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in this video I'm going to show you how I paint trees hi welcome to pink coach I'm Christopher entero here to help simplify oil painting so you get better faster I'll write painting trees if you're going to be doing a landscape chances are you're going to be painting trees and there are a lot of different kind of trees out there that's palm trees pine trees oak trees all that good stuff I'm gonna just paint a quick demonstration like a quick sketch of an oak tree just to show you like the basic fundamentals and the the key things you should be aware of when painting trees I can you know make endless videos on painting trees and a little details and things to know and do demonstrations on the different types different colors different shades of greens neutral greens bright green all that stuff not gonna get all that to this video this video is can give you just a good strong basic foundation for understanding the key things to paint a good tree all right so I got a little picture of a tree here it's pulled off of Google Images as a reference my canvas pad here and I'm just going to do a quick blocking of this tree it's not even really drawn just a block and get the general shape I'm not thinking of individual trees afraid I'm just looking at the shapes right now all right so I got my basic blocking of the tree here I'm going to do is I like to go and just add my establish my dark accents and your dark accents it's just gonna be these little parts that are just the darkest part of the painting which most I'm gonna be these drunks here and I want to do this just so I know where my darkest dark is and I can gauge the rest of my values off of that and just because you're putting them in now doesn't mean they might go away and you might have to race them a little later that's okay don't worry about that now I just want to get a kind of a just a neutral green over all this so I have somewhere to start and so I'm just mixing up a little cat lemon with ultramarine blue a touch of burnt sienna here it's that burnt sienna that's going to neutralize the green make it look more natural so I'm just doing a light this little wash see I'm keeping it very loose especially get these edges trees are very it's an organic natural thing if you get too precise with it it's gonna does not look very natural and organic I'm not worrying about any holes in a tree we could see the sky or darker light really I'm just trying to cover this whole thing quickly so I can move on to the fun stuff right see the key with trees is to don't think of it leaf by leaf branch by branch I think of it in shapes a lot of being able to paint trees is drawing come to realize and definitely getting the shape of the tree and the drawing of it right after that it's still just seeing the big shapes and simplifying everything if you get caught up painting every tree and every I mean every branch of the leaf you're gonna just run into a bunch of trouble now I'm gonna kind of go in with some and kind of hit the shadows here the shadow parts of the tree so I've mixed up a green you'd a little bit more of the cerulean blue still added touch of my burnt sienna now I'm just kind of looking for all the places that are in shadow a little trick as I squint my eyes to simplify the photo or what I'm looking at to to see the general shapes of everything and it's also good you know you're painting a tree but it's you know it is a three-dimensional object so you know the branches are coming out everywhere and the actual general shape is spherical in terms of all the branches and leaves as a whole so think about that in terms of where the light is shining lines off Sun so I feel shining from above here so just keep that in mind when you're painting and establishing all these shadows it's establishing the shadows that's gonna you know start building branches and clusters of trees are clusters of leaves it's gonna start taking shape a little bit here and now I'm starting to put these like a little stray leaves here that aren't connected we'll do some more of that later with the sky holes kind of push in a little more on these it's kind of better good to go too much with the shadows then to last because you can always push back with the highlights alright now I'm going to get into those highlights you did same green mixture it's a little more yellow with that burnt sienna now this paint is getting a little bit thicker and still I am not thinking individual leaves I'm thinking about just trying to form the shape of the the leaves and branches as a whole bring more clusters now the trees cool thing that can happen is the top of the tree obviously gets more Sun than the bottoms of the trees so these top leaves get a little more burnt yeah it's just a touch a cat read again almost got a little burnt orange color to it always fun to add in so now we got the general shape of the tree the general structure down and from here I can start really going into details and defining little things and pushing the darks pushing highlights jumper way I want go down a little smaller brush here the big thing with trees is value you don't the biggest mistake is people will make their lights way too bright their darks way too dark just always be aware of that little tip you can put your reference photo in black and white and put your take pictures your photo or your pay picture you're painting put that in black and white as well and you can definitely you can very easily see and compare the values and make sure everything is on point now certain areas deep in this tree are gonna be a little cooler so I'm mixing up a little cooler of a green actually has it touch the cerulean blue this really believes a lot of times the blue you're gonna use for sky and lights always reflecting and the light of the sky is reflecting in the trees here and I mean these cool blue greens back here gives it more depth actually makes it feel like it's deep in the tree and still kind of just doing structural stuff with the tree here giving volume making sure nothing no area looks too flat there's always different branch clusters and combinations like I said going back and we're establishing darks pretty really dark dark here that I'm gonna put back in this right here also just Larry up in there [Music] and you know still squinting my eyes still double-checking everything brushstrokes getting a little shorter now cuz I'm getting a little more detailed I'm kind of making a stroke seeing how it looks and they get another one I think it's time to put in this trunk let's see here it's in the sunlight here so a little brighter a little bit of it catching the light in there right now I want to put in some sky holes that doesn't mean I'm done with what I was doing but I just I need more information so it makes up a sky color really quick just really in blue white now I'm going to go around the edges here reshape three and this is this is war a lot can happen I want to make sure you keep your your blue clean as you go around and beer and where you end it on the tree and where the sky holes are since the sky holes are in the tree and some of the leaves are affecting the light from the sky it's coming through they are gonna be a little bit darker than your sky actually because they're getting filtered out by the leaves a little bit all right so I'm keeping it random way these sky holes are an invitation to the tree now you can get his details you want them keeping everything pretty simple just for the sake of the demonstration here keeping it quick but if you want you can always go back in and really detail all this up so now that I got my sky and that it's just more information that I can use to my advantage that I can use to compare you know my sky to my trees my sky to my branches all this stuff so take some of this burnt sienna it's really in blue here kind of re4 then these branches that I might have lost now this is probably the most fun part and you see the most chunky paint make something like green fur highlighting my trees I'm gonna really push these a bit more this I'm not doing it with white as much you don't want to get caught into that I'm making it too brightly like I think that one's a little too bright some keep still squint my eyes making sure not pushing it too far here it also helps like if you have these big areas as shadows to kind of break it up a little bit and put a highlight or two in there so it's not such a big flat shape so this I'm not happy with this trunk it's a little too warm there's more of a purplish color so it takes a cerulean blue or necessarily an ultramarine blue and kind of red and mix up a purple this will do better up in there need to reshape it using the sky since we're down here take quick lane a quick little ground so it's not floating here it's really a blue kind of yellow touch of the birds yeah a little quick thing on grass or ground relation to tree is um and a landscape any upright object like trees buildings anything like that or gonna be your darkest in value lightest will be your sky followed by your ground so thing to always be aware of when you're laying in your your grass your ground relation to tree that it's a lighter value than your then your tree here a lot of people miss that or struggle with it I did for a long time I was going back in with my shadows and again just kind of redefining stuff pushing and pulling getting a little more detailed a lot of painting is just pushing and pulling the paint so the best way that started just to get some paint on the canvas and don't worry so much about making the right or wrong brushstroke and don't ever get too bogged down in a process like if you think you have to work dark to light then to thick which I do I also bounce back and forth I'm constantly comparing and doing what I need to do to make everything work and it's kind of like putting together a puzzle and the more pieces of the puzzle you get the more you can solve the rest of the puzzle so I need my sky in there to make decisions about the tree and I need my branches in there to make decisions about my leaves and so on and so forth so if you ever get to a point where you're not sure what to do next maybe move on to a different section of your painting and working that other section will reveal the answer to the problem you had on another part and I'm looking for a brush that I cannot find here it is all right now you know and some of these really dark branches here got my little thin brush it's running blue and burnt sienna get these detailed branches here a little darker burnt umber all right this area is kind of bothered me a little bit I want to add a few little leaves or trees coming out here all right so this is pretty much done I could probably go a little bit more but it's just a matter of pushing and pulling the the lights and the darks and getting everything dialed in to where you want it alright I hope that helped I hope it's simplified pantry's I'll probably paying more videos on painting trees I really want to make a video about painting trees and and their position in a landscape and as far as detail and depth and all of that but that is for a later video if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button and subscribe to the channel you can also follow me on instagram at Forza 43 if there's a part about painting trees that I did not cover that you still have questions on let me know in the comments section I will include that and my next painting trees video or if you have any other questions on oil painting in general let me know that's how I get ideas to making these videos these videos are meant for you so the more feedback you guys give me the more you let me know what kind of videos you want to see and what you're having trouble with the more I can dial in my videos to help you the best I'm Chris Warren entero here telling you to go get painting
Channel: Paint Coach
Views: 84,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint trees, oil painting, tips, lesson, how to, oil painting for beginners, oil painting basics, painting greens, landscape painting, medium, canavas, oil on canvas, step by step, oil painting brushes, winsor and newton, gamblin, how to paint leaves
Id: jdhV1E5_C5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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