser the one that we stood and watched goes off about every five to nine minutes yeah and it was still pretty impressive it threw them up about 30 to 50 feet each time and it was kind of fun to see the crowd in awe if you stand over on the right side you are going to get wet so i'm giving you a warning if you walk around to the left side of it there's a very nice beautiful picture spot and it's a beautiful spot along the golden circle we're here at geyser along the golden circle and we're waiting for this one this one's called stroker which erupts every six to ten minutes and hopefully i'll get some good footage for you last but not least we got to go to the volcano and this is by far the highlight of the whole trip we were kind of unlucky in the beginning of our trip that it was not going off at all funny story behind it is we got there we were kind of watching the volcano radar that morning for sunrise we were like let's do it we hiked up there we were stoked it was glowing a little bit we were like we went to the volcano later that day we checked the forecast again and it has a live cam of the actual volcano and it was going off there was lava flowing down it was incredible so immediately after finishing the blue lagoon we drove back there we did the hike again so we did it for sunrise and sunset but it was still so worth it and today we are hiking a volcano we actually already hiked it this morning at sunrise but it wasn't as crazy as it is right now so we are doing it for sunset too and we're about to head up it's raining which is why we're all bundled up and it's very cold but the stoke level is high we're ready so it's a it's a pretty steep hike the one we're doing there's about four different ways you can get up to the viewpoints right now but the lava has been going crazy all day so we're hoping to get something amazing it was windy it was raining it was late but it was our favorite experience of the trip photo out of it that we printed there are a few different viewpoints that you can hike to to see the volcano they're constantly changing we did path c but past the for us now maybe past the a different path see for you in the future if you're watching this video later on so it was the longest viewpoint away and we just decided to do that you could even hike down to where all the lava was and all the dried flows and whatnot but yeah continuously changes because it's still erupting so just keep an eye on the visit rakeshan's reg jane's website and we'll link that down below for you you can even get a guided tour up there if you're not comfortable doing it yourself we brought our headlamps lots of water lots of snacks lots of layers because it's freezing up there but yeah it's definitely a bucket list experience and it was by far the coolest thing i have ever done so hiking up the cider volcano that's erupting it was so cool and our biggest tip is to watch the live cam check it three four times a day and see what it's the volcano is doing it usually lasts for about a 24-hour period so if it is starting to erupt you'll have about 24 hours and they'll get better and better until it stops erupting when it is not erupting we would not recommend going just because it is cool to see there is a little bit of a glow but it is a long hike it did take us about three hours round trip both times we went to go see it if you happen to capture some epic volcano pictures we highly recommend getting them printed we do that for any like really cool things with the firefall here and we have the volcano there we printed out from a company called printiq by adorama and we do have a coupon code for them that we'll put in the description box below for you it's just a really fun thing to do when you go on such an epic trip like an iceland ring road trip so uh if you are looking to print any of your photos whether it's on we have a hanging metal print or if you just want some canvases some calendar some photo books anything like that to remember iceland road trip by we will link that down for you and definitely recommend checking out their website yeah we do it with literally every single one of our pictures these were probably our two favorite pictures that we've ever taken one was from firefall if you want to see our experience with firefall you can check that out here and we had to get that printed from pratik and this was our second favorite that we've ever been on from our iceland trip and that is it for our ultimate iceland ring road travel guide if you want to keep up to us every day and see all of our recommendations don't forget to follow us on tik tok and instagram and as always don't forget to like and subscribe it really helps our channel out and we'll see you guys out there on the next adventure [Music] foreign
Channel: The Lovers Passport
Views: 469,141
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Keywords: Watch this before you go to Iceland, van life around iceland, iceland travel guide 2021, iceland road trip 2021, land of fire and ice iceland, iceland road trip campervan, iceland road trip 2022, iceland travel vlog 2021, a week of van life in iceland, iceland 2021 travel, ultimate iceland, iceland travel 2021, 6 days in iceland, driving the ring road, driving iceland ring road, things to know before visiting iceland, ultimate iceland road trip, iceland road trip planning
Id: 7g2NUerxiPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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