WATCH THIS Before Trying To Manifest Winning The Lottery | Law of Attraction

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they they all want to manifest winning the lottery using law of attraction um but very few people actually managed to do it [Music] of course it's possible because everything in life we manifest anyway isn't it right everything starts from thought even we are created by thought it's the universal intelligence when everything is aligned then things manifest [Music] [Music] have you not heard of those stories of um a workplace a whole factory of people and they all pull their money together to buy the lottery together and so many times they they end up winning and why is that it's because it's a collective co-creation the power is far greater [Music] you see we can look at it like this so let's say for example in this physical dimension we have one lottery that happens in a particular country now we need to consider how many people at the same time are praying right which is another way of saying trying to manifest or people actually using law of attraction manifesting to win the lottery so if there's multiple multiple multiple energies we're talking about millions of people all trying to pull towards their number right how is it possible that everybody wins it will always be a case that the strongest energy will win [Music] [Music] well you can't just say you're an extremely strong energy meaning i'm very emotional and i'm in dire need for this money right now um and then i'll manifest winning the last three because when you're in dire need what are you actually what are the words you're saying what are the what are the thoughts you're thinking they are of the um i need to win this right now or please god help me or make it happen make it happen so what's happening is we have this lack vibration and so that also manifests so people like that it's very very tough for them to actually win the lottery [Music] of course i think the same principles apply set it and forget it but when you set it your intention must be extremely extremely strong so when we say the biggest energy will win if you did it with a group of people right if you had like 10 people 20 people 30 people and you all joined hands in a circle and you all set that intention together on the exact same numbers then your vibrational frequencies if everybody's feeling the abundance vibration and visualizing as if it's already done all at the same time collectively that energy is so much more powerful and it gets out of the universe much faster well i don't mean forget it like you can't you can't really set something and then forget it you know you know that you've said it but it's more having a more relaxed approach to it so not like every day we are why is it happening why isn't it happening or i hope it happens i hope it happens kind of just put the lottery ticket away and get on with your everyday life enjoy yourself [Music] it's important it's important that [Music] people don't think about it it's also important that people enjoy themselves they have fun they're laughing a lot they're they're full of love because these are higher vibrational frequencies so beautiful things will for sure manifest your way when you are in that state [Music] i don't believe that it's a solution what i'm talking about it's not a sustainable solution if you think about like this most people who win the lottery end up spending it all right why is it is because they didn't have the wealth mindset in the first place you know i i believe that uh sustainable wealth and abundance is is when you actually learn the tools in terms of how to do it you can't count on needing to win the lottery every time you need to pay the bills and every time people will say no but i only need to win it once and i'll live for a lifetime they think that but once they win it the way money amplifies our behavior and if we didn't have the wealth code or the blueprint in the first place then very soon they'll be out of money again and trying to manifest for the next thing so yes it can be done but my words to everybody is to [Music] equip themselves with the correct wealth and abundance blueprint so that it's sustainable [Music] you
Channel: Master Sri Akarshana
Views: 270,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manifest a lottery win, law of attraction, jackpot winner, win the lottery, money, spiritual, quantum physics, manifest, infinite waters, bruce lipton, greg braden, joe dispenza, abraham hicks, be inspired, law of attraction coaching, law of attraction solution, arron daughty, motivation hub, daily motivation, how to manifest winning the lottery, manifest winning the, manifest winning the lottery, manifest winning the lottery while you sleep, master sri akarshana, spirituality
Id: OrW1i9CgLJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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